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Mitra, P. : Pramathanath Mitra (1853-1910), a well-known barrister who practised at the Calcutta High Court & made his mark in the field of criminal law. He was one of the prominent leaders of the new nationalist movement in Bengal. When Sri Aurobindo tried to unite the scattered activities of the various revolutionary groups in Bengal under a single organization, it was P. Mitra whom he envisaged as the leader of the organization. Pramathanath was a disciple of Yogi Bejoy Goswami, & was also greatly influenced by Swami Vivekananda.
... samīkṣe, mitrasya cakṣuṣā samīkṣāmahe. 18 Firm thou art, make me firm. For me may they with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. May I with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. May we with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. Yajurvedah 36.18 Translated by Nolini Kanta Gupta CWNKG Vol. 8, p. 47 ॐ आयातु वरदा देवी अक्षरब्रह्मसम्मितम् गायत्री छन्दसां माता इदं ब्रह्म जुषस्व नः १५८ ॥ ... les consciences seront illuminées de Ta sérénité. Telle est la promesse. ( Prières et Méditations , p. 292) Thou wilt reign over all the earth with Thy sovereign love, and mthe consciousness of men will be full of the light of Thy serenity. This is the promise. ( Prayers and Meditations , 1948, p. 204) तदेवाग्निस्तदादित्यस्तद् वायुस्तदु चन्द्रमाः। तदेव शुक्रं तद् ब्रह्म तदापस्तत्प्रजापतिः॥२॥ ...
... to the "Mitra-Varuṇa" of the Rigveda and of the Mitanni document, nor even a god Varuṇa. So we cannot reconstruct a similar Indo-Irānian or what Thieme terms Proto-Aryan form. The Avesta has "Mithra-Ahura". As the Rigveda also has "Asura" as counterpart of the Avestan "Ahura" and uses it at times together with "Mitra" (and "Varuṇa"), the Proto-Aryan combination would logically be "Mitra-Asura". The... Obviously, we have in this formula the Rigvedic deities Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra and the Nāsatyas, an alternative name for the heavenly twins, the Aświnas. Particularly with the extant variant a-ru-na for u-ru-wa-na the Rigvedism hits the eye at once. We may also note that the determinative "god" in the plural (ilani) precedes each of the two names Mitra and Varuṇa. The purpose of this plural determinative... expression can be shown once as occurring even in the same order: Mitrā-Varuṇa, Indra-Agni, Aśvinā (= Nāsatya) (X. 125, 1bc): "I (Speech) carry ('support, nourish' or 'bear [in my womb]'?) both Mitra and Varuṇa, I [carry] Indra-Agni, I [carry] both the two Aśvinas." The combination of Agni with Indra is, of course, due to the wish to create a grammatical parallelism among the three as dual. ...
... Reviews Early Cultural Writings "Suprabhat" 14-August-1909 The paper Suprabhat , a Bengali monthly edited by Kumari Kumudini Mitra, daughter of Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, enters this month on its third year. The first issue of the new year is before us. We notice a great advance in the interest and variety of the articles, the calibre of the writers... parades of the Bomb Case, gives some glimpses Page 566 of the approver Noren Gossain and deals with the personal character of some of the jail officials. Nanak Charit by Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra, the first instalment of which is given in this issue, commands interest both by its subject and the name of its writer. The two chapters given are full of interesting details of Nanak's birth and childhood... failures, but there is no other feature of this number which is without merit or interest. We have left to the last Dr. P. C. Ray's long article on "The Bengali Brain and its Misuse". It is a long indictment of past and present Bengal, covering sixteen pages of the magazine. Dr. P. C. Ray is a name which is already a pride to the nation to which he belongs and his deep scientific knowledge, original ...
... letter to her and to P. Mitter. P. Mitter (Pramathanath Mitra— 1853-1910), a disciple of the famous Yogi Bejoy Goswamy, was the founder of the Anushilan Samiti. "P. Mitter had a spiritual life and aspiration and a strong religious feeling; he was like Bepin Pal and several other prominent leaders of the new nationalist movement in Bengal," said Sri Aurobindo. Along with P. Mitter, Sarala Ghosal... but all scattered and acting without reference to each other. I tried to unite them under a single organisation with the barrister P. Mitra as the leader of the revolution in Bengal and a central council of five persons, one of them being Nivedita. The work under P. Mitra spread enormously and finally contained tens of thousands of young men and the spirit of revolution spread by Barin's paper Yugantar... them and reconciled their quarrels and went back to Baroda." He had constituted a Working Committee comprising P. Mitter, C.R. Das, Surendranath Tagore, Sister Nivedita, and himself. From the beginning, Sri Aurobindo used to contribute big sums for the work of the secret society; C.R. Das and P. Mitter also contributed. But he got a bit disappointed at the continued quarrels among the workers. "Again ...
... Life of Sri Aurobindo CHAPTER VII Chandernagore From May 1909 to February 1910 Sri Aurobindo stayed at the house of his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6, College Square, Calcutta. He used to go to the office of the Karmayogin and the Dharma at 4, Shyam Pukur Lane every day at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was winter and Sri Aurobindo came wrapped... some friends were thinking of sending me to France. I was thinking what to do next. There I heard the Adesh [command] to go to Pondicherry."² At the end of March Motilal Roy sent word to Sukumar Mitra at Calcutta about Sri Aurobindo's intended departure for Pondicherry. Towards the end of the same month Moni (Suresh Chakravarty) received a note from Chandernagore telling him to go to Pondicherry... addressed to Srinivasachari was given to him. He walked to the Howrah station and took his seat in the second class. He was dressed as an Anglo-Indian. Saurin Bose, Mrinalini Devi's cousin and Sukumar Mitra, Krishna Kumar's son, were on the platform to see him off. They gave him his second class ticket and Rs. 30 in cash. He reached Pondicherry on the 31st. Some people thought then – and even now there ...
... departure might not leak out. It is difficult for the present generation to form an idea of the tense atmosphere of those days. The house of Sukumar Mitra ¹ Cf. A. B. Purani, Evening Talks , Third Series (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1966), p. ² This was written in the early 1950's. [Ed.] Page 135 was under surveillance, especially because of Sri Aurobindo's recent... change the boat at Dumur Tala Ghat and to ferry Sri Aurobindo from there to the steamer Dupleix. Other arrangements would be made, said Motilal, by Sukumar Mitra, who would be waiting at the Calcutta Ghat. Motilal wrote another letter to Sukumar Mitra at Calcutta informing him of Sri Aurobindo's intention of going to Pondicherry and telling him that Sri Aurobindo wanted him to make the following ar... journey from Chandernagore to Pondicherry, three are still alive ² They have published an account of the incident under the signature of Nagendra Kumar Guha Roy. It has been approved by Sukumar Mitra. The facts are as follows: Sri Aurobindo asked Motilal Roy to make arrangements for his departure. Motilal wrote a letter to Amar Chatterji at Uttarpara, in which he informed him of Sri Aurobindo's ...
... Sastri's "Appendix" to "The Aryan Problem", The Vedic Age, pp. 216-17. 2.Vol. I, p. 356 (Oxford, 1907). Page 85 have also to explain in the context of that epoch their religious affinity to the Rigveda. Here the pertinent query is: "How much later than the Rigveda's fourfold god-group -Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra, Nāsatyā - of Mattiwaza's treaty which is more or less of the same time... oldest cultures-in Central Asia. Isolated from other Kafir 3. Chandragupta Maury a and His Times (University of Madras, 1943), p. 314. 4.R.K. Mookerji, Ancient India (Allahabad, 1956), p. 247. 5.R.K. Mookerji, The Gupta Empire (Bombay, 1947), p. 137. Page 86 tribes who had been compelled to embrace Islam, they had gods "linked to the old Indian pantheon". 6 Under... from the fact that though they 6.Peter Snoy, "The Last Pagans of the Hindu Kush", Natural History, November 1959, p. 526. 7. Ibid. 8."Aryan Settlements in India", The Vedic Age, p. 262, Reference 38. 9. The Illustrated Weekly of India, February 16, 1964, p. 17, col. I. Page 87 emerge into history after 1800 B.C. they appear in Elamite texts as early as the time ...
... Eastern Lights (1935), p. 183 27. Dr. Wingfield-Stratfbrd in The History of British Civilisation, p. 964 28. Quoted in S. K. Mitra's Resurgent India, p. 76 29. Quoted in A. Poddar's Renaissance in Bengal, p. 81. 30. Ibid., p. 177 31. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 14, p. 419 32. Ibid., p. 411 33. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 17, p. 331 34. ... Aurobindo Mandir Annual (1944), P. 2 35. Quoted in S. K. Mitra's Resurgent India, p. 389 36. Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual (1948), p. 191 37. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 28, p. 1 38. A.B. Purani, The Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 205 39. Ibid., p. ix 40. Ibid., p. 293 41. Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954), p. 3 42. A. B. Purani... Amrita, Reminiscences, p. 159 35. Ibid., p. 171 36. Ibid., p. 183 37. Collected Works of the Mother, Vol. 1, p. 287 38. Ibid., p. 291 Page 799 39. Ibid., p. 292 40. Ibid., p. 294 41. Ibid., pp. 294-95 42. Mother India, September 1961, p. 5 43. S. K. Mitra, The Liberator (Jaico ...
... whether he has had any experience or not? You know what my uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra said? When The Synthesis of Yoga in the Arya came out, he said that it was all philosophy; there was nothing of Yoga in it. NIRODBARAN: Did he do any Yoga? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he had some experiences in jail. NIRODBARAN: P wants to know how you found the criticism of his recent book. SRI AUROBINDO:... How can I say anything without reading the book? But does the critic know anything about the Veda on which there is an article in P's book? PURANI: No, and he says that in the criticism. These people hold the socialistic theory in literature. The style and the subject of the book must be approachable by the mass. Kalelkar has developed a racy style. Munshi's style also is very good. NIRODBARAN: ...
... and terrible, O Rudra; Page 376 Be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; Be strong and bold, O Aryama; Be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; Be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let... be a good subject for meditation. ( Meditation ) Page 377 × Thoughts and Aphorisms , in SABCL, Vol. 17, p. 85 . ...
... case at any rate. My father was a tremendous atheist." ¹ There was a vein of lunacy in Rajnarayan's family; one of his sons was mad. Swarnalata and her sister, who was married to Krishna Kumar Mitra, both suffered from hysteria. When Dr. Ghose returned from Britain he joined the civil medical service, beginning work as a Sub-Assistant Surgeon in Calcutta, but the greater period of his service... the latter part of his life he took to heavy drinking to forget the bitterness and tragedy of his life. ¹ Cf. A.B. Purani, Evening Talks, First Series (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1959), p. 131. The reports of talks used in this biography were revised ' by the author and so differ slightly from the reports as published in Evening Talks. Page 1 K. D. Ghose and Swarnalata ...
... (2nd paragraph only) 97 . Letters on Yoga, 22 .178 113. On Him s el f, 26 .389 98 . Ibid ., 22 .152 114. Ibid ., 26. 135 99. The Liberator by Sisirkumar Mitra (Jaico, 1970 ), p. 199 115. Leiters on Yoga, 22 .490 100. On Himself, 26 .375·376 116. Leiters o n Yoga, 22 . 140 10 1. Leiters on Yoga , 22 .196-198 117 . On Himself, 26... Manoj Das, p . 137 2. 3.181 3. Th e Life o f Sri Aurobindo by A. B. 10. Ibid., p . 134 4. On Himself. 26 .29-32 12. A. & R., April 1977 , p . 56-58 5. A. & R., April 1978. p. 13-18 13. 3.454-456 6. A. & R. , April 1979. p . 4 14. 3.460 7. A. & R., December 197 8 , p . III 15. A. & R., December 1979, p . 196 -199... Th e Hour of God ( 1991), p. 3-4 20 . A. & R., December 1980, p. 187 -194 59 . A. & R., December 1984 , p. 190 21. Ibid., p, 194 60 . 17.351,357 22 . A. & R., December 1977, p . 84 61. 27 .505 -507 23 . A. & R., April 1983, p . 21 62 . Th e Human Cycle, 15.209·2 13 24 . 3.116-117 63 . Ibid., 15.230 25. 27.182· 183 ...
... jointly with Mitra in 7,65,2. Griffith 405 has "Asuras of Gods" and the note: "the high or ruling Gods of all the deities". Hale 406 discusses the locution: 401.P. 228. 402.P. 229. 403. Asura in Early Vedic Religion (Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1986), p. 41. Parpola lists this book in his Bibliography, p. 269. 404. Op. cit., p. 148, col. 1. 405. Ibid., p. 367, col. 1.... a triple refuge triply strong" (6,46,9) and "Grant us a home with triple guard, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa!" (8,18,21). 228 Griffith has a footnote to 8,18,21: "With triple guard: or, triply defending or defended. 226.P. 212, fn. 141. 227. Op. cit., p. 233, col. 2. 228. Ibid., p. 311, col. 2; p. 408, col. 1. Page 301 According to Sāyana, protecting from heat, cold... refer 469.Griffith, op. cit.. p. 258, col. 1. 470. Ibid. , p. 216, col. 1. 471. Op. cit., p. 43. 472. Ibid., p. 52. Page 392 to two different groups of deities." He continues: "The occurrence of ásura- as an epithet for ... other beings who are elsewhere called devas confirms this." Hale 473 marks also 8,25,4 about Mitra-Varuṇa as exemplifying "again the ...
... but all scattered and acting without reference to each other. I tried to unite them under a single organisation with the barrister P. Mitra as the leader of the revolution in Bengal and a central council of five persons, one of them being Nivedita. The work under P. Mitra spread enormously and finally contained tens of thousands of young men and the spirit of revolution spread by Barin's paper "Yugantar" ...
... accompanied Sri Aurobindo to Midnapur. Jatin had already started an organisation of young men at Calcutta in the compound of P. Mitra. When Sri Aurobindo went to Calcutta, Jatin arranged an interview between the two. Sri Aurobindo gave the oath of the revolutionary party to P. Mitra. Sri Aurobindo later went to Midnapur for a second time and gave the oath to Hemchandra Das who, during the ceremony... Jadhav, got him admitted to the army for training. Jatin was declared as a U .P. man, not a Bengali. Sri Aurobindo persuaded him to join the revolutionary movement he intended to launch in Bengal. Jatin agreed. He was sent to Calcutta to get men and materials for the revolutionary work in Bengal in 1900. He met P. Mitra and Bibhuti Bhushan Bhattacharya and introduced them to Sri Aurobindo. Probably... groups of revolutionaries that had recently sprung into existence but all scattered and acting without reference to each other. I tried to unite them under a single organisation with the barrister P. Mitra as the leader of the revolution in Bengal and a central council of five persons, one of them being Nivedita . ... I had no occasion to meet Nivedita after that until I settled in Bengal as Principal ...
... Medhatithi Kanwa 8 Michael Angelo 19 Milton 9, 16 Mitra 1, 4, 5, 31 Montevideo 55 Modern Review, the 93 Mount Kailas 17 Muse 61, 88 Page 104 N Naiad 32 Neapolitans 50 Nikumbha 17 Nobel Prize 47 Norway 25 O Olympian 4, 32 Ormuz 16 P Pan 32 Paradise Lost 9 Parasara 8 Polacks ...
... with Sri Aurobindo". Khagendranath Mitra, Raibahadur (1880-1961). Author. Professor and Head of the department of Bengali, Calcutta University, which he represented at the International Linguistic Congress held in Norway (1936). He was an eminent exponent of kirtan music. Comments on the poem: Astik. (Madhu Murali, 1st ed. p. 155) For the uninitiated reader: Nilkantha... powerful voice of Dilipda... it becomes Fire itself, (editor's note) I believe that when there was no electricity Sri Aurobindo just had a wick-lamp as "substitute'. Premendra Mitra (1904-1988), born in Banaras of Bengali origin. A poet of eminence in post-era Tagore, a journalist and writer of children's' stories. He received all the major regional and national literary awards... of the political party "Forward Block"; during WWII he formed the Indian National Army (INA) outside India. Popularly known as 'Netaji'. See Hark His Flute, book of poems by Dilipda, p. 145. A Parsi lady, Amal Kiran's (K.D. Sethna) first wife. Pharisee, a member of an ancient Jewish sect; a self- righteous person. Sadducee, a member of a Jewish party ...
... Countess of Minto. India: Minto and Morley (1934) Mazumdar, A. C. Indian National Evolution (1915) Misra, R. S. The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo (1957) Page 823 Mitra, Sisirkumar. Sri Aurobindo and Indian Freedom (1948); The Dawn Eternal (1954); The Liberator (1954; 1970); Resurgent India (1963); History as the Future (1968); India and Her Future (1971)... 1905-1910 (1964) Whitehead, A.N. Process and Reality (1929) Younghusband, Sir Francis. Dawn in India: British Purpose and Indian Aspiration (1930) Yun-Shan, Tan and Sisirkumar Mitra. Sri Aurobindo: A Homage (1941) Zacharias, H. C. E. Renascent India (1933) Zaehner, R. C. Evolution in Religion: A Study in Sri Aurobindo and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1971) ... Aurobindo and the New Age (1965) Garratt, G. T. An Indian Commentary (1928) Ghose, Jyotish Chandra. Sri Aurobindo (1929) Ghose, Lotika. Indian Writers of English Verse (1933) Ghose, P. C. The Development of the Indian National Congress: 1892-1909 (1960) Ghose, Sisir Kumar. The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo (1969) Gokak, V. K. and V. Madhusudan Reddy (Eds.). The Flame of Truth ...
... 90 in Bhagalpur where he found a government job as head-clerk to the Commissioner. Their youngest sister, Tinkori, was married to one Nabakumar Mitra; Krishna Dhan helped enormously in their son Ashutosh's education. Dr. Ashutosh Mitra later joined the Kashmir State service as the Chief Medical Officer; he was as civic-minded as his uncle. Maharaja Pratap Singh of Kashmir took note of the... months earlier, on 17 November 1869. He was one of a party of six Brahmos, all well-known personalities of the day, including Keshab C. Sen. They shared a four-berth cabin in the steamer Mooltan, a P. & O. liner, which was 1. Granted leave without pay (his salary was Rs.100 a month) for eighteen months —from 15 November 1869 to May 1871—later extended by six months to 10 November 1871. ...
... also the love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909¹ After his acquittal Sri Aurobindo remained with Krishna Kumar Mitra's family. Mitra himself was in jail in Agra. Sri Aurobindo's aunt had become very weak, so the doctor advised her to bathe in the Ganges. Generally somebody accompanied her to the Ganges. The old lady sometimes... writing and said, "Auro, please just come along with me, I am going for my bath in the Ganges." Sri Aurobindo would leave the writing and accompany her. Basanti Chakravarty (daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra) writes: "I never saw [Sri Aurobindo] getting angry. Auroda is sitting and writing. His sandals are lying at a little distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take... This is not quite true, for as he says in a letter: "I began my Yoga in 1904 without a Guru; in 1908 I received important help from a ¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks, Second Series, p. 140. ²Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, p. 68. ³Ibid., pp. 67-68. Page 114 Mahratta Yogi and discovered the foundations of my Sadhana; but from that time till the Mother came to India I received no spiritual ...
... cause against death and ignorance, it is the conscious effort of Sri Aurobindo himself, A thinker and toiler in the ideal's air, 20 16 Ibid., p. 18. 17 Ibid., p. 19. 18 Ibid, p. 20. 19 Ibid .,p.2l. 20 Ibid., p. 22. Page 416 that has brought down to earth's dumb need the radiant power of Savitri. About Aswapati the poet writes: His was... oneness; Souls undying, infinite forces, meeting, Join in God-dance weaving a seamless Nature, Rhythm of the Deathless. 2 Collected Poems, SABCL, Vol. 5, p. 582. 3 Ibid., p. 161. 4 Ibid, p. 566. Page 410 Mind and heart and body, one harp of being, Cry that anthem, finding the notes eternal,— Light and might and bliss and immortal wisdom... strange and unrecognisable it is because we who live on the sense level or the mind level refuse to open ourselves to those other realisations which can only dawn 5 Ibid., p. 563. 6 Ibid., p. 557. 7 Ibid., p. 162. Page 411 when our mind becomes still and rippleless and our senses withdrawn from their communication with outward things, so that The city, a ...
... Square on the same day, where about two thousand Muslims took the vow of Swadeshi. Meeting after meeting were held by public-spirited men of Bengal. Rabindranath was there, as were B.C. Pal, K.K. Mitra, C. R. Das, Satish Mukherji, Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, and scores of eminent men. It was finally decided to establish a National Council of Education. It was on 11 March 1906 that the National... the students who took part in the Harrison Road picketing should not be expelled. The publication of the above two brought a storm of indignation in the whole of Bengal. Then, adding insult to injury, P. C. Lyon, Chief Secretary of the newly formed province of East Bengal, sent two circulars to the Divisional Commissioner of Dacca, which let loose a ruthless repression. In the Lyon Circular of 8 November... Among them were some of our acquaintances. Maharaja Suryakanta Acharya of Mymensingh was one of the vice-presidents. Then there were Subodh Chandra Mullick, Bepin Chandra Pal, Page 323 P. Mitter, Surendranath Banerji, Gaganendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Chittaranjan Das, Aravindo Ghose, Satish Chandra Mukherji, A. Rasul, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Radha Kumud Mukherji, etc. And Dr. Nilratan ...
... to restore the balance? Imploring eyes turned, not to Vishnu who had tied the knot, but to the Bridegroom. Mahadev looked at the high assembly, then beckoned Agastya. Agastya, the offspring of Mitra and Varuna, the Sun-god and the Ocean-god, was born in a water jar, tiny as a fish, but of great lustre. He did not grow tall even as a man. But his lustre had grown resplendent. Fabulous were his exploits... still burns. The temple with a gopuram is curiously reminiscent of South Indian temple architecture. 3 "... The native Yurok believe" wrote Rick Gore ('Cascadia,' National Geographic, May 1998, p. 35), "the Creator taught them about Earth's movements at the beginning of time. Every two years ... elders perform a ceremony to balance the Earth." The Yurok say, "We're not doing this just for our ...
... Olympian gods all. They are memorable names in the fields of scholarship, learning and teaching. Of these, J. C. Bose, P. C. Ray, Percival, M.Ghose and our Principal P. K. Roy were mature elderly men; among the younger group were Harinath De, Prafulla Ghose, Khagendranath Mitra, and a few others who will appear in this story later. All these men possessed a special gift for which they deserve ... The subject was Ethics, and the text book was James Seth's. To me, it seemed, it talked all sorts of rubbish and nonsense, things that had neither depth nor sincerity. The professor, Khagendranath Mitra, did, however, take a good deal of pains to initiate us into the mysteries of morality. But. J am mentioning his name here not for that reason; nor again because he developed into a well-known singer... his intellectual gifts and learning he was an unhappy man. He had been turning this way in search of peace and a different kind of life. But he was taken away from this world by an untimely death. P. C. Ray was the one person who could set up an intimate personal relationship with the students; that indeed was his outstanding gift, and it was this that enabled him to leave behind a series of disciples ...
... mark was changed after the first draft was dictated." This we learn from The Liberator (Sisir Kumar Mitra, based on Nirodbaran's evidence). When Death — Yama — the dire universal shadow vanished in the Void and Satyavan and Savitri were left alone, the whole atmos- 17 Ibid., p. 665. 18 Ibid., pp. 666-68. Page 415 phere around completely changed. A ... into boundless Savitri, Lose thyself into infinite Satyavan, O miracle where thou beganst there cease! 23 19 bid., pp. 679-80. 29 Ibid., p. 680. 21 Ibid., p. 683. 22 lbid., p. 685. 23 Ibid., p. 692. Page 416 But Savitri replied to the radiant God: In vain thou temptst with solitary bliss Two spirits saved out of a suffering... uncharted routes Fronting the viewless danger of the Unknown, Adventuring across enormous realms, He broke in to another Space and Time. 4 1 Savitri, p. 22. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid., p. 398. 4 Ibid.,p. 91. Page 408 Thus as an individual he achieved his own spiritual self-fulfilment. Now, he makes the ascent as a typical representative of ...
... cries: "The face of the Truth is covered with a golden lid. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid.. p. 149. 8. Mystic Approach to the Veda and the Upanishads (Ganesh & Co., Madras, 1966), p. 110. 9. Ibid. 10. Op. cit., p. 5. 11. Hymns to the Mystic Fire, SABCL Vol. 11, p. 14. 12. Ibid. Page 200 O Pushan, that remove for the vision... darkness and extend the light." 28 Similarly, the Veda discloses the true sense of ghṛita meaning 23. Ibid., p. 20. 24. Gita. II. 42. 25. Gita, XV. 15. 26. The Secret of the Veda. SABCL Vol. 10, p. 119. 27. Ibid.. p. 121. 28. Ibid. Page 205 ghee or clarified butter. This word can also mean light, from... and vision of the Truth to its possession in its source and seat where it is free from the attack of the falsehood." (1974) 36. SABCL Vol. 10, p. 216. 37. Op. cit., 1, p. 347. 38. Op. cit., SABCL Vol. 10, p. 223. Page 207 ...
... rowing boat that took him to Chandernagore, a French enclave a few miles to the north of Calcutta. Then, after more than a month spent in absolute seclusion, he travelled, under the name of Jitendranath Mitra and in the company of a young revolutionary, on the SS Dupleix from Calcutta to Pondicherry. He arrived there on 4 April 1910 and was received and housed by local freedom fighters. The political... × P. Heehs, op. cit., 47 × On Himself , 49 × P. Heehs, op. cit., 57 ... × Manoj Das, op. cit., 64 × P. Heehs, op. cit., 66 × Thoughts and Aphorisms , 49 × ...
... training, to kill and get killed. Otherwise it was never my idea that by throwing a few bombs we could overthrow the British Government. And that probably was the reason for the split among them. P. Mitra was for original idea while Barin was for this terrorism. I was never in direct contact with the movement nor with the young men and didn't know them. Only in jail did I come in contact with them... about it at all. NIRODBARAN: Dutt said that the mistakes and accidents happened because you were passing through some new phase in sadhana, on account of which you couldn't be vigilant enough. Sisir Mitra and Nolini don't believe that you would have been so careless with such a heavy responsibility on you. SRI AUROBINDO: As I said, I had nothing to do directly with the movement. I would have been ...
... Mesopotamia, 32, 35, 54, 68, 73, 74 Mirza, Hormazdyer K., 83 Mitanni, 2, 31, 32, 84, 85, 88 Mithra, Mithro, 86 "Mithra-Ahura", 34 "Mitra-Asura", 34 "Mitra-Varuṇa", 34 Mitra, 34, 86 Moghul Ghundai, 4 Mohenjo-dāro, 6, 49, 61, 63, 70, 71, 95-7 Mongoloid races, 118 Mookerji, R.K., 14, 15, 86, 111, 127 Müller, Max,... syllabary, 49 Mysteries, Orphic and Eleusinian, 107 Nādi-Stuti, 14 Naga-worship, 101 Namyawaza, 32, 33 Naram-Sin, 88, 89 Nasatyas, 34, 35, 86 Natarajan. P., 23fn. Natufians, 22, 23 Nirukta, 108 Nordics, 20 Norse Sagas, 18 North-West Frontier, 63 Northerners, 1 Oldenberg, 110 Old High German, ...
... thinker or scholar. Nolinikanto, Nishikanto, Dilip Kumar, Bhismadev, Sahana Devi, Monod-Herzen, Sanjivan, Jayantilal, Krishnalal, Sundaram, Purani, Nirodbaran, Anilbaran, Rishabchand, Indra Sen, Sisir Mitra and many more were all so palpably present. However, in 1946 Arjava was no more, Harindranath had left the Ashram and Amal Kiran was a star that dwelt apart in faraway Bombay preparing... India, Monthly Review of Culture, June 1994, p. 391. 3. Sri Aurobindo - the Poet, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, 1970, pp. 163-64. 4. For instance, Ibid., passim, the reader may refer to pp. 227-239 and pp. 240-263. 5. The Secret Splendour, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry, 1993, p. 438. Page 131 ... compared the lines of this poem with the strokes and loops and curls and curves and the overall majestic sweep of the signature of our Master. 1. The Secret Splendour (Collected Poems), p. 234. Page 121 Then came 1952, a red letter year of my life! Some of us students were told that the celebrated poet-editor of Mother India wanted to see our poems ...
... 248, 304, 350,365, 368, 390 Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 348,362, 364 Mistral, Gabriel, 515 Mitra, Krishna Kumar, 229,317, 343, 408 Mitra, Sisirkumar, 9, 12, 25fn, 324, 578, 774fn Mitra, Sukumar 374 Mitter, Barrister P., 62ff, 282 Moonje, B. S, 263,266fh, 269,528-9, 530; 531,706,727 Morley, John, 205, 237, 240ff, 259-60, 295... macrocosm, 454; Sri Aurobindo's translations from Veda, 455; Hymns to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490 Seetaraman, M. V, 672 Sen, Indra, 760 Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185 ... Foundations of Indian Culture, 490ff; Heraclitus, 511; "global*' prose style, 514; Mistral and Piper on the style, 514-5; structural quality, 515; the prose of The Life Divine, 516ff; flashes of p. etry in the prose, 517ff; offer of editorship by Baptista, 521-2; reasons for declining it, 522-3; his main preoccupation, 522; letter to Barindra, 523ff; wanted "a deva sangha", 524; on the discipline ...
... nothing ever came of it. Okakura’s exhortation did, however, contribute to the formation of ‘India’s first true revolutionary society’ under the able leadership of a Calcutta High Court barrister, P. Mitra, and called the Anushilan Samiti. Under its influence small groups and associations of young men who had not yet any clear idea or settled programme of revolution began to turn in that direction... chief members of the Anushilan Samiti. They had to hold the Bhagavad Gita in one hand and an unsheathed sword in the other, while pledging their lives, total dedication and secrecy to the society. P. Mitra would become president of a council of five consisting of Aurobindo, C.R. Das, whom Aurobindo had known in England, Surendranath Tagore of the famous Tagore family, and Sister Nivedita. Sister... op. cit., p. 15. × Id., p. 14. × Sri Aurobindo, op.cit., p. 4. × Sujata Nahar, op. cit., p. 175. ...
... an astrologer or a writer on astrology. These notes did not form a book and no book of Sri Aurobindo's on this subject appeared from the A. P. [ Arya Publishing ] House. It is not a fact that Sri Aurobindo's wife Mrinalini Devi was residing at Sj. K. K. Mitra's house in College Square; Sri Aurobindo himself lived there constantly between the Alipore trial and his departure to French India. But she ...
... aspects which are primarily cosmic, and each one of them represents the Supreme Being of the Ultimate Reality or God; these cosmic beings are described as gods. The prayer starts with an address to Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, and then to Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Brahman and Vayu. These cosmic Page 79 beings are considered (in the psychological interpretation) to be the manifestations of those... directly related to the aims and processes of knowledge that facilitate widening of consciousness and discipline and austerity as also through progressive harmonisation of various trends of consciousness. Mitra stands for harmony, Varuna for wideness, and Aryaman for austerity or tapasya (Sri Aurobindo, 1971, pp. 438-464). Again, as the aim of education is to sharpen and clarify the intellect and lead it... word "Hari" is a word that symbolised the Supreme Reality which is the Object of Knowledge. Hence the prayer with which the Taittiriya Upanishad commences, reads as follows: "Hari OM. Be Peace to us Mitra. Be peace to us Varuna. Be peace to us Aryaman. Be Peace to us Indra and Brihaspati. May far-striding Vishnu be peace to us. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu.ˮ ( Chapter One)¹ ...
... × Id. , p. 375. × Sri Aurobindo: Letters on Yoga , p. 103. × Garth Fowden: The Egyptian Hermes , p. 19. ... Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine , p. 134. × Sri Aurobindo: Essays Divine and Human , p. 164. × Sri Aurobindo: Essays in Psychology and Yoga , p. 537. ... men and things, the periphery of the gods. … We are reminded of the Vedic thunderbolt, that electric Fire, of the Sun who is the true Light, the Eye, the wonderful weapon of the divine pathfinders Mitra and Varuna.” And we read in one of Sri Aurobindo’s letters: “The Vedic Rishis were mystics of the ancient type who everywhere, in India, Greece, Egypt and elsewhere, held the secret truths and methods ...
... Nirodbaran, Talks With Sri Aurobindo I, p. 44. × A.B. Purani, Evening Talks With Sri Aurobindo , p. 209. × K.D. Sethna, Aspects of Sri Aurobindo , p. 104. ... Nirodbaran, Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo , p. 123. × Nirodbaran, Talks With Sri Aurobindo I, p. 44. × Glimpses of the Mother’s Life II, p. 157. ... Nirodbaran, Twelve Years With Sri Aurobindo , p. 11. × In Nirodbaran, op. cit., p. 141. × Nirodbaran, Talks With Sri Aurobindo I, p. 44. ...
... Reality ;to him Life and God are absolutely compatible; earth is worthy of the divine manifestation. Separation of ____________________ 12 Ibid, Tome I, P. 233 13 Life of Sri Aurobindo, P. 296 14 Ibid, P. 297 " 15 I bid, P . 297 Page 14 the human spirit from the Divine is the cause of the prevailing human ignorance which is a transitory or passing phase in cosmic ... If the Mind and Life underwent a change there is no reason to suppose that the body which is seemingly undivine and _________________________ ¹ The Life Divine, P. 217 ² Ibid, P. 219 ³ Ibid, P. 220 4 Ibid, P. 233. A. L ... 2 Page 17 gross would remain unchanged. In fact, the present limits of the body are not permanent. They are not " the sole possible rhythm... _ It may not conform to certain fixed ideas of what is philosophy and " The Life Divine " is not an exercise in intellectual gymnastics, nor is it an attempt of mathematical logic. Dr. S. K. Mitra, I think, is right when he says : " System building is not what we value in a j Philosopher. It is the power to kindle thought, to give new orientation, a new outlook. " Meeting of the East and West ...
... Parekh Mrinal Das Gupta Bishwanath Roy Manik Mitra Dr. Srinivas Iyengar Pulak Banerjee Abani Sinha Hriday Narayan Mrityunjoy Mukherjee Samar Sen Aniruddha Sarkar Cristof Pitoёff Nishit Roy Amalesh Bhattacharya Simanta Narayan Chattopadhya Kanupriya Chatterjee Ajay Virmani Sushil Deora Sudhir Dewan Dr. Mitra Nirmalya Roy Vishwajit Talukdar Ashish Majumdar... overpowered, but he consoled him. The search lasted three hours. Sudhir will be taken to Calcutta by night under Police custody. He has not been handcuffed. (Madras Newspaper Report — English, 1908, p. 297/2) Statement of Sudhir Kumar Sarkar of May 11, 1908 ( The statement of accused aged about 18 years, made before Mr. L. Birley, Magistrate of the 1st Class, at Alipore on the 11th day of May... depicted in Exhibit 642. Exhibit … is a rough plan of the neighbourhood of Seal’s Lodge which was found at the garden, and Exhibit 276 is a gunny bag also discovered in the garden on which are the words “P Chaki, Baidyanath”. This becomes material in the light of the oral evidence of the postal peon that Profulla Chaki was at Seal’s Lodge. Among those proved to have been at Seal’s Lodge was V. B. Lele, ...
... 2.Raychaudhuri, op. cit., p. 271. 3. The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 124; Raychaudhuri, op. cit., p. 428. 4. The Age of Imperial Unity, 127. 5. Ibid., p. 115. 6. The Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, Vol. XI, 1949, p. 101. 7.Aitareya Brāhmana, VIII.21; VII.34; IV.27. Also Bhagavata Purāna, IX.22.37. 8.R. Mitra, Indo-Āryāns, Vol. II, pp. 36-37... a term common to the Āryān peoples wherever they were and appearing, as Rajendralala Mitra 4 enumerates, in the Zend jiwán, the Latin juvenis, the Saxon iong, 1. The Chronology of Ancient India (Calcutta, 1927), p. 95. 2. Op. cit.. p. 312. 3. Op. cit., p. 95. 4. Op. cit.. II, p. 177. Page 257 the Dutch jong, the Swedish and Danish ung, the... XVIII Dynasty of the New Kingdom in Egypt, and we can fully credit another piece of information by Rajendralala Mitra: 2 in the monuments of that dynasty under Tutmosis III and IV and Amenophis HI, the term "Uinim" which, according to Curtius' History of Greece (Ward's translation, 1, p. 45), is the oldest form of "Ionia" is used for all foreign subjects of the Pharaohs. The implication here is not ...
... institutions; Dr. Trailokyanath Mitra and Raja Digambar Mitra, once well-known figures in Bengal's political life; Raja Dr. Rajendralal Mitra, the famous antiquarian and author of The Aryan Vernacular of India; and Mahamahopadhyaya Dinabandhu Nyayaratna, the eminent Sanskrit scholar. The Ghoses of Konnagar were a no less distinguished family than the Mitras. Perhaps all the Ghoses "came... (otherwise known as the Bhagirathi), it is about eleven miles to the north of Calcutta. Konnagar is apparently a place of considerable antiquity, for it is mentioned in old Bengali literature. The Mitras and the Ghoses of Konnagar have carved out creditable names for themselves in the political and cultural history of Bengal. Among the many outstanding men who have sprung up from the fertile cultural... and David Hare, Rajnarain Bose was an early synthesis of the East and the West, and in the heyday of his hallowed life "represented the high water-mark of the * I am indebted to Sisirkumar Mitra of Sri Aurobindo Ashram for much of the information contained in this section. Page 25 composite culture of the country — Vedantic, Islamic and European" .* He has been called "the militant ...
... night of 31 March 1910. Motilal wrote to Sukumar Mitra (Krishna Kumar Mitra's son, and Sri Aurobindo's cousin) and Amar Chatterji of Uttarpara asking them to make the necessary arrangements. Everything had to be done in secret, for there was an oppressive air of suspicion everywhere, and police spies were posted at even the unlikeliest places. Sukumar Mitra therefore decided to work through safe intermediaries... returned to his house. Accordingly they went to his residence in Chowringhee at about 9.30 p.m., and after a brief examination received the certificates in the names they had assumed - Jyotindranath Mitra and Bankimchandra Basak - and the European doctor seems to have remarked that one of them spoke remarkably chaste English. So, after all, Sri Aurobindo and Bejoy Nag were able to board the ship that... Aurobindo to proceed to Pondicherry in advance and make some arrangements for his stay - had left Calcutta by train on 28 March. He had disguised himself as an Anglo-Indian, and was seen off by Sukumar Mitra and Saurin Bose (Mrinalini's cousin). He carried with him a letter of introduction to Mandayam Srinivasachariar, a sterling Nationalist, who was bringing out India, Vijaya, Karmayogi and Bala Bharata ...
... effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, which can be repeated in... discovered in the Vedic hymns the knowledge of the supermind, which he ___________________________________________ ¹ Sri Aurobindo: The Foundations of Indian Culture, Centenary Edition, Vol.14, p. 433. Page 120 had arrived at independently in his own Yogic research and realisations, and in his great book, "The Secret of the Veda”, Sri Aurobindo has described in detail the victory... their battle against the unfavourable. The first of them is the power __________________________________________________ ² Sri Aurobindo: Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Centenary Edition, Vol. 11, p. 443. Page 122 of what may be called a king-idea or the seven-headed Thought or the power of the seven-rayed Thinker, saptaguh. Is it merely a legend when we are told that one can rise ...
... My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take her constitutional walk. After some time * Krishna Kumar Mitra was Sri Aurobindo's uncle in whose house (the Sanjivani office) he was staying at the time. ** Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter; Krishna Kumar had married Sri Aurobindo's mother's sister. Page 343 people come to see [Sri Aurobindo]. He... commenting on the Muzzaferpore bomb-outrage, was then a prisoner at Mandalay in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others. Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even Morley to protest... but to re-create. Without suffering there can be no growth. It is not in vain that Aswini Kumar Dutt has been taken from his people. Page 342 It is not in vain that Krishna Kumar Mitra* has been taken from us and is rotting in Agra jail. It is not in vain that all Maharashtra mourns for Tilak at Mandalay. It is He, not any other, who has taken them and his ways are not the ways ...
... order in which they appear in Sri Aurobindo's notebook. The Spring Child . 1900. As recorded in the subtitle, this poem was written for Sri Aurobindo's cousin Basanti Mitra, who was born on9 Jyestha 1292 (22 May 1886). The title and opening of the poem involve a play on the Bengali word bāsantī , which means "vernal", "of the spring". A Doubt... R . 1909. Published in the Modern Review in April 1910 under the title "To R — " and dated 19 July 1909. "R" stands for Ratna, which was the pet name of Sri Aurobindo's cousin Kumudini Mitra, who was born on 3 Sraban 1289 (18 July 1882). In the Modern Review , the poem was signed "Auro Dada" (big brother Auro). Transiit, Non Periit . 1909 or earlier. This sonnet... and 26 December 1920.This version was revised by Sri Aurobindo for inclusion in Collected Poems and Plays in 1942. The present version is based on the original manuscript. P ART F IVE : P ONDICHERRY , C IRCA 1910–1920 Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry in 1910 and remained there until his passing in 1950. During this period he published four collections ...
... London, 1927). Meyerhoff, Hans. Time in Literature (University of California Press, 1955). Miller, Henry. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (New Directions, New York, 1945). Mitra, Sisirkumar. The Dawn Eternal : The Secret of India's Evolution (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1954). The Liberator: Sri Aurobindo, India and the World (Jaico Books, Bombay, 1955)... e's Final Plays (Methuen, London, 1958). Laureate of Peace : on the Genius of Alexander Pope (Roudedge, London, 1954). Kurtz, Benjamin P. The Pursuit of Death (Oxford University Press, London, 1933). Lai, P. & K. Raghavendra RAO. Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry (Kavita, Delhi, 1959). Langley, G .H. Sri Aurobindo: Indian Poet, Philosopher and Mystic ...
... guest of Shanker Chetty. Sri Aurobindo's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Krishna Kumar Mitra, and also his grandmother, Mrs. Rajnaniyan Bose, were very anxious about him and wanted to have authentic news of his safe arrival at Pondichcrry. A week after Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta, a man came to see Krishna Kumar Mitra to inform him that Sir Charles Cleaveland, Director General of Criminal Investigation... Great Eastern Hotel, had received the news in code that Sri Aurobindo was in Pondicherry. The gentleman had come to give this information assuming that Mitra must be very anxious about his safety. This shows how well the secret was kept: Sukumar Mitra, who had taken a leading part in arranging Sri Aurobindo's departure, had evidently not told his own father about it. In May 1910, Motilal Roy sent a man... sleep. Then I saw a circle of light and when I began prānāyāma it became very much more intensified." ³ ¹ . Cf: Purani, Evening Talks , Third Series, p. 121 .² Cf. ibid., p. 122 ³ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks , Second Series, p. 217 Page 207 13 March. Talk on the psychic being. 31 March. Reminiscences of earlier life: "When I joined the Baroda state service as ...
... great surprise, that I didn't know what everyone knew. SRI AUROBINDO: In fact it is not true. Barin does not give the correct account of things. I was neither the founder nor the leader. It was P. Mitra and Miss Ghosal who started it on the inspiration of Baron Okakura. They had already started it before I went to Bengal and when I was there I came to hear of it. I simply kept myself informed of ...
... Grey Street (1st floor). 5. Alipore jail. 6. 6, College Square (Krishna K-umar Mitra's house and office of the Sanjivani). 7. 4, Shyam Pukur Lane (Karmayogin office). Page 350 Biography of Sri Aurobindo by Kulkarni – A Criticism P. B. Kulkami, Yogi Aurobindo Ghose , with a preface by K. G. Deshpande (Bombay: Kashinath Mahadev Jamhankar... off the track.) 7. It was up to Hemchandra to give the lead if he found the other leaders were not up to the mark. What about those leaders he does not speak about? No one put up the worship of P. Mitra and other leaders of the Anushilan Samity? The story of their work does not figure at all in Hemchandra's work. Why did that branch with its thousands of members not succeed? Whereas this one lead... been very similar. 34. In the issue of Asvin 1350, Girija quotes a talk or a letter from Barin dated 16.7.1943. This shows that Barin and Priya Mitra were together till 1905. Therefore Girija's contention in the previous issues that Priya Mitra drifted away from Sri Aurobindo on account of Sri Aurobindo's partiality towards Barin in the quarrel between Jatin Banerji and Barin is not borne out ...
... December 1940 Justin, Historiarum Philippicarum Kane, P. V., History of Dharmaśāstra (Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, 1946), III Kangle, R. P., The Kautilīya Arthaśāstra: A Study (The University of Bombay, 1965), Parts II & III Kathāsaritsāgara Kaye, P. V., In The Indian Antiquary, 50 Digging up Jericho (Ernest... of Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1953) Meyer, Eduard, Geschichte des Altertums, III Milinda-panha - Mitra, Rajendralala, Indo-Aryans (Calcutta, 1881), I & II Monier-Williams, W., Sanskrit-English Dictionary (Oxford, 1899) Mookerji, D. N., In Bhāratīya Vidyā, V. ... Mihirakula, 403, 501-16, 600, 606 Milindapanha, 259, 278, 360 Mills, 281 Min-nagara, 477 Mitākshara, 20 Mithra, 445 Mithridates I, 429, 460 Mithridates 11, 429, 459 Mitra, R., 253, 258 mlechchha, mlechchhas, 260, 513, 600 Mo-ho-nan (Mahānama), 35 Modogalikam (Modogalingae), 167 Mohenjo-daro, iii, iv, 393 Monier-Williams, W., 283, 291 Mookerji, D.N., 28 ...
... , 189, 193, 194 Maurya, the dynasty, 178 Ma Yadava , 183 Mazzini, 57,93 medic a l science, 102-1 03 Me so potamia , 137 Minto , Earl , 47 (fn) see also Morley-Minto re forms Miller, P. (Pramatha Mitra), 13 moderation, Moderatism, 89 , 93, 118 Mohammedans, see under Muslims monarchy, 177,178, 214 Monier-Williams , M., 97(fn) Moonje , B.S., see under Munje morality, 43 , 73, 71 , 186,... 218,219,225,226,229, 246 see a so Ahimsa nuclear weapons, 251 O obscurantism, 147 occultism, 200 or the box, see under Hinduisrn over population, 63-64 see also birth control P paganism , 129 Pakis tan, 15(fn), 22 4, 22 7, 24 1, 245(fn), 253 Pal , Bepin Chandra , 17 Pales tine, 137 Panchayat (system), 178, 221 Pariah, 29, 20 8 parliamentary democracy, see under... le g. 211 his support for the Allies, 231 , 236, 238 his public support for. Cripps' proposal. 224(fn), 237 his message for India's Independence, 244-245 his passing, 255 see also Chronology, p. 257 ff Srinivas Iyengar, 215 Stalin, 215, 225 strength, 14-15, 16, 18,21,32,36,45, 52 -53.54,57,58, 124, 125 -126 see also India, Shakti suffering, 22 -23, 166-167, 176 ,253 Sufism, 168 supermind ...
... conditions that are indispensable: First, we have to establish Varuna who symbolises vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sins and crooked falsehood. Varuna is always accompanied by Mitra, who symbolises the luminous .y! of love and comprehension, leading and forming into harmony our thoughts, acts and impulses. But this is not enough; we have to establish in us an immortal Page... task he welcomed each of the ancient and modern systems of ___________________________________ ² Sri Aurobindo: Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Centenary Edition, p. 4 ³ Sri Aurobindo: The Secret of the Veda, Centenary Edition, p. 30 Page 56 interpretation and found in each of them an indispensable assistance. He found that Yaska and Sayana supplied the ritualistic framework of... the Vedas is a firm and not a fluctuating sense founded on good philological foundation __________________________________________ 5 Sri Aurobindo: The Secret of the Veda, Centenary Edition, p.44 Page 64 and fitting naturally into the context wherever it occurs. The reason for this firmness lies in the fact that the language of the hymns is fixed and invariable. The Vedic language ...
... Page 316 After the first few difficult and dreary days, Sri Aurobindo was permitted to obtain his clothes and books from home. He accordingly requested his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, the editor of the Sanjivani', to send him these - notably the Gita and the Upanishads. It was during that terrible interregnum, when he was cooped up in total loneliness and normal human supports... installments the accused numbered forty-four. As for Kanailal and Satyendra, although their audacious action predictably attracted summary punishment. They nevertheless won renown, in Sisirkumar Mitra's words, as "two of the greatest martyrs in the cause of India's liberty, compared by a British paper with Harmodius and Aristogeiton of Greek fame"; and Lajpat Rai wrote in his Autobiography that... "Charu Dutt seems to be everywhere. Yet I never knew that he was actually in the movement." (Nirodbaran, Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Part II, p. 243) Again: "Dutt seems to have a strong imagination. "e can't be entrusted with writing my biography." (Ibid., p. 192) Page 309 Next day (Tuesday) Sri Aurobindo and the other prisoners were produced before Mr. T. Thorn hill, Chief Presidency ...
... Mitanni documents (see also Kikkuli's manual), 210, 214, 280-81 Mitannians, 179, 210, 212, 213, 281, 282, 313 Mithra, 271, 403 Mithra-Ahura, 419 Mitra, 301, 386, 392, 395, 403-5, 409 Mitra-Varuṇa, 213, 280, 360, 368, 371, 387, 392, 393, 401-3, 405, 415, 419 mogila, 322 Mohenjo-dāro, 160, 17C, 172, 174, 183, 188, 190-92, 194, 199, 206, 218, 222-4... 295, 397-8 Vamadeva, 414 Vangrda, 332-3 Varcin, 207-8, 330, 332, 333, 370 Varin, 282 Varkana, 294 varna, 339-40 Varuṇa (see also Indra-Varuṇa, Mitra-Varuṇa), 282, 301, 329, 353, 356, 357-8, 387-8, 395-404, 409, 416, 417, 419 as Asura, 366-73, 381, 386, 390-91 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 398-400 Vasistha, 356, 397 Vasus, 404 ... style, 231 George, Dr. J.C., 218 Germanic languages, 274-5 Gershevitch, 209, 322 Ghalegay IV, 211, 212, 232, 235 Ghalegay V-VI, 212, 235 Ghirshman, 234 Giles, P., 281, 313 Gimbutas, Marija, 275, 276 goat, 220, 250, 251, 325 drawing chariot, 251 Gods as 'men', 417-18 gold, 233, 245, 271, 324, 346 Gomatī (= modern Gumal), 201, 284 ...
... his acquittal from the charges brought against him in the Alipore Bomb Case. It was published in the Bengalee on 18 May 1909. The "defence fund" mentioned was set up by his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra in the name of Sri Aurobindo's sister Sarojini. To the Editor of the Hindu . [1] 7 November 1910. Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta for Pondicherry on 1 April 1910. Shortly thereafter the Government... English (p. 25) was written in reply to a review of Sri Aurobindo's Collected Poems and Plays published in the Times Literary Supplement (London) on 8 July 1944. The note was incorporated in a letter by R. Vaidyanathaswamy, editor of the Advent (Madras), that was published in the TLS on 6 January 1945. The note on Sri Aurobindo's education and religious background in England (p. 26) and... including Chief Secretary in the Bengal secretariat, and in 1896 became Chief Commissioner of Assam, a position he held till his resignation in 1902 (Moulton; Ghosh, p. 321; Buckland, p. 96; "Provinces of British India"). 29 Austen Leigh was not the name of the Provost; ...
... were discussed everywhere. In P's room the radio was installed and a connection made to Sri Aurobindo's room so that he might listen to the war-news and reports from all quarters of the globe, except from the Axis zones. "The next day at about 2 p.m., after the All India Radio news at 1.30, there was a hot discussion among three sadhaks, including P, in his room. P took the standpoint of the purely... before him, got up and stood looking at the Master with folded hands and then departed. He was carrying with him an urgent appeal by Sri Aurobindo to the Congress Working Committee. Sisir Kumar Mitra reports in The Liberator , "the viewpoints which Sri Aurobindo instructed his envoy to place before the Congress leaders...(1) Japan's imperialism being young and based on industrial and military power... bathroom to Her dressing room, was attracted by the unusual volume of sound. She did not enter Her dressing room, but turned Her steps towards P's room. Before entering there, She heard part of the argument. Then She stepped in and asked, 'What is it all about?' P said that one person argued that Cripps' offer would not be accepted by the Indian leaders. The Mother felt amused and inquired, 'Why?' By then ...
... He won his honours with a magical carelessness and as if by accident while others toiled and failed.... [At the Hubli College] he left behind him a striking reputation, to which, except Dwarkanath Mitra, no student has ever come near. Yet he had done positively nothing in the way of application or hard work. As with most geniuses his intellectual habits were irregular. His spirit needed larger bounds... a disciplinarian and was losing his hold on the youth. Sri Aurobindo formed a committee of five consisting of P. Mitter, Sister Nivedita, C.R. Das, Surendranath Tagore and Jatin to be in overall charge of the revolutionary work in Bengal. Although some differences continued, the work under P. Mitter's leadership increased enormously. Hundreds of young people joined the movement and even some government... Midnapur for the first time accompanied by Jatin and Barin. There he met Hemchandra Das, the revolutionary leader. On his return to Calcutta Jatin arranged a meeting between Sri Aurobindo and Barrister P. Mitter who had started an organisation of young men for revolutionary work under the guise of youth clubs for physical exercises etc. Mitter readily joined hands with Sri Aurobindo who administered the ...
... vol. 8, Centenary edition, Pondicherry, 1972, p. 405. ³ Sri Aurobindo, Translations, vol. 8, Centenary edition, Pondicherry, 1972, p. 406. 4 Sri Aurobindo, Translations, vol. 8, Centenary edition, Pondicherry, 1972, p. 286. Page 180 5 Sri Aurobindo, Translations, vol. 8, Centenary edition, Pondicherry, 1972, p. 229. 6 Sri Aurobindo, Translations, vol.... or 'psychic subject' to be." KARL KELLNER: Yoga: Eine Skizze, Mūnchen, 1896, p.21. 9 I follow the account in C. P. KOBPPEN: Die Religion des Buddha Berlin, 1857, i.585 ff. 10 For a full account of him, see D. B. MACDONALD: The Life of Al-Ghazzali, in the Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1899, vol. xx. p.71. ¹¹A. SCHMOLDERS: Essai sur les ecoles philosophiques chez les Arabes... MAETERLINCK: L'Omement des Noces spirituelles de Ruysbroeck, Bruxelles, 1891, Introduction, p. xix. Page 150 19 upanishads, M. MOLLER'S translation, ii. 17, 334. 20 SCHMOLDERS: Op. cit, p. 210. 21 , Enneais, BOUILLIER'S translation, Paris, 1861, iii. 561. Compare pp.473.477, and vol. i. p. 27. 22 Autobiography, pp. 309, 310. 23 Op. cit. Strophe 10. 24 H.P. BLAVATSKY: ...
... and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not... involved consciousness, in which there is everything but nothing is formulated or expressed. The subconscient lies between this Inconscient and the conscious mind, life and body.' Cent. Ed., XXII, p. 354 × Three years earlier, in 1958, Mother had told Satprem that February and March were 'bad months ...
... consents to be supramental. But this is-not enough. Mitra, the lord of Harmony is also to be fulfilled. The seeker must learn the secret of relations, know the threads that bind each to all and all to each. He must learn to be the friend of all creatures, of all men, of all gods. With the wideness of Varuna, he must combine the harmony of Mitra; wideness and relationships are both to be mastered... Vedas. But before one can reach the Supreme or the Supreme Light, (Savitri), one has to cross the four Guardians, the four Kings guarding the light of the Truth. These are the four gods, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. They are to be embraced and to be fulfilled before they lead the seeker to his goal. Varuna represents vastness, infinite wideness, limitlessness. The Truth that the Veda... mastered. The Supramental Light is wideness but not empty of contents or relations. Hence the necessity of the union of Varuna and Mitra. And the seeker must serve these two gods, fulfill them, embody them and grow into their image. But eyen this is not enough. In all human endeavor, there is the stress and strain of effort. There is a struggle, and it is through struggle), through intense effort ...
... Aurobindo should pursue his Yoga in a place less exposed to the peril of politics and publicity than Pondicherry; Lord Carmichael, Governor of Bengal, did in fact send out a feeler through Krishna Kumar Mitra in 1915 inquiring whether Sri Aurobindo would like the ban on him to be removed to facilitate his return to India and settling down in a quiet place like Darjeeling. 43 But he knew they were idle moves... with poetry, and both could laugh without reservation". (Va Ra in Mahakavi Bharatiyar, p. 8). "In the Bharati-Aurobindo conversations, all the nine rasas had fall play. Poetry, history, philosophy, experience, fiction, humour, wit, repartee, exhilaration, all will continually dance in their conversations" (ibid., p. 40). Page 411 and action and to base life on the Spirit and give it a... mean and foolish satisfactions, to snatch them from this vortex which hides death behind its treacherous glitter, and turn them towards Thy conquering harmony! * Prayers and Meditations ( 1979) p. 63. (The original is in French, Prières et Méditations de la Mère, but the quotations are all from the English version in the Collected Works of the Mother — Centenary Edition, published by the Sri ...
... parts of India go there to worship the symbolic image of Shiva, carrying with them pots of pure Ganges water from long distances to pour upon the Deity. Basanti Devi, daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra and a cousin to Sri Aurobindo, says about him: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and other articles of luxury like scents etc... is a mystic fire and light in them. They penetrate into the beyond.' And he added: 'If Joan of Arc heard heavenly voices, Aurobindo probably sees heavenly visions.'" The Liberator by Sisir Kumar Mitra. Page 55 close-fitting Indian jacket, his feet shod in old-fashioned Indian slippers with upturned toes, a face sparsely dotted with pock-marks - who could have thought that this man... Sekal O Ekal by Rajnarayan Bose, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Chandidas, Jnanadas, the Dramatical Works of Amritalal Bose, the Poetical Works of Govindadas, a collection of poems by Dinabandhu Mitra, Bengali Sonnets by Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Ananda Math by Bankim Chandra, Goray Galad by Rabindranath Tagore, etc. Page 60 "Aurobindo read Bankim Chandra's novels by himself, ...
... — . 1949. "Reminiscences of Aurobindo Ghose", Orient Illustrated Weekly 13 (27 February), pp. 11 - 12, 10. — . 1949. Aurobindo: Prophet of Patriotism . Calcutta: A. K. Mitra. Pal, Bipin Chandra. 1907 . The New Spirit . Calcutta: Sinha, Sarvadhikar & Co. — . c. 1910. "Aurobindo Ghose". In Leaders of the National Movement in Bengal . London:... Chandra Pal in 1932. Page 1151 information on Sri Aurobindo's presence in or absence from Calcutta, see Table 1 on page 1153. S ELECTION OF A RTICLES P UBLISHED IN THE P RESENT V OLUMES In the present volumes are published all editorial articles from surviving issues of the Bande Mataram that the editors believe were written by Sri Aurobindo... Bande Mataram Note on the Texts B ANDE M ATARAM : P OLITICAL W RITINGS AND S PEECHES 1890 - 1908 includes all of Sri Aurobindo's surviving political writings and speeches from the years before his arrest in May 1908. Political writings and speeches from the period after his imprisonment are published in Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches ...
... Japanese street 161-2 dialogue with the Divine 162, 168-9, 183-6 'appointed from all Eternity' 163 receives Shakyamuni's message 164 the divine and the human in the Avatar 164 prays to Lord Mitra: his response 166 fivefold functions 169 identification with the cherry-blossom 170-1 'like Mt Fuji' 174, 663 rooms in Kyoto 177 grasp of the evolutionary principle 179 subjected to hard ... 324 Shankar Chettiar (Chetty) 47, 131 Shanti Doshi 271-3 Shantimayi (Janet McPheeters) 255, 296-7, 321 Shastri, Lal Bahadur 596 Shyamsunder Jhunjhunwalla 817 Sisirkumar Ghose 234 Sisirkumar Mitra 433, 676 Socrates 315 Soli Albless 568 SRI AUROBINDO 232, 420, 503, 635-6 Categorised under 1. Biographical 2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother 3. Others on Sri Aurobindo 4.... 235, 255 Chandulal Shah 255, 265-6, 280, 328-9 Cheddi Lal 821 Chidanandam, V. 231, 765 Chinmayi (Mehdi Begum) 321, 325, 674 Churchill, Winston 410, 416, 423, 425 Coleridge, S.T. 61 Counouma, P. 691, 816 Cripps, Sir Stafford 425ff, 447, 571 Page 900 Dahyabhai Patel 683 Daladier, Edouard 395ff, 403 Daniel, Samuel 38 Dante 111,315,471,633 Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) 328 ...
... steady obscuration of ethical lights, the general weakening of family and community ties, all contributed to India's ignoble and fallen condition in the eighteenth century and after. In Sisir Kumar Mitra's words, There were corruptions in every walk of life, social, cultural and political. Bengal seemed to be slowly sinking into a morass of decay and degeneration. Not only in Bengal, this tendency... what generally happened. But that too, perhaps, is not the whole truth, for the Western impact was ultimately to prove somewhat of a blessing in disguise. "The English came," says Sisir Kumar Mitra, "at a crucial stage of India's evolution to fulfill a Will of the Shakti that guides her destiny." 24 It was rather like the darkest hour that precedes the dawn: For whatever temporary rotting... and suffered and died in Judea. So too the Krishna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men." (Essays on the Gita, SABCL, Vol. 13, p. 12) Page 6 high roads to immortality. It developed the external nature and drew it into the inner self; it enriched life to raise it into the spirit. Thus founded, thus trained, the ...
... book-proofs and then a long article on Bengali free verse : the editor of Navashakti, Premendra Mitra 58 had been requesting me for a long time. He has just written saying he will review Suryamukhi adding that "khūb bhālo legechhe ekathā eman asankoche Page 159 balbār sujog bara beshi p ā i nā" [Seldom do I get an opportunity to say without any hesitation that I like it very... by the plaudits or the reactions of the greatest number. I am only just reading Khagen Mitra's swājātya— this is only a splenetic comment on your quotation from Tagore. November 5,1936 Re. Your yesterday's letter on ugliness, etc. I find it most illuminating and refreshing. Re. Khagendra Mitra's letter however a question naturally occurs to me anent his remarks on "for whom do you... that are miscalled psychic phenomena. As for prayer, no hard and fast rule can be laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. An example ? The eldest daughter of my maternal uncle, K.K. Mitra, Editor of Sanjivani, not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even imaginative person, was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped, as useless. ...
... my operations—not yet with too much success. 25 November 1935 Page 356 We are very happy—I believe it is due to the joy and harmony you have brought down in the atmosphere. Are the Mitra and Bhaga powers preparing to come down? Well, it is what I am trying to bring down into the Asram atmosphere, for it is the condition for anything effective being collectively done. 25 November... "The difficulties are not likely to cease until they are conquered in principle" [ cf. p. 348 ]. 10 I do not remember having written "in principle" or if so, there must have been other words also. A week earlier you wrote: "as almost everybody is down in the physical, it is a little difficult perhaps" [ p. 348 ]. But I was under the impression that some, like X, Y and Z, are always on the... company, it could have been done quietly. As it is there is the Revolt of the Subconscient. In one letter you wrote that you were able to push on; in another that the hostile forces were out of date [ p. 639 ]. That was a year ago. When we read this we thought that it would be merry Christmas henceforth. But now I again feel a bit despondent because you speak of the confounded atmosphere, "the uprush ...
... then indeed they held in them a bliss that is enjoyed in Page 13 heaven, ratnam dharayanta dyubhaktam. Let all the gods be in all our humans, let there be the truth of our thought, O Mitra, O Varuna."³ This is similar to another experience described by Parashara Shaktya, who declares, "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the... will be the measure of its help to the future of humanity." 10 ________________________________________ 10. Sri Aurobindo: The foundations of Indian Culture, Vol. 14, Centenary Edition, p. 409. Page 35 ...
... Five of the Rig Veda in his monthly review Arya under the title Hymns of the Atris . The hymns chosen for publication in this series were all twenty-eight hymns to Agni, V.1 – 28; all eleven to Mitra-Varuna, V.62 – 72; both hymns to Usha, V.79 – 80; one to (Surya) Savitri, V.81 ; and one to Varuna, V.85.In Selected Hymns , another series in the Arya , he had published a different translation... was written in the available space in part of a notebook previously used first in Baroda and then for material related to the Record of Yoga which can be dated January – February 1911. Roots in p . Circa 1911 – 12. This attempt to reconstruct “OS” (Old Sanskrit) forms corresponding to a set of Greek words is found earlier in the same notebook as the preceding item. Roots in m . [1] Circa ...
... awoke and saw utterly; then indeed they held in them a bliss that is enjoyed in heaven, ratnam dharayanta dyubhaktam. Let all the gods be in all our humans, let there be the truth of our thought, O Mitra, O Varuna". 5 This is similar to another experience described by Parashara Shaktya, who declares: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open... addresses itself to intellectual, vital and physical aspects of training also. 19. Sri Aurobindo, The Foundations of Indian Culture, Vol.14, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Pondicherry, 1971,p.409 Page 108 Kireetjoshi (b. 1931) studied philosophy and law at the Bombay University. He was selected for the I.A.S. in 1955 but in 1956, he resigned in order to devote himself at Pondicherry ...
... steadily reduced in its recurrent fullness & intensity. It is now not a denial, but a relaxation especially of the energy, less of the light, less still of the bhoga, (Aryama, Varuna, Bhaga). Love (Mitra) is not now denied, but is sometimes veiled or inactive. It is the tamas of blank passivity, not the positive tamas that now forms the asiddhi. The Page 562 body recoils from the strain... now manifesting more frequently, but with a power of impersonality & formlessness which makes the man appear as a mask of God. The other gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the chanda form of all the gods etc. But... ।—ie the rich & various activity which has only just begun to develop as the result of the samata & shakti chatusthayas & the Ananda of the Brahma chatusthaya. Varuna gives it greatness & expansion, Mitra intensity of love & delight, Earth & Heaven combine to formulate it, the cosmic consciousness & the universal ocean of substance supply that formulation with its field & materials. Script. The ...
... Sisirkumar Mitra's comment on this is interesting: "Whether they [the astronauts] saw this 'unexplained light' with their physical eye, or in any occult vision opened to them by the spiritual force or by the impact of the infinite space, is not definitely known. Whatever it was, its implication coupled with the region in which it was seen cannot be overlooked." (The Liberator, 1970, p. 284.) ... education"? And the Ashram being already in Pondicherry - a sanctified spot with its roots in the Vedic past - where else was the proposed university centre to be located? Another speaker, Somnath Mitra, affirmed: The new university will be informed by the spirit of our great Master, the spirit of the Life Divine.... it will also be invisibly fashioned and moulded at every turn by a sense... November 1954. It was on that day that the Mother made the declaration regarding her desire to become an Indian * From the report of his speech at Pondicherry (Mother India, February 1971, p. 31). Earlier, in a private talk at Delhi, Surendra Mohan told me the story in almost exactly the same words. Page 754 citizen without renouncing her French citizenship: From ...
... of war, with whatever weapons, pass out of his life without the possibility of return. 57 * The reader is also referred to Nolini Kanta Gupta's Towards a New Society (1947), Sisirkuamr Mitra's 'History as Future' (Loving Homage, 1968) and the present writer's 'Tomorrow's World' (Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, 1947) Page 487 'The Unseen Power' was written when, although... to have said: "...I worked for the success of the Russian Revolution for three years. I was one of the influences that worked to make it a success" (Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo, Second Series, p. 26). Page 488 the popular idea which is but a half-truth and the right idea that would give 'self-determination' the true spiritual meaning: The recognition and fulfilment of ...
... and sweetness. Be fierce and terrible, O Rudra; be impetuous and swift, O Maruts; be strong and bold, O Aryama; be voluptuous and pleasurable, O Bhaga; be tender and kind and loving and passionate, O Mitra. Be bright and revealing, O Dawn; O Night, be solemn and pregnant. O Life, be full, ready and buoyant; O Death, lead my steps from mansion to mansion. Harmonise all these, O Brahmanaspati. Let me not... global thinking and I at once caught it up as the right and only word for certain things, for instance, the thinking in masses which is a frequent characteristic of the Overmind." (On Himself. Vol. 26, p. 368) Page 514 In his Arya writings, Sri Aurobindo was a teacher and prophet - or nothing. It was the authority gained by his experience that weighted his writing with rich content... to Sri Aurobindo birthday meeting in New York on 15 August 1949. See also Ninian Smart on Sri Aurobindo's style (The Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, edited by Spiegelberg and Chaudhuri, 1960, p. 167). Page 515 claim for Sri Aurobindo a place among the supreme masters of English prose. Of the major works, only The Life Divine was fully revised, amplified and reorganised ...
... in February-March one Tahal Ram Ganga Ram had visited Calcutta and exhorted college students to organise a boycott of British goods; on 13 July, Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, had made a plea for boycott in his Sanjivani; and on 17 July, a correspondent "G" had strongly advocated boycott in the columns of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Was "G" really Aurobindo Ghose... synonymous with independence — 'a free national Government unhampered even in the least degree by foreign control'". [Moderates and Extremists in the Indian National MweiM'1 1883-1930, (1967), p. 126] Page 228 If we could not utilise the leisure of our women, which is now uselessly frittered away, in some small industries, assuming that charkha (the spinning wheel) cannot compete... September: "We cannot catch him [Pal] for his speech; but an Indian Magistrate has given him six months for silence!" (Quoted from the Minto Papers in M. N. Das's India under Morley and Minto, p. 135) Page 246 the first principle of politics and the necessity and national self-perseveration". But the Government had gone about witch-hunting, and had sought by any means whatsoever ...
... sparing, scanty; measuring; investigated; cast, thrown; built, established. मितद्रु the sea. मितिः measuring; measure, weight; proof; determination; accurate knowledge. मित्रः Mitra. मित्रं friend. मित्रता, मित्रत्वं friendship मित्रिति to be friendly मित्रायते To act as a friend, be friendly मित्रिय friendly. मित्रयु friendly... fish. मीनरः = Makara. मीरः ocean; drink; limit, boundary; particular part of a mountain. मे (मयते, मित, मित्सते) exchange, barter. मैत्र a friend’s; friendly, kind; of Mitra. मैत्रः a perfect Brahman; a tribe; a friend; anus. मैत्री friendship, goodwill; connection, intimacy; Anuradha. मैत्रम् friendship; evacuation of excrement; Anuradha. मैत्रिन्... intense, नील blue Roots in ‘p’ Rt. प, (पा) and the derivative roots. Root. प — पा ..........pais, paidos—boy, girl, child .. son, daughter .. slave, servant .. OS पैः or पयिः Root प to be able, strong, so master, govern. Original meaning a slave; then a boy or girl slave. The genitive ......... is पयिदः from पयित्, Rt पि (cf पिता) with the same sense as p, but also meaning, to beget, nurture ...
... like barrister P. Mitra and Sarala Ghoshal had started several such clubs in Calcutta - all with a secret political purpose. They had even envisaged armed rebellion, drawing their inspiration from the Japanese leader Okakura. After I realised that both their ways and their aims were similar to ours, I sent Jatin Banerjee to meet Mitra. Later when I went to Calcutta, Jatin introduced Mitra to me and the... receptive to these new ideas and the clubs multiplied very fast indeed. "In the meantime I too joined the revolutionaries of western India. I was sworn into the Party. When I went to Bengal I met P. Mitra and a number of other leaders to whom I spoke about this revolutionary society. Many of them decided to take the oath that would make them its members. Another of my aims was to unite the various... return - I found that I would have to go to Calcutta myself in order to set matters right. After listening to both the parties, we decided to set up a committee of five members, among whom were Jatin, P. Mitra and Nivedita. This solution seemed to work for a while, but soon after my return to Baroda it broke down as I had feared it might. I did not intervene in their disputes any more. I never liked quarrels ...
... "As for prayer," he wrote back; "no hard and fast rule can be Page 158 laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. The eldest daughter of my maternal uncle, Sri Krishna Kumar Mitra (the editor of Sanjivani — not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even an imaginative person) was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as useless... understanding the rebel's point of view, but a gift, amounting to genius, of appraising with imaginative sympathy the tatter's position as a _____________________ * Among the Great (American edition) p. 219-20. Page 136 questioning seeker and then coming down to the level of his intelligence and receptivity. To give an instance in point I had come to the Ashram with a strong mental ...
... Anti-Partition agitation, it acquired a new force and vitality on account of its close political associations. In this mental climate Krishna Kumar Mitra's96 call for Boycott 96. Krishna Kumar Mitra, Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, was in close touch with Sri Aurobindo, even when the latter was in Baroda, and it is quite possible that he shared many of Sri Aurobindo's political views. Page... and Ullaskar had their death sentences commuted into transportation for life. After his release, Sri Aurobindo put up at the office of Sanjivani, the organ edited by his uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, who was at that time in Agra jail. The political atmosphere of the country was bleak and forlorn. Most of the leaders were either in jail or away from India. There was discontent seething underground... compromise." — Lokamanya Tilak by Praddhan & Bhagwat, p. 255 (Jaico). 65. "Sri Aurobindo was the first to use its (of the word Swaraj) English equivalent 'independence' and reiterate it constantly in the Bande Mataram as the one and immediate aim of national politics." — Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, p. 30. Page 208 in the body and freed in the soul ...
... exception for him only. All others who came here have paid, I think. I can’t place the rich man you speak of. I remember only one rich man staying with me who forgot to pay, that was K.N. Mitra. But he sent a cheque from the Cape within a fortnight apologising. Perhaps this cheque which I gave to Mother was not reckoned as part payment? Could you tell me who this rich man was? Only other... more splendid means can there be of spreading devotion in the hearts of others; that too is a work for the Divine. Lastly Prithwi Singh told Umichand categorically (in spite of his telling P. that it was not true) that Mother didn’t like singing in the Ashram premises and consented because otherwise Dilip made trouble. He argued and Umichand retorted, etc. I won’t repeat all that. I have ...
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