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Mitra, Rajendra Lal : (1822-91): Scholar & antiquarian: belonged to a respectable Śūdra family: educated in Calcutta at English schools & Calcutta Medical College: studied Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, French & German: Asst. Secretary & Librarian of Bengal Asiatic Society 1844: Director Ward’s Institution 1856-80: D.L. of Calcutta Univ., 1875: contributed 114 articles to Journal of Asiatic Society of which some republished in two volumes under title Indo-Aryans, wrote Antiquities of Orissa, Buddha Gaya, The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal (1882): wrote largely for Hindu Patriot often inspiring its policy: President of Asiatic Society of Bengal 1885: prominent in INC session 1886: Member Calcutta Corporation: Vice-President & President of British Indian Association: Rai Bahadur 1877: C.I.E. 1878: Raja 1888: The Most Learned Hindu of his time: his 128 volumes of writings showed his research, scholarship, erudition, hence given special pension for services to Literature & Archaeology: his name is well known to antiquarians & savants in every part of the world. [Buckland]

4 result/s found for Mitra, Rajendra Lal

... Poetry. Vidyasagara, scholar, sage and intellectual dictator, laboured hugely like the Titan he was, to create a new Bengali language and a new Bengali society, while in vast and original learning Rajendra Lal Mitra has not met his match. Around these arose a class of men who formed a sort of seed-bed for the creative geniuses, men of fine critical ability and appreciative temper, scholarly, accomplished... original geniuses; his time fell between the heroes of the Renascence and the feebler Epigoni of our day. But he had contemporary with him men of extraordinary talent, men like Dinabandhu Mitra and Dwarkanath Mitra, men so to speak of the second tier. Bankim was the last of the original geniuses. Since then the great impulse towards originality has gone backward like a receding wave. After Bankim came ...

... Seyril Schochen 763 Shakespeare 312, 324 Shankar Chettiar (Chetty) 47, 131 Shanti Doshi 271-3 Shantimayi (Janet McPheeters) 255, 296-7, 321 Shastri, Lal Bahadur 596 Shyamsunder Jhunjhunwalla 817 Sisirkumar Ghose 234 Sisirkumar Mitra 433, 676 Socrates 315 Soli Albless 568 SRI AUROBINDO 232, 420, 503, 635-6 Categorised under 1. Biographical 2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ... Dass 745 Prabartak Sangha 200, 205, 213-4 Prabhat Sanyal, Dr 200, 491-5, 507, 817-8, 820 Pranab Bhattacharya 435, 437, 465, 549, 580, 652, 691, 734, 817-20 Prapatti (K.C. Pati) 691 Prasad, Rajendra 596 Prithwi Singh Nahar 408, 691 Prithwindra Mukherjee 29 Promode Kumar Chatterji 681 Punjalal 235, 497, 691 Purani, A..B. see Ambalal Purani Purushottam Patel 325 Raja Yoga 15 ... 339, 374, 400, 420, 464-5, 470, 489, 492, 496, 551, 651, 679, 691, 700-1, 817, 819ff Chandradip Tripathi 691 Chandrasekharam, V. 226, 231, 235, 255 Chandulal Shah 255, 265-6, 280, 328-9 Cheddi Lal 821 Chidanandam, V. 231, 765 Chinmayi (Mehdi Begum) 321, 325, 674 Churchill, Winston 410, 416, 423, 425 Coleridge, S.T. 61 Counouma, P. 691, 816 Cripps, Sir Stafford 425ff, 447, 571 Page 900 ...

... Receives, at the Playground, Jawaharlal Nehru accompanied by Kamaraj Nadar, Lal Bahadur Sastri and Indira Gandhi. - Oct 21 'When I say "myself" people think of my body, and my body is not yet truly myself, it is not yet transformed, and that produces a confusion in their minds....' - Nov 15 Receives President Rajendra Prasad. Tells him: 'India must rise to the height of her mission and proclaim... considers it the true significance of pranam. Sees a vision 'in which four beings appeared at the four comers of an immense plateau' and spoke to her. Sri Aurobindo identifies them as the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Bhaga and Aryaman. Visited by an artist friend, Johannes Hohlenberg, who takes a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile and also paints his portrait in oil. 1914 May 16 'All ...

... Chandra Sen, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, poet Madhusudan Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, the inspired seer of the National Anthem, Bande Mataram, and the greatest novelist in Bengali literature. Dr. Rajendra Lal Mitra, Sri Ramkrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Yogi Vijay Krishna Goswami, the world-poet Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, the gifted pioneer of the new school of Indian Art, Jagadish... parts of India go there to worship the symbolic image of Shiva, carrying with them pots of pure Ganges water from long distances to pour upon the Deity. Basanti Devi, daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra and a cousin to Sri Aurobindo, says about him: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and other articles of luxury like scents etc... is a mystic fire and light in them. They penetrate into the beyond.' And he added: 'If Joan of Arc heard heavenly voices, Aurobindo probably sees heavenly visions.'" The Liberator by Sisir Kumar Mitra. Page 55 close-fitting Indian jacket, his feet shod in old-fashioned Indian slippers with upturned toes, a face sparsely dotted with pock-marks - who could have thought that this man ...