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Modern Love : cycle of poems (1862) by George Meredith.

9 result/s found for Modern Love

... His later poetry disappointed me, there was still some brilliance but nothing of that higher promise. The only other poet of that time who had some influence on me was Meredith, especially his Modern Love which may have helped in forming the turn of my earlier poetic expression. I have not read the other later poets of the decline. Of subsequent writers or others not belonging to this decline I... Amal Kiran writes: In that long letter on your own poetry, apropos of my friend's criticisms, you have written of certain influences of the later Victorian period on you. Meredith's from Modern Love I have been unable to trace concretely — unless I consider . some of the more pointed and bitter-sweetly reflective turns in Songs to Myrtilla to be Meredithian. That of Tennyson is noticeable... and insisting on clear lucidity and right form and building. Meredith had no influence on Songs to Myrtilla; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and the Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades that I strongly admired and it had its effect on the formation of my poetic style and its after-effects ...

... Poetry In that long letter on your own poetry, apropos of my friend's criticisms [ see pp. 332-57 ], you have written of certain influences of the later Victorian period on you. Meredith's from Modern Love I have been unable to trace concretely—unless I consider some of the more pointed and bitter-sweetly reflective turns in Songs to Myrtilla to be Meredithian. That of Tennyson is noticeable in only... and insisting on clear lucidity and right form and building. Meredith had no influence on Songs to Myrtilla ; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and on the ascent to earth of the daughter of Hades [ The Day of the Daughter of Hades ] that I strongly admired and it had its effect in the formation of my ...


... His later poetry disappointed me, there was still some brilliance but nothing of that higher promise. The only other poet of that time who had some influence on me was Meredith, especially his Modern Love which may have helped in forming the turn of my earlier poetic expression. I have not read the other later poets of the decline. Of subsequent writers or others not belonging to this decline I know ...


... Aurobindo's comparison by instancing a moment of life-pessimism in even a post-Romantic, a much later Romantic poet of the nineteenth century than Shelley. There Meredith, brooding on a situation of "Modern Love", is speaking not exactly of death but still of life's baffling tragedy that brings vast powers to work out almost a blind and null result: Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul When hot ...


... of Dream 151 Milk in Almighty Breasts 309 Mind of Light 573 Minnie—10.8.1982 645 Mirror and Knowledge 228 Misalliance 736 Modern Love 8 Moksha 168 Moment of Grace 585 Mood-Memories 745 Moonlight Meeting 729 Moon-Worship 417 Mother of New Birth 516 ...


... last line, but I suppose that, poetically, it does not matter. The lines marked [from 'leaving no weight' to 'cry', and from 'the proud' to 'victories'} are especially fine." (27.11.36)   Modern Love   "It is a very good poem,—worth preserving. It is a sort of satire by apotheosis bringing into contrast the two things that are yet assimilated by what is behind them. Very effective." ...


... literature. With the latter all vital connection came to a dead stop with my departure from England a quarter of a century ago; it had for its last events the discovery of Meredith as a poet, in his Modern Love , and the perusal of Christ in Hades ,—some years before its publication,—the latter an unforgettable date. I had long heard, standing aloof in giant ignorance, the great name of Yeats, but with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... difficult to give the creative force. It is more expressive and interpretative. In sonnets too there is the difficulty; only in a series of sonnets can one build up something creative, as in Meredith's "Modern Love". NIRODBARAN: Then the creative force can come only in narrative poems? SRI AUROBINDO: In the epic and the drama also, and, as I have said, in a series of sonnets. But the modern poets say ...


... in it; it is descriptive and expressive. In lyrical poetry it is generally difficult to give that creative force. In sonnet form it is only in a series of sonnets as in Meredith’s sonnets on “modern love”, that one can be put in creative force. Disciple : That means it can be done only in descriptive and narrative poems. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, in epics, dramas, series of sonnets, ...