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Moslem League : All-India Muslim League, an organization for protecting, upholding & promoting the political interests of Indian Muslims, founded in 1906 by Nawab Salim-Ullāh of Dacca at the instance of Lord Minto who needed a powerful counterpoise to the Congress. [Bhattacharya]

2 result/s found for Moslem League

... and organisations which are, by their very existence, evidence of revolutions in public feeling and omens of the future. The dead bones live indeed and the long sleep of the ages is broken. The Moslem League was indicative of much, the Hindu Sabha is indicative of yet more. The Nationalist party, while in entire disagreement with the immediate objects and spirit of the League, welcomed its birth as... Hindu in flexibility, progressiveness, elasticity, a divination of necessary changes, broad ideas, growing aspirations, the fruit of a long discipline in intellectual and moral sensitiveness. The Moslem League meant that the Mahomedan was awakening to the need of change, the growth of aspiration in the world around him,—not yet to the broad ideas modern life demanded. The Hindu Sabha means that the Hindu ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... have shown your letter to Sri Aurobindo. It raises some serious misgivings. 2 What do you mean by saying that the Congress may have to accept the group system? Do you mean to say that the Moslem League majority on both sides of India are to be allowed to have their way and dictate the constitution for all the provinces in the two groups and also a general constitution for each of the two groups ...
