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Mukherji, Justice : one of those admitted in 1907 by Morley to his Advisory Council of Notables, a high-paying dove-cote for confirmed loyalists.

15 result/s found for Mukherji, Justice

... of Darbhanga, the Maharajas of Coochbehar and Kashmir, the Raja of Nabha, Sir Harnam Singh, a few other Rajas and Maharajas ( not including the Maharaja of Baroda), Dr. Rash Behari Ghose, Mr. Justice Mukherji, a goodly number of non-official Europeans, the knight of the umbrella from Bombay, etc. etc. with Mr. Page 496 Gokhale bringing up the tail as the least dangerous of those whom Mr... (what reckless daring!) on the India Council. Really? A year or two ago, we suppose, it would have been very dangerous,—indeed, brought the Empire down with a sudden crash. So Mr. Romesh Dutt and Justice Amir Ali's expectations may at last be satisfied and we shall have two Indian tongues in the Council of India. We wish them luck; but for all the use they will be to India, they might just as well ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Bande Mataram Unofficial Commissions 21-February-1908 The self-appointed Unofficial Commission consisting of Srijuts Bhupendranath Bose and U. N. Mukherji has issued its report and findings on the Police hooliganism at Mymensingh. The report is interesting reading and we appreciate the trouble taken by these gentlemen out of purely patriotic motives... or the officials, and in all other ways the action of these two public-spirited gentlemen is entirely infructuous. It is the old idea of placing our grievances—before whom? The tribunal of British justice is discredited and the tribunal of Indian patriotism not yet erected. Meanwhile outrages of the Mymensingh type are likely to remain a standing feature of the present struggle between darkness and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the 'Society for the Protection of Religion.' "I went to the Sanjibani office to fetch Sri Aurobindo," writes Amar. "I saw him there absolutely quiet, as if he were in 1. Piyarimohan Mukherji, the zamindar of Uttarpara and his eldest son, Rajendranath, generally called Michhari Babu. Michhari Babu was a generous donor to the cause of the revolutionaries. Page 508 meditation... India was challenged, Lord Morley, the then Viceroy, answered, "The law is as good a law as any of the Statute Book." Common Page 506 sense would have called it a travesty of law and justice. Sri Aurobindo was incisive. "We say it is a lawless law, — a dishonest law, — a law that is, in any real sense of the word, no law at all." In a speech at Jhalakati he took a swing at that specious... substance and purpose? It provides that when you cannot bring any charge against a man which can be supported by proofs — and when you have no evidence which would stand for a moment before a court of justice, in any legal tribunal—when you have nothing against him except that his existence is inconvenient to you, then you need not advance any charge, you need not bring any evidence, you are at liberty ...

... Page 434 whole passages from Mill and so on. The paper finally reached the hands of Kiran Mukherji. I have spoken to you about him before; perhaps something more could be added here. As I have said, he returned from England after attaining great distinction. at Oxford. Ashutosh Mukherji took him on as a professor at the Calcutta University. I met him several times during my trips to Calcutta... Precisely because he was a raw young man, he could infuse into his feelings and attitude, his manner and language, a degree of warmth and enthusiasm. One day he asked a question in class. One Kiran Mukherji (he was first in English in his B.A. and M.A. and a Greats scholar at Oxford later) stood up and gave a fine answer. .But Prafulla Ghose remarked, "I see the Roman hand of the master", that is to... first two or three years. But there were some who sought to establish with the students an intimacy, or at least a relatively closer relationship. Take for example our professor of philosophy, Aditya Mukherji. He was nearing his forties perhaps at the time. On the very first day of the First Year class he announced during the roll-call that he would try every day to make himself familiar with the faces ...

... they would find plenty of evidence against him in the search, and they did not execute it because they found that not a scrap of proof rewarded their efforts. After that there was a pause till Anukul Mukherji testimony was secured, and on that flimsy evidence the trial was started. Had it been honestly intended to deal only with the Editor, whoever he might turn out to be, the proceedings against Aurobindo... case, still Page 689 the prosecution struggled for a verdict. And with what result? Even a civilian Magistrate willing to support the prestige of the Government had more sense of law and justice than the bureaucracy and its advisers and was able to see that a man could not be sent to two years' rigorous imprisonment without any shadow of evidence. Their prey escaped them; the Manager who seems ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... influence over the revolutionary movement in India than perhaps any other man." 2 1. Life-Work of Sri Aurobindo. 2.West Bengal govt.'s I. B. Records (L.N.54A). From Haridas and Uma Mukherji's Sri Aurobindo ba Banglar Biplabbad. Page 358 We have further details from Professors Haridas and Uma Mukherjee. 1 "Aurobindo was arrested on August 16 and the Manager and the... admissions fatal to their case, still the prosecution struggled for a verdict. And with what result? Even a Civilian Magistrate willing to support the prestige of the Government had more sense of law and justice than the bureaucracy and its advisers and was able to see that a man could not be sent to two years' rigorous imprisonment without any shadow of evidence. Their prey escaped them; the Manager who seems ...

... be rewarding a loyal champion and at the same time conferring a boon on the country. Farther, if only done in time, it might save the Convention from going to pieces. The Dying Race Dr. U. N. Mukherji recently published a very interesting brochure in which he tried to prove that the Hindus were a dying race and would do well to imitate the social freedom and equality of the still increasing Mahomedans... successful defiance of High Court orders by Mr. Warburton, the police are not going the best way to convince the public opinion on this point. The facts stated amount to a gross and shameless denial of justice. We do not blame the young Maharaja for his inability to interfere in favour of the oppressed victims of police rule. We know how helpless the princes are in the face of an Anglo-Indian Resident or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... revolutionary group: “Have you read the three articles in this envelope? What an extraordinary man, this Jatin Mukherji! What a mastermind! Had he been alive today the whole world would have looked upon him as a leader.” There were three English articles in the envelope. Justice McPherson remarked about the article titled “The Children of Mother India—The Voice of a Devotee”: “This political ...

... wrote articles published anonymously in the editorial columns of the Bande Mataram : Bipin Chandra Pal, Sri Aurobindo, Hemendra Prasad Ghose, Shyam Sunder Chakravarti, Bijoy C. Chatterjee, Satish Mukherji and Upendranath Banerji. The following is known about the connection of these men with the paper: Bipin Chandra Pal . The founder of Bande Mataram , Pal was its editor-in-chief... recognised. Bijoy C. Chatterjee . There is no evidence of his connection with the paper before January 1908. After that, he became one of its major writers. Satish Chandra Mukherji . Head of the National Council of Education and editor of the Dawn , Satish Chandra had little time to write for the Bande Mataram . According to Hemendra Prasad, he contributed a few articles... Hour    Preparing the Explosion    Defying the Circular   British Justice The Statesman on Shooting A Current Dodge More about British Justice Morleyism Analysed Personal Rule and Freedom of Speech and Writing By the Way ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... indifference. But the autocrats had reckoned without their host. The studied indifference, 5. India's Fight for Freedom by Profs. Haridas Mukherji & Uma Mukherji p. 17. We are indebted to this admirable, pioneering, research work by the Mukherjis for some historical data of great importance. Page 160 which was nothing short of callousness, added fuel to the fire - the... Sri Aurobindo became the first Principal in June, 1905, owed its origin to this movement of the boycott of the Government schools and colleges. It was started by the initiative of Satish Chandra Mukherji, the reputed educationist of the time, who had also founded the Dawn Society, and was running the English organ. Dawn, in Calcutta. Almost all the men of light and leading in the city, including... equality of the world which fulfils itself through love and justice, and this perception transfuses itself into the law of government and society. When he has perceived this divine equality, he is brother to the whole world, and in whatever position he is placed he serves all men as his brothers by the law of love, by the law of justice. When this perception becomes the basis of religion, of philosophy ...

... embarrassed Government seeking for political support or from an embittered Hindu community allowing the passions of the moment to obscure their vision of the future. * *  *  Dr. U. N. Mukherji recently published a very interesting brochure in which he tried to prove that the Hindus were a dying race and would do well to imitate the social freedom and equality of the still increasing Mahomedans... mechanical rule to all actions, or takes a word and tries to fit all human life into it. The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfilment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. Therefore, says Sri... were a sin. Their temperament forbids them to feel the delight of battle and they look on what they cannot understand as something monstrous and sinful. "Heal hate by love, drive out injustice by justice, slay sin by righteousness" is their cry. Love is a sacred name, but it is easier to speak of love Page 45 than to love The Gita is the best answer to those who shrink from battle ...

... (Ref. Swami Vivekananda — Patriot-Prophet by Bhupendranath Datta.) Vivekananda once told Jatin Mukherji (popularly known as Bagha Jatin, because he had killed a tiger with a mere knife) that the spiritual regeneration of India would not be possible till India was politically free. Jatin Mukherji, who was inspired by Vivekananda, and afterwards by Sri Aurobindo, was a redoubtable revolutionary who... foreign rulers, and ignoring the fundamental need of the country, that of its total freedom from foreign rule itself."' 108 107. Life of Sri Aurobindo by A.B. Purani. 108. Dr.R.K. Mukherji in Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought by Profe. Haridas Mukherjee and Uma Mukherjee. In this connection it would be interesting to know what Swami Vivekananda thought about the Congress. In 1898... Brahmanical duty of saintly sufferance is to preach varna- sankara. {ibid.) "The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfilment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. 156 'Therefore' ...

... vocation; and there was the danger of disruption of family life, and the possibility of persecution and incarceration. Revolutionaries like Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, V.V.S. Aiyar and Jatindranath Mukherji (Bagha Jatin), of course, ran even greater dangers. When the fight for independence became a mass movement the women could hardly keep (or be kept) out. In South Africa as later in India, Kasturba... with tasks of almost superhuman difficulty. After the split, the rival groups gave their own versions of the happenings, the Nationalist version being signed by Tilak, Sri Aurobindo, Khaparde, H. Mukherji and B.C. Chatterji. Although Sri Aurobindo didn't return to Calcutta at once, his editorial and other contributions continued to appear in the Bande Mataram. In the series of articles entitled... delight of the judges of the High Court, who are believed to spend sleepless nights in trying to make out the meaning of his judgements.... The Khulna case has been from the point of view of Justice an undress rehearsal of the usual bureaucratic comedy; from the point of view of Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed it has been a brilliant exhibition of his superhuman power of acting folly and talking nonsense ...

... of the movement was that several of the leaders were either Yogis themselves or disciples of Yogis — at least they were men endowed with great strength of character. Men like P. Mitter, Satish Mukherji, Bepin Pal and Manoranjan Guhathakurtha were disciples of the famous Yogi Bejoy Goswami. It was as though the soul of the race had awakened and was throwing up such fine personalities. 43 ... really not worth being angry with.... Our appeal, the appeal of every high-souled and self-respecting nation, ought not to be to the opinion of the Anglo-Indian, no, nor yet to the British sense of justice, but to our own reviving sense of manhood, to our own sincere fellow-feeling... with the silent and suffering people of India. 32 In another place, Sri Aurobindo remarked that the Indian patriot ...

... 1927-1934 B. Chakraborti, the official receiver of the High Court 1934-1940 The official receiver of the High Court, Hindusthan Cooperative Insurance Society, Ltd. (With thanks to Mihir Mukherji, Calcutta) Page 320 APPENDIX V Correspondence Relating to Sri Aurobindo's I. C. S. Examination ¹ I 24 August 1892 Sir, I... hope lay in an appeal to the Secretary of State. I have therefore instructed him to present a petition without delay to Lord Kimberley, setting out all the circumstances, acknowledging the justice of his rejection, and begging that, if possible, he may be allowed yet one more chance. As you may know, Mr Ghose was disqualified for failing to pass his examination in riding, or perhaps... difference between orthodoxy and spirituality. To him even Sri Aurobindo is orthodox; and. Sanatan Dharma to Hemchandra means only injunctions of Brahminical Smritis which outrage his sense of social justice. Page 364 He conveniently forgets, first, that the Smritis are not being followed today in practice, secondly, that Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, and the Congress and many other ...