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Mukherji, Sambhunath : Shambhu Chandra Mukherji (1839-94): educated at the Oriental Seminary & the Hindu Metropolitan College: joined the Hindu Patriot as sub-editor but was virtual editor (1858-60) due to the ill-health of its editor (see Kristodas Pal): editor of Samāchār Hindustani 1862-63: Asst. Secretary to Tālukdārs’ Association, Lucknow: Dewan to Nawab Nizam of Murshidabad 1864: sole editor Hindoo Patriot 1866-72: conducted Mukherji’s Magazine 1872-76: started English weekly Reis & Rayyet 1882: befriended by Viceroy Dufferin 1888: Fellow of Calcutta University 1890: wrote On the Causes of the Mutiny, Mr Wilson, Lord Canning & the Income Tax, The Career of an Indian Princess, The Prince in India & to India, The Empire is Peace, Baroda Coup d’Etat; in 1887 book of travels in Bengal. [Buckland]