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Murari : one who killed the demon Mura, epithet of Sri Krishna.
... dark Night thy mystic battle wage Redeeming all our sins! — I bow to thee. MURARI But have you not, sir, mispronounced a word? KESHAV ( nettled ) What? MURARI I only mean sir ... KESHAV You need not, I say. Page 19 For nothing that you mean has any meaning. MURARI ( ironically ) But you behave like a judge who has gone deaf And hangs the... the river Ganga of Navadwip. Two pundits, Keshav and Murari, are seen bathing close together, and a young woman, Romasundari, a few feet from them. Keshav who owns a 'tol' ( Sanskrit school ) is reputed for his scholarship. A man in the early sixties, with a flowing white beard and of an imposing appearance, he has a high opinion of himself. Murari, in the late forties, owns a similar 'tol' and is... thunder and lightning Can blast the irreverent, as the Gita says And when He'll come to relieve the earth of sinners, ( turning to Murari ) You shall be hauled to hell with your foul tongue Reduced to silent ash. So shudder, fool! MURARI ( unperturbed ) There I'll obey you willingly, for once, If only to swell the choir of Gods aghast And shuddering, sir, at your pronunciation ...
... loveliness ? When shall our questionings and doubts Dissolve like shadow clouds At the advent of the new Sunrise Thy cosmic Maya shrouds ? ( Suddenly she sees Roma and Murari and Keshav who take up the refrain. ) The day will come, 'tis not afar Since He is born again: The Avatar of love and light, In our dark world of pain. ... a piercing scream ) O Lord, my Lord divine! How could the fiends ... SRI CHAITANYA (reproachfully, as he wipes his face ) There are no fiends on earth, my little mother! MURARI ( impetuously ) I say there are — Oh hell-fiends! Now take this — ( But as he rushes forward to attack them Keshav res- trains him by coming between ) KESHAV But wait — remember ...
... wrote a commentary on Shabara's Bhasya. His disciple Prabhakara took a different line of interpretation from Kumarila. That is how two main schools of Mimamsa came into being. A while later, one Murari Misra took an independent line from his predecessors. So, murārestu trit ī yab panthā, Murari's third way, became a proverb among scholars. Page 322 Divine—that is indeed the final ...
... Aurobindo moved to a house irt Chukku Khansama Lane, where Mrinalini, Sarojini, Barin and Abinash came to stay with him. Later when they shifted to 23, Scott's Lane, Barin went over to stay at the Murari Pukur Gardens. At first Sri Aurobindo was absorbed in work connected with the new National College but soon he was drawn into a venture which had a profound influence on the course of events. I ...
... miniature Bhavani Mandir should be started in Calcutta to translate into action the vitriolic policies propagated by the Yugantar. There was a piece of family property, the Manicktolla Gardens, in Murari Pukur Bagan in north Calcutta, and Barin decided to move there and start operations. It was a wild place, about two and a half acres in extent, and "anybody could enter the Gardens from anywhere ...
... Latin formation from vallum by adding to the stem valla the termination aris , O.S. aris which is the common nominal suffix ri (also ra , ru ) preceded by the enclitic a . Cf vallari , Murari , wrongly translated slayer or enemy of Mura, really meaning Protector of Defender, from mur , to protect, (cf murus , wall). Vallis: valley, hollow. O.S. vallis , a hollow, cup, depression ...
... looked after. A house was taken at Chhuku Khansama Lane where Barin, Abinash, Sarojini and Mrinalini stayed with Sri Aurobindo. After that they shifted to 23, Scott's Lane. Barin went to stay at Murari Pukur Bagan, the rest stayed with Sri Aurobindo. Page 88 ...
... in my room when the police came to arrest me." ¹ Many members of the secret society were simultaneously arrested: Barin, Ulaskar Dutt, Indra Bhushan, Upendra Nath Banerjee, were all arrested at Murari Pukur Bagan. This, the property of Sri Aurobindo and his brothers, was a plot of seven bighas [approximately one hectare] having in its centre a building of three rooms with an outside verandah. All ...
... at about 4.30 in the afternoon. The other members of the household joined after coming from the football ground. The talk used to be prolonged up to nine or ten at night. Money from the sale of Murari Pukur Bagan seems to have reached Sri Aurobindo during this year (1914). A letter was written to Motilal Roy asking him to stop all political activities. Sri Aurobindo's daily routine during this ...
... ancient Sanskrit couplet, a hymn to the Sungod: Javakusumasamkasham kashyapeyam mahadyutim Dhwantarim sarvapapaghnam pranato'smi divakaram Page 194 Page 21. Murari's hymn is translated (freely) from Chandi (Sans- krit): Yadatra pathe jagadambike maya visarga-bindvaksharahinamiritam Tadastu sampurnatamam prasadatah Samkalpasiddhishcha ...
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