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Mysian : of Mysia in NW Asia Minor, facing Lesbos; it was not a political unit.
... islands. Mild was his rule like the blessing of rain upon fields in the summer. Gladly the harried coasts reposed confessing the Phrygian, Caria, Lycia's kings and the Paphlagon, strength of the Mysian; Minos' Crete recovered the sceptre of old Rhadamanthus. Ilus and Tros had strength in the fight like a far-striding Titan's: Troy triumphant following the urge of their souls to the vastness, ...
... mountain in northeastern Thessaly, home of the Greek gods. Myrmidons: the people of Phthia, in southern Thessaly, ruled by King Peleus and commanded at Troy by his son Achilles Mysians: Trojan allies living east of Troy. Niobe: a Phyrigian woman whose six daughters and six sons were killed by Artemis and Apollo. Paris: the son of Priam and Hecuba, said to ...
... ransom for Hector's body: hauling it up from the vaults they piled it high on the wagon's well made cradle, then they yoked the mules — stamping their sharp hoofs, trained for heavy loads — that the Mysians once gave Priam, princely gifts. And last they yoked his team to the king's chariot, stallions he bred himself in his own polished stalls. No sooner were both men harnessed up beneath the roofs ...
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