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Nachiketas Nachicatus : son of Vaja-shravasa Gautama; his dialogue with Yama occurs in the Katha Upanishad.
... Nachiketas Nachiketas, the seer who has realized immortality FIRST CYCLE: FIRST CHAPTER 1. Vajashravasa, desiring, gave all he had. Now Vajashravasa had a son named Nachiketas. 2. As the gifts were led past, faith took possession of him who was yet a boy unwed and he pondered: 3. "Cattle that have drunk their water... fires' of Nachiketas and comes to union with the Three6 and does the triple works,7 beyond birth and death he crosses; for he finds the God of our adoration, the Knower8 who is born from the Brahman, whom having beheld he attains to surpassing peace. 18. "When a man has the three flames of Nachiketas and knows this that is Triple, when so knowing he beholds the Flame of Nachiketas, then he... to me and understand, 0 Nachiketas; I declare to thee that heavenly Flame, for I know it. Know this to be the possession of infinite existence and the foundation and the thing hidden in the secret cave of our being." 15. Of the Flame that is the world's beginning3 he told him and what are the bricks to him and how many and the way of their setting; and Nachiketas too repeated it even as it ...
... Nachiketas Yama and Nachiketas by Nandalal Bose Page 16 Story of Nachiketas This is a great story, which tells us of a young student, who was very keen to know the truth. You might have heard this story earlier, but it is always good to hear this story again and again. This will always strengthen us in our aspiration to know the truth. This... to others 'man is'. Thirdly, therefore, Nachiketas wanted to know as to which of these two views was correct. PART III We have already learnt that Nachiketas had received three boons. The first boon was granted readily. The second boon required Yama to explain to Nachiketas the nature of the Mystic Fire. We know the question that Nachiketas asks Yama with regard to the third boon. This... annoyed and still did not answer the question. Nachiketas asked the same question a third time. The father was now angry, and in a fit of anger he said: "To Death I give thee." As a result, Nachiketas was carried away by the messengers of Death; they were the attendants of Yama, who is known as the Lord of the realm of Death. When Nachiketas reached the realm of Death, he could not be ...
... Parables from the Upanishads Yama - Nachiketa (Katha Upanishad) Vajasravas desired that he would give away all he had. He had a son named Nachiketas. As the boy saw the gifts being given, his heart was filled with respect and devotion, and he pondered: "The realm of undelight is his portion who makes a gift offering of kine that have... piling the altar. Nachiketas listened to all this with great attention, and repeated to the Lord of Death what he had thus learned. Death was pleased and said to him again, "Nachiketas, Iam much pleased with you, so I grant you another boon, namely, that the mystery of the Fire which I have revealed to you will be named after you; henceforth people will call it the Fire of Nachiketas. I also give... more mysterious. "One who has gained the three Fires of Nachiketas, one who has gained knowledge of the Three, one who has thus seen and known and mastered the Fire of Nachiketas has pushed away from in front all the bonds of death, passed beyond all sorrow, has enjoyed the bliss of heaven. This then is that heavenly Fire of Nachiketas which you chose as the second of your boons. Henceforth, all ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 ON UPANISHADIC THOUGHT Yama - Nachiketa (Katha Upanishad) VAJASRAVAS desired that he would give away all he had. He had a son named Nachiketas. As the boy saw the gifts being given, his heart was filled with respect and devotion, and he pondered: "The realm of undelight is... more mysterious. . "One who has gained the three Fires of Nachiketas, one who has gained knowledge of the Three, one who has thus seen and known and mastered the Fire of Nachiketas has pushed away from in front all the bonds of death, passed beyond all sorrow, has enjoyed the bliss of heaven. This then is that heavenly Fire of Nachiketas which you chose as the second of your boons. Henceforth, all... annihilation. The deep secret of the beyond, it is this that I want to understand. Nachiketas demands no other boon of you." Page 119 Yama did not find it possible to put him off any more. He went on expounding his secret knowledge to Nachiketas. He began with that secret Word which Nachiketas had already received and grasped all by himself. Man has open before him two doors ...
... offering of Nachiketas by his father in a fit of anger to Yama, Lord of death, and the bestowing of three boons to Nachiketas by Yama. It also covers the account of the boons asked by Nachiketas, and we are told that while the first two boons are granted readily, the third boon asked by Nachiketas is so very special that Yama tries his best to dissuade him from pressing for it. Nachiketas, however, remains... separates from a blade of grass its main fibre. Thou shall know Him for the Bright Immortal,, yea, for the Bright Immortal. 2 The story of the dialogue between Yama and Nachiketas ends here, and we are told: Thus did Nachiketas with Death for his teacher win the God-knowledge: he learned likewise the whole ordinance of Yoga: thereafter he obtained God and became void of stain and void of death... Nachiketas Usha, the Dawn the luminous Emergence that the Aryan forefathers worshipped Page 12 Introduction to the Katha Upanishad The Katha Upanishad contains secret knowledge of the soul and the self, which has been described in terms that evoke a sense of authenticity and assured experience. The Upanishad contains two cycles ...
... flames of Nachiketas and knows this that is Triple, when so knowing he beholds the Flame of Nachiketas, then he thrusts from in front of him the meshes of the snare of death; leaving sorrow behind him he in heaven rejoices. एष तेऽग्निर्नचिकेतः स्वर्ग्यो यमवृणीथा द्वितीयेन वरेण । एतमग्निं तवैव प्रवक्ष्यन्ति जनासस्तृतीयं वरं नचिकेतो वृणीष्व ॥१९॥ 19) "This is the heavenly Flame, O Nachiketas, which... reasoning, O beloved Nachiketas; only when told thee by another it brings real knowledge,—the wisdom which thou hast gotten. Truly thou art steadfast in the Truth! Even such a questioner as thou art may I meet with always. जानाम्यहं शेवधिरित्यनित्यं न ह्यध्रुवैः प्राप्यते हि ध्रुवं तत् । ततो मया नाचिकेतश्चितोऽग्निरनित्यैर्द्रव्यैः प्राप्तवानस्मि नित्यम् ॥१०॥ Nachiketas speaks: 10) I know... attain That One which is stable; therefore I heaped the fire of Nachiketas, and by the sacrifice of momentary things I won the Eternal. कामस्याप्तिं जगतः प्रतिष्ठां कतोरनन्त्यमभयस्य पारम् । स्तोमं महदुरुगायं प्रतिष्ठां दृष्ट्वा धृत्या धीरो नचिकेतोऽत्यस्राक्षीः ॥११॥ Yama speaks: 11) When thou hast seen in thy grasp, O Nachiketas, the possession of desire and the firm foundation of this world ...
... asks for is, tranquility and a happy welcome from his father on his (Nachiketas's) return journey from Yama, where his father had sent him in a fit of anger. The story is, therefore, an appropriate illustration of the theme of the value-education series which is devoted to illumination, heroism and harmony. The story of Nachiketas is a story of an ideal student. That one should have enthusiasm to... of one or more elements of our nature. When illumination and heroism join and engender relations of mutuality and unity, each is perfected by the other and creativity is endless. The story of Nachiketas is a story of quest, quest of illumination; it is also a story of heroism, since it is only heroes who fight against the temptation of pleasures in order to serve the interests of the highest ideals... to learn is the minimum condition that we should expect from a student. Nachiketas not only fulfills this condition but he manifests a special quality which is that he seeks the highest knowledge, the most secret knowledge and the most precious knowledge, the possession of which leads to the highest fulfillment, namely, realisation of immortality. What is still more important is his persistence in seeking ...
... "And thou, 0 Nachiketas, hast looked close at the objects of desire, at pleasant things and beautiful, and thou hast cast them from thee: thou hast not entered into the net of riches in which many men sink to perdition. "For far apart are these, opposite, divergent, the one that is known as the Ignorance and the other the Knowledge. But Nachiketas I deem truly desirous of the... However Nachiketas is firm in his demand and rejects the choice offered by Yama. Yama is pleased with the steadfast adherence of Nachiketas to his noble search, and grants him the secret knowledge. The short extract presented here in this book is a dialogue between Yama and Nachiketas, in which Yama explains the distinction between the good and the pleasant, and points out that since Nachiketas chose... taken from the Katha Upanishad, we have Nachiketas, a young brahmacharin, who is offered by his father to Yama, the god who controls and governs the kingdom of death. We are told that Nachiketas, seeing his father giving away old cows as offerings to Brahmins, feels that his father ought to give something valuable and asks his father to whom he (Nachiketas) should be given as a sacrifice and offering ...
... taken from the Katha Upanishad, we have Nachiketas, a young brahmacharin, who is offered by his father to Yama, the god who controls and governs the kingdom of death. We are told that Nachiketas, seeing his father giving away old cows as offerings to Brahmins, feels that his father ought to give something valuable and asks his father to whom he (Nachiketas) should be given as a sacrifice and offering... father, and his father, annoyed with his insistence, pronounces that he is offered to Yama. The young Nachiketas visits the abode of Yama, where he waits for three days for Yama's arrival. When Yama comes, he is pleased with Nachiketas for his patience and sincerity, and offers him three boons. Nachiketas first asks for his father's appeasement and his well-being, which Yama grants readily. Next, he asks... the form of riches and progeny and success. However, Nachiketas is firm in his demand and rejects the choice offered by Yama. Yama is pleased with the steadfast adherence of Nachiketas to his noble Page 67 search, and grants him the secret knowledge. The short extract presented here in this book is a dialogue between Yama and Nachiketas, in which Yama explains the distinction between the ...
... Such a pupil and such intensity of enquiry are illustrated in the story of Nachiketas that is presented in the Kathopanishad. The story runs from the physical plane of consciousness to higher and higher domains of supraphysical consciousness, and this journey is aided, not only by the acuteness and enthusiasm of Nachiketas but also by the teacher, Yama, the knower and the ordainer of the Law who possesses... was away and absent. On arrival, Yama, pleased with the patience of Nachiketas, bestowed on him three boons. As a first boon, Nachiketas, keen to ensure tranquility and pleasure of his Page 27 father, asked that his father should be happy when he returned from the home of Death. The boon was gladly granted and Nachiketas was to select a second boon. In reply, he chose the knowledge of the... for the Vedic yoga. When the secret knowledge of the Mystic Flame was imparted to Nachiketas, and when Nachiketas could repeat the knowledge imparted to him, the Great Teacher was gratified and gave him a gift of a necklace, and he even declared that hence forward the mystic flame would be known as the flame of Nachiketas. But when he chose the third boon, and asked an intriguing question; Yama ...
... exasperation would like to declare? Nachiketas, the young aspirant of the Kathopanishad, asked Yama for the solution to this problem of death — Yama "the knower and keeper of the cosmic Law through which the soul has to rise by death and life to the freedom of Immortality." 1 Even when asked by Yama, the Lord of Death: "Another boon choose, O Nachiketas; importune me not, nor urge me; this,... this abandon," 2 the seeking soul of Nachiketas stood firm and declared: "This of which they thus debate, O Death, declare to me, even that which is in the great passage; than this boon which enters in into the secret that is hidden from us, no other chooses Nachiketas." 3 And Gilgamesh of the ancient Babylonian lore, who set out on the quest after the Plant of Everlasting Life but failed ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity ...
... uplifts (pāvaka) mortality into immortality. It is the god "seated in the secret heart, who is the possession of infinity and the foundation of existence," as Yama says to Nachiketas.¹ Indeed, it was to this godhead that Nachiketas turned and he wanted to know of it and find it, when faith seized on his ¹ Katha, I .1.14. Page 19 pure heart and he aspired for the higher spiritual... function vary according to the aspect of consciousness that reveals itself. IX. NACHIKETAS' THREE BOONS The three boons asked for by Nachiketas from Yama, Lord of Death, and granted to him have been interpreted in different ways. Here is one more attempt in the direction. Nachiketas is the young aspiring human being still in the Ignorance-naciketa, meaning one without co... spiritual life. The very opening hymn of the Rig Veda, too, is addressed to Agni, who is invoked as the vicar seated in the front of the sacrifice, the giver of the supreme gifts. King Yama initiated Nachiketas into the mystery of Fire Worship and spoke of three fires that have to be kindled if one aspires to enter the heaven of immortality. The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina, ...
... (pavaka) mortality into immortality. It is the god "seated in the secret heart, who is the possession of infinity and the foundation of existence," as Yama says to Nachiketas. 1 Indeed, it was to this godhead that Nachiketas turned and he wanted to know of it and find it, when faith seized on his 1 Katha, 1.1.14. Page 352 pure heart and he aspired for the higher... and function vary according to the aspect of consciousness that reveals itself. IX. NACHIKETAS THREE BOONS The three boons asked for by Nachiketas from Yama, Lord of Death, and granted to him have been interpreted in different ways. Here is one more attempt in the direction. Nachiketas is the young aspiring human being still in the Ignorance— naciketa, meaning one without co... life. The very opening hymn of the Rig Veda, too, is addressed to Agni, who is invoked as the vicar seated in the front of the sacrifice, the giver of the supreme gifts. King Yama initiated Nachiketas into the mystery of Fire Worship and spoke of three fires that have to be kindled if one aspires to enter the heaven of immortality. The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina ...
... riches and even these beautiful women – that take and be happy." You all know Nachiketas', the boy's answer: "Dear Sir, all these good things keep for your good self, let me have the one Page 400 thing that I need, the Divine Knowledge." I am sure many of our children here will be bold enough to say as Nachiketas did. In our Puranas too we see whenever and wherever the Rishis assemble... lay at his disposal if he would only consent to follow him. Christ only told him "Get thee behind, Satan" (Apage Satana) and he was free. In the Upanishads also, we know of the story of the boy Nachiketas who wanted to possess the truth, the Immortality, and Yama came to him or rather he came to Yam a and asked for these things. Yama, the King of Immortality, said in effect, a young boy like him need ...
... Surya and the particular powers of Agni; devote thought to the minor & preliminary "Vyuha rashmin samuha" as well as to the ultimate and capital So'ham asmi; neglect neither the heavenly fire of Nachicatus nor the bricks of his triple flame of sacrifice nor his necklace of many colours. We have behind the Upanishads a profound system of psychology. We must find our way back into that system. We perceive ...
... Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Svapna Vasavadattam Arguments for the Existence of God Marie Sklodowska Curie Episodes from Raghuvamsham ...
... why we should be reborn, what, in fact, is the meaning, if there is any meaning at all, of this wide Universe and creatures in the world and on the earth. Page 72 In other words, while Nachiketas asked the question about whether after death, 'man is' or 'man is not', we can expand the question and try to get an answer from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to what we may call 'The riddle of the... whom all the gods are children, and the Jiva who is seated in man in the midst of his being as the Dwarf, the one who is no larger than the thumb of a man all this is immortal. The question of Nachiketas was: this debate over the man Page 75 who has passed and some say, 'This he is not' and some say 'he is'; 'what is the correct answer?' Yama's answer is: 'When man passes away, what... (the Lord) and who is himself the Aditi, the mother of the gods, and is also the Jiva who in man is theDwarf, all this is imperishable and always remains.' Indeed, there are many questions that Nachiketas has no tasked and therefore we do not find them answered. But some questions do arise. Some other Upanishads answer some of those questions and the remaining questions are answered by implication ...
... but in reality birth and death are merely semblances and operations of Nature,—of Aditi full of the gods, Aditi devatāmayī ; the spirit is really one in all bodies and is neither born nor dies. Nachiketas in the Katha Upanishad raises the question whether the man as we know and conceive him really survives death and this seems to be the sense of the answer that he receives. Page 452 ...
... Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity Page 60 ...
... immemorial we human beings have been moving towards Her, carrying the glowing torch of aspiration in our hand. A hundred Nachiketas have been born within us or rather the Mother awakened them with Her golden wand. What endless questions, endless curiosity in those hundred Nachiketas about this new life! And so on every Wednesday and Friday the Mother would sit in front of the map of India in the Playground ...
... to be proved or demonstrated. They are to be found, realised. They are accepted things, they have to be accepted. Only you are to find the means to approach them, know them, rea1ise them. Young Nachiketas spontaneously found the way, for the Grace descended and Faith entered into his pure heart and possessed him. Page 406 ...
... need of it, not only so, it is an obstacle in his way to meet God. Did not the Christ declare that a camel could pass through the eye of a needle, never a rich man enter the kingdom of Heaven. And Nachiketas too, a heroic boy that he was, flung back into the face of Yama himself all the riches offered to him by the Lord of Death. Have life and property then no value in the eye of God? To the divine ...
... the form of the question and at first sight it seems simply to raise the problem of immortality in the European sense of the word, the survival of the identical personality. But that is not what Nachiketas asks. He has already taken as the second of three boons offered to him by Yama the knowledge of the sacred Flame by which man crosses over hunger and thirst, leaves sorrow and fear far behind him... personality, other than this composite which I call myself. In the Katha Upanishad the question is raised in a very instructive Page 272 fashion quite apposite to the subject we have in hand. Nachiketas, sent by his father to the world of Death, thus questions Yama, the lord of that world: Of the man who has gone forward, who has passed away from us, some say that he is and others "this he is not"; ...
... even achievements, they are living entities, personalities. At the right time they come to you, they enter into you and possess you. You do not reach out and possess them. Even so, it was said of Nachiketas that faith entered into him, and therefore he could meet Death and become his friend and confidant. The Upanishad finally says: it is when the Page 46 Truth discloses its own ...
... even achievements, they are living entities, personalities. At the right time they come to you, they enter into you and possess you. You do not reach out and possess them. Even so, it was said of Nachiketas that faith entered into him, and therefore he could meet Death and become his friend and confidant. The Upanishad finally says: it is when the Truth discloses its own body to the seeker, then only ...
... Mohammed, 379 Mother, the, 29n., 205-6, 208, 224, 229, 231-6, 247, 249, 253-7, 260, 263, 269, 281-2, 293, 317, 333, 339, 341, 343, 360 – Prayers and Meditations, 224, 227-9, 231, 236, 247 NACHIKETAS, 340, 400 PARIS, 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 ...
... Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity Page 90 ...
... do not find bliss in the life of the spirit, shall I seek satisfaction in the life of the senses? If I cannot get nectar, shall I, fall back upon ditch water?" The answer is as old as that of Nachiketas: "These horses and these songs and dances of yours, let them remain yours, man is not appeased with riches"; or that of Maitreyi, "What am I to do with that which will not bring me immortality?" ...
... do not find bliss in the life of the spirit, shall I seek satisfaction in the life of the senses? If I cannot get nectar, shall I fall back upon ditch water?" The answer is as old as that of Nachiketas: "These horses and these songs and dances of yours, let them remain yours, man is not appeased with riches"; or that of Maitreyi, "What am I to do with that which will not bring me immortality?" ...
... The Destiny of the Body Chapter III Survival Beyond the Tomb Nachiketas says: "This doubt there is about a man who has passed: some say, ' He is'; some others, 'He is no more.' " (Katha Upanishad, 1. 1. 20) Yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?... If a man die, shall he live again? (The Book of Job, 14 ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity s ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity Page Back ...
... similar accounts in the- mythical restoration of life to Satyavan through Savitri's intercession with Yama, the Lord of Death, and to Lakhindar as a result of the loving venture of Behula. The Nachiketas Upākhyān of the Kathopanishad is also a case in point. (iv) Myths about legendary heroes' avoidance of death : In Indian tradition, Yudhishthira, the eldest among the Pandava princes ...
... knowledge and Page 99 ignorance (vidyā and avidyā). In the Katha Upanishad, Yama, the teacher, expounds to Nachiketas, the pupil, in the following words: "For far apart are these, opposite, divergent, the one that is known as the Ignorance and the other the Knowledge. But Nachiketas I deem truly desirous of the knowledge whom so many desirable things could not make to lust after them. ... Troy Alexander theGreat Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men -Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious Hero Other titles published by SAIIER and Shubhra Ketu Foundation ________________________________ ...
... husband Lakhindar, 3 Istar descends into Aralu or Hades and rescues from there her only son Tammuz, 4 Dionysos goes down into the land of the dead and brings back to life his mother Semele, 5 and Nachiketas returns to the realm of the living, learning from Yama the secret of death. 6 In some mythical accounts this restoration to life has been conditional and partial; thus Alcestis 7 sacrifices ...
... find out the great ones and learn from them; for sharp as a razor's edge, hard to Page 21 traverse, difficult of going is that path, say the sages." 26 This is what Yama demands of Nachiketas and through him to all those who seek truly and sincerely. The demand of the seeker results in response of the teacher in the form of that secret teaching that enters into the ultimate truth, which... this one and unifying vision. The Upanishads are thus the records of self-knowledge, world- knowledge and God-knowledge. As a first step of the yoga, there has to be an inquiry, such as that of Nachiketas, which impels the distinction between the pleasant, preyas, and the good, shreyas, and the choice for the latter even when the former is guaranteed. Next, this inquiry is to be aided by a competent ...
... common element in Indian culture. India celebrates renunciation and values it most. The story of the search for the Truth and renunciation is further illustrated by the story of Nachiketas. The story of Nachiketas can be recounted as given in the Kathopanishad. The story of renunciation is also illustrated through the story of Sri Rama, which can be told to underline Sri Rama's renunciation... effort of the evolution of man. II. Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience: 1. To ask oneself: what am I? 2. Story of the search of Svetaketu and Nachiketas. 3. Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) and harmonies (Western) 4. Picture of the beauty of nature. 5. Study of great personalities: the Buddha (a detailed study) ...
... 366, 372 Mysteries, -Christian, 153 -Druidic, 151, 153 -Eleusinian, 150, 151, 153 -Kabalistic, 153 -Platonic, 153 Mythic Age, 221 NACHIKETAS, 381 Napoleon, 7, 8.. 90, 1l5, 195,208,394 Nazism, 127 Nyaya,338 Neo-Realists,317 New Testament, the, 214, 244 Newton, 301, 308, 356 Nietzsche ...
... Mohammedanism, 276 Montaigne, 108 Montevideo, 198 Moses, 9-10, 108 Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n -Prieres et Meditations, 287n Mukherjee, Prabhat, 230 Mussolini, 274 NACHIKETAS, 19-20, 32-3, 35, 105 Naidu, Sarojini, 62n Nazism, 262 Newton, 300 Nietzsche, 126, 243, 297 North Pole, 27 Norway, 175 PAKISTAN, 267 Panis, 13 Parasara, 162 Pascal ...
... body's death into a unique event to be experienced once and for all so that the seeker may not have to repeat in future ad nauseam the sorrowful cycle of birth-death-birth-death .... The young Nachiketas' quest after the knowledge of the mystery of Death began with this observation: "Look back and see, even as were the men of old, — look round! — even so are they that have come after. Mortal ...
... Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious Hero Arguments for the Existence of God Taittiriya Upanishad Other titles published by SAIIER ...
... Evolution and the Next Species Edited by Kireet Joshi •The Aim of Life •The Good Teacher and the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri ...
... Next Species Edited by Kireet Joshi •The Aim of Life •The Good Teacher and the Good pupil •Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body •Parvati's Tapasya •Nachiketas •Taittiriya Upanishad •Sri Rama •Sri Krishna in Vrindavan •Nala and Damayanti •Episodes from Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa •The Siege of Troy •Homer and the Iliad-Sri ...
... new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers the supreme Deva. 1 It was the search of this victory that we find in the Kathopanishad when Nachiketas asks of Yama to reveal to him the meaning of immortality and the method by which immortality can be won. And it is this immortality to which reference is made in the Brihadaranyka Upanishad in its ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity ...
... of the evolution of man. Page 46 Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience To ask oneself: what am I? Story of the search of Svetaketu and Nachiketas. Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) and harmonies (Western). Pictures of the beauty of nature. Study of great personalities: the Buddha (a detailed study). Need for physical ...
... Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious Hero Taittiriya Upanishad Other titles published by SAIIER and Shubhra Ketu Foundation ...
... expression of that power Page 134 as force of action. That explains the Fire's emphasis on 1ife-force. (2) The Fires are three in number. The Katha Upanishad also speaks of Nachiketa learning the method of worshipping the three Fires; he thereby conquers death and comes to possess the three worlds, trilokamaptim . Here too it is the same story. The first of the three Fires ...
... that power Page 20 as force of action. That explains the Fire's emphasis on life-force. (2) The Fires are three in number. The Katha Upanishad also speaks of Nachiketa learning the method of worshipping the three Fires; he thereby conquers death and comes to possess the three worlds, trilokamāptim. Her too it is the same story. The first of the three Fires ...
... vaisvanaram manasagnim nicayya... ("discerning' Fire, the universal Godhead, by the mind") have been explained by the Upanishad: svargyamagnim naciketah prajanan... ("Hearken to me and understand, O Nachiketas; I declare to thee that heavenly Flame, for I know it. Know this to be the possession of infinite existence and the foundation and the thing hidden in the secret cave of ourbeing."¹) There are... ...¹ ("The seat or goal that all the Vedas glorify and which austerities declare, for the desire of which men practise holy living, of That will I tell thee in brief compass. OM is that goal, OM Nachiketas."²) We have already said that the seers of the Upanishads have time and again cited the Vedic mantras while expounding their own philosophical truths. So it is quite reasonable if we place the ...
... One, the Infinite is hymned without veils in the splendour of his eternal transcendence and his manifold self-revelation. A few passages from the teachings of Yama, lord of the Law and of Death, to Nachiketas, will be enough to illustrate something of their character. OM is this syllable. This syllable is the Brahman, this syllable is the Supreme. He who knoweth the imperishable OM, whatso he willeth ...
... utmost zest. During the annual day celebrations trained pupils staged skits and dramatic scenes on moral and religious themes. On one such occasion I was selected to represent the dialogue between Nachiketa and Yamaraja, the Lord of Death. Even today I find myself ceaselessly striving against Yamaraja as Savitri had done in the ancient legend. This religious atmosphere in the school awakened and ...
... Nachiketas APPENDIX I SRI AUROBINDO on The Intention of the Soul in its Embodiment in the Ignorance of Body, Life and Mind T hat purpose for which all this exclusive concentration we call the Ignorance is necessary, is to trace the cycle of self oblivion and self discovery for the joy of which the Ignorance is assumed in Nature ...
... with the children. Page 165 There are a number of stories with the help of which teachers can illustrate various aspects of inner psychology. If we take the stories of Svetaketu and Nachiketas, we can explain the psychology of adolescents; if we take the story of Satyakama, we can explain the psychology of innocence and of courage that is dedicated to truthfulness; stories of Prahlada ...
... when I was very young. I wanted to convey the literary merit of the original in the translation. But now a revision and many changes would be necessary. SATYENDRA: This Upanishad speaks of three Nachiketa fires. What are they? SRI AUROBINDO: One is the fire in the heart. Another is above, and the two ends of the third are not known but only the middle term. This middle term is the physical, vital ...
... effort of the evolution of man. Page 91 II. Aids for the Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience 1. To ask oneself: what am I? 2. Story of the search of Svetaketu and Nachiketas. 3. Listening to music: selected ragas (Indian) (Western). 4. Pictures of the beauty of nature. 5. Study of great personalities: the Buddha (a detailed study). 6. Need for ...
... Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men — Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Sri Rama The beloved and victorious Hero Arguments for the Existence of God Taittiriya Upanishad Selected Episodes from Raghuvarhsam ...
... vii.To work with the body is indispensable for the true koowledge and experiences; viii.Concentration is the key to all progress; ix.Quest of self-knowledge: stories of Shevataketu, Nachiketas, etc. x.Goodwill at any cost; xi.Fearlessness; xii.Friendship; xiii.Distinction between appearance and reality; xiv.Intelligence in animals and birds; xv.Consciousness in ...
... ironic Fate. My will once wrought remains unchanged through Time, And Satyavan can never again be thine. 28 Here we are reminded of the dialogue between Yama and Nachiketa in the Kathopanishad. Yama tells Nachiketa to choose whatever joys and pleasures of life he liked, but not press him to reveal the 26 Ibid., p. 635. 27 Ibid., pp. 635-36. 28 Ibid., p. 636. Page ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the lliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity Page 112 ...
... In the Kathopanishad there is a situation which is apparently similar to the one we find in Savitri. There, the boy Nachiketa like Savitri confronts Yama, the God of Death. But the similarity is only apparent because Death does not meet its challenge, neither is Nachiketa faced with the inevitability of death. The precocious boy seeks the acquaintance of Death and turns Death into his instructor... time itself suffused with a wide and intense emotion of the tragedy of life subject to human ignorance. It is a very effective and direct poetical utterance. When he reaches the house of Death, Nachiketa thinks within himself: Like grain a mortal ripens! Like grain he is bom hither again, and when the God of Death dissuades him from seeking Knowledge of the Self and offers him t ...
... In the Kathopanisad, there is a situation which is apparently similar to the one we find in Sāvitrī . There, the boy Nachiketa like Savitri confronts Yama, the God of Death. But the similarity is only apparent because Death does not meet its challenge, neither is Nachiketa faced with the inevitability of death. The precocious boy seeks the acquaintance of Death and turns Death into his instructor... same time itself suffused with a wide and intense emotion of the tragedy of life subject to human ignorance. It is a very effective and direct poetical utterance. When he reaches the house of Death, Nachiketa thinks within himself,: "Like grain a mortal ripens! Like grain he is born hither again", and when the God of Death dissuades him from seeking knowledge of the Self and offers him ...
... giving his Page 107 beauty to death; it is another Satyavan, arising out of death, and luminous in the everlasting day, that we see emerging from the legend. It answers more than Nachiketa's query to Yama: "A man who has passed, does he exist or does he not?" If he exists, then Yama is not all that powerful; if he does not, then how is he there with him? This perplexing situation becomes... lent itself to hymns and chants, to deep esoteric utterances, it also gave us revealing myths such as the victory of the Angirasas, or Indra's companionship with Kutsa, or the boons of Yama to Nachiketa, or the cosmic-transcendent strides of Vishnu. The very tongue is epic. Add to that epic majesty the power of mantra of the seer-poet and we have Vyasa's Page 109 Savitri. All the ...
... Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity Page 127 ...
... Christ as a setting sun giving his beauty to death; it is another Satyavan, arising out of death, and luminous in the everlasting day, that we see emerging from the legend. It answers more than Nachiketa's query to Yama: "A man who has passed, does he exist or does he not?" If he exists, then Yama is not all that powerful; if he does not, then how is he there with him? This perplexing situation... lent itself to hymns and chants, to deep esoteric utterances, it also gave us revealing myths such as the victory of the Angirasas, or Indra's companionship with Kutsa, or the boons of Yama to Nachiketa, or the cosmic-transcendent strides of Vishnu. The very tongue is epic. Add to that epic majesty the power of mantra of the seer-poet and we have Vyasa's Savitri. All the attributes of the epic ...
... young disciple his wife chides him and says: " Let not the Fires instruct the seeker before you do. " Fire as a God was worshipped by the seers of the Upanishads. In Kathopanishad Nachiketa-Fire is mentioned as the deity that can help the aspirant to realise the Higher consciousness. The Upanishads accepted the Vedic symbols in their psychological significance; for instance ...
... to break loose or escape, but to connect or enlarge, was the bridge-builder's task. The way up shouldn't mean a cancellation of the way down. As interpreted by T.V. Kapali Sastry, the first boon Nachiketas secures from Yama in the Kathopanishad really involves the power "to come back from the higher plane to the physical with the connection between this and the life beyond established, maintaining ...
... Isha Upanishad we have, however; "Lust not after anyone's possession," Page 220 (3) In the Kathopanishad Yama says to Nachiketa, "Hardly a wise man here and there desiring immortality turneth his eyes inward and seeth the self within him. The rest childishly follow after desire and pleasure and walk into the snare of Death ...
... Page 105 Edited by Kireet Joshi The Aim of Life The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil Mystery and Excellence of Human Body Parvati's Tapasya Nachiketas Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Rama Sri Krishna in Brindavan Nala and Damayanti Raghuvamsham of Kalidasa Svapna Vasavadattam The Siege of ...
... Troy Alexander the Great Homer and the Iliad — Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Uniting Men —Jean Monnet Gods and the World Joan of Arc The Crucifixion Nachiketas Socrates Sri Krishna in Brindavan Other titles published by SAIIER and Shubhra Ketu Foundation ______________________________ The Aim of Life The Good Teacher and ...
... Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on Human Unity HOME ...
... "There are no two sages whose opinions are riot different." Therefore the riddle remains intact as ever, defying all solution. In ancient India, in the age of the Upanishads, the young aspirant Nachiketa put this very question before Yama, the Lord of Death: "This debate that there is over the man who has passed and some say 'This he is not' and some that 'he is', that, taught by thee, I would ...
... system does not provide the real food that our soul needs. It is you who taught me what our soul is and what aim our soul ought to pursue. This was many many years ago. You taught me the stories of Nachiketas and Shvetaketu when I was only five years old. And since then I have been asking the questions about life and death and immortality, and I have been contemplating on the famous declaration of Aruni ...
... efficacious. While concluding his address, Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya mentioned about some great souls who influenced immensely their disciples or general public. These inter alia include Nachiketa, Aristotle, Sant Gyaneswar, John Stuart Mill and Gandhiji. Professor D.P.Chattopadhyaya requested Professor Kireetjoshi to speak a few words about the structure of the National Seminar on Philosophy ...
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