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Naiad : daughter(s) of Zeus; they preside over freshwater streams, lakes, wells & fountains as water nymphs.

16 result/s found for Naiad

... Here upon earth where sight is a blur and the soul lives encumbered. Scrolls that remembered in gems the thoughts austere of the ancients Bordered the lines of the stone and the forms of serpent and Naiad Ran in relief on those walls of pride in the palace of Priam Mingled with Dryads who tempted and fled and Satyrs who followed, Sports of the nymphs in the sea and the woods and their meetings with... earth with a human-seeming face of the beauty Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises. Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces, Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting Page 445 Glens and the mountain-glades where they played with the manes of our lions Glimmered on death-claimed eyes; for the gods then were near us ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... s sand Summer-voiced to charm the ear Of the wind-vext mariner? Ah! but what are these to thee, Brighter gem than knows the sea, Page 14 Lovelier girl than sees the stream Naked, Naiad of a dream, Whiter Dryad than men see Dancing round the lone oak-tree, Flower and most enchanting birth Of ten ages of the earth! The Graces in thy body move And in thy lips the ruby hue of Love ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... a field of green-ear'd corn, But where the dead leaf fell, there did it rest. A stream went noiseless by, still deadened more By reason of his fallen divinity Spreading a shade: the Naiad 'mid her reeds Press'd her cold finger closer to her lips.   The manner and the music are of a piece, an identical type of imaginative method is at work; what is wrong with the lines, ...


... rank as it were,—like Jupiter and Apollo—and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and land, its rivers and trees and fields—the nymph, the satyr, and Pan and dryad and naiad. What are the powers and functions of these unearthly beings? They on their part are guarding the gate to heaven, questioning the pilgrim of their divine destination. Well, the sentinels have to ...


... of the worlds, incessantly pawing and toying, Snake of delight and of poison, gambolling beast of the meadows, Come to thy pastures, Ahana, sport in the sunbeams and shadows. Page 501 Naiad swimming through streams and Dryad fleeing through forest Wild from the clutch of the Satyr! Ahana who breakst and restorest! Oread, mountain Echo, cry to the rocks in thy running! Nymph in recess ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... That gently o'er a perfumed sea, The weary way-worn wanderer bore To his own native shore. On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece, And the grandeur that was Rome. Lo, in yon brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... a human-seeming face of the beauty Brought from her heavenly climes Aphrodite mixed with Anchises. Glimpsed in the wilds were the Satyrs, seen in the woodlands the Graces, Dryad and Naiad in river and forest, Oreads haunting Glens and the mountain-glades where they played with the manes of our lions Glimmered on death-claimed eyes; for the gods then were near us and clasped ...


... Michael Angelo 19 Milton 9, 16 Mitra 1, 4, 5, 31 Montevideo 55 Modern Review, the 93 Mount Kailas 17 Muse 61, 88 Page 104 N Naiad 32 Neapolitans 50 Nikumbha 17 Nobel Prize 47 Norway 25 O Olympian 4, 32 Ormuz 16 P Pan 32 Paradise Lost 9 Parasara 8 Polacks 25 P ...


... (Cassel-London). Page 180 and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and land, its rivers and trees and fields – the nymph, the satyr, and Pan and dryad and naiad. What are the powers and functions of these unearthly beings? They on their part are guarding the gate to heaven, questioning the pilgrim of their divine destination. Well, the sentinels have to be ...

... three is at an elevated style of language, a diction more or less Miltonic. Here again none of them are successful. Akenside's elevation is mainly rhetorical, rarely, at his best, as in the Hymn to the Naiads, it is poetical; there he almost catches something of the true Miltonic tone; Gray's is marked by nobleness, strength, much real sublimity, but he is often betrayed into rhetoric tho' even then more... done by carrying the eighteenth-century habit of personification to an almost ridiculous extreme, but more successfully by dwelling like Milton on the images of Greek mythology, as in the Hymn to the Naiads, or Gray's earlier poems, especially the Progress of Poesy; also by dwelling on the ideas of the Celtic romantic fancy, such as ghosts, fairies, spirits as in Gray's Bard & Collins' Ode or of Norwegian ...

... moments to Infinity flying. Earth has her godheads; the Tritons sway on the toss of the billows, Emerald locks of the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows, Dryads peer out from the branches, Naiads glance up from the waters; High are her flame-points of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters. Artemis calls as she flees through the glades and the breezes pursue her; Cypris laughs in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... touches Matter, where Life is about to precipitate as Matter, appear beings of a still lower order, of smaller dimensions and magnitudes— imps, elfs, pixies, goblins, gnomes, fairies or dryads and naiads. There are even creatures or entities so close to Matter that they come into being and pass away with the building up and breaking of a definite pattern of material organisation. This individualisation ...

... touches Matter, where Life is about to precipitate as Matter, appear beings of a still lower order, of smaller dimensions and magnitudes—imps, elfs, pixies, goblins, gnomes, fairies or dryads and naiads. There are even creatures or entities so close to Matter that they come into being and pass away with the building up and breaking of a definite pattern of material organisation. This individualisation ...

... de gigantesque naiades... or J'eusse aime vivre aupres d'une jeune geante. (I should have loved to dwell with a young giantess.) I don't remember Baudelaire to have used "titanique" or "titanesque" anywhere but it is curious how he easily evokes such an epithet in the minds of his translators or admirers. Thus Edna St.Vincent Millay elaborates his "de gigantesque naiades" into Tall ...

... touches Matter, where Life is about to precipitate as Matter, appear beings of a still lower order, of smaller dimensions and magnitudes – Imps, elfs, pixies, goblins, gnomes, fairies or dryads and naiads. There are even creatures or entities so close to Matter that they come into being and pass away with the building up and breaking of a definite pattern of material organisation. This individualisation ...

... supported from the worlds of mind or it could not maintain its existence. From this idea to the peopling of the world with innumerable mental & vital existences,—existences essentially vital like the Naiads, Dryads, Nereids, Genii, Lares & Penates of the Greeks and Romans, the wood-gods, river-gods, house-gods, tree-deities, snake-deities of the Indians, or mental like the intermediate gods of our old ...