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3 result/s found for Nandini Satpathy

... 289, 349, 364, 379, 691 Muhammad (Mahomet), Prophet 180, 317, 482, 485 Mukherjee, Dr Shyamaprasad 533 Munshi, K.M. 426, 490, 536-7 Mussolini Benito 395ff, 403-4, 430 Nag, Dr Kalidas 534 Nandini Satpathy 778 Napoleon Bonaparte 405 Narayan Prasad 244, 320, 349, 354-5, 359, 434, 691 Naresh Bahadur 362, 652 Navajata (Keshavdev Poddar) 686, 691, 726, 816 Nehru, Jawaharlal see Jawaharlal ...


... Aurovilians of many nationalities, and the whole Auroville project was explained to her in detail by Roger Anger, the chief architect of Auroville. She then visited the Ashram, accompanied by Nandini Satpathy (her Deputy Minister) and the Lt. Governor and Chief Minister of Pondicherry. She spent about twenty minutes alone with the Mother, before her Deputy joined them. 23 Her way from the Ashram ...


... these occasions, I accompanied Pranab for taking Mother’s photos. Two of my photos are reproduced here. Shri V.V. Giri with the Mother on 14.9.69 Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Smt. Nandini Satpathy with the Mother on 5.10.69 During the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Year a devotee offered a crown of gold to the Mother. Dyumanbhai was very keen that the Mother’s photographs should be taken ...
