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Naoroji, Dadabhai Nowroji : (1825-1917), son of Parsi priest, educated at Elphinstone College, Bombay: Prof there of Mathematics & Natural Philosophy 1854: when he started editing Rast Goftar the annexation of Punjab was a fresh event: went to England as partner in the Parsi firm Cāmā & Co. London 1855: Prof Gujarati, University College, London: worked for East India Association: advocated admission of Indians to ICS 1870: accepted to be Dewan of Baroda in late 1873; but failed to temper M’s assertion of his rights or the Viceroy’s hatred of the Gaekwad; fed up by his financial reforms meeting with opposition & lack of cooperation from the British, & lack of faith & cooperation from Baroda’s officers, against 1874’s income of 94 lakhs, Malhar Rao’s wanton expenditure running up to 171 lakhs, the Viceroy’s unjustifiable deposing & exiling Malharrao, his queens & son to Madras, resigned on 7 Jan.1875: Member, Bombay Corporation & Town Council 1875-6: Member Legislative Council, Bombay 1885: President Indian National Congress 1886: elected to British Parliament from Central Finsbury on a Liberal ticket to the British Parlia¬ment 1892: Member of Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure 1895: President Indian National Congress 1893: authored Poverty & un-British Rule in India 1901, England’s Duties to India, Financial Administration of India, etc., Govt. made him Justice of Peace: INC popularised him as “the Grand Old Man” for active participation in its affairs & in 1906, afraid of its losing its moderate-loyalist face with the Govt., forced his election as its President at the 1906 Calcutta Congress to thwart the election of Tilak. [Buckland; History & Culture of the Indian People, R.C. Majumdar et al, Calcutta, 1963, Vol. X, part II, p.398; &c.]
... Society was started. The idea of terrorist activity (Bombing) came at that time." iii)(G\ He helped in the election of some M. R — what do you know about this?) "Probably Dadabhai Naoroji." Dadabhai Naoroji (1825-1917), 'the grand old man of India,' belonged to the Parsi community and was a rich businessman of Bombay. Liberal in his outlook, he took great interest in the public affairs ...
... Partition. I was coming and going between Bengal and Gujarat. Gujarat was very moderate at that time. With Pherozeshah Mehta it was just beginning to be revolutionary. DR. MANILAL: What about Dadabhai Nowroji? He was an extremist. SRI AUROBINDO: No, Moderate, ardent Moderate. Ardent of the non-ardent type. Moderate of the middle kind, like Gokhale. ...
... Muslims , 3 1, 44 , 53, 58, 169 , 181 , 203, 222, 223, 227 , 228, 245 their sense of separateness. 31 , 64, 169 (fn) see also Hindu-Muslim question Mussolini, 193 , 229 (fn) N Naoroji, Dadabhai, 35 , 40(fn) Napoleon, 77 Nationalism, 13, 32, 64 its call, 44 is Sanatana dharma, SO Nation alit movement party, 17,32·33, 36,44,45,47, 50,54,59,60, 93,21 5, 246 see also Swadeshi ...
... Guru, 380 Naidu, Sarojini, 266 Nair, Sir Sankaran, 530 Nammalvar, 497 Nandakumar, Prema, 112fn, 133,134fh, 140, 148,152m, 341, 383m, 640, 646, 690 Naoroji, Dadabhai, 11, 190, 227, 228, 273 Napoleon, 20 Narayana Guru, 16 National Value of Art, The, 337, 353, 354-55 Navajata, 775 Nava Sakti, 284, 308 ...
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