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158 result/s found for National education

... have spoken to you about many things, about Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Arbitration and other subjects. But there was one truth that I have always tried, and those who have worked with me have also tried, to lay down as the foundation-stone of all that we preached. It is not by any political programme, not by National Education alone, not by Boycott alone, that this country can be saved... sources. Page 255 From Poona Sri Aurobindo went to Bombay. There, at Girgaum, he spoke on National Education on the 15th January, 1908. We reproduce below a few words from a report of the speech, published in Tilak's Marathy paper, Kesari: "The meaning of national education is now well understood in Bengal, but the case seems to be quite otherwise in this part of the country. ... Even the Hon. Mr. Gokhale showed his ignorance of the matter by tampering at Surat with the wording of the resolution on national education passed at the Calcutta Congress. Some of these people appear to think that there can be no 'national' education for India, where, according to them, the existence of various conflicting creeds and races makes the growth of a feeling of nationality an imp ...

... Bande Mataram National Education 15-January-1908 National Education is a vast subject. When I was told about the topic I did not quite realise its implications at first, but when I started thinking about it I understood its importance. The difficulties about the concept of National Education that are encountered here do not exist in Bengal. Here... Here in the Bombay Province, the meaning of the term "National Education" is not clear to many. National Education, with its specific connotation, is suspect and men of wisdom dismiss it. In Bengal, on the other hand, the need to explain the concept does not even arise. There may be people in favour of it or against it, but National Education is something taken by them as a given fact, as something... does not understand what National Education means exactly. Someone else wondered whether there can be anything like National Education at all, particularly in the context of teaching, say, mathematics; he was at a loss to see how this could be called "national". The Honourable Mr. Gokhale does not say that he has failed to understand the meaning of the term "National Education", but it is obvious that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... BROTHERS ". Sri Aurobindo's was the longest of nine messages contributed by India's "leading patriots". National Education. Circa 1916-18. Editorial title. An isolated paragraph from a notebook used by Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry. A Preface on National Education. These two essays were published in the Arya , a philosophical journal edited by Sri Aurobindo between   ... one case, a book: Bankim Chandra Chatterji , "The Age of Kalidasa", "The Seasons", "Address at the Baroda College Social Gathering", The Brain of India , A System of National Education , A Preface on National Education , The National Value of Art , "Two Pictures", "Indian Art and an Old Classic", "The Revival of Indian Art", "Dinshah, Perizade", "Turiu, Uriu", all the contents of the Chandernagore... Page 783 Times", the "Alternative and Unused Passages and Fragments" on Kalidasa, parts of On the Mahabharata , the first paragraph of "Education", "Message for National Education Week (1918)", "National Education", "Epistles/Letters from Abroad" IV-VI, "An Answer to a Critic", "Passing Thoughts [1]", and the Baroda speeches and reports in Appendix One. Many of these pieces first appeared ...


... of the human being. Page 423 A Preface on National Education - II These preliminary objections made to the very idea of national education and, incidentally, the misconceptions they oppose once out of the way, we have still to formulate more positively what the idea means to us, the principle and the form that national education must take in India, the thing to be achieved and the method... Early Cultural Writings A Preface on National Education A Preface on National Education - I The necessity and unmixed good of universal education has become a fixed dogma to the modern intelligence, a thing held to be beyond dispute by any liberal mind or awakened national conscience, and whether the tenet be or not altogether beyond cavil,... only pertinent if directed against the travesty of the idea of national education which would make of it a means of an obscurantist retrogression to the past forms that were once a living frame of our culture but are now dead or dying things; but that is not the idea nor the endeavour. The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of ...


... only pertinent if directed against the travesty of the idea of national education which would make of it a means of an obscurantist retrogression to the past forms that were once a living frame of our culture but are now dead or dying things; but that is not the idea nor the endeavour. The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of... of the human being. 2     These preliminary objections made to the very idea of national education and, incidentally, the misconceptions they oppose once out of the way, we have still to formulate more positively what the idea means to us, the principle and the form that national education must take in India, the thing to be achieved and the method and turn to be given to the endeavour... On Education A PREFACE ON NATIONAL EDUCATION* 1 The necessity and unmixed good of universal education has become a fixed dogma to the modern intelligence, a thing held to be beyond dispute by any liberal mind or awakened national conscience, and whether the tenet be or not altogether beyond cavil, it may at any rate be presumed that it answers ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... in key industries and in the production of necessities of all manufactures in which India had the natural means. In addition, national Page 80 education was another item of the programme. The nationalist movement was also a movement of national education. This movement advocated the establishment of national schools and colleges so as to remedy the ills of education given by the British... Indian intelligence and nature. The aim and principle of a true philosophy of national education, according to Sri Aurobindo, should not ignore modern truth and knowledge, but to take our foundation on our own being, our own mind and our own spirit. And thirdly, Sri Aurobindo pointed out that this philosophy of national education should underline the fact that the most advanced minds of the occident are... freedom and protect our freedom with courage and heroism. Sri Aurobindo had conceived of a national system of education, which had three important elements. Firstly, he made it clear that national education did not mean that we have to exile Galileo and Newton and all that came after and teach only what was known to Bhaskara, Aryabhatta and Varahamihira. But it means that an adequate place should ...

... SRI AUROBINDO Sri Aurobindo wrote a series of articles on education in the Karma Yogin during 1909-10 under the title "A System of National Education" and "The National Value of Art". He also wrote "A Preface to National Education" which appeared in the Arya in 1920 in two parts. His book, "The Synthesis of Yoga" in which we find extraordinary insights in regard to education... true national education is not to ignore modern truth and knowledge, but to take our foundation on India's own being, own mind, and own spirit. As against the idea that the modern European civilisation is a thing that we have to acquire and fit ourselves for, and so only can we live and prosper, and it is this that our education must do for us, he argued that the idea of national education challenges... × Sri Aurobindo: The Hour of God, A Preface on National Education, Centenary Edition, Volume 17, p. 194 × 2 Sri Aurobindo: The Hour of God, A Preface to National Education, Centenary Edition, Vol. 17 , p. 200 ...

... Bengal. The subjects were "given" to him, and he spoke straight on, as it were. Proceeding to Bombay, he spoke at Girgaum on the 15th January on National Education, drawing upon the Bengal experiment and experience. What was meant by National Education was that in teaching history, geography, philosophy and other subjects, an attempt was made to awaken the spirit of nationality among the pupils:... Risley Circular and the attempt to insulate Government and aided educational institutions from the breath of freedom and the breezes of Nationalism would, it was hoped, give a further fillip to national education. When Sir Bampfylde Fuller, as Lieutenant-Governor of East Bengal, had tried to disaffiliate the Serajgunge schools for the crime of their teachers and pupils taking part in politics, Lord... much.... We would apply to the present situation the vigorous motto of Danton, that what we need, what we should learn above all things is to dare and again to dare and still to dare. .. .National education is by no means impracticable or even difficult, it needs nothing but a resolute enthusiasm in the country and the courage to take a leap into the unknown. This courage is common in individuals ...

... strategy developed by him which combined all the elements of the struggle such as Boycott, Swadeshi, National Education, etc. He wrote: '...our policy is self-development and defensive resistance. But we would extend the policy to every department of national life; not only swadeshi and national education, but national defence, national arbitration courts... whatever our hands find to do or urgently needs... there was open space, crowds would gather to listen to lectures and orations, crowds mostly of boys from the schools and colleges — the girls had not yet come out and joined. Swadeshi, boycott, national education, rural uplift —these were the slogans dwelt upon everywhere. And with it all there went on, in secret, underground preparations for revolution and revolt and armed attack.' However the Government... of his influence, it was decided that the Nationalists would press for a resolution adopting independence as the goal of the Congress, along with other objectives such as Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education. However, when the resolution came up for discussion at the open session, the Moderates fought shy of the word 'independence' and their stalwarts like Pherozeshah Mehta, Gokhale and Suren Banerjee ...


... Karmayogin National Education From the beginning of the national movement, in spite of its enthusiasm, force, innate greatness, a defect has made itself apparent, a fatality of insufficient effectiveness has pursued it, which showed that there was a serious flaw somewhere in this brilliant opening of a new era. The nature of that flaw has been made manifest... to prefer indigenous and boycott foreign goods, but the withdrawal of active Nationalist Endeavour has resulted in the stoppage of progress. Swadeshi maintains itself, it no longer advances. National Education languishes because the active force has been withdrawn from it; it Page 385 does not absolutely perish because a certain amount of Nationalist self-devotion has entrenched itself... of a noble and courageous effort. It is amazing that men calling themselves educated and presuming to dabble with public movements should be blind to the fact that the success or failure of National Education is intimately bound up with and, indeed, entirely depends upon the fortunes of the great resurgence which gave it birth. They seem to labour under the delusion that it was an academical and not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... On Education A System of National Education (Some preliminary ideas) "A System of National Education" was ftrst published in 1921 in an unauthorised edition. The authorised edition was issued in 1924 with the following note: These essays were first published in the Karmayogin in the year 1910... a sound system of teaching applicable for the most part to national education in any country. As such it may stand as a partial introduction to the subject of national education in India. ... 1910. They are, however, incomplete and the subject of national education proper has not been touched except in certain allusions. It was not the author's intention to have them reprinted in their present form, but circumstances have made necessary the bringing out of an authorised edition. The book, as it stands, consists of a number of introductory essays insisting on certain general principles of a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... at the Baroda College, eventually becoming its principal. These years gave him a first-hand experience of the dismal condition of education in India and made him feel an acute need for a true national education.) Early 1900s (?) If the physical training it [the Indian University system] provides is contemptible and the moral training nil, the mental training is also meagre in quantity... after the start of the Bande Mataram, the Bengal National College had opened in Calcutta with Sri Aurobindo as its Principal; it was one of the first experiments in the search for a true national education. Its foundation had been made possible by the generous financial assistance of Subodh Mullick, one of Sri Aurobindo's collaborators in his secret action. In spite of his charge of the Bande... Aurobindo presiding over its conference, broke away from the Congress Moderates at the tumultuous Surat session over the tatter's refusal to reaffirm the demands of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education, which had been adopted at the previous Calcutta session under the presidentship of Dadabhai Naoroji. It was going to take the Congress another twenty-two years to declare complete independence ...


... the gauntlet. A public meeting was held on 24 October 1905, under the chairmanship of Abdul Rasul, in which eminent speakers like B.C. Pal suggested the inauguration of an independent system of National education. Incidentally, another meeting was held at College Square on the same day, where about two thousand Muslims took the vow of Swadeshi. Meeting after meeting were held by public-spirited... was held at 'Panti's Math' in Calcutta to give birth to the National Council of Education. Subodh C. Mullick was in the chair, and very spontaneously announced a donation of one lakh rupees for national education. A great cheer broke out in the populous field, and the grateful people gave him the honorific title of 'Raja.' His gesture was later matched by Maharaja Suryakanta Acharya of Mymensingh who... Mullick. It was not really out of the blue that Subodh Mullick had chosen him as the first Principal of the National College. This was his way of acknowledging Sri Aurobindo's ideas on education: "National education cannot be defined briefly in one or two sentences, but we may describe it tentatively as the education which starting with the past and making full use of the present builds up a great nation ...

... one to believe that to speak of a "national education" is to talk arrant nonsense. For, is not education something universal in nature, transcending the borders of any particular country? Mankind and its needs, one may aver, are the same everywhere and truth and knowledge also are one and have no country. How can one then talk of offering any "national" education to a child? A deeper consideration... but harmoniously blended civilisation of the world, Indians should have a national education which will be truly "national" in spirit but at the same time organically imbibing and assimilating every possible positive and constructive element derived from other national educational efforts. Thus Indian "national education" does not mean on the one hand an obscurantist retrogression to the past... rightly conceived Indian "national education" will be one which will be faithful to the developing soul of India, to her future need, to the greatness of her coming self-creation, to her eternal spirit. It has to take its foundation on our own being, our own mind and our own spirit. Thus, when Sri Aurobindo speaks of Indian national Page 16 education, it is then not a question ...

... information."* ________________________ * Sri Aurobindo: A System of National Education, Centenary Edition, Vol. 17, pp. 224-25. Page 80 A major experiment in education at this Centre was centred on three principles of teaching that Sri Aurobindo has laid down in his A System of National Education. As Sri Aurobindo points out: The first principle of true teaching is that nothing... Teacher's control over oneself would automatically guarantee his or her own capacity to generate self-control among children. Sri Aurobindo has suggested in his book entitled A System of National Education the following: Every student should... be given practical opportunity as well as intellectual encouragement to develop all that is best in the Page 78 nature. If the student... of mental silence, perfect calm and a more and more total receptivity to inspirations coming from the higher regions of the being."** ___________________ *Sri Aurobindo: A System of National Education, Centenary Edition, Vol. 17, p. 211 **The Mother: Education, Vol. 1, pp. 34-5. Page 79 Experiments at the Centre have shown that an atmosphere vibrant at once with ideation ...


... National Value of Art and A System of National Education. The Brain of India (which first appeared in October-November 1909), with its emphasis on the Brahmacharya-Yoga axis in education, has been referred to already in an earlier chapter (11.1). The National Value of Art series appeared in November-December 1909, and A System of National Education followed in the early weeks of 1910. All... several of Sri Aurobindo's poems. Who, Baji Prabhou, Epiphany, The Birth of Sin and An Image. Among the constructive prose contributions were several series of essays like A System of National Education, The Brain of India, The National Value of Art and The Ideal of the Karmayogin.   Page 337 In some of the later issues appeared a group of Landor-like Conversations of the... of "No control, no co-operation" was but an adaptation relevant to Indian conditions of the classic American war-cry, "No representation, no taxation". And the tactics of boycott, swadeshi, national education merely flowed from the main strategy. There were, however, difficulties in making the national will articulate in expression and effective in action. A disunited Congress, divided on basic ...

... Early Cultural Writings Message for National Education Week (1918) National Education is, next to Self-Government and along with it, the deepest and most immediate need of the country, and it is a matter of rejoicing for one to whom an earlier effort in that direction gave the first opportunity for identifying himself with the larger life and hope... hope of the Nation, to see the idea, for a time submerged, moving so soon towards self-fulfilment. Home Rule and National Education are two inseparable ideals, and none who follows the one, can fail the other, unless he is entirely wanting either in sincerity or in vision. We want not only a free India, but a great India, India taking worthily her place among the Nations and giving to the life of... scope into light and nobility. But the full soul rich with the inheritance of the past, the widening gains of the present, and the large potentiality of her future, can come only by a system of National Education. It cannot come by any extension or imitation of the system of the existing universities with its radically false principles, its vicious and mechanical methods, its dead-alive routine tradition ...


... Empire which is dead and gone, shocks my ideas both of proportion and of common sense. 83 * November, 1920 (From an article entitled "A Preface on National Education.") The living spirit of the demand for national education no more requires a return to the astronomy and mathematics of Bhaskara or the forms of the system of Nalanda than the living spirit of Swadeshi a return from railway... movements. Mr. Tilak, like all men of pre-eminent political genius, belongs to this second and greater order of mind. 60 Page 132 April, 1918 (Extracts from a message on national education published in New India of April 8, 1918, a journal edited by Annie Besant.) The greatest knowledge and the greatest riches man can possess are [India's] by inheritance; she has that for... which all mankind is waiting____ But the full soul rich with the inheritance of the past, the widening gains of the present, and the large potentiality of the future, can come only by a system of National Education. It cannot come by any extension or imitation of the system of the existing universities with its radically false principles, its vicious and mechanical methods, its dead-alive routine tradition ...


... first, Swadeshi; second, boycott; third, Swaraj; and fourth, national education. Swadeshi is the method, the way, the road by which the nation advances. Boycott is only the other side of Swadeshi, and both the Swadeshi and the boycott movements are actually encouraged in principle in the greater part of this country. National education is the training of the mind and heart of the younger generation... generation. Swaraj is the goal of our national life. Our political efforts are directed to Swadeshi, boycott, Swaraj and national education, which have been recognised by all in Bengal. Today I wish to speak to you about two of these subjects because they go together. Swadeshi and boycott, as we understand them in Bengal, have been put as a single expression. There is no difference of opinion in Bengal... to industry and commerce it means Page 841 the preference for our own articles produced by Indian labour and the exclusion of articles produced by the labour of foreign people. National education :—The object of our educational movement is to establish self-government in India. It is an education which shall create Indians, not Englishmen, citizens of the Indian nation; this will prolong ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... endeavours. We may recall that the great struggle for freedom had in its early moments of resurgence placed national education as an essential aspect of its core programme for achieving India's independence. Now after nearly one century, we feel compelled to go back to the call of national education, since we have failed greatly Page 9 during the last fifty years of the attainment of independence... ratio, proportion of Page 10 expenditure on teaching aids and equipment, assessment of stu- dents' achievement, teachers' status, etc. 3. National System of Education National education must not be conceived as State education. The State must allow the nation to develop its own objectives and contents of education. Teachers, parents, and students must have their legitimate ... education. Special programmes on TV should be telecast which will bring Page 24 to the children and youth the inspiring messages on value education. — Indian Culture National education should be able to project a true and inspiring account and message of Indian culture. This is an extremely difficult task, and it is yet an extremely important task. Without this, we shall not ...

... their strategy, and Sri Aurobindo took a prominent part in the private discussions. It was agreed that the Nationalists should press for adoption of independence, swadeshi, boycott and national education - As expected, they  met with opposition from Moderate leaders like Pherozeshah Mehta, Gokhale, Madan Mohan Malaviya and Surendranath, and at one stage the Extremists seem to have staged... both Independence and Dominion Status but reviving the familiar Swaraj and further qualifying it as Puma Swaraj! Of the four planks (chatus-sūtri) in the new programme, - Swaraj, national education, Swadeshi and boycott, - Sri Aurobindo had expressed even in his "New Lamps for Old" articles (1893-4) his adhesion to the independence ideal, and in his "Bankim Chandra Chatterji" articles... despotism had induced in us a "fatal dependence, passivity and helplessness"; and, therefore, we had first "to recover the habit of independent motion and independent action". 16 Swadeshi, national education and arbitration were some of the planks on which self-help and self-development could take effective shape. But were the alien bureaucracy to offer opposition to our constructive programme ...

... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To the Editor of the New India [1] National Education is, next to Self-Government and along with it, the deepest and most immediate need of the country, and it is a matter of rejoicing for one to whom an earlier effort in that direction gave the first opportunity... opportunity for identifying himself with the larger life and hope of the Nation, to see the idea, for a time submerged, moving so soon towards self-fulfilment. Home Rule and National Education are two inseparable Page 270 ideals, and none who follows the one, can fail the other, unless he is entirely wanting either in sincerity or in vision. We want not only a free India, but a great India... scope into light and nobility. But the full soul rich with the inheritance of the past, the widening gains of the present, and the large potentiality of her future, can come only by a system of National Education. It cannot come by any extension or imitation of the system of the existing universities with its radically false principles, its vicious and mechanical methods, its dead-alive routine tradition ...


... become a nation and no longer a disorganised mass of men. National education must therefore be on national lines and under national control. This necessity is the very essence of its being. No one who has not grasped it, can hope to build up a National University. Mrs. Besant has recently begun a campaign in favour of national education and in a recent speech has outlined her idea of a National ... promoters could not understand or forgot that the first condition of success was independence—an independence jealously preserved and Page 894 absolute. In other words there can be no national education without national control. A certain measure of success has been secured by two institutions of a later birth, the Benares Hindu College and the Dayananda Anglo-Vedic College. These are successful... makings of Universities. So far as they give religious teaching they are a wholesome departure from the barren official form of education, but that is only one part of education on national lines. National education cannot be defined briefly in one or two sentences, but we may describe it tentatively as the education which starting with the past and making full use of the present builds up a great nation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the great upsurge in Bengal and in the country as a whole, the "Bhavani Mandir" pamphlet which acted as heady wine to numerous revolutionaries, and the launching of the Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education movements, and the stepping up of the national demand for "Swaraj" or Independence, and not merely colonial self-government on an unending instalment plan. Sri Aurobindo had, in the meantime... spirit of Mir Jafar, the politics of Jagat Sheth repeating themselves in their spiritual descendants. Answering Gokhale's ingenuous plea that the word "national" in the resolution on National Education was removed in the interests of literary elegance, Sri Aurobindo remarked: .. .the resolutions of the Congress are not such literary masterpieces that this particular one should have evoked... lay the self-adulatory unction to their souls that, because they signed petitions, opened funds, attended conferences, passed resolutions, wore deśī cloth on ceremonial occasions, extolled National Education, took shares in profitable Swadeshi concerns, held patriotic interviews with a Governor or even with a live Viceroy, therefore they could pass themselves off as Nationalists. But such chicanery ...

... apart as a privilege for a few specialists, frankly introduces it as a part of culture no less necessary than literature or science, will have taken a great step forward in the perfection of national education and the general diffusion of a broad-based human culture. It is not necessary that every man should be an artist. It is necessary that every man should have his artistic faculty developed, his... surrounded daily by the beautiful, noble, fine and harmonious becomes that which it is habituated to contemplate and realises the fullness of the expanding Spirit in itself. In the system of National education that was inaugurated in Bengal, a beginning was made by the importance attached to drawing and clay-modelling as elements of manual training. But the absence of an artistic ideal, the misconception... needs of these struggling institutions making for a predominant commercial aim in the education given, the mastery of English ideas, English methods and English predilections in the so-called national education rendered nugatory the initial advantage. The students had faculty, but the teaching given them would waste and misuse the faculty. The nation and the individual can gain nothing by turning out ...


... Early Cultural Writings National Education The whole movement of the national life of India at the present moment may be described in one phrase,—a pressure from within towards self-liberation from all unnatural conditions which obstruct or divert its free and spontaneous development. It is the movement of a stream trying to break open a natural... forms, condemned to move in grooves which give no natural play to the new aspirations, powers and tendencies which have become its inner impelling motives. The effort to discover and system of national education is part of this general effort of self-liberation, of self-finding, but perhaps the most central movement of all, in the end even the most important; for it is this which will give shape to the... the spirit of the nation at present in a state of rather formless flux. It is in fact no more than a chaotic press of tendencies; a national culture alone can give it form and consistency; and national education is the attempt to create and organise that culture. Page 414 ...


... authority to work for the necessary conditions, to support by its ubiquitous presence the weak and irresolute and to coerce the refractory, it has not been properly carried out. For the same reason national education languishes. For the same reason every attempt at large national action has failed. It is idle to talk of self Page 266 development unless we first evolve a suitable central authority... subvert the connection of the British Empire with India. It is extremely doubtful whether this last condition will be satisfied. It is easy to see how the bureaucracy might put a summary end to National Education or an effective check on industrial expansion or do away arbitrarily with popular Arbitration Courts. It is easy to see how the temptation to resort to Russian methods on a much larger and effective... justified by results. The National Congress has not indeed broken with the old petitioning traditions, but it has admitted the new policy as an essential part of the national programme. Swadeshi and National Education have been recognized, and, in all probability, Arbitration will be given its proper prominence at the next session; Boycott has been admitted as permissible in principle to all parts of India ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... prove by its very composition that an earnest attempt will be made to harmonise all parties in working out so much of the national programme as has been assented to by all. Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education,—these are the three planks upon which all can take their stand. We do not disguise from ourselves the fact that on the last two of these questions there are very serious differences of opinion... the ultimate goal; but the necessity of Boycott has been recognised by all and there is no reason why any section should refuse to take part in the measures by which it can be made effective. National Education is regarded by one school as an educational experiment to be carried on side by side with Government education,—by the other as a great national cause, the progress of which is to culminate in... does not begin and end with arranging for the execution of the national programme as laid down by the Congress. The Congress deals only with accomplished facts. It set its seal of sanction on National Education and Swadeshi and legitimised the Boycott for all India in recognition of work which had already been commenced in Bengal. But there are other fields in which self-development and self-help are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... movements is weakening and demoralising. And why should a comprehensive system of National Education and the turning of young men to active and practical pursuits be mutually exclusive? Surely, increasing attention to technical, commercial and scientific instruction is a necessary part of any sound system of National Education. It is gratifying, however, to find that there is no intention of submitting... remarks. "If the Government persist in their present career of folly, one of two things must happen. Either the official university will be absolutely supplanted by a comprehensive system of national education or, if that consummation cannot be easily realised, generations of young men will turn their energies and attention to active and practical, as distinguished from academic pursuits. We are not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... tape, and, by the methods used in this loading process, damages or atrophies the faculties and instruments by which man assimilates; creates, and grows in intellect, manhood and energy. The new National Education, as inaugurated in Bengal, sought immensely to enlarge the field of knowledge to which the student was introduced, and in so far as it laid stress on experiment and observation, employed the... College was only an improved European system, not Indian or National. Another error which has to be avoided and to which careless minds are liable, is the reactionary idea that in order to be national, education must reproduce the features of the old tol system of Bengal. It is not eighteenth century India, the India which by its moral and intellectual deficiencies gave itself into the keeping of ... memory. Finally, it was beggared and degraded by having to deal with snippets and insufficient packets of information instead of being richly stored and powerfully equipped. The new system of National Education sought to undo the evil by employing the mother-tongue, restoring the Page 90 use of the disused intellectual functions and providing for a richer and more real equipment of i ...

... "Individualised Work". 4. Roger Cousinet, L'education nouvelle, pp. 20-21. 5. Sri Aurobindo, A Preface on National Education, first published in Arya in 1920-21, and currently in SABCL vol. 17, pp. 199-200. 6. Sri Aurobindo, A System of National Education, first published in the journal Karmayogin in 1910, when Sri Aurobindo was a member of the Nationalist Movement in Bengal... vol. 12, p. 113. VIII. Do We Need a New System of Education? 1. The Mother, MCW vol. 12, p. 118. TWO CARDINAL POINTS OF EDUCATION 1. Sri Aurobindo, A System of National Education, in SABCL vol. 17, p. 204. 2. Roger Cousinet, L'education nouvelle, pp. 20-21. 3. Sri Aurobindo, SABCL vol. 15, pp. 27-28. 4. Ibid., p. 216. 5. The Mother, MCW vol ...

... tape, and, by the methods used in this loading process, damages or atrophies the faculties and instruments by which man assimilates, creates and grows in intellect, manhood and energy. The new National Education, as inaugurated in Bengal, sought immensely to enlarge the field of knowledge to which the student was introduced, and in so far as it laid stress on experiment and observation, employed the... College was only an improved European system, not Indian or National. Another error which has to be avoided and to which careless minds are liable, is the reactionary idea that in order to be national, education must reproduce the features of the old tol system of Bengal. It is not eighteenth Page 368 century India, the India which by its moral and intellectual deficiencies gave itself... memory. Finally, it was beggared and degraded by having to deal with snippets and insufficient packets of information instead of being richly stored and powerfully equipped. The new system of National Education sought to undo the evil by employing the mother-tongue, restoring the use of the disused intellectual functions and providing for a richer and more real equipment of information, of the substance ...


... cultural striving and attainment), is India's privilege and special responsibility towards herself and the world? At any rate, this essential education is India's national education to my mind. In fact, I regard this as the national education of each great country with characteristic differentiations peculiar to each nation. I wonder whether this is correct and Mother would endorse it. Yes, this... Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education On Education National Education Our aim is not a national system of education for India, but an education for the world at large. Sublime Mother, Our aim is no exclusive national system of education for India but an essential and fundamental education for all mankind. But, is it not true, Mother ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... our own in which they may receive a thorough and national education. If we do not go for protection to the executive, we must have a system of self-protection and mutual protection of our own. Just as Swadeshi is the natural accompaniment of an industrial boycott, so also arbitration stands in the same relation to a judicial boycott, national education to an educational boycott, a league of mutual defence... the people a certain amount of revenue for the purposes of education, and is not likely to relinquish its claims; the people will therefore have doubly to tax themselves in order to maintain national education and also to maintain the Government system by which they no longer profit. Under such circumstances the refusal to pay for an education of which they entirely disapprove, comes as a natural ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... uniformity of opinion on the various Bande Mataram writers; their political views were however generally consistent. All agreed on basic matters of policy such as Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education.    Page 1157 They differed occasionally on subordinate issues such as village uplift, caste, etc. Articles that express opinions at variance with Sri Aurobindo's known... Supplement to the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 1972 and subsequently in Sri Aurobindo's Speeches . The Mahratta version is reproduced here for the first time in a book. National Education . Speech delivered on 15 January 1908 in Girgaum, Bombay. A translation in Marathi was published in the Kesari on 21 January. This was retranslated into English by a police agent and published... A report was published in the Dawn and Dawn Society's Magazine in April 1908. This was included (with an incorrect date) in the 1993 edition of Sri Aurobindo's Speeches . "Speech at the National Education Conference" was delivered at a public meeting in Pabna on 13 February 1908. A report was published in the Bande Mataram daily on 17 February 1908, and reproduced (in a slightly shortened ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... written about many things, about Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Arbitration and other subjects. But there was one Page 825 truth that I have always tried, and those who have worked with me have also tried to lay down as the foundation stone of all that we preached. It is not by any mere political programme, not by National Education alone, not by Swadeshi alone, not by Boycott alone... "); he is a man who has lived the life of a sadhu, and taken his inspiration and strength from that only source from which inspiration and strength can come. I spoke to you the other day about national education, and I spoke of a man who had given his life to that work, the man who really organised the National College in Calcutta, and that man also is a disciple of a sannyasin, that man also though ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244; Indian Patriot on, 244; Mahratta on, 244; Rabindranath on, 244; failure in health, 248; on Govt. vs. National Education, 249; on Brahmacharya-Yoga, 251; dissatisfaction with "national" education, 25 1ff; as teacher of National College, 252-3; "Like Shiva in trance" 253; "Puma Yogi", 253; advice to students, 253-4; on Indian nationality... 567, 572; aspiration, rejection, surrender, 568; aspiration and Grace, 569; Sakti and Supermind, 569; supramental change & transformation, 570; an Earthly Paradise, 570,659 System of National Education, A, 337, 353 Tagore, Debendranath, 16, 26 Tagore, Rabindranath, 15, 16-17, 62, 147, 220,244,247,273,550,571, 615 Tandon, Purushottamdas, 534 Tegart, Sir Charles, ...

... A Scheme for The Education of Bengal II. A TRUE NATIONAL EDUCATION FIRST it is necessary to disengage from all ambiguities what -we understand by a true education, its essential sense, its .fundamental aim and significance. For we can then be sure of our beginnings and proceed securely to fix the just place and whole bearing of the epithet we seek... seek to attach to the word. I must be sure what education itself is or should be before I can be sure what a national education is or should be. Let us begin then with our initial statement, as to which I think there can be no great dispute that there are three things which have to be taken into account in a true and living education, the man, the individual in his commonness and in his uniqueness, the... whole question in the light of this large and entire principle that we can best arrive at a clear idea of what we would have our education to be and what we shall strive to accomplish by a .national education. Most is this largeness of view and foundation needed here and now in India, the whole energy of whose life purpose must be at this critical turning of her Page 44 destinies directed ...

... I. THE SCIENCE OP LIVING— The Mother (From Bulletin VoL 2 No. 4 Page 15.) II. A TRUE NATIONAL EDUCATION— Sri Aurobindo (From "A Preface on National Education" Arya 1921 January. Printed for the second time in Bulletin Vol. 3 No. I Page 2.) III. A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION— Sri Aurobindo IV. BRAIN OF INDIA— Sri Aurobindo V. EDUCATION 1—The Mother (Taken from Bulletin ...

... on him as their predestined leader. The same master-idea made him seize on the four main points which the Bengal agitation had thrown into some beginning of practical form, Swaraj, Swadeshi, National Education and Boycott, and formulate them into a definite programme, which he succeeded in introducing among the resolutions of the Congress at the Calcutta session,—much to the detriment of the uniformity... see it near and distinct before it, magnified by a present hope, looming largely and actualised as a living aim whose early realisation only depends on a great, sustained and sincere effort. National education meant for him the training of the young generation in the new national spirit to be the architects of liberty, if that was delayed, the citizens of a free India which had rediscovered itself ...


... of a widespread and comprehensive system of national education possible and indeed eminently practicable, is the generation of an enthusiasm such as was beginning to gather force after the Carlyle Circular. A stern and bitter struggle between the people and the bureaucracy is the one thing that is likely to generate such an enthusiasm. National education is by no means impracticable or even difficult ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... when they bring us gifts." Our policy is self-development and defensive resistance. But we would extend the policy of self-development to every department of national life; not only Swadeshi and National Education, but national defence, national Arbitration Courts, sanitation, insurance against famine or relief of famine,—whatever our hands find to do or urgently needs doing, we must attempt ourselves... all, by whatever means, at whatever sacrifice; and this duty must override all other considerations. The work of national emancipation is a great and holy yajna of which boycott, Swadeshi, national education and every other activity, great and small, are only major or minor parts. Liberty is the fruit we seek from the sacrifice and the Motherland the goddess to whom we offer it; into the seven leaping ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... finding himself out of his depth at the Federation Ground Meeting, rather plaintively asks Bipin Babu to come down from the heights of philosophy and talk to the people of Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education. The correspondent seems to us at fault as to the bearings of the present situation. If Bipin Chandra were an ordinary political leader and the present time an ordinary political epoch, his complaint... interest is as if one were to have asked Mazzini to forget his great teachings which revivified Italy, and confine himself to the questions of the day in Rome or Sardinia. Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education are merely aspects, phases, expressions of the great ideas which Bipin Chandra preaches. There is nothing new to be said about them, they have simply to be carried out. But the ideas which underlie ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hear him on Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education,—the old subjects of his unparalleled eloquence,—and he himself may desire to speak on them, but the voice of a prophet is not his own to speak the thing he will, but another's Page 1017 to speak the thing he must. India needed the gospel of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education to nerve her to her first effort, but now ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Herein lies the true significance of national education, boycott, Swadeshi, arbitration. Do not be afraid of obstacles in your path, it does not matter how great the forces are that stand in your way, God commands you to be free and you must be free. We ask you to give up the school under the control of the foreign bureaucracy and point out to you national education, we ask you to keep away from the legal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... it creates a wrong impression—since in fact these are reprints and I have not revised or rewritten any part of them. 23 April 1937 A System of National Education I readily give the permission you request to embody my System of National Education as a chapter in the book projected by your Institute. 1 I have no time to go again through it, but I am Page 77 asking my publishers ...


... Guru—only darshan and blessing. There was no contact with the others. [He met Brahmananda on the banks of the Narmada for advice on national education activities.] Sri Aurobindo saw Brahmananda long before there was any question of national education activities. Brahmananda never gave him any counsel or advice nor was there any conversation Page 108 between them; Sri Aurobindo ...


... papers). To Dr. S. K. Mullick. 8 February 1908 . Dr. Sharat Kumar Mullick (1869/70 - 1923/4), a physician with an interest in nationalist politics   Page 575 and national education, was a lecturer in the National Medical College in 1908. Sri Aurobindo was principal of the Bengal National College in 1906 and 1907, and kept some connection with it until May 1908. From the... found. It does not appear to have been published in the Hindu , and possibly was never written. To the Editor of the New India . [1] April 1918. Sri Aurobindo wrote this message on national education at the request of Annie Besant (1847 - 1933), president of the Theosophical Society, leader of the Indian Home Rule League, and editor of New India , a newspaper of Madras. She published it ...


... cultural striving and attainment), is India's privilege and special responsibility towards herself and the world? At any rate, this essential education is India's national education to my mind. In fact, I regard this as the national education of each great country with characteristic differentiations peculiar to each nation. ...


... cultural striving and attainment, is India's privilege and special responsibility towards herself and the world? At any rate, this essential education is India's national education to my mind. In fact, I regard this as the national education of each great country with characteristic differentiations peculiar to each nation. I wonder whether this is correct and Mother would endorse it. Yes, this ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... succeeded, largely as a result of Sri Aurobindo's influence and his effort behind the scenes, in prevailing on the Congress to pass resolutions adopting Swaraj as its goal and Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education as the effective means of realising it. This was a serious setback for the Moderates, who had strongly opposed the resolutions, and they were waiting for an opportunity to get back their hold... and someone kindled a lantern at his side.' The Nationalists had come to know by this time that the Moderates were getting ready to scuttle the resolutions on Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, and National Education, but unable to go back openly on them, they had decided on a roundabout method. They had prepared the draft of a new constitution for the Congress, which they proposed to get passed at the Surat ...


... the Moderates continued to distrust him. Realising his ineffectiveness outside the Congress mainstream, he set about building a strong political base. His programme consisted of four planks: National Education, Swadeshi, Boycott and Swaraj. Tilak was warmly acclaimed by the Bombay Provincial Conference in 1915 and electrified politics by his proposal of Home Rule. He set up a Home Rule League... individuals who were active or through New India wherein a page was devoted to Home Rule news and advice. The League preached everywhere swadeshi, boycott of foreign goods, temperance, national education, labour welfare and responsible government. The movement brought Besant immense popularity and fame and elevated her to the position of an important national leader in the country ...

... a further realisation of the potentialities of the child and its soul, a realisation that was explicitly stated in the writings of the nationalist leaders who inspired and led the movement of national education in India, such as those of Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo. These writings gave a clear expression of the deeper self and the real... presented here is more than indicative of the need Page 327 to explore and to undertake new programmes of relevant research. Our aim should be to create for our country a new system of national education, rooted in the fundamentals o£. Indian pedagogy, which, when properly explored, will be found capable of providing to us today new and progressive forms that would respond to the highest needs ...

... A Scheme for The Education of Bengal III. A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION (i) THE HUMAN MIND THE true basis of education is the study of the human mind, infant, adolescent and adult. Any system of education founded on theories of academic perfection, which ignores the instrument of study, is more likely to hamper and impair in... the outer life, or it creates the fanatic, the pietist, the ritualist or the unctuous hypocrite. Religion has to be lived, not learned as a creed. The singular compromise made in the so-called National Education of Bengal making the teaching of religious beliefs compulsory, but forbidding the practice of anusthana or religious exercise, is a sample of the ignorant confusion which distracts men's minds ...

... complete silence of the mind attaining to the experience of the Silent Brahman. Gives three public speeches. January 12, 13 Speeches at Poona. January 15 "National Education" speech at Girgaum, Bombay. January 19 "The Present Situation" speech before the Bombay National Union. January 24 Speech at Nasik. January 26 Speech at Dhulia. January... the Karmayogin. 1910 February Leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore in French India. February 12 - April 2 A System of National Education in the Karmayogin. February 19 - March 5 Baji Prabhu in the Karmayogin. March 26 - April 2 "Chitrangada" in the Karmayogin. ...


... and the blows are showering upon us, not to destroy but to re-create. Without suffering there can be no growth."² The Bande Mataram put before the nation the programme of Boycott, Swadeshi, National Education, and Passive Resistance with the ideal of forming parallel government. On 13 October the Bande Mataram became a joint stock company in accordance with Sri Aurobindo's suggestion. A board... where this support was secured. Sri Aurobindo's share in securing this support was not insignificant. To the main resolution demanding Swaraj others were added: viz., Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education. Sir Phirozshah Mehta, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Banerjee – the leaders of the Moderate school of politics – were opposed to the resolution. Dadabhai, the president, was undecided in ...


... establishes complete silence of the mind, attaining to the experience of the Silent Brahman. Gives three public speeches. January 12,13 Speeches at Poona. January 15 "National Education" speech at Girgaum, Bombay. January 19 "The Present Situation" speech before the Bombay National Union. January 24 Speech at Nasik. January 26 Speech at Dhulia. ... Karmayogin. December 25 "To My Countrymen" in the Karmayogin. 1910 — February Leaves Calcutta for Chandernagore in French India. February 12-April 2 A System of National Education in the Karmayogin. February 19-March 5 Baji Prabhu in the Karmayogin. March 26-April 2 "Chitrangada" in the Karmayogin. March 31 Leaves Chandernagore ...

... deepest-thoughted and most delicately profound in life of all the peoples of the earth, is the task next in importance and urgency. Sri Aurobindo was to write later, in A System of National Education that, to make the most of the age of regeneration Indians should strive to be "children of the past, possessors of the present, creators of the future", the essential enduring past was to be... must become a living force once again, as in the great days following the "partition" of Bengal. There was every need, then, to bring fresh vigour and commitment and dedication to the tasks of national education, arbitration, swādeśhi-boycott, economic self-sufficiency, industrial independence and social dynamism: These are the objects for which we have to organise the national strength of ...

... be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or task-master, he is a helper and a guide." Sri Aurobindo had written a series of introductory essays on a sound system of teaching applicable to national education in any country; they were published in the weekly Karmayogin between February and April 1910. The National College was first located at 191/1 Bow-bazar Street. Students came—not only those... it will be unpardonable. He was the Superintendent of the Bengal National College. Sri Aurobindo said about him in a speech he delivered at Bombay in 1908: "I spoke to you the other day about National Education and I spoke of a man who had given his life to that work, the man who really organised the National College in Calcutta, and that man also is a disciple of a Sannyasin, that man also, Page ...

... contemporary leaders. Later at night, Sri Aurobindo met some of Poona's young revolutionaries at another private meeting. Then to Bombay. There. at Cirgaum, for an hour and a half. he spoke on National Education. Among the things he said , as reported in the Kesari of Tilak: "The very geographical position of the country. isolating it from other parts of the world. argues its separate national existence... Rishis ." He also favoured learning and harnessing modern scientific inventions of the West for the welfare of mankind. Then to Bombay. There, at Girgaum, for an hour and a half, he spoke on National Education. Among the things he said, as reported in the Kesari of Tilak: "The very geographical position of the country, isolating it from other parts of the world, argues its separate national existence ...

... Early Cultural Writings A System of National Education Some Preliminary Ideas The Human Mind The true basis of education is the study of the human mind, infant, adolescent and adult. Any system of education founded on theories of academical perfection, which ignores the instrument of study, is more likely to hamper and impair intellectual... the outer life, or it creates the fanatic, the pietist, the ritualist or the unctuous hypocrite. Religion has to be lived, not learned as a creed. The singular compromise made in the so-called National Education of Bengal, making the teaching of religious beliefs compulsory, but forbidding the practice of anuṣṭhāna or religious exercises, is a sample of the ignorant confusion which distracts men's ...


... Nationalist leadership. The journal declared and developed a new political programme for the country as the programme of the Nationalist Party, non-cooperation, passive resistance, Swadeshi, Boycott, national education, settlement of disputes in law by popular arbitration and other items of Sri Aurobindo's plan. Sri Aurobindo published in the paper a series of articles on passive resistance, another developing... the sudden enthusiasm for the boycott of all foreign goods was wide and sweeping and the leaders had to conform to this popular cry and be content with the impulse it gave to the Swadeshi idea. National education was another item to which Sri Aurobindo attached much importance. He had been disgusted with the education given by the British system in the schools and colleges and universities, a system of ...


... mercies of the Foreign Office. Nor was it his turning the Conference into a tool for ventilating his personal grievances against Bombay officialdom. It was his action with regard to the question of National Education. Let us consider one by one the pleas by which he managed to exclude this all-important Resolution from the deliberations of the Conference. They show the peculiar mental texture of our leaders... purposes, does it then exist only in order to record the decrees and opinions of a few Provincial leaders? The second plea was that Sir Pherozshah Mehta could not understand the meaning of National Education. At Ahmedabad, Page 254 we remember, the Swadeshi Resolution was disallowed in the Subjects Committee because Sir Pherozshah Mehta would not know where he could get his broadcloth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Chaudhuri's address, and warmly approves of it. But he mildly rebukes the speaker for pinning his hopes on the new system of National Education which is gradually spreading throughout Bengal and advises him to transfer his affections to the old University. National Education will be a failure, says the Chowringhee prophet; Indians are too selfish and unpatriotic to make it a success. What then is to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... enterprise. It is exactly for this reason that India has realised the necessity of a system of national education which will have the same effects in India that such a system had in Germany. And we are sure the awakened spirit of nationalism, when it receives the powerful stimulus of a system of national education, will make the people self-reliant and able to bring about India's industrial regeneration ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... European absorption in the Far East. But the most remarkable feature of the past year is the awakening of the Mahomedan world. In Afghanistan it has seen the inception of a great scheme of National Education which may lay the basis of a State, strong in itself, organised on modern lines and equipped with scientific knowledge and training. Amir Abdur Rahman consolidated Afghanistan; it is evidently... avowedly of the new school, are indices of the rapidity with which Nationalism is formulating itself and taking possession of the country. A third feature of the year has been the growth of National Education. The Bengal National College has not only become an established fact but is rapidly increasing in numbers and has begun to build the foundations of a better system of education. The schools at ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... for self-help and passive resistance. Boycott, Swadeshi, Arbitration, National Education, were the hope of the future, the means of self-regeneration. In five years everything has been struck to the earth. Boycott has almost disappeared, Swadeshi languishes under sentence of arrest, Arbitration died still-born, National Education is committing suicide. A tremendous disintegration has taken place and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... True national education consists in awakening in one's mind the highest ideas of national activity, which make one forget oneself and feel that he does not exist separately from his country. The expressions "national lines" and "national control" are very important, and therefore we insisted on having them in the resolution of the National Congress. It is not possible to have national education without ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Speeches at Pabna - I 12-February-1908 The subject of National Education, which has been recognised by the Indian National Congress as one of the main planks in its platform, received a further impetus in this year's Bengal Provincial Conference which was held in... maintain national schools throughout the country." The resolution was moved by Srijukta Aurobindo Ghose, B.A. (Cantab) of the Bengal National College in a short but inspiring speech. He said that national education was a work which had already been accomplished and was already visible in a concrete shape to the eyes of the people. There was the Bengal National College at Calcutta and there were about 25 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... recall that the great struggle for freedom had, in its early moments of resurgence, placed national education as an essential aspect of its core Programme for achieving India's independence. Under the inspiring leadership of the greatest educationists, radical experiments were carried out. National education was visualized in its widest implications so as to foster both nationalism and internationalism ...


... government, which some of them had held in such high esteem. The Swadeshi Movement brought about many changes in our country and its society, particularly in the field of education. Centres of national education were established in Bengal and I was made the principal of the first college of this kind - the National College. I had been waiting for just such an opportunity for a long time. Immediately... write in the Bande Mataram, I set down my plan of action very clearly in that paper: "Our aim was Swaraj, self-rule, Freedom. "Our means would be: non-cooperation, passive resistance, national education, self-reliance along with boycott of British goods, fair and proper method of arbitration, and so on. I wrote about all this in article after article in the Bande Mataram in order to shatter ...

... was power, and Sri Aurobindo's words were a from of Sri Aurobindo's action, and they also stung others to action - with truly national ramifications. Lastly, there was the question of "national education". The need of those times was to undo the mischief caused by the system of education that had been introduced by the British. It had its good points, but it was largely divorced from the currents... goes on, The glorious strife, Until the goal predestined has been won. 21 * For a detailed history, the reader is referred to Haridas and Uma Mukherjee, The Origins of the National Education Movement (1905-1910), published in 1957. Page 218 ...

... the execution of the cause. (ii) The understanding of what is true education. (See the Mother's writings on Education and Sri Aurobindo's "Brain of India", "A System of National Education" and "A Preface on National Education). (iii) A scheme for the organisation and methods to carry out the task of educating the people. The Scheme There must be a central body consisting ...

... Saiyidain was thus in the Ashram in July 1965, and met the pupils and teachers of the Centre of Education, and had a lively and fruitful discussion with them. 4 A special brochure, "A True National Education", was published as a Supplement to Mother India in October 1965 as an "offering to the Commission and the Country". The Mother herself, in her message in the context of the Commission's quest... This 16-page document spelt out in considerable detail the insights in the Mother's brief statement and individual replies. Drawing freely upon the seminal ideas in Sri Aurobindo's A System of National Education, as also the writings of Western thinkers like Teilhard de Chardin and R.L. Heilbroner, the memorandum presented with compelling force the case for an integral education grounded on the finding ...


... Nationalist leadership. The journal declared and developed a new political programme for the country as the programme of the Nationalist party, non-cooperation, passive resistance, Swadeshi, Boycott, national education, settlement of disputes in law by popular arbitration and other items of Sri Aurobindo’s plan. Sri Aurobindo published in the paper a series of articles on passive resistance, another developing... the sudden enthusiasm for the boycott of all foreign goods was wide and sweeping and the leaders had to conform to this popular cry and be content with the impulse it gave to the Swadeshi idea. National education was another item to which Sri Aurobindo attached much importance. He had been disgusted with the education given by the British system in the schools and colleges and universities, a system of ...


... leadership of Tilak in imposing part of their political programme on the Congress." Sri Aurobindo had played a major role in the formulation of its four-fold programme: Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, and National Education. It was the clever maneuvering by the Nationalist Party that forced the Moderate leaders to incorporate the programme in the resolutions of 1906. The programme was adopted after a severe tussle... prevailing scenario can be had from 'The man of the Past and the Man of the Future' (Bande Mataram, 26.12 .1906). Page 395 secured the exclusion of questions of Boycott and National Education. Were the Bengal Moderates to be left behind? Not on your life !They set the stage for the second clash between the two parties which resulted in an open rupture. The District Congress ...

... his senses, or out of them, either, ever dreamed of calling upon any Englishman to support the Extremist policy. We note with interest that the Mirror considers Boycott, Passive Resistance, National Education, Arbitration and physical training to be "violent" methods. On the other hand we find Srijut Narendra Nath Sen's signature affixed to the recently issued statement in which the use of violent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... also a state or nation must first win or maintain an organised independence, otherwise it will find itself baffled in all its attempts to satisfy its other wants. Swadeshi, Boycott, Arbitration, National Education, are all doomed to failure if Page 538 pursued separately and for their own sake; but as part of a single co-ordinated attempt to attain an organised independence they are the necessity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... freedom without which Indians cannot obtain the necessary control over their money. So long as we are under an alien bureaucracy, we cannot have the funds needed for the purpose of an adequate national education, and what little education we are given falls far short of the Nationalist ideal, being mainly concerned with the fostering of a spirit of sordid contentment with things that be. Apart from the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... says that the changes made were merely verbal. He substituted the words "independent system" for the more important words "on national lines and under national control" in the resolution on national education. Mr. Gokhale says that the word "national" occurred thrice in the resolution and this did not sound well, so the changes in the wording were made. Mr. Gokhale is a scholar of English, but we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... created us independent we should be full of inspirations. With full faith in God we should preach independence through the length and breadth of the country and a beginning should be made to impart national education. The English erred in the beginning in spreading their education, which they now regret, and on this account Lord Curzon adopted a new policy. People should take into their own hands judicial ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... carrying on of the party struggle strictly within the rules of the game. The present bitterness of the struggle is largely due to the disregard of these Page 233 elementary conditions. National Education is an accepted part of the political programme in Bengal; yet all the best known and most influential of the Moderate leaders are either practically indifferent or passively hostile to the progress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... resolution it has found room for the idea of self-help, the principle of self-sacrifice and the policy of the gradual exclusion of foreign goods. The Congress has recognised the necessity of National Education. The Congress has recognised the necessity of a Constitution and adopted one as a tentative measure for a year, which, crude, meagre and imperfect as it is, depends only on our own efforts to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... generate that Brahmatej in the nation which will raise up the Kshatriya spirit to protect it. Without this Brahmatej, this spiritual force in our midst, all else will be vain; Swadeshi will cease, National Education fail, the great hopes and schemes now forming in our midst disappear like idle wreaths of smoke and the whole movement stain the pages of history as an abortive and premature impulse, a great ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the field of self-help. Boycott of foreign goods is a necessary condition for the encouragement of Swadeshi industries, boycott of Government schools is a necessary condition for the growth of national education, boycott of British courts is a necessary condition for the spread of arbitration. The only question is the extent and conditions of the boycott and that must be determined by the circumstances ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... But freedom does not mean the use of violence—it does not mean bombs; it is the fulfilment of our separate national existence. If there is any authority mad enough to declare that Swadeshism, national education, arbitration, association for improvement of our physique, is illegal, it is not stamping out anarchism; it is Page 40 on the contrary establishing a worse anarchism from above. It ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... direct at-tempts having failed, they are now trying to keep down the rising spirit of young India by objurgations addressed to the guardians and by playing on their selfishness and fears. Once the National Education movement was thwarted of its natural course and triumphant success by the leaders, it was easy for the bureaucrats to enforce this policy by gathering up all the authority of the Universities ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... m can secure the first conditions for its existence. Every act of the new Nationalism has been a call for suffering and self-sacrifice. Swadeshi was such a call, arbitration was such a call, national education was such a call, above all, passive resistance was such a call. None of these things can be secured except by a general readiness to sacrifice the individual and the family to the interests of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... which made us the deepest-hearted, deepest-thoughted and most delicately profound in life of all the peoples of the earth, is the task next in importance and urgency. We had hoped by means of National Education to effect this great object as well as to restore to our youth the intellectual heritage of the nation and build up on that basis a yet greater culture in the future. We must admit that the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... concern aiming at the extinction in a locality of the retail shopkeeper and the capture of his business commits a wrongful act, or an illegal act, it is not clear which; all Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education movements are objectionable. The Tariff Reform movement itself is only saved by being directed against men outside the country, even if it is so saved, for after all it affects adversely the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... plans, no methods. She herself will provide the schemes, the plans, the methods better than any that we can devise. She asks us for our hearts, our lives, nothing less, nothing more. Swadeshi, National Education, the attempt to organise Swaraj are only so many opportunities for self Page 1032 surrender to her. She will look to see not how much we have tried for Swadeshi, how wisely we have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... descendants. That these ignoble, but perfectly human and intelligible motives are behind the Conventionalist separatism is further evidenced by the attempt to whittle away the resolution on National Education by the removal of the expression on national lines and national control in order to make it a colourless approval of a mere academic departure. Mr. Gokhale placed his justification in his ardent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that we have gained may become the starting-point for fresh victories; the organisation of boycott is the first work to which we should set our hands. The third thing to be done is to spread National Education. A serious effort must be made to take in hand the raising of funds for this branch of national activity, so that the National Council may be in a position both to effect the complete organisation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... profitable Swadeshi investments and boast himself a great Swadeshi worker, a captain of industry, a solid patriot; he can do real good to the country without peril to himself by subscribing to help National Education. In these and other ways he can satisfy his secret proclivities for the service of his country. But the days when this easy service could pass for Nationalism are numbered. The work now before ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... from that limitation the extent to which we shall use it, depends on expediency and the amount of resistance we have to overcome. On our own side we have great and pressing problems to solve. National education languishes for want of moral stimulus, financial support, and emancipated brains keen and bold enough to grapple with the difficulties that hamper its organisation and progress. The movement ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... a more concrete force manifests, but where it comes, when it comes, none knoweth. Karmayogin no. 38, 26 March 1910 OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN ISSUES 37 - 39 A System of National Education VI - VIII Some Aphorisms of Bhartrihari Chitrangada (poem) Page 465 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Suprabhat: A Review Indian Art and an Old Classic The Brain of India The Revival of Indian Art The National Value of Art The Men that Pass Conversations of the Dead A System of National Education Volume 2. Collected Poems Invitation Who? An Image The Birth of Sin Epiphany Baji Purbhou Chitrangada Page 467 Volume 5. Translations Anandamath ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... × Id., pp. 140-41. × See A System of National Education , in the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, vol. 17, The Hour of God. × The soul or ...

... possess in an amazing degree, extent and potentiality. Page 108 III An important reform that was introduced in our system of Higher Education, soon after the adoption of the National Education Policy of 1986, was that of autonomous colleges. Unfortunately, this reform has not received any appreciable response. There are understandable difficulties that various partners of Higher Education ...

... for the growth of nobility, courage, leadership and creative action. The mind should be developed to Page 29 Our pioneering educationists, who strove hard for a 'system of National Education, had constantly emphasized the need to appeal to the living enthusiasm of children and youth. They had dreamt of transforming the school into a playground, of transforming the school into a nursery ...

... moral and spiritual education. Value-education came to the forefront during the 70s and 80s, and there was also a report on imparting value-orientation to teachers' training programmes. The National Education Policy 1986 had one full chapter on value education and had underlined the need to foster eternal values and values embedded in Indian culture through the entire educational programme in the ...

... cultural education as understood in their widest connotations. The Kothari Commission recommended value-education that is in coherence with the development of science and scientific temper. The National Education Policy, 1986, devoted one full section to value education. Unfortunately, our curricula, by and large, have changed little or only marginally. The main difficulty has been that there ...

... machine have all to be raised to their highest and finest working power, if the education of the child is not to be imperfect and one-sided. * ( * Sri Aurobindo: A System of Page 160 National Education, Centenary Edition, vol. 17, p. 207.) obvious that since our curricula and syllabi are not being framed in response to needs of the development of faculties, the only way by which teachers can ...


... cultural education as understood in their widest connotations. The Kothari Commission recommended value education that is in coherence with the development of science and scientific temper. The National Education Policy, 1986, devoted one full section to value education. Unfortunately, our curricula, by and large, have changed little or only marginally. The main difficulty has been that there has ...


... from the orthodox and conservative path of the Moderates and infused in the country a new electric force of Nationalism. He chalked out a new path of Swadeshi, boycott, passive resistance, and national education, — the path that ultimately came to be adopted as the national programme during the subsequent period of the struggle. He even ventured to search for a spiritual force that could be applied to ...

... take place. The tryst was delayed by a decade. Curzon's infamous partition of Bengal set afire the Swadeshi movement with its programme of native industry, boycott of foreign goods and national education. While Swadeshi enterprise across India was limited to such tokenisms as making candles and bangles, in Tuticorin it took the spectacular form of running nothing less than a steam shipping company—an ...

... separate political entity in India which ought never to have happened; the Khilafat affair made that separate political entity an organised separate political power. It was not Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Swaraj (our platform) which made this tremendous division, how could it? Tilak was responsible for it not by that, but by his support of the Lucknow affair - for the rest, Gandhi ...

... separate political entity in India which ought never to have happened; the Khilafat affair made that separate political entity an organised separate political power. It was not Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Swaraj (our platform) which made this tremendous division, how could it? Tilak was responsible for it not by that, but by his support of the Lucknow affair - for the rest, Gandhi did it with ...

... freedom. India came to be worshipped by millions of people as an eternal Mother India. Under the inspiring call of worship of Mother India, programmes of swadeshi, boycott, passive resistance and national education came to be developed, and the movement which had begun with the dominant minority turned into a mass movement, and India became free in 1947. Page 211 We are today passing through ...


... was an open space, crowds would gather to listen to lectures and orations, crowds mostly of boys from the schools and colleges – the girls had not yet come out and joined. Swadeshi, boycott, national education, rural uplift – these were the slogans dwelt upon everywhere. And with it all there went on, in secret, underground preparations for revolution and revolt and armed attack. In our country ...

...       Speeches (Arya Publishing House, Calcutta, 1922).       Thoughts and Aphorisms (Ashram, 1958).       On Himself and on the Mother (Ashram, 1953).       A System of National Education (Arya Publishing House, Calcutta, 1924).       Sri Aurobindo's Vedic Glossary, compiled by A.B. Purani (Ashram, 1962).              (Note : The editions actually used by me are listed ...


... edition is a reproduction, in two volumes, of the University Edition, On Yoga I: The Synthesis of Yoga. SABCL: The Synthesis of Yoga, Vols. 20, 21 89 . A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL EDUCATION Tagore & Co., Madras, 1921 An incomplete series of articles from the Karmayogin, February 12 to April 2, 1910. The first edition was unauthorised. In 1924 an ...


... the circle of purposeful commitment. So far his surface mind had attended to problems like the formulation of a programme for India's regeneration, self-development through self-help—swadeshi, national education, arbitration, etc.—and passive resistance to evil in any of its forms. He did not, of course, make a fetish of the word 'passive'; as K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar points out. "Sri Aurobindo did hot ...


... was the year 1907. I had stepped into my seventeenth year. The idea of a University degree was extremely repugnant to me and accordingly, I gave up my studies in the wake of the great stir for National Education. This was done by me with the solemn intention of snatching my country back from the clutches of the British. There was a mood of expectancy in the air. Rumours were floating about. It was ...

... 376 regret and puzzlement at Sri Aurobindo's withdrawal from political life. "Aurobindo shone for years as the brightest star on the Indian firmament. His association with the National Education movement at its inception lent dignity and charm to the cause.... He flooded the land from Cape to Mount with the effulgence of his light." That is Pattabhi Sitaramayya writing in the History ...

... And without means. But Sri Aurobindo had already decided in his mind the lines on which he wanted the country's action to run. His plan was fourfold: Boycott — "boycott of British trade;" National Education —"the substitution of national schools for the Government institutions;" People's Court —"the creation of arbitration courts to which the people could resort instead of depending on the ordinary ...

... 1905. A movement for Indian independence, by non-cooperation and passive resistance and the organisation (under a national Council or Executive, but this did not materialise,) of arbitration, national education, economic independence, (especially handloom industry including the spinning-wheel, but also the opening of mills, factories and Swadeshi business concerns under Indian management and with Indian ...


... separate political entity in India which ought never to have happened; the Khilafat affair made that separate political entity an organised separate political power. It was not Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Swaraj (our platform) which made this tremendous division, how could it? Tilak whom the Kripalani man blames along with me for it, is responsible not by that, but by his support of the Lucknow ...


... Aurobindo was present at the Congress in 1904 and again in 1906 and took a part in the counsels of the extremist party and in the formation of its fourfold programme—"Swaraj, swadeshi, boycott, national education"—which the Moderate leaders after a severe tussle behind the scenes were obliged to Page 78 incorporate in the resolutions of 1906. Bepin Pal had just started a daily paper Bande ...


... the fanatic, the pietist, the ritualist or the unctuous Page 30 hypocrite. Religion has to be lived, not learned as a creed. The singular compromise made in the so called National Education of Bengal making the teaching of religioUs beliefs compulsory, but forbidding the practice of anusfhana or religions exercise, is a sample of the ignorant confusion vvhich distracts men's minds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... such continued rebuffs we should draw the energy and inspiration to work out our national well-being on independent lines. Every fresh blow should impart a greater impetus to the Boycott, to National Education, to the organisation of discontent, with a view to leaving the aliens severely alone. But hitherto our Moderate friends have rather been anxious to ram their heads more vigorously against the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... politicians aiming at a definite and urgent political object by a way which shall be reasonably rapid and yet permanent in its results. We may have our own educational theories; but we advocate national education not as an educational experiment or to subserve any theory, but as the only way to secure truly national and patriotic control and discipline for the mind of the country in its malleable youth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... best of our ability. The policy we advocate now is the policy we have always advocated, the policy of the organisation of Swaraj and passive resistance. To push forward Swadeshi, to push forward National Education, to take up Arbitration in earnest and for the effective working of this positive side to create what we have not up till now created except in certain districts,—a compact, well-managed, earnest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that some shall order and others obey, that some shall rule and Page 485 others submit, that some shall teach and others learn. The new nationalism with its boycott and Swadeshi, national education and Swaraj, seeks to invert this order and needs to be put down. It is here in our non-conformity to the bureaucratic conceptions of our duties that law and order have been disturbed and not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... as a substitute. When he spoke at Burdwan, industrial expansion was the idea of the day and Mr. Chaudhuri offered it to us as a substitute for political mendicancy. Today Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education are the ideas of the day and Mr. Chaudhuri offers them as a substitute for the struggle for Swaraj. We do not wish to overrate the importance of Mr. Chaudhuri's pronouncements. Mr. Chaudhuri ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... national system of education that has been inaugurated and the impending struggle against the Risley Page 541 Circular will be the precursor of even a greater movement which will make National Education in India an accomplished success. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... future, our great force for the purification of the moral weaknesses that stain and hamper our people. OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN THIS ISSUE The Three Purushas A System of National Education I Conversations of the Dead I Anandamath XIII (continued) Moondac Upanishad of the Atharvaveda I.2, II.1 Page 453 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... more iron into its heart, awaiting a diviner manifestation. OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN ISSUES 33 - 36 The Strength of Stillness Conversations of the Dead II A System of National Education II - V Baji Purbhou (poem) The Principle of Evil The Stress of the Hidden Spirit Moondac Upanishad of the Atharvaveda II.2, III.1 Page 458 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... these professions seek for its students instead of its students seeking Page 933 for them. The hankering after a Charter is born of weakness and deficient faith; it will be no gain to National Education and may easily be fatal to it. Page 934 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... uniformity, because uniformity is easy to it and natural variation is impossible to its essentially mechanical nature; but uniformity is death, not life. A national culture, a national religion, a national education may still be useful things provided they do not interfere with the growth of human solidarity on the one side and individual freedom of thought and conscience and development on the other; for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... absolute confidence in the strength of the nation. People have to take leaps into the dark, for reason is unable to show the way. You must take courage in hand and work. When the work regarding National education was commenced, it was a leap in the dark, but it succeeded. The lecturer remarked that provinces other than Bengal were in some respects superior to Bengal and therefore ought to be able to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The delegates who will be assisted out of the fund must therefore pledge themselves to stand firm for Boycott as a general principle for the Swadeshi resolution as it was framed last year, for National Education and Arbitration as prominent planks in the Congress platform and to do their best to see that the Congress takes up the cause of the Transvaal Indians, rejects Mr. Morley's reforms or any other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Lord. It was at sacred Benares that she first saw Mahadeva face to face and betrothed herself to him, but the marriage took place at Calcutta with a fourfold mantra, Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, as the sacred formula of union. The marriage did not please Daksha, but the Rishis were importunate and Sati firm, so he was compelled to give way. He cursed the Rishis freely. "What manner ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... movement born of a moment's indignation will pass like the rest; go to, let us raise our prices and make hay while the sun shines." The leaders deliberated maturely when they said, "The rush towards National Education will not last and if encouraged it will mean the destruction of private institutions and the payment of a double tax for education." So they stopped the students' strike, withheld their moral ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... and even then would only have used it for a short time as a means of pressure to get the Partition reversed. Everybody knows how it spread over Bengal with the impetuosity of a cyclone. Was the National Education movement preceded by mature deliberation? It came suddenly, it came unexpectedly, unwelcome to many and still damned with a halfhearted support by the leaders of the country. This is what we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... entirely under official control. If primary education is placed under free District Boards, there will be no farther objection; otherwise we must confine ourselves to the effective extension of National Education to the primary stage. We totally reject the resolution on the Terrorist outrages which no Bengal Conference ought to pass after the speech of the Lieutenant Governor which still stands on record ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... section of opinion in the West. The advanced Moderate programme contemplates Colonial self-government as a distant and ultimate goal, advocates commercial boycott of foreign goods, contemplates National education as an educational experiment supported practically by some, in theory only by others, and regards self-help as a pendant and subordinate to so-called constitutional agitation, in other words ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Council clings to the donation while infringing in the spirit its most vital condition. Perhaps these things also, no less than courage and sincerity, are considered unessential in this new "national" education. We notice that Sj. Hirendranath Dutt at Dacca seems to have openly proclaimed the abjuration of all connection with politics as part of the duty of a "National" school. We must therefore take ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... personality development. In a series of articles that Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1909 10, as a leader of Indian nationalism, in order to expound what he conceived to be the lines on which a system of National Education could be evolved, he enunciated three fundamental principles to which reference is made earlier. 14. There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the ...


... freedom. India came to be worshipped by millions of people as an eternal Mother India. Under the inspiring call of worship of Mother India, programmes of swadeshi, boycott, passive resistance and national education came to be developed, and the movement which had begun with the dominant minority turned into a mass movement, and India became free in 1947. We are today passing through a new phase of ...

... cultural education as understood in their widest connotations. The Kothari Commission recommended value-education that is in coherence with the development of science and scientific temper. The National Education Policy, 1986, devoted one full section to value education. Unfortunately, our curricula, by and large, have changed little or only marginally. The main difficulty has been that there has ...

... moral and spiritual education. Value-education came to the forefront during the 70s and 80s, and there was also a report on imparting value- orientation to teachers' training programmes. The National Education Policy - 1986 had one full chapter on value education and had underlined the need to foster eternal values and values embedded in Indian culture through the entire educational programme in the ...

... new proposals needs to be encouraged. But the question is: why are our students and youth not enthused by these proposals? Our pioneering educationists, who strove hard for a system of National Education, had constantly emphasized the need to appeal to the living enthusiasm of children and youth. They had dreamt of transforming the school into a playground, of transforming the school into a nursery ...

... cultural education as understood in their widest connotations. The Kothari Commission recommended value-education that is in coherence with the development of science and scientific temper. The National Education Policy, 1986, devoted one full section to value education. Unfortunately, our curricula, by and large, have changed little or only marginally. The main difficulty has been that there has ...

... Struggle for knowledge, for strength, for happiness and prosperity. Let all these be your aim in life. By no means, be found sleeping when the cry comes for battle." She fought for the ideal of a national education based on Indian culture, Indian values, Indian spirit. One of her great interest was in the revival of ancient Indian art. Among her friends were the great artists of the Bengal renaissance ...


... personality development. In a series of articles that Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1909-10, as a leader of Indian nationalism, in order to expound what he conceived to be the lines on which a system of National Education could be evolved, he enunciated three fundamental principles to which reference is made earlier. There are several other guidelines that we find in Sri Aurobindo. While explaining the ...

... Eric (a dramatic romance), 1912 or 1913 1960 V. NATIONALISM The Ideal of the Karmayogin, 'The Karmayogin', 1909-1910 1918 A System of National Education, 'The Karmayogin', 1910 1924 The National Value of Art, 'The Karmayogin',1909 1922 Speeches, 1908-1909 1922 The Doctrine of Passive Resistance, 1907 1948 ...

... published his translation of the first thirteen chapters of Bankim Chandra's Anandamath. In the later issues can be found some remarkably constructive prose contributions such as 'A System of National Education', 'The National Value of Art', 'The Brain of India', etc. Both the Karmayogin and Dharma soon acquired a wide readership and, unlike the Bande Mataram, were financially self-supporting ...


... the cauldron; in Maharashtra, Bal Gangadhar Tilak took direct part, in Punjab it was Lala Lajpat Rai and in South India it was Subramaniam Bharati. Slogans of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, and National Education, emerged during the anti-partition campaign. Tilak carried on a vigorous propaganda of this programme and recommended its adoption at the session of the Congress held at Calcutta in 1906. Dadabhai ...

... separate political entity in India, which ought never to have happened; the Khilafat affair made that separate political entity an organised separate political power. It was not Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, Swaraj (our platform) which made this tremendous division, how could it? Tilak .was responsible for it not by that, but by his support of the Lucknow affair - for the rest, Gandhi did it with ...

... 1960 The Chariot of Jagannath, 1918.- 1st ed. 1972.- (translated from Bengali) 5 – Political Period The Ideal of the Karmayogin, 'Karmayogin' 1909-10 .- 1st ed. 1918 A System of National Education, 'Karmayogin' 1910.- 1st ed. 1921 The National Value of Art, 'Karmayogin' 1909.- 1st ed. 1922 The Speeches, 1908-1909.- 1st ed. 1922 The Doctrine of Passive Resistance, 1907.- ...

... activities in the Spirit - with the soul, first awakening to its true nature, then trying to achieve rapport with all humanity, all Nature, and the universe itself. In his essay 'A System of National Education', published as long as 1907, Sri Aurobindo wrote: Every one has in him something divine, something his own, a chance of perfection and strength in however small a sphere which God offers ...

... Quoted in Haridas & Uma Mukherjee's Sri Aurobindo and the New Thought in Indian Politics (1964), pp. XXV-XXVI 37. Haridas and Uma Mukherjee, The Origins of the National Education Movement (1957), p. 74 38. Quoted in Loving Homage (1958), p. 278 39. Foreword to G. H. Langley's Sri Aurobindo: Poet, Philosopher and Mystic (1949) ...

... History as the Future (1968); India and Her Future (1971) Motwani, Kewal L. Sri Aurobindo on Social Sciences and Humanities (1962) Mukherjee, Haridas & Uma. The Origin of the National Education Movement 1905-1910 (1957); Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought: 1893-1908 (1958); India's Fight for Freedom, or the Swadeshi Movement: 1905-6 (1958); Sri Aurobindo and the New Thoughts in ...

... came Sri Aurobindo, the first son of Mother India to call for her unqualified freedom. He awakened the nation by launching a new movement of Passive Resistance, Boycott, Self-arbitration Courts, National Education etc. He reached the heart of the people through his powerful speeches and articles. Following are a few of the passages which inspired the youth of India to abandon their families, their ...

... The essays were collected as On Education and came out as a little book the same year. Like Sri Aurobindo's series in the Karmayogin during 1909-10, - "The Brain of India", "A System of National Education" and "The National Value of Art", - the Mother's essays on education too are packed with rare insights and illuminations that light up, for young and old alike, the long and tortuous path of ...


... materialistic mind of the West or by a nobler pragmatism guided, uplifted and enlightened by spiritual culture and knowledge." Sri Aurobindo wrote a message at the request of Annie Besant for National Education Week (New India, 8 April 1918). We quote a passage from it: "This is an hour in which, for India as well as for all the world, its future destiny and the turn of its steps for a century are ...

... friend Patrice Marot that we obtained these documents kept in the French Government's archives at Aix-en-Provence. Patrice could procure them through the good offices of the then minister for National Education, Mr. Francois Bayrou. Our profuse thanks to both of them. Page 227 train, without the English Government thinking it appropriate to stop its entry into British territory." ...