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26 result/s found for National egoism

... psychology of nations will be transmuted into that something "wondrous, rich and strange" which will eliminate war and international collisions from our distressed and stumbling human life. National egoism remaining, the means of strife remaining, its causes, opportunities, excuses will never be wanting. The present war came because all the leading nations had long been so acting as to make it i... the next great human collision with Asia as either its first field or its origin. Even if that difficulty is settled, new causes of strife must necessarily develop where the spirit of national Page 390 egoism and cupidity seeks for satisfaction; and so long as it lives, satisfaction it must seek and repletion can never permanently satisfy it. The tree must bear its own proper fruit, and Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... power in art will also develop. When I say "Strong vitality" and "India's advance" I mean by the phrases India's spiritual strength, the development of her soul, her true consciousness apart from national egoism and desire-soul. The differences that divided the East and the West have not remained constant. Political and economic considerations and also the swift and easy transport are bringing... artificial process of addition but by an organic growth, by assimilation. Art of humanity will really appear when mankind has learnt to feel the whole humanity as one, i. e. when man outgrows his national egoism, and begins to think and feel in terms of humanity. The main characteristic of that future art will be that of the modernist art in its beginning. It will be an art of subjective self- ...

... lay in the very nature of the international situation and the psychology of national life. The chief feature of this psychology is the predominance and worship of national egoism under the sacred name of patriotism.” The national egoism of Germany had taken on excessive proportions leading to an irreversible course of its politics. “In Germany it was the aristocratic and the capitalist class combined ...


... dynamic. factor in international life. But it is possible that before the world-state comes into existence effectively the national egoism will try to create situations of world's strife an thus put off the day of realisation of world unity. Patriotism in the sense of narrow national egoism can be a great obstacle in the path of the unity. It is also possible that the world unity may be attained externally ...

... troubles of Mexico is not possible to the mentality of the Old World, and it is doubtful how long it can stand even in America against Page 348 the rising tide of imperialistic sentiment. National egoism, the pride of domination and the desire of expansion still govern the mind of humanity, however modified they may now be in their methods by the first weak beginnings of higher motives and a better ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... particular war; but the real cause lay in the very nature of the international situation and the psychology of national life. The chief feature of this psychology is the predominance and worship of national egoism under the sacred name of patriotism. Every national ego, like every organic life, desires a double self-fulfilment, intensive and extensive or expansive. The deepening and enriching of its culture ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... PURANI: The Indian people also had no unity among themselves. They didn't think in terms of their country as a whole. Someone, in writing about the Mahrattas, said that they had tremendous national egoism but no unity, and that their system of Jagirdars 6 was the cause of their ruin. Very often these Jagirs were given as hereditary posts without any consideration of the individual's fitness. ...


... or political action for solving them. There are three psychological factors that have emerged. One, an internationalism all over the world, a tendency to make the world one, not insisting on national egoism or national consciousness but a tendency to create a consciousness of the whole of humanity. Second, a universal demand for a kind of socialism everywhere; even when there has been a very i ...


... cosmopolitanism, service of society, collectivism, humanitarianism, the ideal or religion of humanity are admirable aids towards our escape from our primary condition of individual, family, social, national egoism into a secondary stage in which the individual realises, as far as it can be done on the intellectual, moral and emotional level,—on that level he cannot do it entirely in the right and perfect ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... must be found in which all can be safe in their freedom and yet united for the common good. It will be well for India, if in spite of the absorption of her pressing need, she recognises that national egoism is no longer sufficient. She must claim freedom and equality for herself in whatever new order is to come or any post-war arrangement, but recognise also that the international idea and its realisation ...


... problem, its effect on the springs of human life and progress. The political and administrative unification of mankind is not only possible but foreshadowed by our present evolution; the collective national egoism which resists it may be overborne by Page 405 an increasing flood of the present unifying tendency to which the anguish of the European war gave a body and an articulate voice. But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... more rigid imperialism of Germany, the more liberal imperialism of England,—and nationalism. They were the two sides of one phenomenon, the aggressive or expansive and the defensive aspects of national egoism. But in the trend of imperialism this egoism had some eventual chance of dissolving itself by excessive self-enlargement, as the aggressive tribe disappeared, for example, the Persian tribe, first ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... to a more just and ideal system in which the imperialistic idea would dissolve and the great empires merge their Page 473 separate existence into that of a unified mankind. How far national egoism would allow that evolution to take place without vehement struggles and dangerous convulsions, is, in spite of the superficial liberalism now widely professed, a question still fraught with grave ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the pressure of the need of life within, as the Roman unity dissolved by its lifelessness in helpless response to a pressure from without, and Page 546 once again local, regional, national egoism would reconstitute for itself fresh forms and new centres. On the other hand, in a free world-union, though originally starting from the national basis, the national idea might be expected to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... in the previous chapters of the German mentality which lead directly to Hitler would not be complete without paying attention to the sincere longing behind even the most delirious extremes of national egoism, the historical and cultural fancies, and the aversion to everything “modernity” stood for. In the end the perverted fancies gained the upper hand, which was tragic when one considers the high ...


... nal policy of labour had carried a promise of an international comity of free nations. But over a period of its development, the spirit of internationalism came to be overcome by the power of national egoism. It became clear that mere idealism of internationalism is not enough; what is truly important is the spiritual change that would make internationalism a vital need in the lives of nations of ...


... must be found in which all can be safe in their freedom and yet united for the common good. It will be well for India, if in spite of the absorption of her pressing need, she recognizes that national egoism is no longer sufficient. She must claim freedom and equality for herself in whatever new order is to come or any post-war arrangement, but recognize also that the international idea and its realization ...

... Appendix II The war is over, though peace still lingers, her way sadly embarrassed by blockades, armistices, secret negotiations, conferences where armed and victorious national egoisms dispute the bloodstained spoils of the conflict, political and other advantages, captured navies, indemnities, colonies, protectorates, torn fragments of dismembered States and nations, embarrassed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... possible facilities for cooperative action, to remove obstacles, to prevent all really harmful waste and friction". 41 But the "egoism" of the national State dies hard. The war of 1914-18 was itself the resultant of the violent clash of several national egoisms: From Morocco to Tripoli, from Tripoli to Thrace and Macedonia, from Macedonia to Herzegovina the electric chain ran with that... through the bringing together of the several existing national egoisms be ever possible? And if possible, would such a "union" be desirable? With all its limitations and perversions, the 'nation' seems to be on the whole a viable enough collective unit, - and this, even before it gets transformed into a political unit. With scores of such national units in existence, which is a more desirable consummation... He has no difficulty in exposing the paltry insufficiency of its aims and the total inadequacy of its means: its selective and its oligarchic character: its shameful compromise with the bigger national egoisms: its brazen enunciation of a new theory of trusteeship: and, in sum, its being "a leaky and ill-balanced ship launched on waters of tempest and chaos without a chart or compass or sailing ins ...

... would be the division of the world into a few imperial aggregates consisting partly of federal, partly of confederate commonwealths or empires. Although unrealisable with the present strength of national egoisms, the growth of ideas and the force of changing circumstances might some day bring about such a creation and this might lead to a closer confederacy. America seems to be turning dimly towards a... society or State, national liberty and free national growth and self-realisation ought in the same way to be progressively harmonised with the solidarity and unified growth and perfection of the human race. Therefore, if this basic principle were admitted, there might indeed be fluctuations due to the difficulty of a perfect working combination, as in the growth of the national aggregate there has... determine the working out of this as of other problems. And just as the problem of the State and the individual has been troubled and obscured not only by the conflict between individual egoism and the corporate egoism of the society, but by the continual clash between intermediate powers, class strife, quarrels of Church and State, king and nobles, king and commons, aristocracy and demos, capitalist ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... throughout her history has sought to manifest." 11 This concept of double citizenship was a challenge to the "Lord of the Nations", the Asuric being who receives the ready homage of all rabid 'national' egoisms. By expressing her wish for 'double citizenship', the Mother planted a potent seed in the human consciousness, and in the fullness of time mankind would want to shed its divers divisive nationalist... forge still closer the links between the two adjacent territories, and open new channels of communication. All travel restrictions were removed, and Pondicherry was now quite in the mainstream of the national life of India without, however, losing its distinctive and almost unique individuality. In the course of 1954, the number of sadhaks rose to over 875, and there was a stir of new hope and expectancy ...


... connotation, the Mother tried to undo in some measure the mischief of the Partition mentality of self-fragmentation, the surge of mutual suspicion and hatred, and the enthronement of communal and sub-national egoisms that were alien to the spiritual ideal of oneness, wholeness and integrality, India was the Mother - India was Bharati, Bhavani Bharati 25 - and the Mother was not limited to the head alone... the infernal arithmetic of selfish 'party' calculations, the fear of the possible immediate danger (the eruption of a Page 451 civil war) and the ignoration of the bigger danger to the national psyche and the security of the subcontinent, all had conspired to batter down Congress resistance and stampede the leaders into ignominious acquiescence. But at least, the Mother hoped and the Mother ...


... bad and harmful to the common interest. On the one side, there is the underlying unity which makes each nation commercially dependent on all the rest. On the other there is the spirit of national jealousy, egoism and sense of separate existence which makes each nation attempt at once to assert its industrial independence and at the same time reach out for a hold of its outgoing commercial activities... occasions for extending its normal action. Science, thought and religion, the three great forces which in modern times tend increasingly to override national distinctions and point the race towards unity of life and spirit, would become more impatient of national barriers, hostilities and divisions and lend their powerful influence to the change. The great struggle Page 494 between Capital and... as it developed, extended, regularised its action, powers and processes, would become more complex and would be bound to interfere at many points and override or substitute its own for the separate national action. That would imply the growth also of its executive power and the development of an international executive organisation. At first it might confine itself to the most important questions and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... father and an armed and enforced Peace for its mother, with threatening and bloodily suppressed revolutions, a truncated internationalistic idealism and many half-curbed, just snaffled rearing national egoisms for its witnesses and godparents, has not, when looked at from this standpoint, in spite of certain elements of promise, an altogether reassuring appearance. The circumstances of its inception... form of his ideal—the future alone can show which it is to be—on the crude course of events and the realistic egoism of governments and imperial nations. But in present fact the large and complete ideal with which he began his work, has been so impinged upon by the necessities of national passions, ambition, self-interest and by pressure of the force of circumstances—still in spite of all idealism... self-determination is not at all incompatible with unity of spirit and mutual obligation between man and man. How to develop it out of present conditions, antipathies, ambitions, grievances, national lusts, jealousies, egoisms is indeed a problem, but it is a problem which will have to be attended to today or tomorrow on peril of worse things. To say that these developments are impossible is to say that a league ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... express the Divine Unity upon earth through an organised and harmonious diversity. Whatever the legal difficulties, this concept of double citizenship was a challenge to the reign of national egoisms, and was to lead, with the launching of the "World Union" movement with its headquarters in the Ashram, to the imaginative concept of world citizenship as well. It was also on 1 November... g in some measure the coming man, the man who will never be overwhelmed by a sense of crisis. A channel for the Divine's work, he will always be master of himself yet wholly free from the taint of egoism. The whole system of financial incentives, the desire for position, status and so-called "security", the scramble for power, the itch for "beggaring one's neighbour", the ambition to achieve personal... harbinger of the perfect world of the future. Sri Aurobindo had written on 7 April 1920 (less than three weeks before the Mother's second coming) that with "a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be the instruments of God", he would be able to wake up the sleeping godhead and create conditions facilitating the advent of the Life Divine. After the Mother's coming and her taking full ...

... politics. Some of his essays on political subjects were couched in telling allegories, edged with sharp irony. His essays like "Our religion", "Maya", "Sannyas and Tyaga", "National Resurgence and National Hatred", "Egoism", "The Problems of the Past and a glimpse of the Future", "Motherland and Nationalism", "The Upanishads", "The Puranas", "The Eight Siddhis" etc., and a long sequence of essays... Yoga is a Yoga of perfection in works, Yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam. "The primary requisite for national progress, national reform, is the free habit of free and healthy national thought and action which is impossible in a state of servitude. The second is the organisation of the national will in a strong 99. Put together and published in book form in 1948 under the title. The Doctrine... was raising up Hindu religion - it is the Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion without any racial or national definition and denomination, that is meant - and He declared that it was now "going forth to do my work among the nations". Its ultimate objective was not national but inter- national regeneration or, as Vivekananda had prophesied, the regeneration and spiritualisation of mankind. ...