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Neoptolemus : son of Achilles & Deidamia. In Homer’s Iliad, he is sent for by the Greeks after Achilles’ death, as his presence is necessary, according to an oracle, for the taking of Troy. “Neoptolemus” in Greek means “new in war” (young warrior).

2 result/s found for Neoptolemus

... climbed now the cusp of Cronion, Nobly tall, excelling humanity, planned like Apollo. Proud at his side like a pillar upreared of snow or of marble, Golden-haired, hard and white was the boy Neoptolemus, fire-eyed. Page 435 New were his feet to the Trojan sands from the ships and from Scyros: Led to this latest of all his father's fights in the Troad He for his earliest battle waited... from the Greeks have I sped to thy tents, their friendship or quarrel Urged not my feet; but Tiryns' chieftain strong Diomedes Sent me claiming a word long old that first by his war-car Young Neoptolemus come from island Scyros should enter Far-crashing into the fight that has lacked this shoot of Achilles, Pressing in front with his father's strength in the playground of Ares, Shouting his father's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Trojans. Priam: Son of Laomedon and king of Troy. In Ilion, he is pictured as an old man of imposing presence who has retired from active rule. Pyrrhus: an alternative name for Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. Rhea: Born to Gaea and Uranus she was one of the twelve titans. An earth goddess, like her mother, she gave birth to Hestia, Demeter and Hera. She also bore Hades ...
