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New India : (1) English weekly started by Bepin Chandra Pal in 1904; (2) In July 1915, Annie Besant, proprietor, publisher, printer & editor of the English daily Madras Standard (started in August 1914) renamed it New India.
... freedom and the power to determine her own destiny, it behoves us in French India to consider our situation and make decisions for our own future which will enable us to live in harmony with the new India and the new world around us. At this juncture, we of the Socialist Party wish to define our own policy and the future prospects of the French Settlements as we envisage them. 1 For a long time... s of our life and our general prosperity and, if cut off from it, we could not even live. Apart from all feelings and sentiments this stark necessity demands an intimate co-operation between the new India and French India. Under the push of a common Indian patriotism and the feeling of oneness with the rest of India some are putting forward the claim that we should join immediately whatever Indian... should be careful therefore not to make any such rash and hasty decisions as some propose but stand apart in our own separate status and wait for more certain developments. A closer relation with the new India is desirable and necessary, since we are Indians and French India a part of India intimately connected and dependent on the rest for her prosperity and for her very existence. But this need not take ...
... possibly was never written. To the Editor of the New India . [1] April 1918. Sri Aurobindo wrote this message on national education at the request of Annie Besant (1847 - 1933), president of the Theosophical Society, leader of the Indian Home Rule League, and editor of New India , a newspaper of Madras. She published it in New India on 8 April 1918, under the heading: " MESSAGES FROM... After receiving it, Besant wrote asking whether she could "use it (with or without your name) as a valuable opinion on the `Reforms' ". Sri Aurobindo consented, and the letter was published in New India on 10 August 1918. To the Editor of the Hindustan . 1918. The Hindu Marriages (Validity) Bill was introduced by Vithalbhai Patel (1873 - 1933) in the Imperial Council on 5 September 1918... Indian and World Events, 1940 - 1950 After his withdrawal from the national movement in 1910, Sri Aurobindo ceased to write on contemporary political issues. His letters to the editors of New India and Hindustan in 1918 (see Part Two, Section One) were his last public statements on political topics for more than twenty years. He first broke his silence in 1940 in connection with the Second ...
... published 10 August 1918 × Square brackets in New India. —Ed. × New India on ... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To the Editor of the New India [1] National Education is, next to Self-Government and along with it, the deepest and most immediate need of the country, and it is a matter of rejoicing for one to whom an earlier effort in that direction gave the first opportunity ...
... struggle for independence in India very few leaders saw beyond the political horizon. But there were some who saw that freedom was only a means and not an end, that ,a new India should emerge as a natural sequel. They saw that new India would have to meet the challenge of European culture with its vital drive, its scientific discoveries and economy-centric outlook. Indian culture is vast and complex... Page 35 values in the world today based on difference of cultures. And if Indian culture is not merely to survive but make its contribution to humanity today it must rebuild the life of new India on her own spiritual foundation adapted to the needs of the scientific age. This is the reason why Sri Aurobindo with his cosmic vision of human history wriets at length about Indian culture which... he is highly impressed by its popular manifestations like the Kumbha Mela at Prayag, he does not find it possible to canalise that tremendous energy for rejuvenating Indian Culture or building a New India. It may be due to the urgent need of industrialisation and his earnest desire to remove poverty from India that his mind is constantly turned to other countries whose technical and economic aid is ...
... Responsibility of Teachers in Building up Modern India; Gandhi on Education; Sri Aurobindo on Education; and Tilak on Education. The titles of the NCTE CD-ROMs on value education are: New Education for New India - Integral Education of Sri Aurobindo,Jeevan Vigyan and Teachers as Transformers. A CD-ROM based on the workshop that was organised by the NCTE jointly with the Chinmaya World Centre will be released... of B.El.Ed. course. The Centre has worked with teachers of over a hundred schools, colleges and teacher education institutions, in the field of Integral Education. 'A New Education for a New India: Integral Education' was a four-day conference organized by The Gnostic Centre in Nov.'2000, for 500 participants from over a 100 schools, teacher education colleges and educational institutes. The... and life. *Sadhana: A Guide to Self-Mastery: Ajourney into self-observation, self-organization, self-development and self-mastery. Page 494 *CD-Rom: 'A New Education for a New India: Integral Education' (available on sale) *Audio-cassettes: (available on sale) *Meditation for Inner Growth (guided meditation with music) *How to Think (talk) *Why Bad Things ...
... truth and novel forms out of ancient ideas and renewed experience. Whatever the last upshot may be, this spiritual and religious ferment and activity stand out as the most prominent feature of the new India; and it may be observed that while in other fields the tendency has been, until quite recently, more critical than constructive, here every impulse has been throughout powerfully creative. Especially... what are likely to be the great constructive ideas and the great decisive instruments which this spirituality will take to deal with and govern life, is as yet obscure, because the thought of this new India is still inchoate and indeterminative. Religions, creeds and forms are only a characteristic outward sign of the spiritual impulsion and religion itself is the intensive action by which it tries to ...
... resolution and the budget is to be certified. By the way, what is the average income of an Indian ? Disciple : Rs. 30/- per annum. Disciple : Rs. 2/8 - per month. Sri Aurobindo : The New India is particular about giving the average income to the Ministers ! If the average income increases then his pay also increases. Very fair proposal ! Disciple : So, now there is certification... Aurobindo was pressed by Mrs, Besant to give his opinion on the Montague Chelmsford Reforms. For a long time he avoided making any pronouncement. At last, when pressed again, he wrote an article in the New India on condition that his name should not be published. So the article appeared under the name of “an Indian Nationalist". In that article he said in effect : “the Reforms are like ...
... this college and left other occupations, other chances of life, to devote our lives to this institution, we did so because we hoped to see in it the foundation, the nucleus of a nation, of the new India which is to begin its career after this night of sorrow and trouble, on that day of glory and greatness when India will work for the world. What we want here is not merely to give you a little... Leadership was a form of service, and there was unending scope for service. The college was really a school for training in such national service. The college community was the nucleus of the New India - the India who would redeem herself and work for the whole world. By losing themselves in the adoration and service of the Mother, they would experience a great accession of strength in them and ...
... cultural foundations - for that alone is the only enduring unity - India has miraculously survived the shocks of the ages, the long centuries of travail; the spark hasn't been extinguished, and a new India re-enacting her past glory though in conformity with the exacting conditions of today is not quite an impossibility. Sri Aurobindo saw the morning Yuga-sandhya over fifty years ago, and at the present... 61 Following the lead of the pioneers and the light from Sri Aurobindo, the Indian race could make a collective advance towards the Knowledge, Power, Harmony and Unity. But whether the New India will actually reach these goals is still for the future to unfold. V Of Sri Aurobindo's other contributions to the Arya, the two major sequences, The Synthesis of Yoga and ...
... National Education Week (1918). Editorial title. Sri Aurobindo wrote this message at the request of Annie Besant, a leader of the Home Rule movement and the editor of New India , a newspaper of Madras. It was published in New India on 8 April 1918, under the heading: " MESSAGES FROM SONS OF THE MOTHERLAND TO THEIR BROTHERS ". Sri Aurobindo's was the longest of nine messages contributed by India's ...
... interesting account of that meeting: 'The Home Rule Movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the war-time internments. Some of us who were on the staff of New India went out on trips to build up a campaign of organisation. One of these trips took me to Pondicherry where Sri Aurobindo had made his home after leaving Bengal in 1910. Even in those early days there... which were meant as a step towards self-government for India. In response to a request from Mrs. Besant for an opinion on the reform proposals, Sri Aurobindo wrote a letter which was published in New India on August 10, 1918. He described the proposal as a 'cleverly constructed Chinese puzzle' and added that 'even a three days' examination has failed to discover in them one atom of real power given ...
... Bombay and Kanpur. Soon, there were as many as 200 branches, all enjoying virtual autonomy. Communications with the headquarters were carried on either through individuals who were active or through New India wherein a page was devoted to Home Rule news and advice. The League preached everywhere swadeshi, boycott of foreign goods, temperance, national education, labour welfare and responsible government... against Tilak; he was served a notice to pay a sum of Rs. 40,000. However, on appeal the decision was rescinded by the High Court. In May 1916, Annie Besant forfeited her security on her paper New India. Meanwhile all attempts to persuade her to abandon the Home Rule campaign and return to England failed. As a result, she and her assistants were interned without trial. She thus emerged as the country's ...
... previous February, in which he brought against the whole people an indictment for mendacity." Sir Henry Cotton, who had already denounced the proposal of partition when it was in embryo, says in his New India that the partition was "...part and parcel of Lord Curzon's policy to enfeeble the growing power and destroy the political tendencies of a patriotic spirit." Another reason why the Partition... this college and left other occupations, other chances of life, to devote our lives to this institution, we did so because we hoped to see in it the foundation, the nucleus of a nation, of the new India which is to begin its career after this night of sorrow and trouble, on that day of glory and greatness when India will work for the world. What we want here is not merely to give you a little ...
... been no age in which they have not been born. Among the Rishis of the later age we have at last realised that we must include the name of the man who gave us the reviving mantra which is creating a new India, the mantra Bande Mataram . The Rishi is different from the saint. His life may not have been distinguished by superior holiness nor his character by an ideal beauty. He is not great by what he ...
... Western education in India. Theirs was the impatient hope of a transformation such as took place afterwards with so striking a velocity in Japan; Page 18 they saw in welcome prospect a new India modernised wholesale and radically in mind, spirit and life. Intensely patriotic in motive, they were yet denationalised in their mental attitude. They admitted practically, if not in set opinion ...
... of pre-eminent political genius, belongs to this second and greater order of mind. 60 Page 132 April, 1918 (Extracts from a message on national education published in New India of April 8, 1918, a journal edited by Annie Besant.) The greatest knowledge and the greatest riches man can possess are [India's] by inheritance; she has that for which all mankind is waiting____ ...
... been disproved. Differences of impression on minor points will always exist among different observers of the same incident. Some, for instance, think that Mr. A. Chaudhuri raised his point about New India before the meeting was formally dissolved; others think it was after. The point is immaterial; the real question is—was Mr. Chaudhuri justified in raising the matter at all on such an occasion? We ...
... a Barrister-at-law, or Sj. Motilal Ghose edited a not altogether unknown journal called the Amrita Bazar Patrika or Srijut Bipin Chandra was Page 570 connected with a weekly called New India of which also even Bombay worthies must at least have heard. Or was it merely an amiable bit of "diplomatic tactics" such as it has been our privilege to witness on occasions? We heard that Mr. Gokhale ...
... stands committed to a policy of self-development and passive resistance. The Press a few months ago was, with the exception of a few Mahratti weeklies, one journal in the Punjab and the Sandhya and New India in Calcutta, almost entirely Moderate. The increase of Nationalist journals such as the Balbharat and Andhra Keshari in Madras, the Aftab in the North and ourselves in Calcutta, the appearance ...
... no age in which they have not been born. Among the Rishis of the later age we have at last realized that we must include the name of the man who gave us the reviving mantra which is creating a new India, the mantra Bande Mataram . The Rishi is different from the saint. His life may not have been distinguished by superior holiness nor his character by an ideal beauty. He is not great by what he ...
... Babu seems to have recovered the copious vein of thought, the subtle and flexible reasoning, the just and original view of his subject which made one wait with impatience for every fresh number of New India . His attitude towards the Reform scheme and the Mahomedan demand for a separate electorate is the attitude which has consistently been adopted by the Nationalist party in Bengal towards the Hind ...
... politician will recognize what he prefers to disparage as Extremism, but it will be well understood by those who are constant readers of the Nationalist journals in Bengal, whether the Bande Mataram or New India or vernacular journals like the Yugantar, the Nabasakti or the Sandhya. 1 Whatever their differences of temper, tone or style, however the methods they recommend may differ in detail, they are ...
... Andana", and they contained many other points of resemblance. Internal evidence therefore suggested that they came from the same source. Again the second leaflet was all about the Abhinav Bharat (New India) Society. This was the name given by V.D. Savarkar to the secret revolutionary society started by him in Nasik and continued in London and Paris. When it is remembered that Aiyar was V.D. Savakar's ...
... Indian affairs. She pleaded that India be recognised as a nation and be given self-government. She started two papers: Page 89 the weekly Commonwealth and the daily New India. In 1915, at Bombay she enunciated her plan to organise a Home Rule League. This was established in September 1916 after she failed to persuade Tilak to allow her to combine the League he had already ...
... can be justified and can be inevitable only if she secures the poise and position which will enable her to impart to the world this master secret of life, this art of a supreme savoir vivre. A new India in the old way of the nations of the world, one more among the already too many has neither sense nor necessity. Indeed, it would be the denial of what her soul demands and expects to be achieved ...
... the help is from the mental and the vital planes and we cannot take it because the help is always conditional. By the by I was talking to the Mother about the story that has appeared in the New India about the awakening of memory of previous birth in a child two and a half years old. She gave another instance of a similar case that is authentic. It occurred in her own family. She has a brother ...
... balance upset in later times, 508; organisation of Government, 508; close participation of all the "four orders", 508; three-tier Government, 508; unity of spirit and culture, 509; Yuga Sandhya of a new India, 509; renaissance in India, 509; compared with the Celtic & Japanese, 510; a future for India, 510-1 Fraser, Sir Andrew, 246fn Fry, Christopher, 147 Fuller, Sir Bamfylde ...
... Ashram. The first scene recalled the India of the recent past, India in slavery and bondage, but at last waking up from her slumber and giving fight to the foreigner. The second scene portrayed the new India, liberated indeed from the night of slavery, but also a prey to corruption and moral decadence, and looking desperately for solutions in all conventional ways and feeling frustrated. And the third ...
... December: Passing away in December of Srimati Mrinahni in Calcutta while arrangements were being made for her coming to Pondicherry. 1919 Published a letter in Annie Besant's New India on Morley-Minto Reforms, signing as. 'Indian Nationalist'. Poet Tagore with his Secretary Wrote Pearson met Mother in Japan and offered her entire charge of Santiniketan. Mother's ...
... happening in the world and in India and actively intervened whenever necessary, but solely with a spiritual force and silent spiritual action.... 47 When B. Shiva Rao, then on the staff of the New India, edited by Annie Besant, visited Sri Aurobindo in 1917, he freely discussed the 'Home Rule' movement, the situation created by the internment of Arundale, B.P. Wadia and Mrs. Besant herself, and ...
... took steps to improve the miserable condition of the tea-garden labourers of Assam. He was a most liberal Civilian and became a leading champion of Indian nationalism. He is the author of a book, New India. India. He was elected to be the President of the 20th session of the Indian National Congress held in Bombay in 1904. It was in his Presidential address delivered at this session of the Congress ...
... West or by a nobler pragmatism guided, uplifted and enlightened by spiritual culture and knowledge." Sri Aurobindo wrote a message at the request of Annie Besant for National Education Week (New India, 8 April 1918). We quote a passage from it: "This is an hour in which, for India as well as for all the world, its future destiny and the turn of its steps for a century are being powerfully decided ...
... except patriotism,—nay, which is the efflorescence, Page 11 the crown, the summit and coping-stone of patriotism? How wickedly inconsistent all this is! If you are really a friend to New India, why do you go about to break up our splendid unanimity? The Congress has not yet existed for two lustres; and in that brief space of time has achieved miracles. And even if it has faults, as every ...
... But why should Englishmen interested in India be so anxious to confer concessions on Indians who in their present self-respecting mood are not likely to appreciate the generosity of the donors? New India—the India that has showed itself prepared to suffer sacrifices and brave dangers for political rights—has rejected as obsolete the methods of mendicant agitation and it is too late in the day to try ...
... this college, and left other occupations, other chances of life, to devote our lives to this institution, we did so because we hoped to see in it the foundation, the nucleus, of a nation, of the new India which is to begin its career after this night of sorrow and trouble, on that day of glory and greatness when India will work for the world. What we want here is not merely to give you a little information ...
... us the honour of tendering his help, nor have we found it necessary to invite it." We take our contemporary at his word. But we may be permitted to ask our contemporary if the paragraph about the New India to which we referred the other day was not written under some extraneous inspiration,—white or brown? Next, our Chowringhee contemporary boasts of his independent policy and fearless proclamation ...
... should become a common body associated for mutual assistance and support. A typical instance of the difficulties which result from the absence of such a Conference is the temporary disappearance of New India while Srijut Bipin Chandra Pal was in jail. That disappearance should never have been allowed; as a point of honour, if nothing else, the paper Page 942 should have been maintained at ...
... political and social strength and efficiency. Their aim was high, but firm and wide too was the base they sought to establish and great the care bestowed on these first instruments. Necessarily the new India will seek the same end in new ways under the vivid impulse of fresh and large ideas and by an instrumentality suited to more complex conditions; but the scope of her effort and action and the suppleness ...
... d this college and left other occupations, other chances of life, to devote our lives to this institution, we did so because we hoped to see in it the foundation, the nucleus of a nation, of the new India which is to begin its career after this night of sorrow and trouble, on that day of glory and greatness when India will work for the world. What Page 27 we want here is not merely ...
... and cultures. It is to be hoped that such a volume will be widely noticed so that as individual Indians we can discover a greater meaning in our personal lives, and together, we can usher in a new India that will play its rightful role in the comity of nations. 7 July 2004 Sachidananda Mohanty ...
... meant to express the Divine Unity upon earth through an organised and harmonious diversity." From a cultural meeting-place such as Pondicherry can become, a great impetus would be gained by the new India which is arising today, an India true to her own nature and fulfilling it but also embracing and absorbing all that is best in the world and developing an international entity out of herself ...
... their message of divine perfection inherent in every individual, strove to give to the youth of modern India the lessons of man-making education so as to cast them in the image of heroic builders of new India and new world. Mahatma Gandhi conceived, even when he was in South Africa, a scheme of ashram education and developed it further in India at Sabarmati Ashram and at Wardha into what came to be ...
... 8. The Theme of Perennial India: (a) The greatness of India and continuity of Indian culture (b) A diagnosis of the weakness of contemporary India (c) How to build new India (d) India and the ideal of human unity Part III An in-depth study of the one of the following themes: (a) Tolerance and synthesis in Indian culture (b) ...
... Medical College, he had broken away from orthodoxy by marrying Swarnalata, the daughter of Rajnarayan Bose, in accordance with Brahma Samaj rites. Rajnarayan himself was an outstanding product of the new India that was then rising. A contemporary of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and a close friend of the poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Rajnarayan represented in himself the composite ...
... fabulous prosperity. Large portions of the Indian population were engaged in various industries down to the close of the eighteenth century.... The Indian cities were populous and magnificent. " - New India by Sir Henry Cotton. 95. The brutal oppression of the Indigo cultivators by the British Indigo planters led to a mass upsurge of such magnitude and intensity that it was called "the first ...
... the Arya. 1918 January 15 Works at translations from Kalidasa's Kumarasambhavam (The Birth of the War God). August 10 Letter on the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms published in the New India. December First instalment of "Is India Civilised?" (first of the series of essays that make up The Foundations of Indian Culture) published in the Arya. December 17 Death of Mrinalini ...
... Mandir Annual, 1944, p.2) 2. Quoted in K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo, pp. 7-8 . 3. The Air-Conditioned Nightmare, p.18. 4. Quoted from Prophets of the New India in D.S. Sharma's The Renaissance of Hinduism , p. 305. 5. Quoted from India on the March in Iyengar's Sri Aurobindo, p. 8. 6. Quoted from Dawn Over Asia in Iyengar's Sri ...
... account of an interview with B. Shiva Rao: "The Home-Rule movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the internments. Some of us who were on the staff of 'New-India' went out on trips to build up a campaign of organisation. One of these trips took me to Pondicherry where Sri Aurobindo had made his home after leaving Bengal in 1910. Even in those early days there ...
... In spite of the glib talk of there being no difference between the cultures of the East and the West it cannot be denied that the values dominating Western culture have created problems for new India. Old values are already broken up and one need not regret it if they had no contribution to make to human progress. But young men uprooted, _________________ 8 Book I, Canto 4. 9 Prayers ...
... Arya. 1918 — January 15 Works at translations from Kalidasa's Kumarasambhavam (The Birth of the War God). August 10 Letter on the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms published in the New India. December First instalment of "Is India Civilised?" (first of the series of essays that make up The Foundations of Indian Culture) published in the Arya. December 17 Death ...
... all the old principles, political and pseudo-democratic, which have failed and are failing everywhere. The only Principle is the faith in the Divine and in your Mission — which is to establish a new India, not this corrupted society yearning for material comfort and non-doing. The people will understand you if you speak the real language and if you connect yourself with the real Strength. It is ...
... resist a possible Japanese invasion, or were they to welcome the Japanese as liberators, - or were they to do just nothing? On 11 March 1942, Churchill rose to the occasion and offered to create a new India Union with a Dominion Constitution to be framed by India's own representatives after the war. In the meantime, Indian leaders were invited to participate in a responsible Central Government and ...
... 1959, which we reproduce below: "The Home-Rule movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the internments. Some of us who were on the staff of New India went out on trips to build up a campaign of organisation. One of these trips took me to Pondicherry where Sri Aurobindo had made his home after leaving Bengal in 1910. Even in those early days there ...
... d this college and left other occupations, other chances of life, to devote our lives to this institution, we did so because we hoped to see in it the foundation, the nucleus of a nation, of the new India which is to begin its career after this night of sorrow and trouble, on that day of glory and greatness when India will work for the world. What we want here is not merely to give you a little information ...
... wield a gun. He wielded a pen. In August 1906, when the National College began its work, Bepin Pal "who had been long expounding a policy of self-help and non-cooperation in his weekly journal [New India], now started a daily with the name Bande Mataram," wrote Sri Aurobindo. On 6 August 1906 the declaration of Bande Mataram was filed. S. K. Ratcliffe, a previous editor of The Statesman, in ...
... imprisonment. His sin? He refused to testify in court against his colleagues, in what came to be known as the Bande Mataram Sedition Case. Bepin Pal had been writing articles in his weekly organ New India. Then he started another journal with the name of Bande Mataram. He asked Sri Aurobindo to join him in this venture to which a ready consent was given, for now Sri Aurobindo saw his opportunity ...
... on the Vedanta. The Raja went to England in 1830 and visited France in 1832. In both the countries he ably presented India's views and was warmly appreciated. Rammohan acted as an ambassador of a new India to the Western world. While engaged in that work, he died in England on 27 Page 67 September 1833. He died with a dream of a free India which, he told his French friend, Victor ...
... to be the Silver Jubilee of the Independence of India. It was significant, because for India Sri Aurobindo's birth was the beginning of a New Age. India got her independence on Sri Aurobindo's 75th birthday. About India, Sri Aurobindo has written: The old forms and methods are no longer sufficient for the purpose of the Time Spirit. India can no longer fulfil herself on lines that are too... Mother's words on India: India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind. India will be the land of its resurrection—the resurrection to a higher and truer life . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: India The following message the Mother gave in February 1954 about India is quite apt: The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of... of the world. The future structure of the world depends on India. India is the living soul. India is incarnating the spiritual knowledge in the world. The Government of India ought to recognise the significance of India in this sphere and plan their action accordingly . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: India ...
... antipathies, hostilities, distrusts would die from lack of nourishment. That would be a true state of perfectly developed human civilisation, a true basis for the higher progress of the race. In this new order India with her spiritual culture turned towards the highest aims of humanity would find her rightful place and would become one of the leaders of the human evolution by the greatness of her ideals and ...
... after four decades of cool ties, Washington and New Delhi are now actively and constructively engaged. The report further notes that as the twenty first century unfolds, India will have one of the world's largest economies and will become an increasingly significant security factor in the Indian Ocean region and in Asia as a whole. As the report sees it, India is "like a giant ocean liner that steams ahead... only very gradually". The report, too, is sure of certain things about India, namely, that it will remain democratic, that its economy will make steady if uneven progress, that it will "gradually advance towards great power status" and that "regardless of whether the BJP or Congress holds power in New Delhi, India is likely to find its national interest served by better relations with the United... A Vision of United India Chapter 7 The present situation in the subcontinent Let us see the role of the Pakistan Army after the September 11 attacks. Here are a few extracts from some journals: The September 11 attacks on New York and Washington and the ensuing U.S.-led war on terrorism have given Pakistan's military dictator ...
... capitalists to find new markets. India turned from an exporter of textiles to an importer. British goods had virtually free entry into India while entry into Britain of Indian goods was met with prohibitive tariffs. It was also decided to curtail direct trade between India and the rest of the world. Horace Hayman Wilson in 1845 in Page 8 The History of British India from 1805 to 1835... The self-governing village community handed over each year to the ruler or to his nominee a share of the annual produce. The East India Company put a stop to this and introduced a new revenue system superseding the right of the village community over land and creating two new forms of property on land - landlordism and individual peasant proprietorship. It was assumed that the State was the supreme landlord... Naoroji. His drain theory (focusing on the economic drainage from India) was presented around 1885. Around the same time Ramesh Chandra Dutt had written on famine and economic exploitation (cf. Poverty and Un-British Rule in India by Naoroji and Economic History of India by R.C. Dutt ). Earlier in 1837, F.J. Shore pointed out that India had been 'drained' of her wealth and in 1839, Montgomery Martin ...
... * * Asian Games India is the founder of Asian Games. The first Asian Games were held at the National Stadium in New Delhi from March 4 to 11, 1951. The subsequent Asian Games were held at Manila in 1954, Tokyo in 1958, Jakarta in 1962, Bangkok in 1966 and 1970, Teheran in 1974 and Bangkok in 1978. After nearly 32 years, Asian Games were held in India again in 1982 (ninth Asian games)... formation of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) was approved in New Delhi, India, during the Asian Games Federation (AGF) Council meeting held on November 26, 1981, which was attended by duly accredited representatives of the affiliated Asian National Olympic Committees. One year later it was officially founded on December 5, 1982 in New Delhi during the IX Asian Games which were held there as the last... Olympic pattern for the Asian countries was mooted in 1934 by the late Maharaja Yadavendra Singh of Patiala and Professor G.D. Sondhi. The first West Asiatic Games were held in New Delhi in February 1934 in which four countries — India, Afghanistan, Ceylon and Palestine — participated. These games were to -be held every four years but the next Games scheduled to be held in Tel Aviv in 1938 could not take ...
... a non-imprisoning mechanism that does not weave a new mortal cocoon around the cell, yet gives it the required cohesion or centralisation. Mother found a means. A simple means, so simple that it is within everyone's grasp — with Mother, it is always very simple. The means is not new, it is even very ancient, but its application is new. In India it is called a mantra . This is the only “mechanical”... of the new life or of imminent death? Behind its cotton walls, America revels in electronics and plays with fire. Behind its ramparts, the Kremlin is cornered and trembles. A cruel, soulless yellow cat watches the game, weaving its web and biding its time, while a corrupt India, once the cradle of light, nurtures devils in its ashrams, but remains the invisible stake of the battle. For India is the... the cells, in search of the next milieu and the cellular mechanism, the new element which will open the doors of our prison and cast us forth onto a new earth, just as one day the first amphibian landed on the sunlit shores of a new world. 57.107 A new world is BORN. It's not the old one transforming itself, it is a NEW world that is born. And we are right in the middle of this period of transition ...
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