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Nidah : ‘Restrainers or Censurers’; considered Stronger than Vritras.
... fulfilment of the progress in motion since the 10th June is hampered by certain negations which cannot break down Page 503 the progress but seek to limit & occasionally to suspend it. The Nidah are stronger than the Vritras, & this in itself is a significant indication of progress. Vritra, however, is still strong in the fourth & fifth chatusthaya[s] &, to a much less extent, in the sixth... of the telepathy that is destroying their operations . (Indra is srutámagha . He is also to be naryápas & so astára .) 2) dasatya intentional . (Success has been intentionally given to the Nidah in order that the dasatya may become more complete. Page 553 Now the system is ready to accept the most contrary impulses in both mind & body as the working of Krishna through the powers... physical akasha. Arogya Jala 3 times. Karma The Secret of Veda, Commentary, copied and corrected. 18 July 1914 Script. Although the siddhi is advancing, the obstruction of the Nidah is still insisted upon, & the actuality of non result made a reason for denying progress. The centre of the resistance is in the Kriti; for the body is slowly beginning to respond to the Will. In ...
... finds no food to grow upon. Page 828 स सुतः पीतये वृषा सोमः पवित्रे अर्षति विन्घन् रक्षांसि देवयुः । The opposition is now no longer from Vritra, Vala, the Dwayavins, but from the Nidah & the Rakshas,—in reality however from the Rakshas giving the others their opportunity. After a long interruption Kamananda is beginning again to be active. In Samadhi the antardrishta ...
... a non-existent ritwijah; no cannot conceivably stand for nah sambandhino ritwijah, as the scholiast wishes,—the thing is preposterous,—and if it did, dadháná could not refer back over the head of nidah and a whole clause to a far back unexpressed ritwijah which the hearer, if indeed he ever guessed at its existence, has long ago forgotten. In the sixth verse, to take krishtayah as a sort of algebraical ...
... reading the sadhana is up against the curious phenomenon which seems insuperable in jagrat rupa, vishaya, and the physical siddhi other than ananda, the stereotyped difficulty, the action of the Vedic Nidah , which consists in the eternal repetition of the past movements of success and failure forming a circle which refuses to be broken. In all the siddhi this phenomenon has been active, but most obstinately ...
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