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Nila Rudra Upanishad : belonging to the Atharvaveda.
... Incomplete Translations and Commentaries (Circa 1902-1912) Kena and Other Upanishads Nila Rudra Upanishad First Part Translation ॐ अपश्यं त्वावरोहन्तं दिवितः पृथिवीमवः । अपश्यमस्यन्तं रुद्रं नीलग्रीवं शिखण्डिनम् ॥१॥ 1) OM. Thee I beheld in thy descending down from the heavens to the earth, I saw Rudra, the Terrible, the azure-throated, the ...
... commentary in English is followed by a commentary in Sanskrit, which is published in Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit , volume 9 of T HE C OMPLETE W ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO . Nila Rudra Upanishad . Sri Aurobindo translated the first of the three parts of this Upanishad, with a commentary on the first five verses, in Pondicherry around 1912. It was first published in The Upanishads ...
... that thy body full of peace, O mountaineer, thou art wont to be seen among our folk. Nilarudra Upanishad 1.8 Translation by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads: Nila Rudra Upanishad ततः परं ब्रह्म परं बृहन्तं यथानिकायं सर्वभूतेषु गूढम् ॥ tataḥ paraṁ brahma paraṁ bṛhantaṁ yathānikāyaṁ sarvabhūteṣu gūḍham, Thereafter, the great and Supreme Brahman is concealed ...
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