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Nodha Gautama : a Vedic Rishi, descendant of Gautama & Kakshivan.
... The Secret of the Veda A Vedic Hymn to the Fire A Hymn of the Universal Divine Force and Will A hymn of Nodha Gautama to Agni Vaishwanara in the Rig Veda. वया इदग्ने अग्नयस्ते अन्ये त्वे विश्वे अमृता मादयन्ते । वैश्वानर नाभिरसि क्षितीनां स्थूणेव जनाँ उपमिद् ययन्थ ॥१॥ Other flames are only branches of thy stock, O Fire. All the immortals ...
... Suktas 61 – 64 . Rishi: Nodhas Gautama. Circa 1919. Sri Aurobindo translated these four hymns together with the three preceding hymns to Agni on loose sheets of paper under the heading “Hymns of Nodha Gautama”. His translation of Suktas 58 – 60 is reproduced in Hymns to the Mystic Fire , Part Two. Suktas 80 – 81 . Rishi: Gotama Rahugana. Circa 1918 – 20. Translated on loose sheets of paper under ...
... वल्ह परिभाषणहिंसादानेषु । वृत्रादेर्वधरुपा । (12) अपः स्वः Decisive for अपः उरु in I.36.8. (14) व्यचो Say. व्यापनं । (15) भृष्टिमता. Say. भृष्टिरश्रिः । [3] [RV I.58] Hymns of Nodha Gautama Sayana 58. (1) होता either. नि तुंदते नितरां व्यथयति—तुद व्यथने—उत्पन्नमात्रस्याग्नेः(?) स्प्रष्टुमशक्यत्वात् यद्वा निर्गच्छति. नू चित् क्षिप्रमेव साधिष्ठेभिः समीचीनैः रजो वि ममे. निर्ममे—पूर्वं ...
... using mostly in 1913 and early 1914. Nodhas Gautama. Suktas 58 - 60 . Circa 1919. Sri Aurobindo translated these three hymns together on loose sheets of paper under the heading "Hymns of Nodha Gautama". He published a slightly different version of Sukta 59 (with verse 6 omitted, evidently due to lack of Page 750 space) on the last page of the January 1920 issue of ...
... Other Hymns to Agni Other Hymns to Agni Mandala One Hymns to the Mystic Fire Nodhas Gautama SUKTA 58 A hymn to Agni of the woodlands, the Flame that feeds on and enjoys the pleasant things of the earthly being and when the emotional and vital being is offered to the gods becomes a creator of the divine birth and a giver of the supreme bliss and the ...
... nor destroyed, O potent god. O Indra, thou hast light, thou hast will, thou art a wise thinker. Master of powers, teach us of them by thy powers. (13) And for thy eternity of being, O Indra, Nodha the Gautama has carved a sacred word for the yoking of thy bright horses and for thy good leading of us, O mighty One. At dawn may he quickly come rich with thought. SUKTA 63 (1) Great art thou, O Indra... energy and makest it to stream out in every way. (9) A song has been made for thee, O Indra, by the Gautamas, and the sacred words spoken towards thee with thy two bright horses; bring us plenty of thy riches in a beautiful form. At dawn may he quickly come rich with thought. SUKTA 64 (1) O Nodhas, bring a clear-cut song to the puissant host, the excellent in sacrifice, creators and ordainers,... his acts when hurling his weapons for the battle, charging in the fight, he drives out the foemen. (14) In fear of him, the fixed mountains and heaven and earth shake when he is about to be born. Nodha hymns the cherishing power of the happy god and grows at once in his being to puissance. (15) To him that gift of these was given and he took joy, the one master of much riches. Indra carried forward ...
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