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Octavia : called Octavia Minor (69-11 BC); she married Mark Antony in 40 BC, when he was ruling the Roman Empire. At first this marriage helped to reduce tensions between Antony & her brother Octavian (later Augustus Caesar), & when they quarrelled in 37 BC, Octavia brought about peace between them, which resulted in the Treaty of Tarentum. But the following year Antony left Italy to command troops in Parthia & resumed his liaison with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. In 32 BC he divorced Octavia, yet she raised his children by her as well as by Cleopatra.
... all—They [ Antony and Augustus ] were greatly attracted to each other, but their interests clashed & their prana clashed & the attempts they made to link themselves closely like the marriage with Octavia drove them apart. They were complementary to each other, but could not understand each other. Of course I don't know that you were Antony—I only try to interpret the dream—Yes—he has much of the prana ...
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