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Olympian : all gods & goddesses living on Olympus, the mountain at the east end of the range forming the northern boundary of Thessaly & Greece proper.

70 result/s found for Olympian

... sword Were madness here. He goes out with Phineus. Page 350 IOLAUS O radiant strong immortal, Iolaus kneels to thee. PERSEUS No, Iolaus. Though great Athene breathes Olympian strength Into my arm sometimes, I am no more Than a brief mortal. IOLAUS Art thou only man? O then be Iolaus' friend and lover, Who com'st to me like something all my own Destined from... full of sunshine, little princess. ANDROMEDA I have dreamed, Diomede, I have dreamed. DIOMEDE What did you dream? ANDROMEDA I dreamed my sun had risen. He had a face like the Olympian Zeus And wings upon his feet. He smiled upon me, Diomede. PRAXILLA Dreams are full of stranger fancies. Why, I myself have seen hooved bears, winged lions, And many other monsters in my... a vision, a brightness, who descended From where I know not, but to me it seemed That the blue heavens just then created him Out of the sunlight. His face and radiant body Aspired to copy the Olympian Zeus And wings were on his feet. ANDROMEDA He was my sun-god! DIOMEDE He caught two drowning wretches by the robe And drew them safe to land. ANDROMEDA He was my sun-god. Diomede ...


... heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? or that verse detachable from the semi-burlesque mock-heroic context of dough's Bothie of Toberna-Vuolich, He like a god came leaving his ample Olympian chamber, 1. With a four-footed din the horse-hooves trample the crumbling plain. Page 41 has the true Homeric note in movement and rhythm and structural swing, another ... golden herds of the sun-god, Carried the burden of Light and its riddle and danger to Hellas. Page 50 No doubt can be entertained about the magnificence of these lines. The Olympian measure of the ancients is once more abroad. It is not the use of Homeric locutions like "god-haunted peaks" and "the many-voiced roar" that affine these verses to Homer: it is the majestic energy... enjambment. Something of Homer's impetuous nobility is conveyed in brief moments of brilliant inspiration; at other moments something of Homer's structure imparts the music of his movement even though the Olympian speech be lacking. But the majority of the verse has missed the soul of Homer's language as well as rhythm. And the fault is not confined merely to an imperfect base; it extends to the very quality ...

... Carians leave you? Lycia lingers? But from the streams of my East I have come to you, Penthesilea."     "Virgin of Asia," answered Talthybius, "doom of a nation Brought thee to Troy and her haters Olympian shielded thy coming, Vainly who feedest men's hearts with a hope that the gods have rejected. Doom in thy sweet voice utters her counsels robed like a woman." Page 351     Answered... that comes to you mounting Out of the solemn ravines from the mystic seat on the tripod! Phoebus, the master of Truth, has promised the earth to our peoples. Children of Zeus, rejoice! for the Olympian brows have nodded Regal over the world. In earth's rhythm of shadow and sunlight Storm is the dance of the locks of the God assenting to greatness, Zeus who with secret compulsion orders the ways... of gods, O Larissan. Not with her gold Troy traffics for safety, but with her spear-points. Stand with thy oath in the war-front, Achilles; call on thy helpers Armed to descend from the calm of Olympian heights to thy succour Hedging thy fame from defeat; for we all desire thee in battle, Mighty to end thee or tame at last by the floods of the Xanthus.'" So Aeneas resonant spoke, stern, fronted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... haste, "So be it. The man who brings the ransom can take away the body, if Olympian Zeus himself insists in all earnest." While mother and son agreed among the clustered ships, trading between each other many winged words, Father Zeus sped Iris down to sacred Troy: "Quick on your way now, Iris, shear the wind! Leave our Olympian stronghold — take a message to greathearted Priam down in Troy: he must... heart! Nothing to fear. No herald of doom, I come on a friendly mission — I come with all good will. I bring you a message sent by Zeus, a world away but he has you in his heart, he pities you now... Olympian Zeus commands you to ransom royal Hector, to bear gifts to Achilles, gifts to melt his rage. But you must go alone, no other Trojan attend you, only a herald with you, a seasoned, older one who can... down he went himself to his treasure chamber, high-ceilinged, paneled, fragrant with cedar wood and a wealth of precious objects filled its chests. He called out to his wife, Hecuba, "Dear woman! An Olympian messenger came to me from Zeus — I must go to Achaea's ships and ransom our dear son, bearing gifts to Achilles, gifts to melt his rage. Tell me, what should I do? What do you think? Myself — a terrible ...


... we hear the message of Achilles, the chief of the Achaean heroes, delivered to Trojans, a message of a conditional truce, which was rejected. We also hear in that epic the supreme Zeus and other Olympian gods who had watched the rejection revealing the deeper design of the unfolding of human history. Zeus, addressing the assembly of the gods, declares: "Troy shall fall at last and the ancient... on, the hexameter suits perfectly, and this poem succeeds greatly in imprinting in our consciousness a marvellous song of heroism and a vision of Time that Zeus and Hera can witness from their Olympian heights. * * * 1 Sri Aurobindo, Ilion, in Centenary Edition, Vol.5, p.484-5 2 Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol, p.367 3 Sri Aurobindo, Ilion, in Centenary ...

... are an astonishing piece and in general their metric applies also to other forms than theirs and the form they bear is itself central to the problem of quantity, attempting as it does to bring the Olympian pace of the ancient hexameter into English. Sri Aurobindo holds it essential for the classical hexameter's typical pace that not only a suggestive rhythmical function but also a full metrical... at once of his personality and his universality. He is the most Homeric voice since Homer, in spite of the modern's ruder, less elevated aesthesis of speech and the difference between that limited Olympian and this broad-souled Titan, in this that he has the nearness to something elemental which makes everything he says, even the most common and prosaic, sound out with a ring of greatness, gives a force... Trojans. 1 The essential Homeric impact is no less when it is single-lined, as in the verse about the cripple god Hephaestus—the verse whose beginning is reminiscent of several of Homer's "Olympian descents" (Bē de kaC oulumpo ī o...): Down upon earth he came with his lame omnipotent motion. 2 The rush of oceanic sound is here too about us. It grows immense as well as intense ...


... Iolaus shall produce Perseus in court. Iolaus is content but is amused as well: I laugh to see wise men Catching their feet in their own subtleties. King Phineas, wilt thou seize Olympian Zeus And call thy Tyrian smiths to forge his fetters? Or wilt thou claim the archer bright Apollo To meet thy human doom, priest Polydaon? ' Tis well; the danger's yours. 11 ... Hitler-Polydaon! As for Perseus, he is divine-human throughout, but he is the instrument used by Pallas to substitute, in the place of the terrible old-Mediterranean god of the sea, a humaner god, Olympian and Greek, whom even Polydaon recognises and salutes in the end. There is an anti-climax too. When Phineas and his soldiers make a last attempt to contain Perseus, they are all turned to stone... move in evolution The age of Polydaon is dead, a new fair age, mild and merciful, is born in its place. Zeus and Athene wrest primacy from Poseidon, - and Poseidon himself "secures a seat at an Olympian height. (This, again, looks like a distant foreshadowing of the transformation, in Savitri, of Death into a god of Light!) The future, however, is with man, for man may rise high - albeit his way ...

... slave To love me. It is thou, my Rodogune! Rodogune enters. RODOGUNE ( with lowered eyes ) I have brought the wine. ANTIOCHUS Thou art the only wine, O Parthian! Wine to flush Olympian souls Is in this glorious flask. Set down the bowl. Lift up instead thy long and liquid eyes; I grudge them to the marble, Rodogune. Thou knowest well why I have sent for thee. Have we not gazed... heart! It is the husband of thy boasted love, Woman, thou wrongest in thy son. CLEOPATRA Alas, Mentho, my nurse, thou knowest not the cause. MENTHO I do not need to know. Art thou Olympian Zeus? Has he given thee his sceptre and his charge To guide the tangled world? Wilt thou upset His rulings? wilt thou improve his providence? Are thy light woman's brain and shallow love Page ...


... struggle he and the other titans were vanquished. Cyclops: One of a family of gigantic one eyed-being who, like the titans, were son of Uranus and Gaea (Heaven and Earth) and older than the Olympian gods. They were the craftsmen of Haephaestus, made the thunderbolts of Zeus and were credited with erecting the fortifications of some ancient cities. A Cyclops carrying a pile... When he stirs, the mountain shakes, and when he breathes, there is an eruption. Erinnys: One of the Furies (Erinnyes), spirits of vengeance and punishment. The Erinnyes, older than Zeus and Olympian gods, are commonly represented as winged women with snakes about them. Page 115 Eryx: The modern Erice, a town on top of Monte San Giuliano in northwest Sicily. Its ancient temple ...


... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 My Professors (I) My professors at college were giants, Olympian gods all. They are memorable names in the fields of scholarship, learning and teaching. Of these, J. C. Bose, P. C. Ray, Percival, M.Ghose and our Principal P. K. Roy were mature elderly men; among the younger group were Harinath De... painter or artist. But perhaps illustrations in literature belong to the same category as advertising posters; they serve the same purpose. As I remarked at the outset, bur professors were like the Olympian gods, not merely because of their calibre or gifts. and greatness of character; their position and attitude were like that – somewhat aloof and quite beyond the reach of personal contact or relations ...

... the soul of man and Nature and all humanity.... His is the most Homeric voice since Homer, in spite of the modem's ruder, less elevated aesthesis of speech and the difference between that limited Olympian and this broad-souled Titan, in ' this that he has the nearness to something elemental which makes everything he says, even the most common and prosaic, sound out with a ring of greatness, gives... Cambridge contemporaries, H.N. Ferrar, who had first given the clue to the hexameter in English by reading out a line from Arthur Hugh Clough - perhaps the line: "He like a god came leaving his ample Olympian chamber" - and this had led to the composition of llion at Pondicherry. Nirod records that Sri Aurobindo also recited four lines from the poem: One and unarmed in the car was the driver; ...

... hardly avoid presenting the "spectacle of a blind man discoursing on colours". 31 Now turn to Sri Aurobindo, and what a difference! Here he is writing of the sculptures of the Olympian and the Indian gods: The Olympian gods of Phidias are magnified and uplifted human beings saved from a too human limitation by a certain divine calm of impersonality or universalised quality, divine type, guna: ...

... Valmekie. The poet of the Ramayan has a flexible & universal genius embracing the Titanic and the divine, the human and the gigantic at once or with an inspired ease of transition. But Vyasa is unmixed Olympian; he lives in a world of pure verse and diction, enjoying his own heaven of golden clearness. We have seen what are the main negative qualities of the style; pureness, strength, grandeur of intellect ...


... without any unity,—but here is not even, it seems, a trace of it—or a mighty impressiveness without any greatness or nobility whatever, even allowing this to be a Titanic and not Page 274 an Olympian nobleness. He tells us that everything is ponderous, everything here overwrought and the most prominent features swarming, writhing with contorted semi-human figures are as senseless as anything in ...


... sculpture, we have to bring a different mind to this work, a different capacity of vision and response, we have to go deeper into ourselves to see than in the more outwardly imaginative art of Europe. The Olympian gods of Phidias are magnified and uplifted human beings saved from a too human limitation by a certain divine calm of impersonality or universalised quality, divine type, guna; in other work we see ...


... meant the putting aside of the sheer vitalistic urge and the romantic melancholy, and the developing of a mental detachment and an uplifted serenity which would see life as a whole -something of an Olympian temper patiently poised, rather than the Titan mood which runs to extremes. I advise you something similar - with the added touch of a devoted faith in the divine compassion and force with which Sri ...


... opposed to the divine birth of Parabrahman, who is above birth and above condition. Moreover, Daivic and Asuric are always opposed terms referring to the gods and Titans, precisely as Titanic and Olympian are opposed terms in English. For instance in the Gita मोघाशा मोघकर्माणो मेघज्ञाना विचेतसः । राक्षसीमासुरीं चैव प्रकृतिं मोहिनीं श्रिताः ॥ महात्मानस्तु मां पार्थ दैवीं प्रकृतिमाश्रिताः । ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... situation arose such as was created by the violent resurgence of oppressed democracy in 1848 or such as would be created by the inevitable future duel between the young Titan, Socialism, and the old Olympian gods of a bourgeois-democratic world. That conflict was already outlining its formidable shadow in revolutionary Russia, has now taken a body and cannot be very long delayed throughout Europe. For ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... and opposing, while the human and divine actors, the Supreme Triad excepted, are pawns moved to and fro by immense world-impulses which they express but cannot consciously guide. It is perhaps the Olympian ideal in life struggling with the Titanic ideal, and then we have a Ramaian. Or it may be the imperial ideal in government and society marshalling the forces of order, self-subjection, self-effacement ...


... sometimes made a reproach that a man "makes a religion of games". The Greek did not do this, but he did something perhaps more surprising: he made games part of his religion. To be quite explicit, the Olympian Games, the Page 289 greatest of the four international festivals, were held in honour of Zeus of Olympia, the Pythian Games in honour of Apollo, the Panathenaic Games in honour of Athena ...

... thrashed me for calling you grave and austere at the Darshan time [23.2.35]. But see, when we go to the Mother, how seraphically she smiles, while your Self being near, appears still far away at some Olympian height. It is difficult to discern the gravity or the jollity of a face at such a height. But I suppose, our conception of the gods was formed from the vision of such a figure. Neither gravity ...

... Nietzsche, is made in order to be beautiful, to conceive the beautiful, to create the beautiful. Nietzsche's Superman has its perfect image in a Grecian statue of Zeus cut out in white marble-Olympian grandeur shedding in every lineament Apollonian beauty and Dionysian vigour.   The real secret of Nietzsche's philosophy is not an adoration of brute force, of blind irrational joy in ...

... thrashed me for calling you grave and austere at the Darshan time. But see, when we go to the Mother, how seraphically she smiles, while your noble Self being near, appears still far away at some Olympian height. It is difficult to discern the gravity or the jollity of a face at such a height. I suppose our conception of the gods was formed from the vision of such a figure." He replied, "Neither gravity ...

... "You thrashed me for calling you grave and austere at the Darshan time. But see, when we go to the Mother, how seraphically she smiles, while your self being near, appears still far away at some Olympian height. It is difficult to discern the gravity or the jollity of a face at such a height." 2 Yes, that was and still is the image of Sri Aurobindo as imprinted in the minds of most men who have ...

... Chaldea, ancient China and ancient Persia as also elsewhere as in ancient Mayan civilization. In ancient Greece, there was a religion of which we have glimpses through the Homeric poems² where the Olympian Gods were described, and through the earlier, myths that were prevalent in those ancient times. In Gilbert Murray's' Five Stages of Greek Religion',³ we have a systematic account, and there ...

... everybody has taken Sri Aurobindo to be a very humorous person, all the time enjoying and having fun with us. But, my friends, the truth is nothing of the sort. He used to come down from His Olympian heights only at certain times. But even when He did come down, the impersonal aspect was always present. You won't be able to conceive of such a phenomenon perhaps, but when He was talking ...


... these anterior—in the evolutionary movement —and inferior gods that Agni's service is being requisitioned. Mythologically also a parallelism is found in the Greek legends where it is said that the Olympian gods—Zeus and his company—were a younger generation that replaced, after of course a bloody warfare, their ancestors, the more ancient race of Kronos, the Titans. Titans were the Asuras and Rakshasas ...

... images used by the poets; however skillfully they may conceal themselves under mystic symbols, still we can hear and feel the secret of their heart that lies beyond names and forms: ...Above the Olympian hill I soar, Above the flight of Pegasean wing! The meaning, not the name I call – A poet is not bound by any clime and time. That does not mean he neglects them. He utilises the elements ...

... goddesses in heaven, there are gods and goddesses on earth also. The gods in heaven are high and far away, but these unobtrusive deities are near to our hearth and home. The Greeks referred to the Olympian gods, of high caste and rank as it were,—like Jupiter and Apollo—and to those others who dwelt on the lowly earth and embraced its water and land, its rivers and trees and fields—the nymph, the ...


... these anterior—in the evolutionary movement—and inferior gods that Agni's service is being requisitioned. Mytho-logically also a parallelism is found in the Greek legends where it is said that the Olympian gods—Zeus and his company—were a younger generation that replaced, after of course a bloody warfare, their ancestors, the more ancient race of Kronos, the Titans. Titans were the Page 4 ...


... intended to serve. 52 The aim of Krishna the Avatar is to raise the man Arjuna to the level of a 'superman' deploying a divine consciousness and a divine energy and drive - not a Nietzschean, Olympian, Apollonian or Dionysian 'superman', but a man "whose whole personality has been offered up into the being, nature and consciousness of the one transcendent and universal Divinity and by loss of the ...

... Brahmo Samaj, and his success in starting a dialogue with the British ruling class — a dialogue conducted with authority and responsibility as well as mutual esteem and regard. Rammohan was truly an Olympian figure, and he inaugurated, in Mahendranath Sircar's words, "a new revival in culture, in social reform and in religious awakening.... He was essentially a builder. He came to fulfill and not to ...

... the information contained in this section.   Page 25 composite culture of the country — Vedantic, Islamic and European" .* He has been called "the militant defender of his country, the Olympian champion of truth, the ruthless antagonist to sham"; 3 he was a leader of the Brahmo Samaj in its palmiest days, and Devendranath Tagore said of his books: "Whatever falls from the lips of Rajnarain ...

... of men, bartered her savage prosperity for a splendid decline. Yes, the fullness of the flower is the sure prelude of decay. Look at the India of Vikramaditya. How gorgeous was her beauty! how Olympian the voices of her poets! how sensuous the pencil of her painters! how languidly voluptuous the outlines of her sculpture! In those days every man was marvellous to himself and many were marvellous ...


... the Godhead. The rule given here by the Gita is the rule for the master man, the superman, the divinised human being, the Best, not in the sense of any Nietzschean, any one-sided and lopsided, any Olympian, Apollonian or Dionysian, any angelic or demoniac supermanhood, but in that of the man whose whole personality has been offered up into the being, nature and consciousness of the one transcendent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... to Perseus, the new god, to sum up the career and destiny of Polydaon... Page 113 [ Sri Aurobindo struck through "the new god" and wrote: ] The new brilliant god is the new Poseidon, Olympian and Greek, who in Polydaon's vision replaces the terrible old-Mediterranean god of the seas. Perseus is and remains divine-human throughout. ...


... at once of his personality and his universality. His is the most Homeric voice since Homer, in spite of the modern's ruder less elevated aesthesis of speech and the difference between that limited Olympian and this broad-souled Titan, in this that he has the nearness to something elemental which makes everything he says, even the most common and prosaic, sound out with a ring of greatness, gives a force ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... question of questions is there, what is our self, and what is our real nature? What is that which is growing in us, but into which we have not yet grown? It is something divine, is the answer, a divinity Olympian, Apollonian, Dionysiac, which the reasoning and consciously willing animal, man, is labouring more or less obscurely to become. Certainly, it is all that; but in what shall we find the seed of that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Page 259 the divinity sought were a separate godhead within oneself and not the one Divine, or if one sought God for oneself alone, then indeed the result might be a grandiose egoism, the Olympian egoism of a Goethe or the Titanic egoism imagined by Nietzsche, or it might be the isolated self-knowledge or asceticism of the ivory tower or the Stylites pillar. But he who sees God in all, will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... something more behind the metrical movement the beauty that the words intended. Some charm of delicacy is achieved, but it lacks power, height and depth; here certainly is not the tread of the great Olympian measure. Ordinarily, the note sinks lower and even descends to Page 354 a very low pitch; we hear, not the roll of the hexameter, but some six-foot dactylic rhythm resembling a sort of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... harmonious shell of sound. Yet once or twice he has surmounted every difficulty. Especially is there one verse with the right Homeric movement in the Bothie ,— He like a god came leaving his ample Olympian chamber which gave to my mind the key to the just use of the hexameter. Page 744 × Manuscript damaged ...


... Spirit within you, your work cannot be great; and the deeper your Jnana the greater your work. All the great creators have been men who felt powerfully God within them, whether they were Daivic, of the Olympian type like Shankara, or Asuric, of the Titanic type like Napoleon; only the Asura, his Jnana being limited and muddied, is always confusing the Eternal with the grosser & temporary manifestations of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... true significance and value may be considered Sri Aurobindo's greatest work in the context of his interchange with Greece the metaphysician, just as a modern revival of the Homeric hexameter with its Olympian pace naturalised in a new language — English — may be Page 17 counted his greatest accomplishment vis-a-vis Greece the bard. * * * True, Sri Aurobindo has not devoted ...


... richest purple of aspiration and feeling, must ever suffer soil and wound and poverty, and of the vanity of its works to which the undivinised will of man, even when it is most vehement and powerful or Olympian and victorious, must eternally be subject. It is the utility of Yoga that it opens to us a gate of escape out of the vicious circle of our ordinary human existence. The idea of works, in the thought ...


... in us should owe allegiance. For the deity within may confront us either with the clear, joyous and radiant countenance of the God or the stern convulsed visage of the Titan. Nietzsche hymned the Olympian but presented him with the aspect of the Asura. His hostile preoccupation with the Christ-idea of the crucified God and its consequences was perhaps responsible for this distortion, as much as his ...


... absolutely rational in essence and functioning and imperiously self-imposed on the world of 'empiry'. But the crisis soon approached from two different directions and mathematics was brought down from its Olympian pedestal to one step lower in the echelon. What was the nature of this crisis? Double-Pronged Attack The crisis came from outside as well as from inside. With the edification ...

... circumstances were such that to keep Savitri a total secret was very difficult. In those days Nolini was Sri Aurobindo's postman to the sadhakas or - shall we say? - the messenger Mercury from the Olympian Jupiter of Pondicherry. He used to distribute the Master's daily replies: we would wait eagerly for him around 7 a.m. Seeing the large envelopes, he guessed that some special correspondence was going ...


... The poet of the Ramayana has a flexible and universal genius embracing the Titanic and the divine, the human and the gigantic at once or with an inspired ease of transition. But Vyasa is unmixed Olympian, he lives in a world of pure verse and diction, enjoying his own heaven of golden clearness. We have seen what are the main negative qualities of the style; pureness, strength, grandeur of intellect ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... the most read poem for the past three thousand years. Finally to conclude this monograph, we have included an excerpt from Sri Aurobindo's long poem Ilion, inspired by the Iliad and in which the Olympian gods are presented in all their depth and beauty. Page 13 Greece and India both have produced a luxuriant mythology and an abundant pantheon.* If the Greek gods belong now to the past ...


... the 93 Mount Kailas 17 Muse 61, 88 Page 104 N Naiad 32 Neapolitans 50 Nikumbha 17 Nobel Prize 47 Norway 25 O Olympian 4, 32 Ormuz 16 P Pan 32 Paradise Lost 9 Parasara 8 Polacks 25 Pondicherry 92 Prabhat Mukberji 97 Proteus 17 Purushottama 14 Q Queen Eleanor ...


... goddesses in heaven, there are gods and goddesses on earth also. The gods in heaven are high and far away, but these unobtrusive deities are near to our hearth and home. The Greeks referred to the Olympian gods, of high caste and rank as it were, – like Jupiter and Apollo – ¹ "The Ambrosia of Dionysus and Semele" in New Poems 1962 (Cassel-London). Page 180 and to those others ...

... these anterior – in the evolutionary movement – and inferior gods that Agni's service is being requisitioned. Mythologically also a parallelism is found in the Greek legends where it is said that the Olympian gods – Zeus and his company – were a younger generation that replaced, after of course a bloody warfare, their ancestors, the more ancient race of Kronos, the Titans. Titans were the Asuras and Rakshasas ...

... are rightly placed at the start of the modern culture; they ¹ The Olympians as opposed to the Chthonian gods. The Olympians were white in colour, the Chthonians black or blood-red: the Olympian temples faced the East, while the Chthonian faced the West and so on. Page 220 set the pattern of modern mentality. That rational turn of mind, that mental intelligence and und ...

... celestial quality, that can only be described indeed as the sweet-scented body of the Divine Substance. The five elements are thus the five orders of material existence ² Pindar: Olympian Odes, ¹ Page 278 viewed as correlates to the five senses of man. But they are also realities in their own right. They represent the fundamental principles underlying ...

... 360 – Prayers and Meditations, 224, 227-9, 231, 236, 247 NACHIKETAS, 340, 400 PARIS, 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 ...

... Indian culture, 498; India and Western Art, 498-9; "form" in Indian art, 499; India's sacred architecture, 500; Kalahasti & Simhachalam, 500; Taj, mosques, tombs, 500; sculpture & painting, 501ff, 502; Olympian and Indian gods, 501 ;Ajanta marvels, 503; the adoration group of Mother & Child, 503; the Great Renunciation, 503; on Indian literature, 503ff; "a mass of absurdities" 504; Veda and Upanishads, 504ff; ...

... affairs, his superb grasp of the minutiae of politics and morals, his infallible insight into the dark caverns and his familiarity with the sunlit peaks of human nature, all made Vyasa an "unmixed Olympian". With his own wide-ranging interests, it was not surprising that Sri Aurobindo felt more often attracted by Vyasa - he was more often engaged by Vyasa - than even by Valmiki. These renderings ...

... Vikramaditya," he wrote at the age of eighteen in The Harmony of Virtue, a dialogue in the manner of Plato between Keshav, a young Indian, and a few English students. "How gorgeous was her beauty! How Olympian the voices of her poets! How sensuous the pencil of her painters! How languidly voluptuous the outlines of her sculpture! In those days every man was marvellous to himself and many were marvellous ...

... though Time is immortal, Mortal his works are and ways and the anguish ends like the rapture. Artisans satisfied now with their works in the plan of the transience, Beautiful, wordless, august, the Olympians turned from the carnage. Vast and unmoved they rose up mighty as eagles ascending, Fanning the world with their wings. In the bliss of a sorrowless ether Calm they reposed from their deeds and ...

... the Asuric Quaternity – a second hierarchy of luminous beings – Devas, gods. (Some-thing of this inner history of the world is reflected in the Greek legend of struggle between the Titans and the Olympians.) These gods, however, being a latter creation, perhaps because they were young and inexperienced, could not cope immediately with their strong Elders. It is why we see in the mythological legends ...

... Lords—the Asuric Quaternity—a second hierarchy of luminous beings—Devas, gods. (Something of this inner history of the world is reflected in the Greek legend of struggle between the Titans and the Olympians.) These gods, however, being a posterior creation, perhaps because they were young and inexperienced, could not cope immediately with their strong Elders. It is why we see in the mythological legends ...

... -Prayers and Meditations, 266, 270, 282-3n., 285n., 289n., 291n., 336 Mozart, 427 Mysteries, 192 -Orphic, 192 -Eleusinian, 192 NAPOLEON, 116,209,406 OFFERTORY, the, 82 Olympians, 46, 253 PANDAVAS, the, 76 Pani, the, 164 Pantheon, 299 Paris, 242, 287, 356, 376 Pashu, the, 80 Petrarch, 209 Pharaohs, the, 200 Pishacha, the, 80,213 Plato, 34, 120, 134 ...

... was meat, drink and mother's milk, bore witness to the magnificence of his triumph. It would need a giant to step into his shoes.... ______________________________ From Sebastian COE, The Olympians, in the chapter "The limits of endurance" Emil Zatopek in 1948 Page 340 ...

... fighting, had come forth Again, and there was no Trojan whose legs did not tremble At sight of quick-footed Achilles, flaming in arms Like the man-maiming War-god himself. But when the Olympians Entered the tumult, host-harrying Hatred arose With a vengeance. Athena screamed her great war-cry, now From beside the deep trench outside the wall, now From the surf-beaten shore ...

... Time is immortal, Mortal his works are and ways and the anguish ends like the rapture. Artists of Nature content with their work in the plan of the transience, Beautiful, deathless, august, the Olympians turned from the carnage, Leaving the battle already decided, leaving the heroes Slain in their minds, Troy burned, Greece left to her glory and downfall. Into their heavens they rose up mighty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... concentration, their ability to bear the considerable pressure of top-level competition, are probably what makes the difference between victory and defeat. In a book called The Olympians written by Sebastian Coe, himself several times an Olympic gold medallist in running competitions, a description is given of the different psychological situations faced by field athletes. We feel ...

... told Cain and Abel the truth about apples; I am convinced that she told them she had never eaten anything that wasn't good for her. It used to be the thing for parents to represent themselves as Olympians, immune from human passions, and always actuated by pure reason. When , they reproached the children they did it more in sorrow than in anger; however they might scold, they were not "cross", but ...

... this fact of a descending consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic mayd, spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely ...

... consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic Maya, spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification Page 45 of the lower Overmind. Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely ...

... this fact of a descending consciousness, a Fall. The Vedantic māyā , spoken of sometimes as the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely ...