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Orkney : Orkney Islands or Orkneys, Scottish county consisting of over 70 islands.
... to my ships? The queens of the Orcades Are slaves and concubines to private Norsemen. ALL Glory to Humber, Thor's hammer! Humber! Humber! HUMBER Have I not harried Ireland, Denmark, Orkney? Shattered the Pictish wheels, broken their scythes, Unpeopled living tracts? Why then prefer you Thor's self to me? Has he filled up your ships With gold and wines of France, rich rings and jewels ...
... applies only business intelligence to politics. PURANI: They have captured the Faroe Islands which appear to be strategically important. SRI AUROBINDO: Where are they? PURANI: Somewhere between Orkney and Norway. SRI AUROBINDO: Then they are of no importance. Hitler is not such a fool as to go and occupy Iceland or Greenland. NIRODBARAN: Does Chamberlain direct the military operations? ...
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