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Ouspensky : Peter Demianovitch (1878-1947), Russian philosopher, influential disciple of Gurdjieff. He broke away from Gurdjieff in 1924.
... was to be named and celebrated in concrete detail and vision-terms in Savitri, the creation of his later years. The Gnostic system associated with Gurdjieff (and his disciple, P. D. Ouspensky) has no doubt certain resemblances with Sri Aurobindo's, but the differences are more importance still. "Know thyself is the beginning of Gurdjieff's system, as indeed it is the beginning of all spiritual... sees the universe and its contents as itself in a single indivisible act of knowledge, an act which is its life, which is the very movement of its self-existence." This insight is very far from both Ouspensky and Gurdjieff, for with them the entire process of knowledge is reversed, and instead of a primary spiritual intuition which is only afterward elaborated by the reasoning mind, the analytical intellect... likeness.* There may be some faint seeping of an ancient and genuine gnosis in Gurdjieff's system, but it doesn't seem to show to any potent effect. The objection to the Gurdjieff-Ouspensky system - namely, its lack of religious affiliation or of a grounding on some seminal spiritual experience - cannot, however, be raised in respect of the French Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin's, as outlined ...
... functions of religion, philosophy, art, poetry, and even dedicated work. Sri Aurobindo's thought is also likely to provoke comparison with the thought of Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Berdyaev. The Gurdjieff-Ouspensky system is a Gnostic system, like Sri Aurobindo's. There is thus a superficial similarity between the two systems which is no doubt striking. 65 The Ray of Creation and the Aur... etc.—come into being. But even as evolution is possible and is actually proceeding, it is also possible to go up the Ray of Creation and reach the highest state. But the Gurdjieff-Ouspensky system is but a tour de force of the speculative intellect, and does not draw (as Sri Aurobindo's system does) from a fount of personal spiritual experience. There is, says D.S. Savage, a deadness ...
... discovery of Truth, it began to fade. But still it has there too tried constantly to return; the Neo-Platonists brought it back, and now, it appears, the Neo-Hegelians and others (e.g., the Russian Ouspensky and one or two German thinkers, I believe) seem to be reaching after it. But still there is a difference. In the East, especially in India, the metaphysical thinkers have tried, as in the West ...
... 386,416 Noyes, Alfred 331,408 Olson, Elder 434 Omar Khayyam 262 O'Neill, Eugene 268 On Yoga, ibid.mes one & two) 20 Osgood, C.G. 333 Ouspensky 34 Owen, Wilfred 390 Pandit, M.P. 20 Parnell 40 Patanjali 21 Peacock, Ronald 427 Pearce, Roy Harvey 388,394 Perseus the Deliverer ...
... cannot be relegated to the position of a mere dimension of space, it is independent in its nature; Time and space may be called the fundamental dual dimensions of the Brahman. Disciple : Ouspensky has an idea in his Tertium Organum that our three-dimensional world is a projection from a subtler fourth-dimension which is suprasensual but real. He means to say that to each solid form we see ...
... y. A stiff letter telling him to go back was sent by Sri Aurobindo. 12 May. Talk on Gustav Gillet's book Ectoplasme et Clairvoyance . 18 May. Talk on yoga and shakti. 20 May. Talk on Ouspensky and Dr. Bucke and their books. 1 June. Talk on the vital plane and the asuras. 10 June. Talk on the form of working of the Higher Power and on Sri Aurobindo's own sadhana. The talk turned ...
... séances etc. put one into rapport with a very low world of vital beings and forces, themselves obscure, incoherent or tricky and it is dangerous to associate with them or to undergo any influence. Ouspensky and others must have gone Page 568 through these experiments with too "mathematical" a mind, which was no doubt their safeguard but prevented them from coming to anything more than a surface ...
... of Shahid Suhrawardy, of Amal, of Dilip, of Armando, Menezes, of Auden, of Spender, of Hopkins, of Bharati Sarabhai, of Harindranath, of Arjava, of D.H. Lawrence: Planck and the Quantum Theory: Ouspensky: automatic writing: spiritism, ghosts, popular superstitions: Cheiro and Astrology:... indeed, there is no end to the subjects that figure in the letters. There is not space here to bring ...
... every leap of intelligence had its turn. Vaishnavism, Theosophy, Bahaism, Coueism, Gandhism, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, samatā. Grace and the Guru, Cosmic Consciousness, the Vedic Gods, Yogic miracles, Ouspensky, Jacob Boehme, M. Théon, astrology, the interpretation of dreams, Kaya Kalpa, Space and Time, Russian Communism, Tagore, Harindranath Chattopadhyaya's poetry, current literature, Islamic culture, ...
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