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10 result/s found for Overmind Maya

... formula 1 is too crude and simple to be entirely true in principle, but it has a great practical force and behind it there is a very great truth in a world and a consciousness governed by the Overmind Maya: it is this that what we oppose ____________________ 1. A method of autosuggestion in vogue in the early twentieth century, named after the French psychotherapist Emile Coue, which consisted ...

... farther removed from the Truth than Overmind, Vital Nature is engrossed in the realisation of ignorant forces, while in Matter the whole passes into what seems an original Inconscience. It is the Overmind Maya that governs this world, but in Matter it has deepened into Inconscience out of which consciousness reemerges and climbs again bringing down into Matter life and mind, and opening in mind to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... summit that the Mother is the Transcendent Mother and the Divine is the Transcendent Divine? Yes; but from the point of view of the present triple world of mind, life and body governed by the Overmind (Maya), the Supermind and the supramental Divine (all the upper hemisphere in fact) can be spoken of as Transcendent. 27 January 1932 Page 53 ...

... called Volume I and Volume II. Book One consists of twenty-eight chapters, twenty-seven in the order in which they appeared in the Arya and an additional new chapter,"Supermind, Mind and the Overmind Maya". Book Two includes most of the remaining chapters from the Arya, completely recast and extensively enlarged: the titles of some chapters were changed, the order of many chapters rearranged ...


... The Supermind or Supramental × Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - I: Supermind, Mind and the Overmind Maya × Sri Aurobindo, Essays in Philosophy and Yoga: Supermind and the Life Divine ...


... Coué formula is too crude and simple to be entirely true in principle, but it has a great practical force, and behind it there is a very great truth in a world and a consciousness governed by the Overmind Maya: it is this, that what we affirm strongly gets power to persist in the consciousness and experience and calls circumstances to its support, what we deny and reject and refuse to support by the power ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... The Life Divine Chapter XXVIII Supermind, Mind and the Overmind Maya There is a Permanent, a Truth hidden by a Truth where the Sun unyokes his horses. The ten hundreds (of his rays) came together—That One. I saw the most glorious of the Forms of the Gods. Rig Veda. (V. 62. 1.) The face of Truth is hidden by a golden lid; that remove ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Ignorance. For here in the world, though the Gnosis is there secretly behind existence, what acts is not the Gnosis but a magic of Knowledge-Ignorance, an incalculable yet apparently mechanical Overmind Maya. The Divine appears to us here in one view as an equal, inactive and impersonal Witness Spirit, an immobile consenting Purusha not bound by quality or Space or Time, whose support or sanction is ...


... Nature, and for whatever reason or purpose it be there, cannot be considered directly as a part of the Being. We have to fully understand and appreciate the working of what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind Maya. Jnaneshwar,—or for that matter the ancient esoteric seer and thinker,—was not really concerned with the physical universe and hence always a hiatus remained between the material and the spiritual ...


... which he has either no current faculty of admission or else only a partial and mixed reception of some faint portion of their powers,—the illumined mind, the intuition and finally the creative Overmind or Maya which stands far above and is the source of our present existence. If mind is to be understood only as Reason or human intelligence, then the free mental being and its state would be something... built to contain a greater godhead or to house the splendours of this supramental force and knowledge. This limitation is true only so long as man remains closed within the boundaries of the mental Maya. If he rises into the knowledge-self beyond the highest mental stature, if he becomes the knowledge-soul, the Spirit poised in gnosis, vijñānamaya puruṣa , and puts on the nature of its infinite truth ...
