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Oxus : river (now Amu Darya) in central & eastern Asia, flowing from the Pamir Plateau to the Aral Sea. Sri Aurobindo’s phrase “the Oxus of the poet” refers to Matthew Arnold’s uses Oxus as an image in his poem Sohrab & Rūstum.

14 result/s found for Oxus

... come to the geographer Ptolemy (140 A.D.) that we hear of a place named Tambyzoi to the south of the Oxus - Tambyzoi which Sylvain Lévi 1 identifies with Kamboja on the ground that the word is a Greek transliteration of the Austro-Asiatic spelling of Kamboja. But even Tambyzoi, south of the Oxus, is a far cry from the country contiguous to that of the Yonas on India's north-west in Aśoka's day.... information: "In 1877 a large hoard of coins was found at Kabadan on the Oxus and was imported to Rawalpindi by dealers. This hoard included the oriental imitations of Owls and Eagles akin to the coins of Sophytes." R. S. Whitehead's study 2 of the last-named coins may be summed up: "Sophytes and his coins belong to the Oxus region: they are probably earlier than 320 B.C., the date given to them... or south-west of Punch." The Parāmakambojas would seem to have been where the geographer Ptolemy (1st century A.D.) put the "Tambyzoi" (identified by Lévi as "Kamboja") - a place to the south of the Oxus. Just as the Yonas of Aśoka's empire neighboured the Kambojas in it, may we not surmise that Amtiyoka's subjects whom we have dubbed the Parāmayonas neighboured the Parāmakambojas? If we may ...


... . and the importance of the river [Ranhā] in the Avesta, I am inclined to think that Rasā is another name of the Amu Darya, besides (Sanskrit) Vaksu = Oxus...." But if the Rasā is the Oxus how can it be called a tributary of the Indus? Both the Oxus and the Jaxartes flow northwards in the direction of the Aral Sea. Page 284 The Rigveda's river Rasā Rasā, in the Rigveda... Dahas lived on the lower course of the river Margos (modern Murghab) or in the northern steppe area of Margiana. Pomponius Mela (3,42), based on Eratosthenes, tells that the great bend of the river Oxus towards the 9. P. 206. 10. Pp. 220-21. Page 206 northwest begins near the Dahas (iuxta Dahas), Tacitus (Ann. 11,10) places the Dahae on the northern border of Areia... conclusive proof of colonization hold for Pirak in Sind, where Parpola traces the first wave of the 42.P. 202. 43."Third millennium structure and process: From the Euphrates to the Indus and the Oxus to the Indian Ocean", Oriens Antiquus (1986), 25:3-4, 189-219. 44.P. 202. Page 226 Aryans whom he identifies with the Dāsas? He 45 writes: The excavated site of Pirak ...


... ed, with hoary hair like the snow upon Ida, Ilion's senators paced, Antenor and wide-browed Anchises, Athamas famous for ships and the war of the waters, Tryas Still whose name was remembered by Oxus the orient river, Astyoches and Ucalegon, dateless Pallachus, Aetor, Aspetus who of the secrets divine knew all and was silent, Ascanus, Iliones, Alcesiphron, Orus, Aretes. Next from the citadel... Troy triumphant following the urge of their souls to the vastness, Helmeted, crowned like a queen of the gods with the fates for her coursers Rode through the driving sleet of the spears to Indus and Oxus. Then twice over she conquered the vanquished, with peace as in battle; There where discord had clashed, sweet Peace sat girded with plenty, There where tyranny counted her blows, came the hands... of all those legions Doomed to the sword? for never again from the ancient city Foot would march or chariots crash in their pride to the Xanthus. Aetor the old and Tryas the conqueror known by the Oxus. They in the portals met and their ancient eyes on each other Looked amazed, admiring on age the harness of battle. They in the turreted head of the gateway halted and conversed. "Twenty years have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Altyn Tepe temple, 293 Alur, Dr. K.R., 216-20 a-mānuṣa, 334, 376 Amorges/Omarges, 318-19 Amri, 223, 227 Amyrgioi Sakai, 314, 319 Amu Darya (see also Oxus), 284, 321 Anarsani, 330 anasah, 349-50 Anatolia, 260, 261, 274, 280, 281 Anavas, 355 anchors (of perforated stone found at Dwaraka), 201, 202 Andau... ges onager, 160, 248, 249 oryza sativa (see also rice), 279 Ossetes, 210 Ouranos, 400-401, 403 Ovis vignei, 248 ox drawing a chariot, 252 humped, 248 Oxus (Amu Darya), 206, 270, 284-5, 321 Painted Grey Ware (PGW), 212, 238-41 Pakistan Govt., excavations at Mohenjo-dāro, 190 Pakthas, 355, 357 Page... Upanishads, 246, 340, 375 Ur, 245 Uralic languages, 278 Urarja, 329, 332 Uttar Pradesh/U.P., 239, 240 Vadhryasva, 289-90 vajra, 196 Vaksu (Oxus), 284 Vala, 196, 332 Valakhilya, 295, 397-8 Vamadeva, 414 Vangrda, 332-3 Varcin, 207-8, 330, 332, 333, 370 Varin, 282 Varkana, 294 varna, 339-40 ...


... misplaced & intolerant action of Intellect & its servant, rash-moving, light-winged,—the chameleon-hued phantasm Opinion, been shredded, parcelled out, narrowed into many streams & shallows, like the Oxus of the poet. Thus has it come down to our own age, ever narrowing more & more, shorn of its victorious streams, awaiting its return to a wider flood and a more grandiose motion. Page 574 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Oriental Institute, Vol. XII, Nos. 1-2 (M.S. University, Baroda, , Sept.-Dec. 1972). Karlovsky, C.C. Lamberg, "Third millennium structure and process: from the Euphrates to the Indus and the Oxus to the Indian Ocean", in Oriens Antiquus (1986). Keith, A.B., "The Age of the Rigveda", in The Cambridge History of India I, ed. E.J. Rapson, Vol. I (1922). "The Early History of ...


... German, 90 Origins of Aryan Speech, The, 26fn. Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries, 107 Ouranos, 89 ovis vignei, 59 Oxford History of India, The, 4fn. Oxus, 77 Painted Grey Ware (PGW), 5, 6, 57, 98 Paippalada version, 87 Pali, 89, 103 Pandit, P.B., 50fn. Pānini, 91, 103 Panis, 110, 116, 133 Pānchāla, 15 ...


... 62.271 Ohesicritus, 146 Orissa, 485 Orodes, 201, 230 OSTN, 351 Page 634 Ossadioi or Assodioi, 425 Ouranos, 87 Ovid, 174 Oxus. 263, 455, 458, 459 Oxycanus, also called Porticanus, 63 Oxydrakai, 261 Ozéné, 476, 480.481, 520 Padmavati, 188, 189 Pahlavas, 530 Paijavana/Pijavana, 257 Palaeogoni,214, ...


... that it may be shown that he could be an adornment of your Majesty's court." "Let him," said Mahmud immediately, "return after another year." During the next twelve months Haidar Ali crossed the Oxus and visited Bokhara and Samarkand, Qasr-i-Arifin and Tashqand, Dushambe and the turbats of the Sufi saints of Turkestan. When he returned to the court, Mahmud of Ghazna took one look at him and ...

... Antiochus' chamber. Antiochus, with a map before him. ANTIOCHUS Ecbatana, Susa and Sogdiana, The Aryan country which the Indus bounds, Euphrates' stream and Tigris' golden sands, The Oxus and Jaxartes and these mountains Vague and enormous shouldering the moon With all their dim beyond of nations huge; This were an empire! What are Syria, Greece And the blue littoral to Gades? They ...


... Tripolye in the Ukraine 74 Belt of Aryanism from Tripolye to Rigvedic India which was the most advanced part 74-75 9. Airiyānam vaējo in the oxus-Jaxartes plains ? 77 Final origin of the Aryans still a mystery 77 Possibly an almost world-wide common Aryan culture in antiquity with perhaps India its centre ...


... to form this belt? We have already noticed the Irānian Aryans' tradition of an ancient home, Airiyānam vaējo. E. Herzfeld believes that the Avesta locates it distinctly in "the vast plains of the Oxus and the Jaxartes". 1 But, even if he proves right, the region from which those Aryans who became the Irānians derived need not have been the ultimate home of all the Aryans. The absence of any suggestion ...


... the Uxians, the Archosians and the Dragians; who rallied the Parthians, the Chorasmians and the Hycranians who live in the areas bordering the Caspian sea; who climbed the Caucasus; who crossed the Oxus, the Liaxarte and the Indus — that only Dionysus had reached before him; who crossed the Hydaspes and the Acesines, and who crossed the Gedrosia desert which no one had crossed before him at the head ...


... life-producing, koruth-aiolos , helmet-glancing, lao-kataratos , cursed by the people, thumo-leōn , heart-lion, as anabadēn and katabadēn answering to the Sanskrit avyayībhāva ; as oxu-thumos , sharp-passioned, oxu-schoinos , having sharp reeds, polu-teknos , having many children, io-stephanos , violet-crowned. The language indeed pullulates with compounds. It is true that they are usually composed ...