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Pal, Kristo Das : (1838-84), “Educated at the Oriental Seminary & Metropolitan College, Calcutta: appointed Assistant Secretary to the British Indian Association, Calcutta (organisation of Bengali zamindars) Dec. 1858 & Secretary in 1879: made editor in Nov. 1861 & subsequently manager of the Hindoo Patriot (q.v.), then the leading native paper: in 1863 appointed a Justice of the Peace in Calcutta, & took prominent position in municipal affairs: nominated a Member of the Bengal Legislative Council in 1872 & an additional Member of the Gov.-Gen.’s Legislative Council in Feb. 1883 as representative of the Bengal zamindars in the discussions on the Bengal Tenancy Bill: his services were highly valued by Govt.: his natural eloquence was developed by constant practice, while his force of character, combined with industry & independence, gave him a leading position in public affairs: in advocating the cause of the natives of India his moderation conduced greatly to his success. Sir C.P. Ilbert said of him: ‘A great orator & a great journalist, who would have made his mark in any country & at any time.’ He was made Rai Bahadur in 1877 & C.I.E. [Companion of Brit-Indian Empire] in 1878: on July 24, 1884, a statue was erected in his honour at Calcutta.” [Buckland]

5 result/s found for Pal, Kristo Das

... affairs in the smile of the City Corporation. He is the man of the present, but he is not the man of the future. On his generation, a generation servilely English and swayed by Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, Bankim had little effect. Even now you will hear Anglicised Bengalis tell you with a sort of triumph that the only people who read Bengali books are the Bengali ladies. The sneer is a little out... they are its only readers. Already we see the embryo of a new generation Page 116 soon to be with us, whose imagination Bankim has caught and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault, loving Bengal and her new glories, and if not Hindus themselves, yet zealous for the honour of the ancient religion and hating all that makes war on it. With ...

... Narayan Das Lane just north-east of the present Vidyasagar College on Cornwallis Street.... Leaders of thought and society had been discussing the pros and cons of the then methods of political activity that were confined to petition, prayer and protest to the alien Authority which held India under subjection.... On the November evening referred to above, there were gathered Bipin Chandra Pal, Chittaranjan... elder brother of Satyen. There he received a note from S. N. Banerji. "My dear Aurobindo Babu, "I am here. Will you kindly if convenient come over with Sham Sunder Babu and Lalit Babu. Kristo Babu is also coming here. Yours sincerely, Surendra Nath Banerjea." Surendranath tried his best to convince Sri Aurobindo that the Moderate policy would not only bring about... Chittaranjan Das, Surendranath Halder, Page 391 and Sarat Chandra Sen — all familiar faces; the only exception was a retiring figure sitting quietly in a chair, whose name I later came to know as Aurobindo Ghose. The discussion that ensued referred to the resolutions of the forthcoming session of the Congress. The Boycott resolution had been passed at a meeting held at the Calcutta Town ...

... surprising talent, nay, of unmistakable genius, but too obviously influenced by Shelley and the English poets. And last of all came the generation formed in the schools of Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, with its religious shallowness, its literary sterility and its madness in social reform. Servile imitators of the English, politicians without wisdom and scholars without learning, they have no ...

... Circular Road corresponds with the present 237, Lower Circular Road, is corroborated by the following change of ownership: 1881-1885 Coomar Kali Kristo Roy (owner) 1900-1905 Coomar Kali Kristo Roy (owner) 1906-1909 Coomar Kali Kristo Roy (owner) 1927-1934 B. Chakraborti, the official receiver of the High Court 1934-1940 The official receiver of the High Court, Hindusthan ... Ranjan Sircar purchased the property ¹ Sanibarer Chitti , Sajanikanta Das, Ed., Magh 1361 (January-February 1955), pp. 440-41. Page 319 and put up the new structure after demolishing the old. It is now occupied by the Chinese Consul General. Showlota Das (Mrs. Banbihari Das) Youngest daughter of the Late Mr. Manomohan Ghose, Barrister-at-Law. ... In the last issue of the Udbodhan, recently printed, Girija has committed a great error when he states that the series of articles on passive resistance in the Bande Mataram were written by Bepin Pal! We know on unimpeachable authority that it was written entirely by Sri Aurobindo. Detailed examination of Udbodhan: 1. In the issue of Vaishakh 1347, Girija says that Sri Aurobindo ...

... workings of the new movement are yet obscure... [but] already we see the embryo of a new generation soon to be with us, whose imagination Bankim has caught and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault.... With that generation the future lies and not with the Indian Unnational Congress or the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Already its vanguard is upon us. ... Let it ...