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Palladium : the statue of Pallas Athene sent down by Zeus from Olympus as the guardian of Troy to Dardanus king of Troy or to his descendant Ilus (q.v.). Diomedes & Odysseus destroyed or carried it off making possible the sack of Troy.

7 result/s found for Palladium

... legendary pre-Homeric Thracian poet and musician, founder of the Orphic mysteries, who was able to charm even wild beasts and birds by his music. Palladium: an ancient sacred image of Athene which was the guardian of a city. The Palladium of Troy is especially famous. Pallas: A title of Athene, of uncertain meaning and origin. Pandemian: Of Pandemos, "goddess of all the people"... is a virgin warrior but fights, not like Ares for the sheer assertion of strength and love of battle, but to uphold the right and establish order. She is also known as Pallas. Her statue, the Palladium, stood in Troy, but Athene herself aided the Greeks and especially Odysseus, her favourite. Babylon: Ancient city on the Euphrates, one of the greatest and most prosperous cities in the... Poseidon and Apollo for Laomedon. The Trojans, according to the Greeks, traced their descent through Dardanus to Zeus and considered their city to be inviolable because of the presence of the Palladium. Xanthus: The river Scamander or, as in Homer, the god of that river. Zeus: The supreme god in Greek religion; son of Cronus, the Titan, whom he overthrew. He decrees all that shall ...


... calm and serious thought, proffers a very grandiloquent and heart-stirring solution. "We rely" he has said "on the liberty-loving instincts of the greatest representative assembly in the world, the palladium of English Liberty, the sanctuary of the free and brave, the British House of Commons" and at this inspiriting discharge of oratory there was, we are told, nor do we wonder at it—a responding volley... deeply and spoke sanely. And where according to this sane and powerful intellect shall we come across the really noteworthy outcome of English effort? We shall best see it, he tells us, not in any palladium or sanctuary, not in the greatest representative assembly in the world, but in an aristocracy materialized, a Page 32 middle class vulgarised and a lower class brutalized: and no clear-sighted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The Life of Greece Before the siege of Troy Troy's strong walls were reputedly built with the help of the gods Poseidon and Apollo. The Trojans were further favored by the gift of the Palladium, an image of Pallas-Athene which fell to them from heaven. By the time Priam and Hecuba ruled, Troy was a prosperous center of civilization in Asia Minor. Priam and his wife had many children, but... entered the fray, and the poisoned arrows of Philoctetes were brought to be used. With one of them Paris met his death. An oracle said that Troy would not fall as long as it had possesion of the Palladium, a sacred statue. Odysseus and Diomede resolved to steal it, but the Trojans continued to resist. At last Odysseus hit upon a plan. Under his guidance they fabricated an immense wooden horse which ...


... ruthless and adverse, Founder of a newer and greater world by daring adventure. Now, from the citadel's rise with the townships crowding below it High towards a pondering of domes and the mystic Palladium climbing, Fronted with the morning ray and joined by the winds of the ocean, Fate-weighed up Troy's slope strode musing strong Aeneas. Under him silent the slumbering roofs of the city of Ilus ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... to tighten their hold on the judiciary, and, with all the power in their hands, they will not find the task Page 245 difficult. Already the High Court itself has long ceased to be the "palladium of justice and liberty" against bureaucratic vagaries, and the unanimity of the two Services is likely to be intensified by the so-called reform. It is quite possible that the separation will make ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The first course is unthinkable. No Liberal Ministry especially, would care to go down to posterity as having betrayed the people of England and the future of democracy by such a sacrifice of the palladium of British liberty. Mr. Asquith may either dissolve as soon as the Lords refuse to withdraw their amendments or he may ask the King to create a number of Liberal Peers large enough to swamp the C ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... ruthless and adverse, Founder of a newer and greater world by daring adventure. Now, from the citadel's rise with the townships crowding below it High towards a pondering of domes and the mystic Palladium climbing, Fronted with the morning ray and joined by the winds of the ocean, Fate-weighed up Troy's slope strode musing strong Aeneas. Under him silent the slumbering roofs of the city of Ilus ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry