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Panchala : Shatapatha Brāhmaṇa suggests that Pāñcāla was the later name of the Krivi clan who, according to in Rigvedic times lived on the bank of the Indus. Later Vedic literature uses the term Pāñcāla to describe the close associates of the Kurus (see Drupada). It was divided into Uttara-Pāñcāla & Dakshīna-Pāñcāla, covering the region to the east of the Kurus, between the upper Himalayas & the Gungā. Uttara (northern) Pāñchāla had its capital at Ahichchhatrā, also known as Adhichhatra & Chakravarti while the Dakshīna had it capital at Kāmpīlya. The famous city of Kanyakubja or Kanauj was situated in the kingdom of Pāñcāla. By 5th cent BC, it became one of the śodaśa-mahājanapada (16 major democracies). After being absorbed into the Mauryan Empire, Pāñcāla regained its independence until it was annexed by the Gupta Empire in the 4th cent AD.

12 result/s found for Panchala

... पुत्रैः सहामात्यैर्नराधिप ॥ But the empire of Yudhisthere enforced by the arms of Mutsya & Panchala or even by the armed threats meant to Bhishma & Kripa something very different from a Kuru Empire; it must have seemed to them to imply rather the overthrow & humiliation of the Kurus and a Panchala domination under a Bharata prince. This it concerned their patriotism and their sense of Kshatriya... Lower valley of the Ganges espoused the same cause. The Eastern nations, heirs of the Ixvaacou imperial idea, went equally solid for Yudhisthere. The Central peoples, repositories of the great Kuru Panchala tradition as well as the Yadavas, who were really a Central nation though they had trekked to the West, were divided. Now this distribution is exactly what we should have expected. The nations which ...


... "Why dost Thou appoint me, O Lord, to a dreadful work?" We say from our human standpoint, that even then the Will of God can & will inevitably be fulfilled by Bhima, by the combined exaltation of the Panchala heroes, by the sudden greatness, even,—for "He makes the dumb man eloquent & the lame to overpass the hills",—of some inferior fighter; and, in the thought & language of the great infinite Potentiality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of the eldest of the Pandavas, afflicted as he was by the sad helpless plight of his brothers and more so by the plight of their common wife Draupadi. This virtuous daughter of Drupada, the king of Panchala Desh, was born in the purity of a sacrificial flame and was radiant and beautiful like a damsel who had come from the city of the gods. Warrior princes and heroes from far and near lands were attracted ...


... account of the supremacy ofYajnavalkya. According to the story, Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Amni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti Chakrayana ...

... there is no mention of the Purohit, far less does he set out as yet nor need we suppose he is hinted at in the description of a suitable envoy. It is doubtful whether Krishna would have singled out a Panchala Purohit as the best intermediary between the Kurus for he evidently desired to try conciliation first, before resorting to threats. The choice of the Purohita was that of King Drupada and the leaders ...


... village culture with "advanced economy". This conclusion goes against our assumed view of the Mahabharata War Period, when there were several states, each with a specific name, such as Kuru, Panchala, Chedi, Kekaya, Sindhu-Sauvira, Magadha, etc., each with its own capital city. So, if we regard the Painted Grey Ware 81. Op. cit., pp. 33-34. 82. Op. cit., p. 95. Page 239 ...


... the eldest of the Pandavas, afflicted as he was by the sad helpless plight of his brothers and more so by the plight of their common wife Draupadi. This virtuous daughter of Drupada, the king of Panchala Desh, was bom in the purity of a sacrificial flame and was radiant and beautiful like a damsel who had come from the city of the gods. Warrior princes and heroes from far and near lands were attracted ...

... in accordance with the course of Aila expansion and its outflow beyond the north-west. Similarly, in the Rigvedic account of the Battle of the Ten Kings against Sudas who was an Aila king of north Panchala... he is described as pushing his conquest westwards into the Punjab. This is also in keeping with the view that the bulk of the Rigveda was composed in the Upper Ganges-Jumna doab and plain. ...


... account of the supremacy of Yajnavalkya. According to the story, Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Aruni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti Chakrayana ...


... poem or equally stray & obscure remarks in Buddhist compilations. The curious theory of some scholars that the Pandavas were a later invention and that the original war was between the Kurus and Panchalas only and Professor Weber's singularly positive inference from a sloka which does not at first sight bear the meaning he puts on it, that the original epic contained only 8800 lines, are ingenuities ...

... establish after a struggle between the forces of purity and impurity a new harmony of life and knowledge in another Satyayuga. Page 264 After the destruction of the conservative Kurus and Panchalas at Kurukshetra, the development of the Vedanta commenced and went on progressing till in its turn it reached its extreme & excessive development in the teachings of Buddha and Shankaracharya. But ...

... Palibothra (see also Pātaliputra). 1, 3, 244, 386, 596 'Palibothrus', 201, 202 Palirhda/Palinda/Parimda/Pulinda/ Paulinda, 272-3, 274 Pallava, 274 Palmyra, 235, 350, 352 Panchalas, 97, 209 Panchasiddhāntikā, 50, 53, 227. 464, 600 Panchatantra, 561, 564-5 Pandae, 166 Pandaia, 95 Pāndava brothers, 3 Pandey.R. B., 501, 517, 586 Pandugati ...