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Pantheos : Greek for all gods; the Godhead as cosmic spirit.

26 result/s found for Pantheos

... lend itself to an evolutionary interpretation. Now I reach that ticklish topic: pantheism. Pantheos has been the experience of numerous mystics. He is a fact of realisation. No use denying Him. But surely He is not the sole truth of divine existence. Krishna in the Gita is much more than Pantheos. Still, your attempt to repudiate pantheism in the teaching of Krishna of the Gita on the basis... in isolation as done by you and if we understand that even in this aspect the inner reality which is Pantheos is not uniformly manifest. Obviously in the wide diversity of form and form, in the marked difference of force and force, there are gradations of disclosure and in some of them Pantheos can appear to be at a vanishing point: the gradations disappear only to an inner spiritual realisation... misbehaviour, but I don't think such justification would be confined to pantheists. People holding that there is no Pantheos claim to be God-guided in their fanaticisms and cruelties. Then there is the question: Does it really make a world of difference between a belief in a Pantheos and a belief in an Almighty God, the sole Ens, who freely created a world in which Evil abounds? The sense of divine ...

... God: the position is as if there were not only a transcendent divinity but also a Pantheos, and the two godheads - each existing in its own right - were to be organically reconciled. Obviously, Teilhard's religious sense is pretty complicated. And nothing short of a strong suspicion of there being a Teilhard Pantheos leads Pastor Crespy to remark, as Rideau 14 notes: "Teilhard tries to make evolution... the danger of world-deification in pantheism. But has he really subdued the glory of the world that science has overawingly laid bare and has he rendered valid a Pan-Christos without bringing in a Pantheos?   If the wonderful world still remains substantially different Page 190 from Christ, its power must always stand over against him: such a world, by its alien glory, will continue... of Cosmic Christ be anything more than Christie in name? Can he correspond in any fundamental way to the Saviour-figure emerging from the New Testament? Do we not need to reckon with only a novel Pantheos - one who Vedantically is the universe-constitutive aspect of a transcendent Reality and is the All even while being more than the All? If so, why should basic Teilhardism, with its root-function ...

... Pantheistic Christianity and Panentheism       The issue over the equation of the natural Omega with a natural Christ being settled, we may move on to the other -namely, that, like Pantheos, Teilhard's Cosmic Christ is a World-God who precedes his own particular concentrated historical manifestation known as Jesus. In short, what Teilhard is announcing is a genuine pantheism sub specie... Evolution, p. 184. Page 60 well as the old idea of Christ's Mystical Body and simultaneously it exceeds in favour of Christian transcendentalism as well as personalism the traditional Pantheos." But obviously the primary crucial step is the consubstantiality of God and the world, Christ and the cosmos: that is, in the pantheist direction.   And, although this direction does not quite... bugbear, pantheism, appears in Teilhard's worship of the universe. Unless we take both into consideration his Weltanschauung will not come into absolute focus.   Teilhard's Omega is not only Pantheos plus Super-Person: it is also the term of a process in which Godhead is being formed. As S.N. Daecke 38 puts the point, "Omega is both still 'virtual' and already 'real'." Daecke 39 speaks ...

... son of Vasudeva is all" as well as "The   6. Purushottama = supreme Being.   Page 86 omnipresent Being is all". A Personal Pantheos meets us in clear-cut terms as in no other scripture; but this Personal Pantheos is also, on the one hand, the single undifferentiated Self of all and, on the other, the Master and Lord seated in the heart of every creature and - beyond... intuitions. Understood in the true light, the Cosmic Christ who is central to his thought must lead to an Indianised Christianity giving prominence to Pantheos but holding the transcendent Divine as its prime concept - affirming in the midst of Pantheos the Personal Godhead and, along with him, the human soul as an eternal portion of the ultimate Reality and as an evolutionary adventurer through a series ...

... Personal Pantheos whom he has intuited and loved from birth and in whom all God-lovers will attain by their union with Him a fulfilling super-personalisation. Accepting Christ, Teilhard naturally remains within the Roman Church that, in his eyes, derives from this incarnation, but he finds all traditional dogmas and apologetics most faulty, and strives, by reading his own Personal Pantheos in St. Paul's ...

... Divine Milieu, translated by Bernard Wall (Harper & Row, New York, 1960), p. 109. Page 4 pendent of anything characteristic of a Pantheos, whereas the cosmic function Teilhard ascribes to his Christ is one whose absence would render a Pantheos eminently seductive. Bruno de Solages and Henri de Lubac, 2 fellow-Jesuits, interpreting Teilhard, cannot help noting: "It is faith in the divine ...

... appearance and much subtler and greater is the truth of my being. For the original and eternal Reality, the Alpha and Omega, the Godhead is neither separate in the individual nor is he only and solely a Pantheos, a cosmic spirit. He is at once the eternal individual and the eternal All-Soul of this and many universes, and at the same time he is much more than these things. This universe might end, but he ...


... open ingredient of his constitution and cannot help being insistent and deeply desirable. We may tend to justify the non-following of it by arguing from one half of God's truth: the vision of Pantheos. But when both halves are taken together and we do not overlook God from above calling to God from below to rise and evolve in the milieu of God that is all, then the urge to choose good and ...

... the drive of an immanent cosmic consciousness or world-soul. But his religious upbringing and discipline would not allow him to take physical reality as the changing and developing body of such a pantheos. As a member of the Society of Jesus his aim was to "baptize" pantheism and humanism, whereas his innate temperament and modern turn of mind insisted on pan-theizing traditional Christianity and ...


... just as separate places have their "souls", as it were, both natural and super-natural, so too the totality of solitary Nature is one great elemental life that is a projection of a divine infinity, a Pantheos whose body is the world but whose spirit, while manifesting in the world and even constituting it, transcends Nature - Page 114 A light that never was, on sea or land. Of this ...


... Man, each of us holds the Divine Imagination in ourselves and even the universe seen without is really within. 34 An infinite Presence whose multiple centres are in our own bosoms, an All-God or Pantheos who is All-Man or Pananthropos, a Divine Humanity secretly perfect and waiting to be realised in an inner vision which embraces all outer things and holds them in an eternity of Jesus: such is Blake's ...


... certain luminous detachment from flesh and blood, and the Page 228 pantheistic intuition he shared with Wordsworth was not equally interfused with "the meanest flower that blows". Pantheos, for him, shone rather through than in the meanest flower, and had indeed a brighter vibrancy because of not being one substance with clay, but lacked the solidity, as it were, which Wordsworth found ...


... cosmic Self and Spirit, our nature a play of the cosmic Nature; the wall between ourselves and the Page 330 universe begins to disappear and vanishes altogether. We realise the selfsame Pantheos in ourselves, in others and in all universal existence. But also by Yoga we become aware of something that is more than our individual being and more than the cosmic being, a transcendent Being ...


... Schoolman frowned on Spinoza's pantheism and refrained from extending the function of the "intellectus" to seeing God as the highest Universal, the supreme common factor and essence of all, whether as Pantheos or as the transcendent Deity who is not exhausted by the cosmic existence. To the medieval thinker God's omnipresence in the cosmos was not by a secret substance in all but only by a secret action ...


... Christ to be a complete, concentrated, adorable "Universe" animating the material cosmos, "a being as vast as the World of all time", "a true soul of the World". Such a Christ is surely a Personal Pantheos, of whose cosmic soul, coextensive with space and time, the universe of Matter is a manifesting body. Looking on him as Super-Matter, we may even say that his cosmic soul is as a Super-body, of which ...

... without qualities is another aspect of His existence. Ishwara is Brahman the Reality, Self, Spirit, revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it, the Eternal, the Infinite, the Ineffable, the Divine Transcendence. The sharp opposition made between personality and impersonality by our mental way of thinking is a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... created or emanated the universe and, winding it up to the full, set it going. Or we should have to opine that the universe always existed but with a power other than nature immanent in it and this Pantheos miraculously did the winding up. Or else we should hold that a power other than nature was coeval supra-cosmically with the ever-existing universe and wound it up by special intervention from beyond ...

... hinted in the line just preceding the above quotation: Whilst burning through the inmost veil of Heaven... A transcendent dimension of ultimate truth and supreme life is visioned through Pantheos. Coleridge too at the peak of his poetic production lived in the same complexly pantheistic outlook and inlook. He even tried to make an argued philosophy of them. The thesis in it that concerns ...


... tabooed by him: Einstein has no proper philosophical grasp of tran- scendence and is evidently repelled by the too anthropomorphic conceptions current in the popular creeds. But a God a la Spinoza, a Pantheos, is in his view a prerequisite of science. For science is to him the discovery of the order, the system, the logic, the reason embodied in phenomena: it is the finding of the mathematical mind expressive ...

... He is the supreme and universal Brahman, the Absolute, the supreme Self, the supreme Purusha....revealed as possessor, enjoyer of his own self-existence, creator of the universe and one with it, Pantheos, and yet superior to it..."19   19. Ibid., p. 318. Page 83 ...

... as souls of the One, souls born here in It and evolving upward through inanimate, animate and mentally developed forms till the recovery of their complete and undivided life in the superconscient Pantheos and its cosmic Oneness would intervene as the end and goal of their evolution. In that case, everything has evolved here; life, mind, soul have arisen out of the One in the material universe by the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Energy as Matter, would be real, as also the individual emerging as a conscious being of the original Existence in a world of Matter. This original Reality might be a cosmic spiritual Existence, a Pantheos, or it might have some other status; but in any case there would be, not a universal illusion or mere phenomenon, but a true universe. In the classical theory of Illusionism a sole and supreme ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... no less than transcendent but he is immanent only by his power and never by being secretly one substance with the world and the soul. Neither the Old Testament nor the New has any inkling of God as Pantheos and at the same time the Beatific Beyond. Where in them will you find anything answering to those utterances of the Upanishad which compass both these aspects? Here is the first aspect expressed (in ...

... transcendental Being who validates distinctions, supports the evolutionary movement and takes sides in the perilous drama of life without essentially ceasing to be both sides! Yes, without ceasing to be pantheos: this is important, this is what the non-Indian mind often forgets and what the Indian always remembers. By its remembrance, the Indian mind gets steeped in God's presence and not only feels most ...

... mind, a harmony creating the possibility for this mind to understand the workings of the cosmos. 62 He has avowed himself a Spinozist, 63 one to whom the pantheos of Spinoza — the rational Intelligence immanent in the world — is the God science must recognize. Does Mr. Alvares get the hang of such a statement? Einstein ...


... Aurobindonian revelations and affirmations, should pave the way for what he calls a "Vedantic Christianity". Teilhard's "Cosmic Christ" must lead "to an Indianised Christianity giving prominence to Pantheos but holding the transcendent Divine as its prime concept"; and Christ would be one among the great avatars, and for Christians the chosen avatar of worship or ista devatā 89 And what is needed ...