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28 result/s found for Paolo

... You know Paolo, have you seen him? He's nice. He is nice. As a matter of fact, I have something in this connection. Yesterday I had the visit of Paolo and N., both of them, and Paolo explained to me a sort of inspiration he had about Auroville. I found it very beautiful, very good, and important. So I told him, "You must absolutely tell Mother about it directly." So when could you see Paolo? Will... see R. tomorrow, I can tell him. Paolo is an architect, isn't he? You alone have authority over R. Yes... no, if I tell him, "Do it," he won't say no, but he won't do it!... He has to be convinced .... All that I can do is to tell him that I am aware of the idea, that I fully approve of it and ask him to see Paolo and work it out with him. But I think Paolo has a power of conviction in him... understand that?... Since we want to create "something else," the least we can do is to trust something else. Yes. I'll speak to R. about it tomorrow and I'll ask him to see Paolo. I think that to a certain extent, Paolo can help bring in money, if he is interested. Good. Page 496 So then, build even before it's an islet. ( silence ) For the outside of this sort of temple, ...


... good), but for this construction of the center, I'd like Paolo to do it, and so I'd like Paolo to stay here when R. is gone: let Paolo be here when R. is away, and with Paolo we could do that. Only, I don't want either of them to feel that it's one against the other (!). They must understand that it's to complement each other. I think Paolo will understand. But R. will take it as an encroachment... 1969 about Auroville and the Matrimandir. ) Mother, I told Paolo [the Italian architect] to come, he is waiting outside. Yes.... There is an interesting thing. For a long time I had been feeling something, then we spoke about it the other day, and I SAW... I told R. [Auroville's architect] about it, I asked him to see Paolo, and I also told him that I had seen what should be done. Naturally... his job well. As for the outside... I didn't see the outside; I didn't see it at all, I only saw the inside. I wanted to explain to Paolo once I would have the papers, it would be easier, but since you called him... ( Sujata goes out and comes back with Paolo, who comes in with a garland of pink "Harmony." Mother gives him an orange hibiscus—Auroville's flower—looks at him, and starts speaking: ...


... Because R. told me, "I want to have a big circle; the inside is exactly a semicircle, and the other semicircle would be underground." He told me almost the same words. Because Paolo told him his own idea. Oh, Paolo told him! Oh, that's why... It's like a bud emerging from the earth. Yes, yes, that's the first idea R. told me, almost identically with the same words. And his second idea... united!..." Do you understand? But I am sure that Paolo would be only too happy to get along with R. But you surely understand that if R. has adopted Paolo's idea, it means he admires Paolo's intelligence, otherwise he wouldn't have. So why one side like this and the other side...? We don't want any more of those petty things. But when Paolo showed me this plan, I felt something very beautiful... Mother’s Agenda 1970 January 17, 1970 What did you want to tell me? I had a visit from Paolo and N.... There are two things. But first, there is the plan for this Center—to be precise, of the outside of the Center. The outside, I didn't see anything. There is a sketch by L. I didn't see anything at all, I am open ...


... I met Paolo. He informed me that Roger was willing to change the Urn. But I came to know from an authentic source that Roger was insisting to Navajata to keep the present Urn—so Navajata declared that it was out of the question to alter it, or to give his consent. The people concerned gave Paolo the impression that the present Urn was the Mother's Vision and wish. Roger told Paolo that he showed ...


... about it. Nobody actually knew! But when Paolo met me once more, he told me that he had a long talk with Roger regarding the Urn and the Lotus, and Roger said that the existing Urn was the Mother's vision and was decided by Her. Paolo asked him to show him all the correspondence and the sketches of the Mother of that Urn but Roger gave him elusive answers. Then Paolo told me that eventually Roger said that... that he was willing and ready to change the Urn into the lotus. I wonder whether Roger has given his word of honour to Paolo! Paolo told several people, "I saw in Huta a perfect guardian. One can smell the perfume of Matrimandir in her". I appreciated his good will. At the same time I was very much amused about the guardian which I was no more! ... The Spirit of Auroville Piero wrote to me on 6.8.74: Dear Huta, Do you remember one day I have spoken to you about Paolo Tommasi? He was at the beginning of the actual design of Matrimandir. Do you remember his card with a red point in the blue sky? He is now in Pondy, and after reading your "brochure" has expressed the desire to meet you. I think ...


... entirely. He said we should really do that. ( Mother nods her head ) I'll see Paolo this afternoon to give him this plan. Because that's just what I saw. We'll do it in white marble. L. said he would go and get the marble, he knows the place. The whole structure in white marble? Yes, yes. But Paolo told me one tiling which I felt to be correct. He said, We'll build this Center, we'll... point of view, it's amusing. We must keep it very carefully and publish it one day as a document. Yes, that's right. Page 33 Soon afterwards Then I have a letter from Paolo.... I'll see him this afternoon. I told you that I saw the central construction of Auroville.... I have a plan. Would you like to see it?... There are three scrolls there ( Mother unrolls the... this Center should be there until the city is completely built, and afterwards we would see—afterwards we won't feel like removing it! Because a lot of people thought of something "huge." But Paolo says that from an architectural standpoint, it's quite possible to extend the thing from outside without touching what's already built. Oh, yes, it's quite possible. You see, R. asked me, "And ...


... Do you know Paolo?... He makes films. Why wouldn't you do that together?... He is coming back. I feel there's an extraordinary means of work there. Yes. A book reaches but in a still limited way, whereas a film means millions of people reached all at once. So to make a beautiful, a TRUE film... Ah, but this book would make a very good film! You could see that when Paolo comes back,... purpose. Oh, yes, it's an extraordinary means. ( silence ) But you could turn your book into a film? Yes. It requires some work, but it can be done. My idea is through Paolo, but naturally you should... Paolo could give you technical advice, but you should be the one who does it. Yes, certainly, it can be done. I have a feeling that if I speak to him about it, he would do it with ...


... you about it last time), but I have been solicited by Paolo, 2 who is preparing a documentary on the Ashram for television. He asked to take photos of me, a film, and so on. First I said, "I'll talk about it with Mother." But as it wasn't possible lately, yesterday he finally came down on me with his camera, and I let him. He's nice, Paolo, very nice! Yes, but still, showing myself off..... has to have force and simplicity. Yes... that's more interesting. You aren't tired? No, no, Mother! ( Mother runs her hand over Satprem's forehead ) Then it's all right. He's nice, Paolo, he's generous. We have to help him. Now here's something else ( Mother takes a file out of a pile of letters and various other things ). I receive this notebook every two days. Let's see if there's ...


... daughter of the Lord of Ravenna, was given in marriage to the Lord of Rimini, a man of extraordinary courage but deformed in appearance. His brother Paolo, who possessed great personal charm, was sent by him as his representative to the ceremony. Francesca and Paolo fell in love. Once the husband came suddenly and surprised them in bed. In his rage he severed the necks of both of them with his sword. Dante ...


... Room (your point i), please note that all the dimensions are in keeping with the plan that Mother made according to Her vision in January 1970, drawn up with the help of Udar and given personally to Paolo and Roger. It is correct that there is an apparent discrepancy between the Entretiens and the drawings of Udar, but these drawings are mentioned by Mother several times during the Entretiens as the... and more perfect Vision of Auroville. Only if we can see the whole, together , can we make a step toward a more comprehensive and truer harmony between us all. Fraternally, Gloria Piero Paolo ...


... accepted. And he's going to come: there's a whole group of young Italians who want to come at the end of the year for Sri Aurobindo's yoga, and he'll probably come with them, or else he will come with Paolo if Paolo doesn't mind paying for his travel. My intention is to put him in touch with Dr. S., to let them study that together, and if it works well, I'll ask him to stay on. Because you know that S. now ...


... expresses more than it really knows. India knows more than it really can express. Enough! ( Then Satprem reads out to Mother the article he has written for Italian television. ) It's for Paolo, for Italian television. Maybe you could read it to me.... Does it interest you?... I have entitled it, "The Great Sense." ( Satprem reads ) "This is the time of the Great Sense. ... Wonder growing to become the Wonder manifest upon earth..."? Yes, "the Divine," or "the Wonder." But I always think about the translations—since it's going to be translated.... I don't know. Ask Paolo, have him choose between "the Wonder" and "the Divine." Explain the idea to him. In English, it's certain that Page 227 the Divine is infinitely better than God . 2 Yes, certainly ...


... old papers. She comes across a 1967 file containing her "Instructions in the event of a cataleptic trance": "This body must be left in peace..." etc. Mother gives Vasudha a copy of it. ) Oh, Paolo wants to build a room for me, and there will be cupboards, we'll be able to put away a lot of papers there. All the Auroville things I'll give you. Mother, there's an important problem I'd like ...


... Keats write indirectly of the sex-act. Another kind of indirectness, an extreme of nothing save suggestion, a most delicate and moving fusion of speech and silence meets us in Dante's famous episode of Paolo and Francesca. Once during their period of unspoken and even unacknowledged love they read together the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. Their eyes exchanged glances and their cheeks flushed. The book ...

... writes: "I realise that I may be charged, among the brighter and still wrathful younger groups of 'Indo-Anglians' with critical flabbiness and senility. What K. Raghavendra Rao said of Buckenham's Paolo and Francesca in a letter to Kewlian Sio in 1950—'self-consciously literary and needlessly verbose; some good lines, yes, but the whole is verbose'—might be said of Sri Aurobindo also, but a fairer ...


... Roger was not present. We have all agreed that the means to restore the Urn to the form which the Mother had originally seen have to be studied and a correct project submit-ted to Roger. As you see Paolo, Piero and Gloria this afternoon you may discuss the matter with them. In any case I cannot take "No in principle" as an answer and I hope that Nava has understood my position. With love Yours ...


... Spirit of Auroville On 17.1.75, Piero wrote to me: Dear Huta, I hope sincerely that your health is all right and it is what we wish for the future! Paolo has left today and he has told me that he has not met you on Tuesday. He came to Matrimandir twice during the work and was very happy to find a good atmosphere with joy, and people working there for ...


... correct and you know about it. Pourna also saw it and told me that it was right. I saw in her album a photostat copy, similar to the sketch I have. In the beginning of this year Piero, Gloria and Paolo came to me and saw the sketch. They were pleased. Piero took the original sketch from me and got the photostat copies made, because they found exactly what they wanted in the sketch. Also your letter ...


... meaning. The lover is thinking what happens after death, when love and life are over. He first thinks of the Christian myth of Hell—the first four lines refer to that and to Dante's description of Paolo and Francesca and other guilty lovers blown round in one of the circles of Inferno—in the smoke and gurge of hell by violent winds—that is the relucent (shining back to the light of the fires) gyres ...

... his power. One remembers how a chorus of unreserved praise crowned Gordon Bottomley as the most astonishing creator of the poetic drama since the seventeenth century. Poor Stephen Phillips with his Paolo and Francesca and Herod seemed quite forgotten; but that did not matter, for it is the nature of enthusiasm to forget rivals and, even if the critics had wanted to be just, Phillips would not have occurred ...


... "I realise that I may be charged, among the brighter and still wrathful younger groups of Tndo-Anglians' with critical flabbiness and senility. What K. Raghavendra Rao said of Buckenham's Paolo and Francesca (included in this volume 1 ) in a letter to Kewlian Sio in 1950 - 'self-consciously literary and needlessly verbose; some good lines, yes, but the whole is verbose' - might be said ...


... I can understand quite clearly your anxiety to have all the documents concerning Matrimandir so that Mother's Will is not distorted. Already I have given the most important parts to Roger and Paolo concerning the Matrimandir construction. I am just now reading over all the Mother's notes, and if I come across something special concerning the Matrimandir, I shall let you know or André at once ...


... to what was told me at the beginning and it is essential to know who is right. If the study has not been made already by someone reliable it is urgent to do it quickly. I suggest that you ask Paolo, if, as I understood, you are seeing him tomorrow. And we shall be able to talk of it on Friday. With love André ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Time passed very rapidly. Now it was the year 1975. Piero, Gloria and Paolo came to my house and saw the sketches of the Matrimandir and Auroville done by the Mother in 1965. They said that the sketches were exactly what they should be. They borrowed the original sketches from me and made photostat copies of them. After that they ...


... the Mere Sole-sitting by the shores of old romance. He finds the typical Romantic atmosphere in that reticently emotional line of Dante's where Francesca of Rimini, after she and her lover Paolo have come in their joint reading to a certain episode in the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, says: quel giorno piu non vi leggemmo avante. upon that day no fur did we read. ( K.D.S.) The ...


... yielded on the fundamental principle of the proposal. He kept repeating simple ideas, like this one, "Until you have tried you can never tell whether a task is impossible or not. Italian Paolo Emilio Taviani, leader of the Christian Democracy and a participant in that conference recalls, "The determining factor in the success of the negotiation was Jean Monnet's personality. ... Like De Gasperi ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... rebuilt several times at later periods. Finally, A. da Ponta restored it in the XVI th century, after it was burnt down. The palace is rich in paintings of sixteenth century artists: II Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese, Jacopo Palma (the Younger). Page 143 This is what happened to Mirra: "I was with my mother and a group of tourists, and we were being shown round the Palazzo ducale by ...

... The Spirit of Auroville I have read Paolo's letter dated 18.8.87: He says in his letter: ...I feel it should be mainly to protect the inner chamber with a solid and compact shell. So that this protection is lasting. If we all make the effort to work in tune with the Mother's consciousness, Her Grace will flow and there will be no financial or any ...