Paphos : in SW Cyprus was the centre of the worship of Astarte or Aphrodite.
... mouth like a rose of resistance Chidingly budded 'gainst Fate, a charm to their senses enamoured. "Well do I know thou hast given my world to Hera and Pallas. What though my temples shall stand in Paphos and island Cythera And though the Greek be a priest for my thoughts and a lyre for my singing, Beauty pursuing and light through the figures of grace and of rhythm,– Forms shall he mould for men's... cease and the aeons be ended. Suffer my Greeks; accept who accept thee, O gold Dionaean. They in the works of their craft and their dreams shall enthrone thee for ever, Building thee temples in Paphos and Eryx and island Cythera, Building the fane more enduring and bright of thy golden ideal. Page 451 Even if natures of men could renounce thee and God do without thee, Rose of love ...
... a rose of resistance Chidingly budded gainst Fate, a charm to their senses enamoured. "Well do I know thou hast given my world to Hera and Pallas. What though my temples shall stand in Paphos and island Cythera And though the Greek be a priest for my thoughts and a lyre for my singing, Beauty pursuing and light through the figures of grace and of rhythm,- Forms shall he mould... ended. Suffer my Greeks; accept who accept thee. O gold Dionaean. Page 86 They in the works of their craft and their dreams shall enthrone thee for ever, Building thee temples in Paphos and Eryx and island Cythera, Building the fane more enduring and bright of thy golden ideal. Even if natures of men could renounce thee and God do without thee, Rose of love and sea of ...
... Palladium of Troy is especially famous. Pallas: A title of Athene, of uncertain meaning and origin. Pandemian: Of Pandemos, "goddess of all the people", an epithet of Aphrodite. Paphos: A city a short distance inland from the west coast of Cyprus and the site of a famous temple of Aphrodite. Paris: A son of Priam and Hecuba, was reputed to be the handsomest of mortal men ...