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Parnassus : mountain in Phocis (Greece), sacred to Apollo, Dionysus, & the Muses.
... The songs are very beautiful. I shall certainly send all force possible to back your heroic effort till you stand on the summit of achievement surrounded by your seventy songs like Apollo on Parnassus engirt by his nine (only) Muses. May 5,1936 I have written to Prithwisingh today giving him all the necessary information item by item. At present I am even beyond the reach of suicide... Page 104 brevity which is—sometimes—the soul of wit can alone help No need to put poetry against novel and make a case between them. Both can be given admission to the spiritual Parnassus 36 —but not all poetry and all novels. All depends on the consciousness from which the thing is done. If it is done from the psychic or the spiritual consciousness and bears the stamp of its source ...
... passion and renew Visions of beauty that my lips shall ne'er attain. For in Sicilian olive-groves no more Or seldom must my footprints now be seen, Nor tread Athenian lanes, nor yet explore Parnassus or thy voiceful shores, O Hippocrene. Me from her lotus heaven Saraswati Has called to regions of eternal snow And Ganges pacing to the southern sea, Ganges upon whose shores the flowers of ...
... which I can recognise now that Sri Aurobindo has shown me the path of inwardness. Great verse has a vast variety of word-movement and on the wings of many different styles can one reach the top of Parnassus. Shakespeare's teeming vitality of phrase, Shelley's ethereal rainbow-speech, Yeats's jewelled spontaneities of occult utterance have all the inevitable character which makes for immortal life in ...
... immeasurable boon of Savitri in progress granted by the Master to this beauty-smitten mystery-haunted disciple who for all his limping spirituality was yet passionately panting for the "Overhead" Parnassus. Naturally Nolini thought of referring questions of poetry to me. This was part also of his humility: he did not arrogate to himself any role in which he felt he was not anywhere near being an absolute ...
... vibrant modes of being variously interrelated within a real-seeming milieu . It is because Dante, just like Kalidasa, has not enough of this capacity that he fails to rank with the sheer pinnacles of Parnassus: Homer, Shakespeare, Valmiki, Vyasa. His having less of inequalities, fewer ups and downs, does not help him: those four have enough ups, and these ups have in a greater Page 269 ...
... instinct, helped by his discriminating intelligence, carried by his exploring intuition, he dedicates himself more and more by a conscious aesthetic yoga, so to speak, to special mystic sources in the Parnassus of inspiration. By intensely seeking to lift all his powers to the revelatory rhythm of such sources as let out lines like that Wordsworthian rarity, he may create, en masse, types of word-vision ...
... his father his first book titled Parnassians, a critical assessment of the work of H.G. Wells, G.B. Shaw, G.K. Chesterton and Thomas Hardy, whom he considered the four outstanding denizens of Mount Parnassus, home of the Muses. The Parsi author, A.S. Wadia sent Wells, whom he personally knew, the article on him. Wells wrote back, "Your young man will go far." "But Wells didn't know," remarked ...
... English and express yourself in good English. 16 May 1932 Poetry and Novel No need to put poetry against novel and make a case between them. Both can be given admission into the spiritual Parnassus—but not all poetry and all novels. All depends on the consciousness from which the thing is done. If it is done from the psychic or the spiritual consciousness and bears the stamp of its source, that ...
... anticipation of the beloved country he is returning to — For in Sicilian olive-groves no more Or seldom must my footprints now be seen, Nor tread Athenian lanes, nor yet explore Parnassus or thy voiceful shores, O Hippocrene. Me from her lotus heaven Saraswati Has called to regions of eternal snow And Ganges pacing to the southern sea, Ganges upon whose shores ...
... spite of being written in a false and artificial rhythm? Queer! Page 756 [B] Incomplete Reply A criticism of my book On Quantitative Metre in the Calcutta New Review ( Pitfalls on Parnassus by F. J. Friend-Pereira) at tacks, not the principles of quantitative verse put forward by me,—these it holds excellent in theory, but the practice and even the possibility of putting them in practice ...
... ... I know we wouldn't write quite like this now, but our nowness in that respect shouldn't debar us from enjoying non-modern ways of the poetic art. There are numerous different ways to Parnassus and the direct mode of saying things which you favour to the exclusion of other approaches to a situation strikes me as self-impoverishment and critical Page 120 misjudgment. Early ...
... murderer or even in sympathy with murdering: still, the speech he puts into the mouth of Lady Macbeth invoking the powers of evil to aid her in killing Duncan is one of the peaks of the Shakespearean Parnassus. And it has not one false note, it is absolutely sincere, a potential murderess seems actually speaking. I have written at some length merely to help you look at poetry in the right way. ...
... his first book titled Parnassians, a critical assessment of the work of H.G. Wells, G.B. Shaw, G.K. Chesterton and Thomas Hardy, whom he considered the four outstanding denizens of Mount Parnassus, home of the Muses. The Parsi author A.S. Wadia sent Wells, whom he personally knew, the article on him. Wells wrote Page 351 back, "Your young man will go far." "But ...
... spurious or at least not equally genuine impulsion may mix with the nectar-flow. One may not feel any change in the compulsiveness of the movement, and yet the poem will not be a pure product of Parnassus. There will be, superimposed on what we may call the archetype, a phenomenal form which, while seeming to reflect it, really refracts it in its agitated flux. A sensitive self-criticism is ...
... modes of being variously interrelated within a real-seeming milieu. It is because Dante, just like Kalidasa, has not enough of this capacity that he fails to rank with the sheer pinnacles of Parnassus: Homer, Shakespeare, Valmiki, Vyasa. His having less of inequalities, fewer ups and downs, does not help him: those four have enough ups, and these ups have in a greater degree the creative genius ...
... was regarded as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis (twin children of Zeus from Leto or Latona) and was the seat of an oracle of Apollo. Delphi: A rugged spot on the slopes of Mount Parnassus in central Greece, the site of the most important temple of Apollo, where the Pythia delivered the inspired messages of the god. Demeter: Daughter of Cronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, Demeter ...
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