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Parthia : ancient country of West Asia, southeast of the Caspian Sea. In 250 BC Parthians overthrowing Seleucidae, founded the Pārthian empire which in 1st cent. BC, extended from the Euphrates to the Indus & from the Oxus to the Indian Ocean.

6 result/s found for Parthia

... another era. Rise, Princess of Parthia; sit upon this throne, Phraates' daughter; thou art peace and love And must today be crowned. Marvel not, Syrians; For it is peace my envoys bear by now Upon their saddles to Persepolis. THOAS This was a secret haste! LEOSTHENES Is it possible? We had our heel upon the Parthian's throat. CLEOPATRA Since Parthia swept through the Iranian East... waiting. AN EREMITE. CLEOPATRA - an Egyptian princess, sister of the reigning Ptolemy, Queen of Syria; widow successively of King Nicanor and his brother Antiochus. RODOGUNE - a princess of Parthia, prisoner in Antioch. EUNICE - daughter of Nicanor. CLEONE - sister of Phayllus, in attendance on the Queen. MENTHO - an Egyptian woman, nurse of Antiochus. ZOŸLA - an attendant of Cleopatra... excuse. ANTIOCHUS I care not for such love. O Philoctetes, all this happy night I could not sleep; for proud dreams came to me In which I sat on Syria's puissant throne, Or marched through Parthia with the iron pomps Of war resounding in my train, or swam My charger through the Indus undulant, Or up to Ganges and the torrid south Restored once more the Syrian monarchy. It is divinity on ...


... 207 argat, argentum, arguros, 243 Aria, 291 Arjuna, 200, Armenian, 243, 274 Armenians, 275 Arnold, 376, 379 Arsacid empire (of Parthia), 207 Arsasana, 330 Arya (arya/arya) (see also Aryans), 210, 213, 259-60, 320, 333, 359-60 arya varna, 339-40 Aryaman, 301 Aryan enemies (in the... passim, 346, 348, 349, 352, 353, 362, 364-7, 369, 371-6, 379, 380, 383, 384, 392, 393, 395, 398, 414, 415 "Cracking the Indus Script", 179 fn., 181fn. "The Coming of the Aryans...", 204 ff. Parthia, 207 Paruetae, 291 Paruṣṇī ( = modern Ravi), 283, 290, 353, 355, 357 Pasadyumna, 356 pavitra, 345 Pazyryk, 317 Periano Ghundai, 182, 249, 253 ...


... said by Strabo (11,9,2), again one of Alexander's historians, to have belonged to the Da(h)as. They are reported to have lived previously in Margiana, from where they founded the Arsacid empire of Parthia. Parpola 13 elaborates: The Greek form of the name, Párnos< (from Iranian *Parna-), corresponds to Sanskrit Pani-, if it is assumed to be a "Prakritic" development of the reduced grade ...


... perfectly into the context of the Allāhābād Pillar. Ptolemy does not bring the necessary background or relevant circumstance.- 1.George Macdonald, "The Hellenic Kingdoms of Syria, Bactria and Parthia", The Cambridge History of India, I, p. 431. 2.Ibid. 3.Raychaudhuri, The Political History,... p. 546 and Majumdar, A New History..., pp. 148, 149. Page 437 ...


... limb from limb. As for Darius' body, he sent it to his mother to be laid out in royal state, and he enrolled his brother Exathres into the number of his companions. Meanwhile he advanced into Parthia, and it was here during a pause in the campaign that he first began to wear barbarian dress. He may have done this from a desire to adapt himself to local habits, because he understood that the sharing ...


... brain has hatched A wickedness beyond all parallel, A cold, unmotherly and cruel plot... 43 In Act III, when all are assembled in the Audience Chamber, Cleopatra proposes peace with Parthia, but Antiochus, and his friends will have none of it. Then Cleopatra announces that Timocles is King, being the first-born. Many are incredulous, and Mentho will not be silenced when she says: ...