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Pasu : the lowest of the ten forms of consciousness in the evolutionary scale of man. In this stage mind is concentrated entirely on the Annam (matter). Der: Pāshavi
... pp. 70, 92) quotes, as parallels to Aśoka's pranarambho (R.E. IV), the phrases "bijagāmalbhūtagāmasamārambha, pasu-nam cha samdrāmbho" from the Buddhist canonical work Digha I, p. 5, the phrase "pasunam samārambha" from the Buddhist Sutta-nipdta, 311, and the phrase "mriga-pasu-pakshi-byāla-matsyārambhān" from Kautilya's Arthaśāstra, IV. 3 (prose treatise). Evidently, ārambha has been ...
... force of a physical symbol and cannot feel that they are living anything except by the force of a physical action. We might apply here the Tantric gradation of sadhana, which makes the way of the pasu, the herd, the animal or physical being, the lowest stage of its discipline, and say that the purely or predominantly ceremonial adoration is the first step of this lowest part of the way. It is evident ...
... reality. Viewed as a progressive growth of consciousness and transformation of nature, man's advance has been marked out in a few very definite stages. The first was the purely animal man – Pasu – when man lived merely as a physical being, concerned solely about his body. Then came the Pisacha, the man of vital urges in their crudest form, the man of ignorant passions and dark instincts who ...
... according to the plane to which it is attached. It is therefore that the Tantra refers to three gradations of spiritual seekers and accordingly three types or lines of spiritual discipline: the animal ( pasu bhava), the heroic (vira bhava) and the godly or divine {deva bhava). The classification is not merely typal but also hierarchical and evolutionary in character. The Divine or the spiritual ...
... according to the plane to which it is attached. It is therefore that the Tantra refers to three gradations of spiritual seekers and accordingly three types or lines of spiritual discipline: the animal (pasu bhava), the heroic (vira bhava) and the godly or divine (deva bhava). The classification is not merely typal but also hierarchical and evolutionary in character. The Divine or the spiritual ...
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