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Pasupati : Paśupati is Lord of all wild life; it is with his help as Pramathanātha that Mahākāli effects the most crucial turning-points of evolution. The Paśupatināth Temple is located on the banks of the Baghmati River 5 km NE of Kathmandu Valley in Kathmandu. The temple serves as the seat of Lord Paśupatināth represented by a Swayambhu Jyotirlinga an Infinite Pillar of Light the form in which Shiva appeared to Brahma & Vishnu. Its five faces represent five incarnations of Shiva: Sadyojata (or Barun), Vāmadeva (or Uma Maheshwara), Tatpurusha, Aghōra & Ishāna. They face West, North, East, South, & the Zenith respectively, & represent the five primary elements. The temple was rebuilt in 15th century by Lichhavi King Supuśpa.

6 result/s found for Pasupati

... scholars felt compelled to conclude that this civilization was "pre-Aryan" and pre-Vedic. Yet seals depicting deities seated in yogic postures, fire and sacrificial altars, figures of the so-called Pasupati and the bull, worship of a Mother goddess, recent indications of a marked affinity between the Indus language and Vedic Sanskrit—all these are strongly suggestive of Vedic culture, and indeed a number ...


... suggests one answered; the delicate shades suggested by the Sanscrit particles cannot be represented in English or only by gross effects which would be intolerably excessive & rhetorical. The omission of Pasupati, the name of Sheva as the Lord of Wildlife, though not necessary, is I think justified. He is sufficiently suggested by the last stanza & to those who understand the allusion, by the reference to ...


... the theatre, and induce the elephant to destroy my enemies. 26. Let a bow-worship be ceremonially inaugurated on the fourteenth lunar day sacred to Śiva, and let animals be sacrificed in honour of Pasupati, the ready bestower of boons. Kamsa commissioning Akrūra (27-40) 27. Karhsa, well versed in the methods of achieving his personal ends, next called Akrura, a leader of the Yadu clan, ...


... Chapter in the Mother's Life (1990) The Mother of Love (3d ed. 1990) Collected Works of Sri T.V.Kapali Sastriar Page 894 Pavitra (St-Hilaire, P.B.) Pasupati Poddar, Vijay Pournaprema (Françoise Morisset) Prasad, Narayan Pujalal Purani, A.B. Reddy, Madhusudan Rishabhchand Rishabhchand and Shyam Sunder Romen Palit ...


... most scholars to conclude that the Harappan civilization was 'pre-Aryan' and pre-Vedic. Yet seals depicting deities seated in yogic postures, fire and sacrificial altars, figures of the so-called Pasupati and the bull, worship of a Mother goddess—all these are strongly suggestive of Vedic culture. Moreover, recent research (in particular by S. R. Rao and Subhash Kak) has shown beyond doubt a strong ...

... the play of those rising and falling coloured waves. Words sounded in my head: "The creation of the world." Was that but a dream? It took me some years before things fell into place. Pasupati, the lord of all creatures great and small, was getting married. The animals were running, for they did not want to miss the great event. The lion was taking them to the Himalayas. Uma, the daughter ...