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Pater : Walter Horatio (1839-94), English critic & essayist, known for his painstakingly fastidious style. His highly personal criticisms of painting & of literature were halfway between scholarship & original artistic creation.

18 result/s found for Pater

... most commonly in the mouths of men, especially of primitive men, and are therefore, shall we say, least liable to variation? Sanscrit says, addressing the father, pitar , Greek pater , Latin Page 553 pater , but Tamil says appā ; Sanscrit says addressing the mother mātar , Greek mēter , Latin māter , but Tamil ammā ; for the numeral seven Sanscrit says saptan or sapta , Greek... had devoted his life’s energies. At the beginning of the century’s philological researches, when the Sanscrit tongue had been discovered, when Max Muller was exulting in his fatal formula, “ patēr , pater , pitā , Vater , father ”, the Science of Language seemed to be on the point of self-revelation; as the result of the century’s toil it can be asserted by thinkers of repute that the very idea of... of this error, has seized on a minor clue and mistaken it for a major or chief clue. When Max Muller trumpeted forth to the world in his attractive studies the great rapprochement, pitā , patēr , pater , Vater , father , he was preparing the bankruptcy of the new Science; he was leading it away from the truer clues, the wider vistas that lay behind. The most extraordinary & imposingly unsubstantial ...


... am waiting, 4 She said during those last years with a gaze that seemed to carry the world and with it all the resistance of her terrestrial children. And we recall those moving words of Walter Pater on Mona Lisa, with whom Mother shared strange affinities and a certain smile: "She is older than the rocks among which she sits ... she has been dead many times and learned the secret of the grave"... × Entretiens, 7.25.1956 × Walter Pater, The Renaissance Studies in Art and Poetry, Macmillan, 1912, p.130. × By a decree of August 28, ...

... comparing what are now called the Indo-Aryan tongues were struck Page 316 by the close resemblance amounting to identity of common domestic and familiar terms in these languages. "Pitar, patêr, pater, vater, father", "mâtar, mêtêr, mater, mutter, mother",—here, they thought, was the seed of a new science and the proof of an affiliation of different languages to our parent source which might lead... development first of the Sanscrit, and then of the other Aryan & Dravidian tongues, if not of human speech generally in its various families. The scholars erred because they took the identity "pitar, pater, vater, father" as the master-clue to the identities of these languages. But this resemblance of familiar terms is only an incident, a tertiary result of a much deeper, more radical, more fruitful identity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of immortality." Then he comments: "Ce poids, ou veut-il nous preci-piter, sinon vers ces augustes retraites ou nous attend, ou nous appelle une presence plus qu'humaine? S'il en faut croire Walter Pater, 'tous les arts aspirent a rejoindere la musique'. Non, ils aspirent tous, mais chacun par les magiques intermediaires qui lui sont propres, — les mots, les notes, les couleurs, les lignes, — ils aspirent... aspirent tous a rejoindre la priere." ("This load, where would it plunge us if not towards those august recesses where awaits us, where beckons us, a presence more than human? If one is to believe Walter Pater, 'all art aspires to the condition of music'. No, all the arts aspire, but each by the magic medium proper to it — words, notes, colours, lines — they all aspire to the condition of prayer.") Bremond ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... fruits falling from many boughs. Sanscrit still stands there offering to us its secret. The fundamental mistake of the philologists is contained in their famous original formula, pitā , patēr , pater , Vater , father , and the hasty conclusions they have drawn from it which have prevented a deeper scrutiny of the roots of language. An identity of words between various languages can never in itself ...


... Maybe you too belonged to that same England and shared in the soulful aestheticism which came to what 1 may call flaming flower in the vision and work of the two Rossettis as well as Walter Pater, William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. * I feel rather worried about the condition of your eyes. I can't quite make out what exactly is wrong. It seems sometimes Page 30 ...


... the earliest and I think too of the later writers. Lamb Page 548 whom you mention is a signal example of a writer who erected his personality into a style and lives by that achievement—Pater and Wilde are other examples. As for Bengali we have had Bankim and have still Tagore and Sarat Chatterji. That is sufficient achievement for a single century. I have not answered your question—but ...


... off the iron collar. At the age of thirteen, in the wise and well-bred fashion of those days, she married a banker, after meeting her fiancé on a boat on the Nile. "He offered * Walter Pater, The Renaissance Studies in Art and Poetry (Macmillan,1912, p.130). Page 15 me a diadem of great value and a little basket of strawberries," she recounts in her Memoirs, as delightful ...

... fatherhood of God, of a divine friend & Page 13 lover, a recompenser of virtue, a Master of Truth and Knowledge are already present to this early Indian consciousness. The idea of Zeus pater or Jupiter existed in European antiquity but it evoked in the Greeks & Latins no such emotions as break out in the piteva sunave of Madhuchchhandas & are paralleled by the intimacy of his claim, later ...


... powerful palpable impact of the supernatural in the process of poetic creation. It created from an intense inwardness as if from a dimension of supra-terrestrial dream, though it never * Cf. "For Pater Romanticism was the addition of 'strangeness' to beauty" (Lucas, op. cit., p. 12). Page 117 disdained the terrestrial and ever aligned it with the dream-mysterious, the trance-radiant ...


... is true at least of the earliest and I think too of the later writers. Lamb whom you mention is a signal example of a writer who erected his personality into a style and lives by that achievement—Pater and Wilde are other examples. As for Bengali, we have had Bankim and have still Tagore and Sarat Chatterji. That is achievement enough for a single century. I have not answered your question—but ...

... it is the corrective of tamas. In the earliest and most primitive society men lived totally in a mass conciousness. Their life was a blind obedience—obedience to the chief, the patriarch or pater familias —obedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty, it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior formulation; in ...


... corrective of tamas.   In the earliest and primitive society men lived totally in a mass consciousness. Their life was a blind obedience – obe­ dience to the chief – the patriarch or pater familias –obedience to the laws and customs of the collectivity to which one belonged. It was called duty; it was called even dharma, but evidently on a lower level, in an inferior ...

... the driver, (the father of a large family aforesaid) with a horse-rope. As we had been ordered to do this by the Collector of Baroda, I thought I might join in the attempt with a safe conscience. Pater familias threw the reins to Providence and fought —I will say to his credit —like a Trojan. He scratched me, he bit one of my coadjutors, in both cases drawing blood, he whipped furiously the horse ...

... outraged when Mother hinted rather sharply that it was absurd to run after it. NB: K-lal, after 3 years' stay, goes out for the marriage of a niece. Ridiculous! Absolutely unthinkable! Who are these paters and maters and what's their place in your Yoga of surrender? Sri Aurobindo: Quite agree with you. Hear! hear! 33 3. NB: My cold has given me the quick realisation that everything in this ...

... outraged when Mother hinted rather sharply that it was absurd to run after it. K-lal, after 3 years stay, goes out for the marriage of a niece. Ridiculous! Absolutely unthinkable! Who are these paters and maters and what's their place in your Yoga of surrender? Quite agree with you. Hear! hear! I think we have to look for the seat of the trouble somewhere else. Either your Yoga is extremely ...

... creation, howsoever appealing it may look to a given temporal taste. The same substance, then, becomes pale and insipid, or turns into old wives' tale. This would immediately put in question Walter Pater's contention, though deserving a certain merit: "It is on the quality of the matter it informs or controls, its compass, its variety, its alliance to great ends, or the depth of the note of revolt, or ...

... creation, howsoever appealing it may look to a given temporal taste. The same substance, then, becomes pale and insipid, or turns into old wives' tale. This would immediately put in question Walter Pater's contention, though deserving a certain merit: "It is on the quality of the matter it informs or controls, its compass, its variety, its alliance to great ends, or the depth of the note of revolt ...