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Pattison, Mark : (1813-84), English scholar devoted to devotional literature.

1 result/s found for Pattison, Mark

... since Aeschylus. Racine, too, cannot be left out—can he? Voltaire adored him, Voltaire who called Shakespeare a drunken barbarian. Finally, what of Wordsworth, whose Immortality Ode was hailed by Mark Pattison as the ne plus ultra of English poetry since the days of Lycidas? Kindly shed the light of infallible viveka on this chaos of jostling opinions. I am not prepared to classify all the poets in... because his height was at the best considerable, even magnificent, but his depth insufficient and especially because he was often too oratorical to be quite sincere. The remarks of Voltaire and Mark Pattison go into the same basket. 2 April 1932 Epic Greatness and Sublimity How do you differentiate between epic power and the Aeschylean sublime? Into what category would the grandeur, at its ...