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Pausanias : (d.470/465 BC) son of Sparta’s King Cleombrotus I of the Agiad royal family (see Agis), & nephew of King Leomidas (see Lemnian). In the Greco-Persian Wars he commanded the Spartan armies but was made the scapegoat for their defeat.

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... crushed the uprising among the barbarians by advancing with _______________ 1 In 346 B.C. Pausanias was a young Macedonian noble. The tragic end of Philip is indirectly connected to his alliance with the niece of Attalus, an alliance which had already brought much misfortune to his house; for Pausanias had previously been insulted by Attalus, and, being unable to get satisfaction from him, had ...


... [Tiberius] Gracchus. Clarence. Louis XII Lafayette. Pompey. T. [Titus] Manlius. Marcellus. Agis. Philip IV. Pausanias. Lysander. B. [Benedict] Arnold Notes - IX χωμοɩ Pericles, Agathon, Alcibiadas, Brasidas.... Agesilaus, Agis, Sophocles, Pharnabazus .. Lysander, Euripides, Pausanias Notes - X 19ṭḥ jagrat developed—except divya. 21ṣṭ thought proved & free from error. 24ṭḥ sarvatragati ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... kamananda has to be confirmed. This has to be done today. Agesilaus = Sn [Saurin].    Agathon, Alcibiades, Pericles, Brasidas    Agis, Agesilaus, Sophocles, Pharnabazus.    Lysander, Euripides, Pausanias. Two absolutely perfect, the rest mostly defective. That is already done. Now for the physical siddhi. Ananda first of all, Ananda first & foremost. If there were not strong resistance of a kind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... dislodge him; he would tie a cord around his fore head and burst the cord by holding his breath and so forcing blood to his head. In the end he was destroyed by his virtues. "For he chanced," says Pausanias, "on a withered tree, into which some wedges had been driven to separate the wood, and he took it into his head to keep the wood apart with his hands. But the wedges slipped out, he was imprisoned ...