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2 result/s found for Pedro

... the time; but never credit me, child, if I did not silence him with a few stale pertnesses a market-girl might have devised for her customers. A wit, truly! and not a word in his mouth bullet-head Pedro could not better. ISMENIA Distraction! What is this to Antonio? Sure, your wits are bewildered, Brigida. What said Antonio? Girl, I am on thorns. BRIGIDA I am coming to that as fast as... found Antonio was in his garden. Oh, did I tell you, Ismenia? Donna Clara chooses the seeds for me this season and I think she has as rare a notion of nasturtiums as any woman living. I was speaking to Pedro in the summer house yesterday; for you remember it thundered terrifically before one had time to know light from darkness; and there I stood miles from the garden door— Page 820 ISMENIA ...


... colonize the world. The Cape of Good Hope was rounded in 1488, the West Indies were "discovered" in 1492, India reached by the sea route in 1498, and Brazil "discovered" in 1500, by Portugal's Pedro Alvarez Cabral. The Portuguese were the first off the block. In 1486 P. da Covilha was charged to find out the way to India. He managed to reach the Malabar coast, touched Cannanore, Calicut and ...