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Pentecostal : of Pentecost, major Christian festival celebrated on the Sunday that falls on the 50th day after Easter to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, which occurred on the Jewish Pentecost (a Jewish harvest festival), after the death, resurrection, & ascension of Jesus Christ.
... descending with "tongues of fire" on Pentecost represent? Those "tongues of fire" don't look like a cosmic symbol, do they? But I don't see how the Christ could be cosmic? He is very clearly the god within man. Why? Does the Holy Spirit descend everywhere, or in a limited way? Tradition has it that it descends on Pentecost. What's the meaning of Pentecost? I believe it's forty days after ...
... nor did he hesitate to communicate them to his disciples—the laying of hands, the healing of the sick, the ashirvada, the abhishap, the speaking with many tongues were all given to them. The day of Pentecost is still kept holy by the Christian Church. Joan of Arc used her siddhis to liberate France. Socrates had his siddhis, some of them of a very material nature. Men of great genius are usually born ...
... wider outlook of Hellenistic Judaism, and to suppose, as some critics hold, that words such as "The field is the world' [Matthew 13:38], could not have been his, seems unwarranted... "At Pentecost, almost immediately after Jesus had gone, the audience which was reported to have heard the disciples preach in Jerusalem contained 'Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, ...
... Vol. 29, pp. 446-47 88. Mother India, February 1955, p. 12 89. Nirodbaran's Sri Aurobindo: 'I am here I am here', p. 24 90. Stephen Langton's Sequence in Mass of Pentecost, translated by Robert Bridges. EPILOGUE Chapter 28: Sri Aurobindo's Action 1. A. R. Ponnuswami Iyre's article in Sunday Times (Madras), Sri Aurobindo ...
... identified with the transcendent Reality. At the same time this released a power of the Spirit in the world which was a collective phenomenon, described by St. Luke as the descent of the Spirit at Pentecost. I believe that this power of spiritual transformation remains permanently in the world, but it was only initiated by Christ and the apostles. What Sri Aurobindo has done is to give a ph... community. All three synoptic gospels record how Jesus chose twelve disciples, whom he called apostles and committed the gospel to them. This apostolic community received the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost and from that time this community based on the teaching of the Apostles continued to grow and to bear witness to its common faith. I showed in The Golden String how I became convinced that this... Everyone agrees that the Virgin Birth was not part of the original 'Kerugma', the proclamation of the Gospel. St. Luke in the Acts gives a specimen of this proclamation in the speech of Peter after Pentecost. This remained the pattern of evangelical preaching and forms the basis of St. Mark's Gospel which preserves this framework. But later writers like Matthew and Luke sought for more detailed knowledge ...
... to speak in tongues....There were about twelve of these men." 130 But the strange phenomenon of the Epistles has no relation to what goes by the same name in Acts. The happening at Pentecost in Acts is famous. We are told about the group mentioned in 1:13-14: "They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech. Now ...
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