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Penthesilea : queen of the Amazon & daughter of Ares. She came to the aid of the Trojans in the last year of the war after Hector was killed & gave them new hope, slaughtering the Greeks, who fought without Achilles. When Achilles, finally killing her in battle, removed her helmet & looked on her face, he fell wildly in love with her & was filled with remorse.

16 result/s found for Penthesilea

... panic and mellay, War is her paean, the chariots thunder of Penthesilea." 16 In her answer to the message, she hastens to confess and confront and declare her longing to meet Achilles in war. Her words are spoken "with a magical laughter sweet as the jangling bells upon anklets leaping in measure." The virgin Penthesilea speaks: "Long I had heard in my distant realms of the fameof... capture." 18 If Penthesilea is, in her speech, swift and sharp, even so is she in her action like a hissing spear that shatters her target. In the untitled and incomplete Book 9 we witness the war scene in which the heroine is advancing like the racing and whistling north-wind and when Zethus, the Hellene, cries out to her: "Curb, but curb thy advance, 0 Amazon Penthesilea!", she shots back:... alarmed by the might of her helpers." 21 The scene is well set for a climatic encounter between Achilles and Penthesilea, but the poem has remained incomplete; the Page 52 untold story is, however, well-known, and we can imagine Achilles overpowering Penthesilea, where the hero, the slayer, bestows on the heroine, the slain, the fulfillment of the mutual mingling of courage ...

... siege of Troy". In these nine Books the centre of the action is the issue between Penthesilea and Achilles and the issue is not concluded in Book FX, which is itself extant only as a fragment. In the first Book of the Aeneid, Virgil makes Aeneas recall, among other episodes of the Trojan War:   ...Penthesilea leading the crescent shields of The Amazons and storming through the melee like...   It was thus with a sure sense of epic appropriateness that Sri Aurobindo cast his epic as the clash between Penthesilea and Achilles, even as Homer had concentrated on Hector and Achilles. Probably, Ilion, had it been completed, would have ended with the death of Penthesilea at the hands of Achilles and of Achilles at the hands of Paris.         Ilion begins with Achilles sending... the poem abruptly ends, Penthesilea is not dead yet, and Achilles is still alive. But although incomplete, Ilion is an astonishing work. It has a true epic surge, massiveness of conception and splendour of detail in execution. Homer's heroes and heroines, gods and goddesses, reappear somewhat altered in mien and raiment, yet clearly recognisble. And Penthesilea–who is portrayed as an ...


... a continent Penthesilea! Low has the heart of Achaia sunk since it shook at her war-cry. Ajax has bit at the dust; it is all he shall have of the Troad; Tall Meriones lies and measures his portion of booty. Who is the fighter in Ilion thrills not rejoicing to hearken Even her name on unwarlike lips, much more in the mellay Shout of the daughter of battles, armipotent Penthesilea? If there were... call of heaven's bugles waking the heroes, Blown by the lips of gold-haired Valkyries, Penthesilea. "Go, find the spear, gird the sword, don the cuirass, child of the mighty. Armed when thou standst on the plain of the Xanthus, field of thy fathers, See that thou fight on this day like the comrade of Penthesilea. Bud of a hero, gaze unalarmed in the eyes of Achilles." Light as a hound released he... Hurrying-footed, headlong that leaps far down to the valley: "Curb, but curb thy advance, O Amazon Penthesilea! These are not Gnossus' ranks and these are not levies from Sparta. Hellas' spears await thee here and the Myrmidon fighters." But like the northwind high and clear answered Penthesilea, High like the northwind racing and whistling over the icefields, Death at its side and snow for its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Quintus of Smyrna mentions how, after Hector's death, among those that rushed to help Troy was Penthesilea the Queen of the Amazons. Later writers have spun heroic romances round the figures of Achilles and Penthesilea, and in Heinrich von Kleist's tragedy (18O8) - a classic of German poetic drama - Penthesilea first kills Achilles on the field of battle in an outburst of lust and hate, then kills herself... an understanding of Ilion.   Page 640 tents, Penthesilea presently proves a terror to the Greeks. She is the fierce new hope of the Trojans- Noble and tall and erect in a nimbus of youth and of glory. Claiming the world and life as a fief of her strength and her courage.. 88 The Penthesilea-Achilles motif had been obscurely essayed by Sri Aurobindo earlier... there are advances and retreats, there are alarms and diversions, but the foci of attention are still Penthesilea the Indian warrior Queen and the intrepid irresistible Achilles. As the battle proceeds, what grips the reader's gaze is the tantalising progress of the murderous courtship of Penthesilea and Achilles - yet the poem breaks off before they meet face to face. Their cars approach each other ...

... Gods and the World Achilles slaying the Amazon queen Penthesilea Glossary of proper names and Greek and Latin terms & Achaians or Achaeans: the name by which the first Indo-European occupants of Greece, prior to the Dorian invasion, were collectively known; perhaps originally a specific tribe. It is the common Homeric term for the Greeks... new ambitions prophetic of Alexander the Great, only after the Trojans reject his offer of peace and his request for Polyxena's hand. He is destined in his last battle to slay the Amazon queen Penthesilea and to die, shot in the heel, at the hands of Paris aided by Apollo. Aegis: attribute of Zeus and, later, Athene; it is represented variously as a goatskin cloak, breastplate or shield... children. Agamemnon's funeral mask Ajax: son of Telamon, he was also called the Telamonian Ajax. He was the leader of the warriors of Salamis and is already slain by Penthesilea at the opening of Ilion. Amphitrite: one of the Nereids, queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon and mother of Triton. Ananke: personification of compelling Necessity or ultimate Fate ...


... So when a great man dies, For years beyond our ken, The light he leaves behind him lies Upon the paths of men. In the speeches of both Penthesilea and Laocoön Ajax is spoken of as having been slain by Penthesilea. In some other passages there is a living Ajax. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that in the Trojan War there were two Ajaxes, the Great and the Small. The... called "true English Quantity", exists as a fragment consisting of eight Books and a ninth which breaks off before the martial climax is reached: the batde between Achilles and the Amazon Queen Penthesilea. But the state of the manuscript leads one to believe that Sri Aurobindo completed the poem and that the last pages have somehow got lost. Ilion technically fulfils an inspiration Sri Aurobindo ...


... copy of Greek and Latin rules. If I can lay my hands on the edition I'll post it to you. Please read just ten pages of it, ending with the line: Capturing the eye like a smile or a sunbeam, Penthesilea. In case after those ten pages you don't respond and can't go further, kindly pass the book on to your friend Philip Sherrard or somebody like him who is deeply conversant with Greek poetry ...

... collected from the subsequent literature. Page 20 v Indeed, the war of Troy continued. The terrible Achilles struck fear into the Trojans. In one incident, he fought a duel with Penthesilea, the famous queen of the Amazons, whom he wounded mortally. He was overcome with sadness at the sight of the death drawing its veil across her beautiful face. We also hear of the story of Achilles ...

...       All on her bosom sustaining, the patient compassionate Mother... 212         Ilion was to describe the course of the last day of the Trojan War, culminating perhaps in the death of Penthesilea at the hands of Achilles, Achilles at the hands of Paris, and the destruction of Troy at night, all to be presented with an Aurobindonian spiritual awareness matching the Homeric sense of imminent ...


... glory, Claiming the world and life as a fief of her strength and her courage, Dawned through a doorway that opened to distant murmurs and laughter, Capturing the eye like a smile or a sunbeam, Penthesilea. Page 397 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... leave us most satisfied, but we should not miss in our love of them the fact that Ilion develops in a new way part of the story of Troy after the death of Hector and the coming of the Eastern Queen Penthesilea to the city's succour. Ili on deals with the events on the last day of the siege of Troy. The nature of these events and the many-sided play they involve of physical circumstance, human character ...


... craft in the brain of Odysseus, Saw Deiphobus stern in his car and the fates of Aeneas, Greece of her heroes empty, Troy enringed by her slayers, Pans a setting star and the beauty of Penthesilea. These things he saw delighted; the heart that contains all our ages Blessed our toil and grew full of its fruits, as the Artist eternal Watched his vehement drama staged twixt the ...


... a reputation for his good looks. After the Iliad Even after the death of Hector, the Trojans continued to fight sending out fresh heroes to take his place. One was the Amazon queen Penthesilea, who was killed by Achilles. It was said that when he removed her helmet and saw her beauty, that he stood fixed in sorrow at the fate of so fair a face. Memnon, the Egyptian, arrived to assist Troy ...


... purdah, male domination and child marriages are the governing factors could certainly not have evolved such a heroine as Savitri. Yet it would be wrong to call Savitri an Amazon, a vague Indian Penthesilea. For there is a quality in Savitri—her flaming love for Satyavan—that gathers up and gives edge to her other qualities, her beauty, truthfulness, goodness and power. She is the eternal feminine coming ...


... readiness, 485; spiritual religion of humanity, 486; compared with the views of Tagore, Toynbee, Radha-krishnan,486,490 Ilion, 71,100,155,623,638ff;sources, 639; evocation of doom, 640 Penthesilea-Achilles motif, 64 1ff; role of the divinities, 642H; the women actors, 643; the intended conclusion, 643-4; similes, 644H; its metre, 645; the "unwomanly" woman, 646; Herbert Read on, 690 ...

... Rodogune, Aslaug, Vasavadutta, Comol Coomary form a zigzag series of the eternal feminine, comprising all the womanly virtues, and in' the fullness of time beyonding them in the terrible and beautiful Penthesilea (in Ilion), culminating at last in Savitri the Woman Divine. *The Bibliographical Note in SABCL, Vol. 7 on Eric says, for instance: "One is not always sure directions were the last to be ...