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Phaethon : son of Helios (Sun-god), who, ignoring his father’s warning, drove the Sun-Chariot across the heavens, the horses bolted from the course. To save the earth from being burnt up, Zeus hurled a thunderbolt at Phaethon, who fell into the River Eridanus. His sisters wept till they were turned into poplars, whose oozing, since then, hardens into amber. (2) Civilised Europe applied the word to a type of its light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle.
... section and the next are taken from a notebook Sri Aurobindo used at Cambridge between 1890 and 1892. To a Hero-Worshipper . September 1891. From the Cambridge note-book. Phaethon . Circa 1891–92. From the Cambridge notebook. The Just Man . Circa 1891–98. This poem forms part of the manu-script of Songs to Myrtilla but was not included by Sri Aurobindo in the printed ...
... 635 One Day 542 The One Self 626 The Other Earths 562 Outspread a Wave burst 652 Parabrahman 216 Perfect thy motion 285 Perigone Prologuises 189 Phaethon 42 The Pilgrim of the Night 603 Pururavus 663 Radha's Appeal 32 Radha's Complaint in Absence 32 The Rákshasas 321 Rebirth 213 Reflections of Srinath ...
... Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1891-1898) Collected Poems Phaethon Ye weeping poplars by the shelvy slope From murmurous lawns downdropping to the stream On whom the dusk air like a sombre dream Broods and a twilight ignorant of hope, Say what compulsion drear has bid you seam Your mossy sides with drop on eloquent drop That in warm rillets ...
... part of a wild and unruly nature, have the upper part of a human being and the lower part of a horse. Climene: Wife of Merops, king of Ethiopia. She was beloved of the Sun and bore to him Phaethon, who later tried to drive his father's chariot and nearly destroyed the earth. Cronion: Zeus (son of Cronos). Cronos or Cronus: Father of Zeus. The youngest of the twelve titans, ...
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