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Phocian : of Phocis, region in Greece comprising the valleys of middle Cephissus & Crisa, which are linked loosely by passes over the southern spurs of Mt. Parnassus.

2 result/s found for Phocian

... rugged heart, thy father's friend and his father's. Journey through all wide Greece, seek her prytanies, schools and palaestras, Traverse Ocean's rocks and the cities that dream on his margin, Phocian dales, Aetolia's cliffs and Arcady's pastures, Never a second man wilt thou find, but alone Diomedes. Pyrrhus, follow his counsels always losing thy father, If in this battle I fall and Fate has... death and bale that he forged, not the bronze and the iron. Stark, like a fire obscured by its smoke, through the spear-casts he laboured Page 459 Helping Ajax' war and the Theban and Phocian fighters.     Zeus to his grandiose helper next, who proved and unmoving, Calm in her greatness waited the mighty command of her husband: "Hera, sister and spouse, what my will is thou knowest, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... But it was death and bale that he forged, not the bronze and the iron. Stark, like a fire obscured by its smoke, through the spear-casts he laboured Helping Ajax' war and the Theban and Phocian fighters. Zeus to his grandiose helper next, who proved and unmoving, Calm in her greatness waited the mighty command of her husband: "Hera, sister and spouse, what my will is thou ...
