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Phthia : district & town of Thessaly, the realm of Achilles who is hence a Phthian.

7 result/s found for Phthia

... the monarch of men or the armoured assembly Held on the wind-swept marge of the thunder and laughter of ocean. One in his singleness greater than kings and multitudes sends me. I am a voice out of Phthia, I am the will of the Hellene. Peace in my right I bring to you, death in my left hand. Trojan, Proudly receive them, honour the gifts of the mighty Achilles. Death accept, if Ate deceives you and... persist in your labour! Conquer the Greeks, your allies shall be yours and fresh nations your subjects. One care only lodge in your hearts, how to fight, how to conquer. Peace has smiled out of Phthia; a hand comes outstretched from the Hellene. Who would not join with the godlike? who would not grasp at Achilles? There is a price for his gifts; it is such as Achilles should ask for, Never this... spear I would answer. Yet for thy haughty scorn who deeming of me as some Hellene Or as a woman weak of these plains fit but for the distaff, Promisest capture in war and fame as thy slavegirl in Phthia,— Surely I think that death today will reply to that promise,— Now I will give thee my answer and warn thee ere we encounter. Know me queen of a race that never was conquered in battle! Know me ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Page 117 Hellenes: The name, originally, of a tribe which settled in Phthia in the southeast of Thessaly; it later developed into the national name of the Greeks. The Hellenes traced their descent to Hellen, grandson of Prometheus. In Ilion, the word usually describes Achilles and his men, who came, from Phthia. Hellespont: Narrow strait dividing Europe from Asia at the final exit... Myrmidons: A warlike tribe, supposedly turned into men from ants by Zeus to repopulate the island of Aegina (the kingdom of his son Aeacus, Achilles' grandfather) after a plague. They later migrated to Phthia, and Achilles was their leader in the Trojan war. Nereids: the daughters of the sea-god Nereus, and of Doris. They were nymphs who presided over the sea, protecting sailors in distress. ... sail to Sparta where he carried Helen off and thus caused the Trojan War. He was the slayer of Achilles and was slain by Philoctetes. Peleus: Son of Aeacus, who was a son of Zeus, and king of Phthia. For his virtue he was given as wife the sea goddess Thetis, who bore him Achilles. Pelion: Mountain in Thessaly, northern Greece. It was the legendary home of the centaurs. Penthesilea: ...


... his, only his death-pyre. I have not come from the monarch of men or the armoured assembly Held on the wind-swept marge of the thunder and laughter of ocean. I am a voice out of Phthia, I am the will of the Hellene. Peace in my right I bring to you, death in my left hand. Trojan, Proudly receive them, honour the gifts of the mighty Achilles. Death accept if ...

... Achilles, and meet me! If thou canst drive us with rout into Troy, I will own thee for master, Do thy utmost will and make thee more glorious than gods are, Serving thy couch in Phthia and drawing the jar from thy rivers. Nay, if thou hast that strength, then hunt me, O hunter, and seize me, If 'tis thy hope indeed that the sun can turn back from the Orient, But ...

... not easy to rouse the kings and heroes of the various domains of Greece, and it took ten whole years to gather the Greek army. Among those who joined were Odysseus, king of Ithaca, Achilles of Phthia, Nestor, king of Pylos; Diomedes, the hero of Aetolia, Ajax, the Telamonian, Ajax the Lorcian, Idas, king of Crete and Idomeneus. When the fleet was ready for the departure in the harbour of ...

... the monarch of men or the armoured assembly Held on the wind-swept marge of the thunder and laughter of ocean. One in his singleness greater than kings and multitudes sends me. I am a voice out of Phthia, I am the will of the Hellene. Peace in my right I bring to you, death in my left hand. Trojan, Proudly receive them, honour the gifts of the mighty Achilles. Death accept, if Ate deceives you and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... legendary founding king of Lesbos. Mestor: Trojan, son of Priam. Mt. Olympus: mountain in northeastern Thessaly, home of the Greek gods. Myrmidons: the people of Phthia, in southern Thessaly, ruled by King Peleus and commanded at Troy by his son Achilles Mysians: Trojan allies living east of Troy. Niobe: a Phyrigian woman whose six daughters ...
