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7 result/s found for Physical determinism

... instance, at a given moment, when the entire physical determinism must necessarily bring death, you suddenly enter into contact with an extremely high determinism, like the supramental one, for example, and you succeed in joining the two, you change your physical determinism completely at that moment: death which had been determined by the physical determinism is abolished, and the conditions change and... Here I have taken the purely material point of view. Page 48 If you do not make a higher determinism intervene, truly you can change nothing. That is the only way of changing your physical determinism. If you remain in your physical consciousness and want to change your determinism, you cannot... During the First War I knew a boy who had been told he would die of a shot (you know in war one... possess powers that the human race in general does not command." This is exactly what I have just explained. It is a very few who are capable of bringing down another determinism into the physical determinism. These can change the hour of death. This is exactly what I have just been explaining at full length. The power lies in bringing down a higher consciousness into the material consciousness, ...


... as the sadhana had entered the subconscient and even inconscient regions, there were bound to be mounting difficulties because of the intractability of physical determinism. But the aim of the integral Yoga was to replace the physical determinism that seemed to be so irresistible by a new freedom and puissance resulting from the infusion into the very cells of the body by the Supramental force. It ...

... write or think such things), and I said that each realm has its own determinism, and if you see only that determinism, things seem absolutely decreed. X's vision, I said, belongs to the vital-physical determinism of the earth (Life and Matter), in which the catastrophe seems inevitable; but there are higher realms whose intervention can change everything. But one must see and live in those higher ...


... intervene the vital plane, as for example in the vegetable kingdom. The vital plane has a totally different determinism, which is its own. And when you bring the vital determinism into physical determinism, that makes a combination which changes everything. Above the vital plane lies the mental plane. The mental plane too has its own determinism in which all mental things are chained together ...

... Outsiders judge the Master by the forms. 15 August 1950 Our sadhana has reached a stage in which we are mostly dealing with the subconscient and even the inconscient. As a consequence the physical determinism has taken a predominant position bringing an increase of difficulties on the way which have to be faced with an increase of courage and determination. In any case, whatever happens and whatever ...


... Mother from her message of the i5th August 1950 : "Our sadhana has reached a stage in which we are mostly dealing with the Subconscient and even the Inconscient. As a consequence, the physical determinism has taken a predominant position, bringing an increase of difficulties on the way which have to be faced with an increase of courage and determination. "In any case, whatever happens ...


... down tomorrow’s world. She was seeing a Matter that is to be our next Matter; She was unwittingly looking for that small number of beings capable of bringing down another determinism into the physical determinism. 27 She was quite alone. Then, toward the beginning of 1904, when She was quite at the end of her own resources and just before meeting a strange character who was to give her, at ...