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... associations, and the svabhāva or nature. The only way for him to train himself morally is to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action of the fundamental impulses of his essential nature. You can impose a certain discipline on children, dress them into a certain mould, lash them into a desired ...
... everything by the most material and most ordinary phenomena of human life; and they want to explain everything, including the creation and all the higher phenomena by the help of all the small physical habits of the most ordinary consciousness. It is absolutely ridiculous. Page 117 Sweet Mother, what is a "super-ego"? A super-ego means an ego that's enlarged, swollen, made more important ...
... unprofitably around itself for ever. July 1927 He cannot come here to join the Asram. If he finds that he is under a pressure too much for his body, it is better to relax and take to healthy physical habits which will restore strength. Yoga is only for those who have brains and bodies strong enough to bear the pressure. 6 August 1927 Is it possible under your guardianship (or elsewhere and ...
... veiled influence) over mind, vital and physical. Especially there is the psychic discernment which at once lights up the thoughts, emotional Page 89 movements, vital pushes, physical habits and leaves nothing there obscure, substituting the right movements for the wrong ones. It is this that is difficult and rare, more often the discernment is mental and it is the mind that tries ...
... associations, and the svabhva or nature. The only way for him to train himself morally is to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action of the fundamental impulses of his essential nature. You can impose a certain discipline on children, dress them into a certain Page 27 ...
... impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought or will and are even often opposed to its perceptions, choice or dictates. In the ...
... physical body. But this is rare; the subtle wandering is on the contrary a frequent phenomenon, only when it is near to the physical world, all seems very material and concrete and the association of physical habits and physical Page 193 mental movements with the subtle events is closer. Vital Experiences The place where you were [ in a dream ] is as much a world of fact and reality as is ...
... in the submental action of the body and life, which is full of this subconscient chitta, though not under the control of the conscious mind, there is a vital and physical memory. The vital and physical habits are largely formed by this submental memory. For this reason they can be changed to an indefinite extent by a more powerful action of conscious mind and will, when that can be developed and can ...
... problem when I used to go into the Overmind and see the gods: I had always a kind of hesitation in knowing whether they are truly like that or whether we perceive them like that because of our physical habits.... There, after some time, I came to a conclusion; but here, physically...? It is a curious thing: there are no doors, no windows, neither ceiling nor floor; all this exists in itself, it does ...
... impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganized manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought or will and are even often opposed to its perceptions, choice or dictates. In the ...
... fourth set of advisers who believe that society can achieve cohesion only by means of one common Page 61 religion whose appeal can influence not only reason and will but also vital and physical habits of man. "I have given a great deal of thought over all these four alternative propositions. Being uncertain myself as to what exactly is the right solution, and being incapable of implementing ...
... (not merely a veiled or half-veiled influence) over mind, vital and physical. Especially that is the psychic discernment which at once lights up the thoughts, emotional movements, vital pushes, physical habits and leaves nothing there obscure, substituting the right movements for the wrong ones. It is this that is difficult and rare. More often the discernment is mental and it is the mind that tries ...
... of himself and of his training, The only way for him to train himself morally is to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action of the fundamental impulses of his essential nature.17 Page 56 A well planned program of physical education. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides ...
... himself (if even that!), whose unchanging themes manage to give the illusion of novelty only through their alternation. In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations – an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. 30 By the age of eighteen we are set, one might say ...
... action of the senses, and the hungers and craving of the physical life —it cannot get beyond them. From this welter of the citta, instincts come and impulses, by it are formed the vital and physical habits of the animal, which are nothing better than crystallizations of the samskāras or impressions of its past evolution with certain characteristic evolutionary modifications. The citta is an immense ...
... rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganized manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought or will and are even often opposed to its perceptions, choice or dictates. In ...
... body. But this is rare; the subtle wandering is on the contrary a frequent phenomenon, only when it is near to the physical world all seems very material and concrete and the association of physical habits and physical mental movements with the subtle events is closer." 23.8.37 Will the Supermind, when it makes its descent, have the power to transform us in spite of ourselves ...
... and of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour. In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations,—an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to break ...
... (not merely a veiled or half-veiled influence) over mind, vital and physical. Especially there is the psychic discernment which at once lights up the thoughts, emotional movements, vital pushes, physical habits and leaves nothing there obscure, substituting the right movements for the wrong ones. It is this that is difficult and rare, more often the discernment is mental and it is the mind that tries ...
... impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought or will and are Page 11 even often opposed to its perceptions, choice ...
... in the past when I used to go into the Overmind and see the Gods: I always had a kind of hesitation as to whether they really are like that, or whether we perceive them like that because of our physical habits.... There, after a time I reached a conclusion, but here, physically? ... Strangely, there are no doors, no windows, no ceiling or floor, all that is self-existent and does not appear to be ...
... first insistent self-experience. , Page 251 So long as we are content with what we ordinarily are and content with our round of movements in our complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, we are not yet ready for the conscious adventure of Yoga. For no yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is ...
... his virtue as something very desirable, from the manner he has been treating this presence. He prefers to it his mental ideals, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry ...
... considering his virtue as something very desirable, from the manner he has been treating this presence. He prefers to it his mental ideals, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry ...
... ess which is our first insistent self-experience. So long as we are content with what we ordinarily are and content with our round of movements in our complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations, we are not yet ready for the conscious adventure of Yoga. For, no yoga can be successfully undertaken and followed unless there is ...
... associations, and the .swabhava or nature. The only way for him to train himself morally is to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical .habits and the following out in right action of the fundamental impulses of his essential nature. You can impose a certain discipline on children, dress them into a certain mould, lash them into a desired ...
... rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure mind full of obstinate Sanskaras, impressions, associations, fixed notions, habitual reactions formed by our past, an obscure vital full of the seeds of habitual desires, sensations ...
... have profited much by it. He does not look like considering his virtue as something very desirable. He prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry ...
... "What's happening is the result of certain amino acids having been wound in such and such a way." But it's NOT TRUE. The fantastic discovery is that there are no physical "laws." There are physical HABITS, determined by a certain environment. And those habits, that "stupid goodwill," can be turned ANY WAY WE LIKE. Though, of course, it isn't in our head that we can change matter's habits – if ...
... of influences that are opposed to our spiritual rebirth and work against the whole-heartedness of our endeavour. In a certain sense we are nothing but a complex mass of mental, nervous and physical habits held together by a few ruling ideas, desires and associations,—an amalgam of many small self-repeating forces with a few major vibrations. What we propose in our Yoga is nothing less than to ...
... by the inertia. Are the sub-nature and physical parts of my being the only support of the sadhana? Is it on them that my inner being depends so much? Page 178 The inner being does not depend on the subconscient, but the outer has depended on it for thousands of lives — that is why the outer being and physical consciousness's habit of response to the subconscient can be... transformation of the whole nature must be preserved constant. Sri Aurobindo 1 1 Sri Aurobindo wrote me numerous letters during 1933 to 1937, but he was not in the habit of signing them. He did so in approximately Page 179 It is always the identification with the outer being that causes difficulties on the path. So long as the inner separation... detached and aspire or pray or else to use the Will or other active means as you used to do sometimes before. Page 181 Does not physical fatigue disturb the march of the sadhana? Even if there is physical fatigue sometimes it is not inevitable that it should interfere with the sadhana. The inner movement can always go on. Recently I experienced ...
... the quiet poise. The whole thing has to be thrown out and the consciousness has to recover and be as if it had not happened. These things, hard forms of speech, anger etc., are habits formed by the vital-physical consciousness and, as they are supported by the subconscient, very difficult to change. If one can conquer or change them by force of will or mental or spiritual control, so much the... see. The hostiles have a habit of trying their strength when they hear anything like that; they want to show you that it is not so. But is it true that even anger which is of the lower vital and therefore close to the body, invariably produces these effects? 1 Of course the psychologist can't know that another man is angry Page 270 unless he shows physical signs of it, but also he... trouble you. In fact all these ignorant vital movements originate from outside in the ignorant universal Nature; the human being forms in his superficial parts of being, mental, vital, physical, a habit of certain responses to these waves from outside. It is these responses that he takes as his own character (anger, desire, sex etc.) and thinks he cannot be otherwise. But that is not so; he can ...
... pained to see such a thing. I really woke up after this and, understanding that the falling of teeth in a dream meant the breaking of the physical mind's habits of thought, I felt a great release—a fine sense all over me of openness to you. Of course the physical mind brought back certain retarding considerations—but surely, Mother, something has been done. I should like to have some words from you... conversion needed to return to it; but the return is always possible." (22-12-1943) * * * (You know that for many years I have been in the habit of leaving my physical body and making exploratory tours in my subtle body. I leave the physical from the region of the waist. Slipping out into the other planes while I am living in Bombay, I find that I mostly get into planes that are not of a... * * * (A friend wishes to collect money for you. He says he will be very much helped if you write for him a statement about approaching people for monetary help.) "I am not in the habit of writing for money to anybody. If people do not feel that it is for them a great opportunity and Grace to be able to give their money for the Divine cause, tant vis pour eux! 1 Money is needed ...
... force. Persistently reject the restlessness; it comes always because the physical has the habit of receiving it, accepting it as its own real nature. Always deny it, always reject the unrest; gradually if not immediately, the physical will follow your will and change its habit and its notions. Habitual Movements and Old Habits It is obviously because of the past impressions and the habitual movement... this strength of habit of the physical nature—it lives by repeating always the same things and the same movements to which it has been accustomed in the past. The inner influence as it comes out will more and more create for it new habits of thought and feeling and action and it will then dwell firmly in these and not in the things of the old nature. The habit in the physical is obstinate and... ego can happily disappear. The physical changes slowly always—its nature is habit—so it is only by constant descents [ of calmness, purity, light and strength ] that gradually its substance gets changed and it becomes accustomed to the higher condition. The obstacle or wall of bondage which you feel is simply that of the habits of the ordinary physical consciousness. It is so with all,—the ...
... long habit cannot go at once. Especially the speech is a thing which in most people is largely automatic and not under their control. It is the vigilance that establishes the control, so one must be on guard against the danger of which you speak, the slacking of the vigilance. Only the more it can be a quiet and unmixed, not an anxious vigilance, the better. The habits of the physical or the... an expression of the vital in man than of the mental will. Speech breaks out as the expression of the vital and its habits without caring to wait for the control of the mind; the tongue has been spoken of as the unruly member. In your case the difficulty has been increased by the habit of talk about others,—gossip, to which your vital was very partial, so much that it cannot even yet give up the pleasure... the vital-physical nature are always the most difficult to change, because their action is automatic and not governed by the mental will and it is therefore difficult for the mental will to control or transform them. You have to persevere and form the habit of control. If you can succeed in controlling the speech often,—it needs a constant vigilance,—you will finally find that the control extends itself ...
... Or it may result in empowering the consciousness, no longer limited by the body and the habits of the external nature, to go within, to enter the inner mental depths, the inner vital, the inner (subtle) physical, the psychic, to become aware of its inmost psychic self or its inner mental, vital and subtle physical being and, it may be, to move and live in the domains, the planes, the worlds that correspond... simply a mechanical continuation of the impetus of Nature in the physical man and will drop away with the body so that one can depart into Nirvana. In fact all these ignorant vital movements originate from outside in the ignorant universal nature; the human being forms in his superficial parts of being, mental, vital, physical a habit of certain responses to these waves from outside. It is these... old bygone things come up from the subconscient which retains the old impressions and the seeds of the old movements and habits long after the waking consciousness has dropped them. Abandoned by the waking consciousness, they still come up in dreams; for in sleep the outer physical consciousness goes down into the subconscient or towards it and many dreams come up from there. The silence in which ...
... for neither beauty nor passion draws or drives you. But at this level of sex none of these things are necessary. The vital physical and physical urge of sex does not ask for beauty or love or emotional gratification or anything else; desire, repetition of vital-physical habit and bodily gratification (most usually, but not necessarily by the sex-act) are its motive forces. To set it in action nothing... sexual. The obstinacy with which they return is due to the obscurity of the physical which always responds to an old habit of the nature (even when the mind has rejected it) and it is this obscurity and subjection to habit that the adverse vital forces take advantage of to repeat the trouble. It is of course the physical that is at once responsive in the most material way to sex-suggestion. What... astonished if it acts irrationally without any justification or reason Page 497 and without any other cause than its own habit and instinct. Moreover, this force as it is now acting in you with regard to X seems to be purely vital physical and physical in its character. It is not supported by your thinking mind or your rational will, these are opposed to its continuance; it has no emotional ...
... a rapid self-association. Entire continuity is delayed by old memories in the body which help in keeping up the idea of inability of dharana and the habit of discontinuance. The other physical anandas are more subject to these old memories and habits & too dependent on smarana. The one strong exception is the tivra, but only in certain parts of the body. Telepathy of sensation, feeling, state... Vijnana The most untoward things are henceforth seen as important steps of fulfilment & the greatest anrita as pregnant of the greatest truths. But the habit of physical-subjective responses of asamata remains, like the habit of physical discomfort. They are turned or turn readily into an ananda of discomfort, but this is not sufficient. The element of discomfort & depression must be entirely... the concentrated method. The only obstacle now is the physical vessel, तनू which does not yet admit of the continuous Ananda because of the part of the physical consciousness behind it which has not sraddha in its possibility. That consciousness must be purified & enlightened in order that the body also may change its faith & its habits. Page 487 Veda — The perception of the Gods ...
... overpower but failed. A great force of physical tapas is present in the body, but failed entirely for a time in the evening. Afterwards it recovered itself. Long sleep is at present the habit of the body which thinks Page 678 it necessary to recuperate itself from the strain which the pranic parts of the body feel less & less but the physical still consciously or subconsciously undergoes... Samata Positive Samata is steadily advancing, though mechanical touches of depression of a purely physical order still continue.. Preference in Tapas is still accompanied by vague reactions in the outward nervous consciousness of the physical body, but these are merely a survival of the old habit. There is a great mass of true samata behind in which titiksha, udasinata & nati are fused into a complete... October. Nati is now perfected, with titiksha and an udasinata only occasionally and superficially troubled. This habit of superficial touches has now to disappear. By that perfection the finality of positive samata is at last entirely possible. All Ananda, except the purely physical, is now preparing for perfection. The perfection is being manifested, the intensity organised. The second ...
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