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Pisgah : mountain ridge in Jordan from which Moses viewed the Promised Land.
... threw in a paradox. "I love the pleasure of anticipation better than the pain of enjoyment." "We are very far from the enjoyment" said Keshav "for we have yet to make the descent of Pisgah." "But what is Pisgah?" I asked. "In thought, the knowledge of virtue, and, in action, the purpose of evolving the inborn qualities and powers native to our personality." "Shall I let you off, Keshav,"... bite, was seen, as the line went flying up, to dart away into some fine thought or voluptuous image. At last when we least expected it, he plunged into the argument. "And so on the gnarled brow of Pisgah we stand and look down on a land flowing with milk and honey. Now whether is it wiser to descend and take the kingdom of heaven by violence or to linger here and feel on our temples the breath of the ...
... morning, a giant of strength and courage bearing on his unbowed shoulders the mighty burden of our future. We do not know yet what will be the nature of Mr. Dadabhai's Presidential speech; it may contain Pisgah sights of the future, to a great extent it is likely to be the swan song of the dying past. From Mr. Tilak we expect no great speech and no sensational pronouncement, his very presence is more powerful ...
... commanded us." (Deuteronomy 20-25) The Death of Moses The Torah's last twelve verses record Moses' death. Then Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho, and the Lord showed him the whole land: Gilead as far as Dan, 2 all Naphtali, the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Western Sea, 3 the Negeb ...
... Joy to thy arms... 38 Ahana embodies, as indicated above, a dream and a vision - a dream that is humanity's inveterate habit to dream, and a vision that the Yogi sees from the Pisgah heights of his creative writing. It is a song of songs in the Aurobindonian world, it is notable for its mighty sweep and its melodic richness, and it comes to us with memories that linger, dreams ...
... উপর আস্থা স্থাপন করিয়া সাধনা করিতেছি ৷ তেষাং সততযুক্তানাং ভজতাং প্রীতিপূৰ্বক ৷ দদামি বুদ্ধিযােগং তং যেন মামুপন্তিতে ॥ পরকেও এ সাধনপথে ডাকিয়া আমাদের যে আস্থা, যে অনুভব, আর তার উপরেও যে Pisgah sight, পৰ্বত চূড়া হইতে promised landএর দর্শন মুক্তকণ্ঠে প্রচার করি ৷ আমাদের অনেকের এই অনুভব হইয়াছে ৷ স্বল্পমপ্যস্য ধৰ্ম্মস্য ত্রায়তে মহতাে ভয়াৎ ৷ যে একবিন্দু শক্তি হইয়াছে, তাহাতেই কৰ্ম্ম ...
... aim of the Gita has in fact been to inspire men to work for the 'complete transformation of earth life,' actually the divinisation of history." 8 Then comes Nair's confession of faith and sight of Pisgah: "The last verse of the Gita affirms that this can be achieved only by a conjoint action by man and deity which means that man can and should attain similitude (sadharmya) to God, accepting deity ...
... The present moment in human history is truly pregnant with possibilities, and the poet must be acutely conscious of it all and desire to project his misgivings, his hopes, his nightmares, and his Pisgah visions in the form of poetry. There are dramas like Maurice Maeterlinck's which shift the focus of the action from the outer world to the inner theatre of the soul, recalling the ...
... transcended the earlier incomplete views. After almost a lifetime's ceaseless yearnings and arduous climbings on the steep stair of spirituality, Sri Aurobindo had won the beatific vision on the Pisgah heights of his own inveterate strivings. He had caught the vision, and he had also found the clue to the process of the transformation of earth-nature into super-nature. But the vision was not a ...
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