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Polonius : courtier in Shakespeare’s Hamlet given to offering unwelcome advice.
... Tempest Prospero's wand, I feel, has already cracked a little before he flings it from him; his magic volume grown a little dog-eared before he closes it for ever. Prospero is too close a cousin to Polonius, without being aware of the relationship; and his daughter remains a pretty poppet, beginning to fade into a Spenserian decline." 9 We need not deny Romanticism to the Middle Ages. As Lucas ...
... father's thoughts! But a nameless new expectancy flutters in her heart and she awaits the turn of events. The stage is now set for the "controlled experiment". Clever scheming Mahasegn might be Polonius boasting to Claudius: "At such a time I'll loose my daughter to him (Hamlet)"! Even before Vasavadutta meets Vuthsa, her maid Munjoolica - who is herself the captive princess of Sourashtra - makes ...
... thing sounds unlike what Sri Aurobindo could have said. In fact all that Ramchandra puts into Sri Aurobindo's mouth is of a character foreign to his habits of speech e.g. his alleged Shakespearean and Polonius-like recommendation to Ramchandra himself while departing to Chandernagore. He may have enjoined silence on Ramchandra but not in that flowery language. This should be enough; it is unnecessary ...
... rational being make Hamlet the very flower of an evolving humanity. Over against the personality of Hamlet stands another which represents false height, the wrong perfection, the counterfeit ideal. Polonius is humanity arrested in its path of straight development and deviated into a cut-de-sac of self-conceit and surface urbanity, apparent cleverness and success and pretentious and copy-book morality ...
... Phoenicia, 219 Pisa, 322 Pisacha, 201, 234 Planck, Max, 356 Plato, 1l7, 150, 211, 219, 326 Plotinus, 150, 361 Poland, 72, 127 Pole, the, 304 Polonius, 187 Pope, 212 Pound, Ezra, 192 Pragmatism, 326 Prithwiraj, 90 Prometheus, 234 Proteus, 274 Prussia, 88 Puranas, the, 71 ...
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