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Pompey : Gracus Pompeius Magnus (106-48 BC), statesman & general of the late Roman Republic. An associate & later opponent of Julius Caesar who defeated him at Pharsalus (q.v.), Pompey moved on to Cilicia & Cyprus & thence to Egypt, where he was murdered.
... hells in each Notes - VIII Idomeneus. Coriolanus. Antony. Richelieu. C. [Caius] Gracchus St Louis. Charles V. Deiphobus. Brasidas.. T. [Tiberius] Gracchus. Clarence. Louis XII Lafayette. Pompey. T. [Titus] Manlius. Marcellus. Agis. Philip IV. Pausanias. Lysander. B. [Benedict] Arnold Notes - IX χωμοɩ Pericles, Agathon, Alcibiadas, Brasidas.... Agesilaus, Agis, Sophocles, P ...
... but by his will-power would force himself to rush into the thick of the battle and he became known as a great warrior. Napoleon and Caesar had no fear. Once when Caesar was fighting the forces of Pompey in Albania, his army was faring badly. He was at that time in Italy. He jumped into the sea, took a fisherman's boat and asked him to carry him to Albania. On the way a storm arose and the fisherman ...
... same stars that shone on the pride of Nahusha, the tapasya of Dhruv and the splendours of Yayati, that saw Tiglath-Pileser, Sennacherib and the Egyptian Pharaohs, Pompey's head hewn off on the sands of Egypt and Caesar bleeding at Pompey's sculptured feet, Napoleon's mighty legions thundering victorious at the bidding of that god of war on the field of Austerlitz and Napoleon's panic legions fleeing ...
... crossed the Red Sea, and finally entered the Suez Canal. The passengers disembarked on Egyptian soil and entrained for Alexandria. The Bengalis went sightseeing, which included Cleopatra's Needle, Pompey's Pillar, and the palace of the Pasha: "In the garden we see Paris fashion and a few fine African lions," noted K. C. Sen. Was that the fashion introduced by Mira Ismalun, Mother's grandmother ? ...
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