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Poseidon : the sea-god. He bore the trident, & when he shook it he caused storms & earthquakes. A brother of Zeus, he was a son of the Titans Cronus & Rhea. With Apollo, he built the walls of Troy for Laomedon, whose failure to pay for the work turned Poseidon against the Trojans. The Romans called him Neptune.
... thy marble feet. ATHENE Awake your dread Poseidon. Bid him rise And come before me. VOICES Let thy compelling voice Awake him: for the sea is hushed. Page 331 ATHENE Arise, Illimitable Poseidon! let thy blue And streaming tresses mingle with the foam Emerging into light. Poseidon appears upon the waters. POSEIDON What quiet voice Compels me from my rocky... Shadow of Poseidon appears, vague and alarming at first, then distinct and terrible in the darkness. POSEIDON My victims, Polydaon, give me my victims. POLYDAON ( falling prostrate ) It was not I, it was not I, but others. POSEIDON My victims, Polydaon, give me my victims. POLYDAON O dire offended god, not upon me Fall thy loud scourges! I am innocent. POSEIDON How... hide in thy deep oceans; For I will drive thy waters from the world And leave thee naked to the light. POSEIDON Dread virgin! I will not war with thee, armipotent. ATHENE Then send thy champion forth to meet my champion, And let their conflict govern ours, Poseidon. POSEIDON Who is thy champion? ATHENE Perseus, the Olympian's son, Whom Danaë in her strong brazen tower ...
... saying, Poseidon, god with the blue-black hair, Led the way straight to the mighty bulwark of earth That the Trojans and Pallas Athena had heaped up high For godlike Heracles, that he might retreat behind it Whenever the huge sea-monster, sent by Poseidon To lay waste the land of the Trojans, drove him back From the beach to the plain. There the gods with Poseidon Sat... Awesomely thundered, while down below Poseidon Caused the limitless earth to rumble and quake From plain to sheer mountain peaks. Well-watered Ida Was shaken from bottom to top, as were the city Of Troy and ships of Achaea. Hades, god Of ghosts in the world under ground, was filled with panic And sprang from his throne with a scream, lest Poseidon, shaker Of earth, should split... house Of the cloud-gathering god, all the immortals took seats Within the rows of bright columns which skillful Hephaestus Had made for Zeus their Father. Nor did earth-shaking Poseidon ignore Themis' call, but emerged from the brine* _____________ *The brine: the sea. Page 47 To join them. And now he sat in their midst and inquired About Zeus's purpose: ...
... by the eyeballs that perish. Mighty they came from their spaces of freedom and sorrowless splendour. Sea-vast, trailing the azure hem of his clamorous waters, Blue-lidded, maned with the Night, Poseidon smote for the future, Earth-shaker who with his trident releases the coils of the Dragon, Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word... and bold and triumphant, Now that their gods are reluctant, now victory darts not from heaven Down from the clouds above Ida directing the luminous legions Armed by Fate, now Pallas forgets, now Poseidon slumbers? Bronze were their throats to the battle like bugles blaring in chorus; Mercy they knew not, but shouted and ravened and ran to the slaughter Eager as hounds when they chase, till a woman... Ilus, Then shall Troy rise in her strength and stride over Greece up to Gades." So Antenor spoke and the mind of the hostile assembly Moved and swayed with his words like the waters ruled by Poseidon. Even as the billows rebellious lashed by the whips of the tempest Curvet and rear their crests like the hooded wrath of a serpent, Green-eyed under their cowls sublime,—unwilling they journey ...
... in the play is both individual and cosmic; and the conflict is waged in different ways and on different levels. Cephus, King of Syria, is pitted against Polydaon, priest of Poseidon; Pallas Athene is pitted against Poseidon (Olympians though both of them are) - it is Wisdom against brute Force; one might almost say, the Devas are waging a bitter war against the Asuras! Sri Aurobindo thus... that inevitably punctuate his life. Evil and anarchy and seeming defeat cannot for ever bar man's onward march; Pallas therefore hurls this deathless challenge at Poseidon: Therefore I bid thee not, O azure strong Poseidon, to abate Thy savage tumults: rather his march oppose. For through the shocks of difficulty and death Man shall attain his godhead. 6 According... sacrifice shipwrecked strangers to Poseidon in his temple. When the play opens, two such - the merchants Tymaus and Smerdas - are rescued from a shipwreck by Perseus who has witnessed the wreck from the air. Presently they are surrounded by Prince Iolaus and his soldiers, the Prince explaining that they have to be offered to the "long dry altar" of ivory-limbed Poseidon. The merchants are apprehended ...
... spurs the Trojans on to their destruction. Laomedon: A legendary king of Troy, grandson of Tros and father of Priam. He employed Apollo and Poseidon to build the walls of Troy, but cheated them of their payment, as a result of which Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the land. Heracles killed the monster, but he too was refused the reward Laomedon had promised him, whereupon Heracles... her attributes were the bat, the narcissus and the pomegranate. Phoebus: Titan. Poseidon: Greek god of the sea, also of earthquakes and horses; brother of Zeus and wielder of the trident. With Apollo, he built the walls of Troy for Laomedon, whose failure to pay for the work turned Poseidon against the Trojans. Priam: Son of Laomedon and king of Troy. In Ilion, he is pictured... the Telamonian Ajax. He was the leader of the warriors of Salamis and is already slain by Penthesilea at the opening of Ilion. Amphitrite: one of the Nereids, queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon and mother of Triton. Ananke: personification of compelling Necessity or ultimate Fate to which even Zeus and the gods are subject. Anchises: a member of the younger branch of the ...
... Agamemnon, (XX) engages Aeneas, and is about to kill him when Poseidon rescues him. (XXI) Achilles slaughters a host of Trojans. The gods take up the fight: Athena lays Ares low with a stone, and when Aphrodite, going for a soldier tries to save him, Athena knocks her down with a blow upon her fair breast. Hera cuffs the ears of Artemis; Poseidon and Apollo content themselves with words.- (XXII) All Trojans... (XIV), Hera is so disturbed that she resolves to rescue the Greeks. Oiled, perfumed and ravishingly gowned, and bound with Aphrodite's aphrodisiac girdle, she seduces Zeus to a divine slumber while Poseidon helps the Greeks to drive the Trojans Page 48 Agamemnon's funeral mask back. (XV) Advantage fluctuates; the Trojans reach the Greek ships, and the poet rises to a height... take the cleansed and anointed body back to Troy. from Will Durant — The Life of Greece Before the siege of Troy Troy's strong walls were reputedly built with the help of the gods Poseidon and Apollo. The Trojans were further favored by the gift of the Palladium, an image of Pallas-Athene which fell to them from heaven. By the time Priam and Hecuba ruled, Troy was a prosperous center ...
... tyrant. Others there were as mighty; for Artemis, archeress ancient, Came on her sandals lightning-tasselled. Up the vast incline Shaking the world with the force of his advent thundered Poseidon; Space grew full of his stride and his cry. Immortal Apollo Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of ... arrive, nor disturbed like men by their hopings. But in the courts of Heaven Zeus to his brother immortal Turned like a menaced king on his counsellor smiling augustly: "Seest thou, Poseidon, this sign that great gods revolting have left us, Follow their hearts and strive with Ananke? Yet though they struggle, Thou and I will do our will with the world, O earth-shaker." ... oneness; Peace I will build with gold and heaven with the pearls of my caverns." Page 93 Smiling replied to his brother's craft the mighty Cronion: "Lord of the boundless seas, Poseidon, soul of the surges, Well thou knowest that earth shall be seized as a booth for the trader. Rome nor Greece nor France can drive back Carthage for ever. Always each birth of the silence ...
... Collected Poems Thou Who Controllest Thou who controllest the wide-spuming Ocean and settest its paces, Hear me, thou strong and resistless Poseidon, lord of the waters. Dancing thy waves in their revel Titanic, tossing my vessel One to another, laugh from their raucous throats of derision, Dropping it deep in their troughs till it buries its... they mock at the struggle, Seeming allowed to escape, but they mean it not. They are thy minions. They are thy servants, thy nation, heartless and loud and triumphant, God of the waters, ruthless Poseidon. ...
... and plunge: Mighty they came from their spaces of freedom and sorrowless splendour. Sea-vast, trailing the azure hem of his clamorous waters, Blue-lidded, maned with the Night, Poseidon smote for the future, Earth-shaker who with his trident releases the coils of the Dragon, Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved... hexameter to a ne plus ultra of poetically intense as well as mystically vivid grandeur. An ether, immense and luminous, seems to draw near and envelop us, bringing the God-forms closer and closer, with Poseidon looming large in the forefront and growing more and more clear both to the outer eye and the inner perception until we enter into his very self and discover the strange dynamic of him and at the same ...
... in ivory and gold by Pheidias, and the Erectheum,13 created also by Pheidias, with its colossal statue in bronze of Athena Polias, the defender of her favourite city, along with altars devoted to Poseidon, god of the sea, and Hephaestus, god of fire, and there was also the wondrous Propylaea14 or assemblage of entrance gates that gave access to the whole. Athens witnessed the outpouring of artistic... ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens, notable for a design that is both elegant and unusual. It was built between 421 and 407 BC. The temple was dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. It was called Erectheum because it was built either in the honour of the legendary king Erectheus, who is said to have been buried nearby or in the honour of a Greek legendary hero Ericthonius. ...
... These prefatory remarks of the author apply more or less to all five plays, whether they seem to have an Indian or an alien origin. In Perseus the Deliverer, Polydaon the priest of Poseidon is the central figure; his very sanctity makes him wrong-headedly to assume (like Raghupati the priest in Tagore's play, Sacrifice) a cruel and vengeful role, demanding Andromeda's innocent blood... blood. Page 47 The central action of the play is Andromeda's releasing the prisoners in an act of pure compassion. This brings upon her head the wrath of Polydaon and Poseidon. She is chained and exposed to the sea-monster. But at the nick of time Perseus saves her. There are many passages of sustained eloquence, for example Polydaon in his mood of megalomania and Andromeda giving ...
... funerals and particular descriptive phrases, called epithets, that describe gods, people and nature as examples among many, 'Zeus is Lord of lightning, the Thunderer, Lord of the gathering gale; Poseidon, the great shaker of shores, creator of earthquake. Lord of the main;*Hermes is, luck bringing, and Aphrodite, adorer of smiles. In the same vein, he writes of swift-footed Achilles and noble, l... The war by now had reached Olympus. The gods were ranged against each other. Aphrodite was on the side of Paris, Hera and Athena against him. Ares, god of war, always took side with Aphrodite, while Poseidon, Lord of the sea, favored the Greeks, a sea people and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake of Hector, son of Priam and mainstay of Troy, and Artemis, his sister, did so too. Zeus ...
... new era, to compel new life to rise phoenix-like out of the ashes of the old. On a superficial view, some of the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers... Aurobindo's deeper artistic intention to insinuate through hints and nuances of surmise that human motives and actions are not autonomous but are involved in the movements and purposings of the gods. Poseidon heaven within us. Ares starts fires in us. Aphrodite causes a mad flutter in our hearts, Apollo kindles a sudden transfiguring light. The occult and the terrestrial planes intersect unexpectedly ...
... have thrown a cast So fatal to our peace, the sweet confines Of Ilni and her primitive content Are hedged and meted by the savage Law? ALACIEL Child, I have not forgotten; but first love Poseidon-like submerges with his sea All barriers, and the checks that men oppose But make him fret and spume against the sky. Who shall withstand him? not the gnawing flame Nor toothed rocks nor gorg ...
... × In Sri Aurobindo's play, Andromeda, daughter of the King of Syria, is condemned by her own people to be devoured by Poseidon, the Sea-god, for some impiety she had committed against him. The story is actually about the passage of a half-primitive tribe, living in terror of the old dark and cruel gods, to a more evolved ...
... to be found in Celtic mythology - do you know Vernon Watkins' fine 'Ballad of the Mari Lwyd'? And in the West highlands of Scotland 'water-horses' are believed in to this day - like the steeds of Poseidon they emerge from the water, and sometimes befriend farmers by pulling their plows. But on the whole the "white horse" is associated with death, I suppose from the Book of Revelation, but water-horses ...
... NOTES Biography of Plato Plato was born c. 427 BC to one of the most distinguished families of the Athenian ruling aristocracy. Through his father Plato was supposed to be descended from Poseidon, the god of the sea and horses. Through his mother he was descended from Solon, the wise-man and law-giver of Athens. Plato's early years coincided with the disastrous Peloponnesian War which ...
... entirely disappear from iconography; they became the companions or slaves of the divinities whom they used to embody, e.g., the owl of Athene, the eagle of Zeus, the hind of Artemis, the dolphin of Poseidon, and the dove of Aphrodite. In other cases, the bestial or repugnant forms have been left to evil spirits, the enemies of gods and men." 4 Man the Measure So much for the ...
... a steed to its goal by my spear dug deep in his bosom; Fast he shall fleet to the waters of wailing, the Page 45 pleasureless pastures. Touch not the city Apollo built, where Poseidon has laboured. Seized and dishelmed and disgirdled of Apollonian ramparts, Empty of wide-rolling wheels and the tramp of a turbulent people Troy with her marble domes shall live ...
... from the siege of the emissaries of Death, the lower consciousness. It is also the legend of the destruction of a darker age of civilisation and the advent of a new age of greater light. The reign of Poseidon represents man in his half animal stage worshipping the dark vital gods. Pitted against that rose later, as the scholars say, the Aryan civilisation represented in Europe by the Greeks – worshippers ...
... liberator and redeemer, and regains his Kingdom as well as wins a bride in Kamal Kumari. In the maturer play, Perseus the Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo projected his dialectical idea of progress through the Poseidon-Pallas Athene confrontation as played in terrestrial Syria by Polydaon and the sea monster on the one hand and Andromeda and Perseus on the other. Translated in general terms, the Asuric and Divine ...
... protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also ...
... It is left to Perseus, the new god, to sum up the career and destiny of Polydaon... Page 113 [ Sri Aurobindo struck through "the new god" and wrote: ] The new brilliant god is the new Poseidon, Olympian and Greek, who in Polydaon's vision replaces the terrible old-Mediterranean god of the seas. Perseus is and remains divine-human throughout. ...
... by the eyeballs that perish. Mighty they came from their spaces of freedom and sorrowless splendour. Sea-vast, trailing the azure hem of his clamorous waters, Blue-lidded, maned with the Night, Poseidon smote for the future, Earth-shaker who with his trident releases the coils of the Dragon, Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word ...
... Indian Ocean: Mighty they came from their spaces of freedom and sorrowless splendour. Sea-vast, trailing the azure hem of his clamorous waters, Blue-lidded, maned with the Night, Poseidon smote for the future, Earth-shaker who with his trident releases the coils of the Dragon, Freeing the forces unborn that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding ...
... play is chained to a rock to be devoured by a sea-monster but is rescued by Perseus, is here longing to save shipwrecked foreigners condemned to be Page 79 sacrificed to the sea-god Poseidon. The goddess comes as her helper. Andromeda O you poor shuddering men, my human fellows, Horribly bound beneath the grisly knife You feel already groping for your hearts ...
... fix our attention on all that is there of humour in his plays in the forms they have come down to us. In Perseus the Deliverer almost whatever is spoken by Cireas (a servant in the temple of Poseidon) and by Perissus (a citizen butcher) is enlivened with a rich touch of humour. Some conversations of Praxilla (head of the palace household in the women's apartments) and Diomede (a servant and playmate ...
... noble Hector, but the gods in bliss looked down and pitied Priam's son. They kept on urging the sharp eyed giant killer Hermes to go and steal the body, a plan that pleased them all, but not Hera, Poseidon or the girl with blazing eyes 1 . They clung to their deathless hate of sacred Troy, Priam and Priam's people, just as they had at first when Paris in all his madness launched the war. He offended ...
... Antiphonus: Trojan, son of Priam. Argos: another name for mainland Greece. Automedon: Charioteer of Achilles; he drove the immortal horses Balius and Xanthus given Peleus by Poseidon. Barrow: a large sepulchral mound; a tumulus. Bird of omen: to discover the will of the gods, the Greeks consulted oracles who observed the flight of birds. Briseis: ...
... 227-9, 231, 236, 247 NACHIKETAS, 340, 400 PARIS, 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 Sankhya, 182, 186, 279 Sarama, 330 ...
... chains on the nude high rock, Sri Aurobindo sat in his comer of the exposed cage absorbed in meditation, not listening to the evidence, not attending to the trial; while, in the background, like Poseidon and Pallas Athene the powers of the Bureaucracy and of Nationalism were anxiously awaiting the outcome of the issue; there, in the foreground - like the formidable sea-monster and the bright Sun-God ...
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